Steve McGarrett Daughter (Boo...

By LovePineapples123

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Book 2 of Steve McGarrett Daughter!! Have you ever wondered what life is like to be a McGarrett or to be the... More

McGarrett Family/Team
I'm Back!!!
Field Trip....
Field Trip.... Part 2
Not a big deal?
Not a big deal?? (Part 2)
Not a big deal?? (Part 3)
Not a big deal?? (Part 4)
Not a big deal?? (Part 5)
Not a big deal?? (Part 6)
Wrong Choice...
Wrong Choices....(Part 2)
Wrong Choices....(Part 3)
Envy....(Part 2)
Envy....(Part 3)
Envy....(Part 4)
Envy....(Part 5)
Envy....(Part 6)
Envy....(Part 7)
Envy....(Part 8)
Doing the time....
Doing the time....(Part 3)
Doing the time....(Part 4)
Doing the time....(Part 5)
What Next??
The Old vs. The New
The Old vs. The New (Part 2)
The Old vs. The New (Part 3)
The Old vs. The New (Part 4)
The Old vs. The New (Part 5)
It's Up!!!
The Old Vs. The New (Part 6)
The Old vs. The New (Part 7)
The Old vs The New (Part 8)
The Old vs. The New (Part 9)
Cheat (Part 2)
Fist (Part 2)
Not again...
Not again....Part 2
Not again....Part 3
Not again....Part 4
Not again....Part 5
Not again....Part 6
Big deal...
Big deal....Part 2
NCIS Part 2
NCIS.....Part 3
NCIS....Part 4
NCIS Part 5
Setting Up...
Setting Up.....Part 2
👻Halloween Special👻
👻Halloween Special Part 2👻
👻Halloween Special Part 3👻
👻Halloween Special Part 4👻
Leaving again...
Your Thoughts...
Leaving again....Part 2
Leaving again...Part 3
Leaving again...Part 4
Leaving again...Part 5
Gone...Part 2
Gone...Part 3
Gone....Part 4
Home...Part 2
Doing the time....
Doing the time....Part 2
Going over....
Going Over....Part 2
New Flame??
R (Part 2)
R (Part 3)
Christmas Eve Special
Christmas Eve Special (Part 2)
Christmas Eve Special (Part 3)
Hey Guys...
Christmas Eve Special (Part 4)
Christmas Day Special
Christmas Day Special (Part 2)
Christmas Day Special (Part 3)
R (Part 4)
R (Part 5)
Why (Part 2)
Why (Part 3)
Why (Part 4)
Why (Part 5)
Why (Part 5)
Why (Part 6)
Deep Deep Trouble
Deep Deep Trouble (Part 2)
Deep Deep Trouble (Part 3)
Deep Deep Trouble (Part 4)
Deep Deep Trouble (Part 5)
Deep Deep Trouble (Part 6)
Deep Deep Trouble (Part 7)
New Chapter Tonight!!
Seriously?! (Part 2)
Seriously?! (Part 3)
Seriously?! (Part 4)
Seriously?! (Part 5)
Seriously?! (Part 6)
Seriously?! (Part 7)
What Would You Like???
Truth Always Comes Out...
Truth Always Comes Out...(Part 2)
Truth Always Comes Out...(Part 3)
Truth Always Comes Out...(Part 4)
Truth Always Comes Out...(Part 5)
Truth Always Comes Out...(Part 6)
Revenge....Part 2
Revenge....Part 3
New Girl??
New Girl?? (Part 2)
New Girl?? (Part 3)
New Girl?? (Part 4)
Paying The Cost
Paying The Cost (Part 2)
Paying The Cost (Part 3)
Cali Adventures
Cali Adventures (Part 2)
Cali Adventures (Part 3)
Cali Adventures (Part 4)
Cali Adventures (Part 5)
🇺🇸 4th of July *Special*🇺🇸
🇺🇲 4th of July *Special (Part 2)* 🇺🇲
🇺🇲 4th of July *Special (Part 3)* 🇺🇲
🇺🇲 4th of July *Special (Part 4)* 🇺🇲
🇺🇲 4th of July *Special (Part 5)* 🇺🇲
🇺🇲 4th of July *Special (Part 6)* 🇺🇲
Cali Adventures (Part 6)
Cali Adventures (Part 7)
Cali Adventures (Part 8)
Cali Adventures (Part 9)
Cali Adventures (Part 10)
Cali Adventures (Part 11)
Cali Adventures (Part 12)
Cali Adventures (Part 13)
Cali Adventures (Part 14)
Cali Adventures (Part 15)
Cali Adventures (Part 16)
Sleepover.. 2
What Is That..
What Is That..2
What is that...3
What Is That...4
Again??? 2
Again??? 3
Again??? 4
🦃 Thanksgiving 🦃
🦃 Thanksgiving Pt 2 🦃
🦃 Thanksgiving Pt 3 🦃
🦃 Thanksgiving Pt 4 🦃
Arrested (Pt 2.)
Arrested (Pt.3)
Taken.. 2 3 4 5 6 7
Back To My Old Ways...
Back To My Old Ways..pt2
Back To My Old Ways...pt3
Back To My Old Ways....pt4
Secrets... 2
New Book Is Published!!!

Doing the time.....(Part 2)

719 11 5
By LovePineapples123

-Awhile later-

Lissy- "Danny I need to go to the bathroom"

Danny- "Okay, let's go"

Lissy- "Can't I go by myself"?

Danny- "Sorry not going to happen"

Lissy- "Uncle Danny..." I whined

Danny- "Allyssa"

Lissy- "Fine" I groaned

-Outside the woman's bathroom-

Danny- "You have exactly 5 minutes to use it"

Lissy- "Ok" I said as I went in

*5 minutes later*

Danny- "Lissy let's go" I yelled through the door to go into the bathroom

Lissy- (no response)

Danny- "Allyssa come on. Lets go"

Lissy- (no response again)

Brrrinnng Brrrinnng

Danny-  All of sudden the fire alarm went off. I open the door to the bathroom but i don't see Lissy there. I quickly look in the stalls but don't see her. How did she leave without me seeing??

Ring Ring

Steve- "Hey Danny, sorry that I'm late. The meeting ran late. Im heading back now"

Danny- "She ran away"

Steve- "Who ran away Danny"?

Danny- "Lissy"

Steve- "What? How"?

Danny- "She needed to go to use the bathroom, so i took her. Somehow the fire alarm went off. I went in there to find her but I didn't see her in there. Then I saw her leaving the palace, somehow she left without me noticing"

Steve- "I'm almost there. Meet me outside"

Danny- "Got it"

End of phone call....

-Outside the Palace-

Steve- I pulled up to the palace and I see Danny waiting for me. He got in and we drove off looking for Lissy.


Lissy- After pulling the fire alarm handle I escaped the building. I started running away from the palace. I needed sometime to get away and to clear my head. I hate being grounded! I hate that I can't do anything by myself without my Dad or someone watching me. I end up in a park near by. I sit down in a bench looking out into the ocean thinking what has happened these past few days. My grounding barley started and I'm getting myself into more trouble. But it's not my fault, okay maybe it is. I just wish that I wasnt on 24/7 watch. But I did put myself into this position.


*Car Ride*

Steve- "I seriously don't know what to do" I said as I started to drive

Danny- "What do you mean"? I asked as he drove

Steve- "With Lissy and her behavior and attitude"

Danny- "Hang in there Steve"

Steve- We start driving around the places closes to the palace. We drove past a park when Danny noticed her.

Danny- "There she is" I said pointing to a girl sitting on a bench.


Steve- I pulled up and got out of truck. I walked towards where she was. I sat down next to her then looked down at her. "What's going on"? I asked as calmly as i can. Right now I wanted to punish her for leaving but knew that would make things worst.

Lissy- I hear a car pull up behind me, I dont bother looking up because I knew who it was. I knew I was I deep trouble but my attitude didnt stop me. "Nothing" I replied softly

Dad- "I know something is wrong" i said still looking at her

Lissy- "Dad there's nothing wrong"

Dad- "I get that your not happy about your punishment Allyssa but that doesn't give you a reason to leave"

Lissy- "I'm sorry. I just wanted to clear my head"

Dad- I sighed and said "We will discuss this later" I said as i stood up

Lissy- I didnt listen to him

Dad- "Lets go Allyssa" I said as I stood in front of her

Lissy- (no response)

Dad- "Allyssa get up and start walking toward the truck before I drag you"

Lissy- (No response)

Dad- I waited a couple of minutes then I grabbed her arm and stood her up.

Lissy- "Let go of me"

Dad- "Not going to happen. I asked you politely to get up but you didnt listen. Now we are going to do it the hard way"

Lissy- "Let go me"!!

Dad- "Enough Allyssa McKenzie" I said as I swatted her bottom twice

Lissy- "Let me go you *****"!!!

Dad- "Language Allyssa McKenzie McGarrett"!! I said as I landed four smacks to her bottom

Lissy- I didn't budge

Dad- "You either start walking or I will carry you"

Lissy- I decided to walk

Dad- We get to the truck where I open the car door and told her "Get in"

Lissy- I obeyed him and got in

*Car Ride*

Lissy- "Dad im sorry for disobeying you"

Steve- "Im glad to hear that but that doesn't get you out of punishment"

Lissy- "But I apologized"

Steve- "Yes but that doesn't change the fact that you left without permission and you were grounded"

Lissy- I rolled my eyes

Steve- "Don't need the attitude Allyssa"

Lissy- I rolled my eyes again and crossed my arms

Steve- "Seriously Allyssa. Enough with the attitude"

Lissy- "Yes Sir"


Dad- "Go to my office" I said as we walked into 5-0 office

Lissy- "Yes Sir" I said as I went into his office

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