The Weak RWBY X Malereader

By Wolfinator12

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The story of a boy, which people only know as the brother of one of the strongest Huntsman, finally making hi... More

Bio / Prologue
Chapter 1: New Friends, new Enemies, old Problems
Chapter 2: Initiation
Chapter 3: Determination
Chapter 4: The bully
Chapter 5: First steps
Chapter 6: Helping a friend
Chapter 7: Back in Beacon / Author problems
Chapter 8: An eventful day
Chapter 9: The Phantom strikes again
Chapter 10: Dance Dance Phantom
Chapter 11: First mission.
Chapter 12: Opposites
Chapter 13: Juniper vs Sobek
Chapter 14: the Breach
Chapter 15: Let the Games begin
Chapter 16: JNPR vs BRNZ
Chapter 17: Strange day
Chapter 19: Choices
Chapter 20: Plans
Chapter 21: First steps once again
Chapter 22: Training and new stuff
Chapter 23: An (un)familiar face
Chapter 24: Quoteth the Raven
Chapter 25: Back together.
Chapter 26: New secrets revealed.
Chapter 27: Cinder Falls
Chapter 28: Peace in war
Chapter 29: Date plans
Chapter 30: Date the second.
Chapter 31: Date with the Cat
Chapter 32: Cheering up the Phantom and dating the Dragon
Chapter 33: Achive Men and Hunters
Chapter 34: Y/n doesnt like trains
Chapter 35: Dead?
Chapter 36: Fighting the lack of interest
Chapter 37: Argus
Chapter 38: What?
Chapter 39: Slaying the Leviathan
Chapter 40: The flying city
Chapter 41: Official
Chapter 42: First big changes
Chapter 43: 'Icecream' they scream
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50: The End

Chapter 18: The Phantoms new Arsenal

9.6K 139 243
By Wolfinator12

The Vote has ended and Y/ns new weapons will be revealed this chapter. To all of you whose weapons were not chosen, please just bare with it. 

Ruby was happily hopping along the walkway, occasionally turning towards her two companions who both followed a few steps behind. Qrow and Y/n were having a friendly chat, talking about their adventures, even if Y/n only had a few to talk about. Ruby quickly dashed towards them, taking one of their hands before dragging them towards the closer coming weapon shop.

Ruby: "COME ON HURRY!" she shouted excitedly while Qrow and Y/n sighed at the same time, they glanced towards on another before smirking. The two of them quickly became great friends, partly because both of them know how the other feels with his semblance another reason for Qrow liking Y/n is that for somereason even his Missfortune seems to ignore him. At first Qrow thought it was just chance but after the twentieth accident happening to everyone else but Y/n, he realized that Y/ns semblance counters his, resulting in Qrow feeling like weight was taken of his chest, for the first time in ages he had someone he can spent time with, without having to fear their wellbeing. The trio suddenly stopped and Y/n looked towards the Shops name.

Y/n: "'Epic Flails'? When did Yang open up a weapon shop?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Ruby: "Yeah the owner has the same kind of humor as Yang, but trust me he makes great weapons."

Qrow: "Ok kiddo lets go so i can start training Y/n with his new weapon." The three enter the shop and a small bell was heard, soon a lime green haired man came through a door. 'probably the workshop.' Y/n thought.

Owner: "Ah Ruby. Run out of ammo again?" the owner asked.

Ruby: "No Peri, my friend here needs a new weapon and he asked me to help, so i brought him here." she explained and the now named Peri turned towards Qrow.

Peri: "Ah what are you searching for?" Qrow and Ruby chuckled before Y/n answered.

Y/n: "Preferably a versitile ranged weapon, has to be reliable and needs to be nearly soundless. The gun should have as low of a recoil as possible." Y/n listed of as Peri tried calming his heavily beating heart.  Once he calmed down he looked at Y/n.

Peri: "Next time you sneak up on me like that i will shoot you." Y/n shrugged nonchilant. "Ok to the weapon you are looking for i might have something in the back. Wait here while i get it."

Peri left the room and Qrow turned towards Y/n.

Qrow: "Ok you seem to have an idea for a ranged weapon already but what about the melee one?" Y/n was about to answer as he received a message on his scroll. He took his scroll out and read the message.

James: - Hey Y/n this is the James, i got your scroll number from Ozpin. I forgot to tell you that your arm has blades already build in. To deploy the blades, form a fist and flick your wrist downwards, to expand it flick your wrist again while explanding your pinky finger, to put the blades back into the arm just stop making a fist and flick your wirst once more. Hope it is to your liking.-

Y/n put away his scroll and looked at Qrow and Ruby.

Y/n: "The melee weapon can be checked off of the shoping list." he took a step away from his companions and did as James said. A nearly inaudible shink sound was made as two jagged, 30 centimeter long blades came out of the top of Y/ns robotic arm. Ruby gasped and nearly busted Qrows eardrums as she screamed about how cool that was. "Wait the general said it can expand, lets test it. " He did the motions to expand the blades and the expanded to double the lenght.

Qrow: "Have to give it to the general, his scientists know how to make great weapons." Qrow mused as Y/n did a few test swings before 'sheathing' the blades again.

Ruby: "How do they feel?"

Y/n: "They are incredibly light, it felt like i was just swinging my arm. Good thing that i dont have to get new swords now. Mhm... Maybe i can ask the general to make a second one, but implemented in a greave, this way i can dual wield again."

Qrow: "You trained in dual wielding?" he asked and Y/n gave a small shrugg.

Y/n: "I fought with two swords before, but never with wrist blades." he answered as he pulled out his scroll to ask the general if his idea is possible. Not a minute late the answer came.

James: - I figured you would ask that and already had them made, i will give them to you once you are back.-

Y/n: "Sweet the second pair is already finished and reserved for me."

Peri: "Second pair of what?" The weaponsmith asked as he walked back in with a briefcase.

Ruby: "Y/ns super duper awesome weapon! Show him Y/n!" Y/n gave a smile at Rubys antics and deployed his new blades. With a speed comparable to Oobleck on 10 cups of extra strong coffee Peri looked the blades allover.

Peri: "This is high grade Atlas tech kid. How did you manage to get your hands on a weapon like this, not alone two?"

Y/n: "Im a friend of the general and an unoffical Major of the army of Atlas." Y/n said in a matter of fact type of tone.

Peri: "Wow you say that like it is nothing... MAYOR!" Peri burst out into laughter while his three customers just groan, once he calmed down laughing at his own joke he turned back to the briefcase he brought. "Ok i found just what you are looking for." He opens the briefcase to reaveal two simple looking pistols with silencers attached to them.

Peri: "Dont worry about the paintjob, for a small fee i can repaint them. Now these are two M1911s used by the Atlasian Police before the Atlasian knights were strong enough to replace them. They are reliable as heck and easy to handle. Their recoil is easy to get used to and their accuracy for up to 30 meters is as close to spot on as your aim can support. Lastly thanks to these special Valian suppressors they are as quiet as a room after i made a joke. " his smile faltered before coming back. "You can use Dust bullets with them although i would recommend not using gravity or hard light Dust. What do you say?" Y/n grabbed one of the two and looks it all over.

Y/n: "Is it possible to get them repainted to light blue with black linings?" he put the pistol back into the briefcase.

Peri: "Sure thing, although it will take till tomorrow, you want to come back to pick it up or should i send it somewhere?"

Y/n: "Please send it to Beacon with 500 bullets normal ones and 100 lightning dust bullets. Small question do you have anything i can use as a decoy? Something that makes enough noice to get someone attention even if it is just for a few seconds?" Peri looked up in thought before smiling and nodding.

Peri: "Sure thing my sneaky customer, i have a bunch of flashbangs, those babies will make you go' FLASH! AHAAAAAAAAAA'."

Y/n: "I take 20 send them with the rest to Beacon, now what do i owe you?"

Peri starts scribbling down Y/n order plus the fees and prices and quickly calculated the money he will get from Y/n.

Peri: "214,000 Lien for everything, but because you are a part of the atlas army and friends with the grazy weaponized flower over there. "He points at Ruby who was currently fiddeling around with one of the marksmen rifles. "I will lower it to make an even 200.000, ok?" Y/n nodded and used his card to pay for everything. 'Good thing the mission payed so well.' he thought after having taken back his card. "I hope you enjoy your new arsenal and i hope i will see you again. Have a nice day." The trio said their goodbyes and left the store.

Qrow: "Now that you have your new set of Weapons how about we head back to Oz and talk about your training."

Ruby: "You are going to train Y/n?" she asked excited.

Qrow: "Oz asked me to help Y/n get back into fighting after he lost his arm." Qrow quickly lied.

Suddenly both Y/ns and Qrows scroll went off, the two quickly glanced at the message and their eyes widened. Y/n quickly thought of an excuse to cover up their sudden disappearance.

Y/n: "Hey Rubes? I will head back to Beacon, how about you go and get yourself some cookies, its on me as a thank you for showing me Peris shop." He held out a stack of Lien and Ruby, in the blink of an eye, first hugged him saying 'thank you' five times in a second, before dashing off.

Qrow: "Nice quick thinking there." Qrow remarked with a small laugh. The two quickly made their way to Ozpins office. The moment they enter Qrow already asks the question the two had in mind.

Qrow: "What happened?" Ozpin turned towards them looking serious.

Ozpin: "You remember the trio of Salems pawns we managed to capture? They escaped."

Y/n: "Any clues on how?"

James: "The guards were all found dead, the doors to their cells stood open and the cells empty except of the handcuffs." the general explained.

Y/n: "Im certain you already watched the secruity footage. Anything?"

James: "Last thing the cameras recorded was a guard bringing their meals than the footage cuts off."

Y/n made a hm sound and the adults look at him.

Qrow: "You already have an idea dont you?"

Y/n: "The guard that brought the food let them out, he is either another of Salems men in disguise or the girl that escaped. I think her semblance could be something like illusions. But more important is that James increases the guard on Roman." The general nodded and quickly typed away on his scroll.

Ozpin: "Thank you for your help Y/n. There is also something else i wanted to talk to you about." Y/n looks at Ozpin and signals him to start. "As you remember Qrow is able to turn into a bird thanks to me giving him a portion of my magic, now what i didnt tell you is that i did that with his sister too, but she turned her back on our cause. How would you like to have the same ability?"

Glynda: "Ozpin you cant be serious?!" she asked angrily.

Qrow: "I think it is a good idea, Y/n already proofed to be a valuable asset to our cause, and with his Semblance and the ability to turn into a bird he will be the perfect informant for us."

Ozpin: "Lets let Y/n make this decision." Y/n looked down in thought.

Y/n: "Will i be able to choose what kind of bird i can into? I really dont want to end up as something like a humming bird or kiwi." he asked with a smile, which caused the adults to chuckle lightly. "Now that the dense atmosphere is gone. Ozpin, i would love to have the ability to turn into a bird, BUT you will tell me what you are hiding from me." Ozpin looked shocked. "Dont act like that, something happened while i was gone, something you dont want me to know, i can see it in your eyes, you look at me like you want to make sure i dont realize that you are hiding something. So please tell me."

Ozpin: "Nothing goes past you... Very well, i told you that the current Fall Maiden is in critical condition and i decided to offer Phyrra the half of the power that is still left in Amber. Unfortunately the transfer could cause harm to her. She said that she wants time to think about it before deciding but now that Salems pawns escaped, one of which is the one that stole the other half, we need to act fast." Y/n took a moment to let everything sink in before turning towards Ozpin, determination burning in his eyes.

Y/n: "Call her here, i will explain everything and convince her to accept, we will do the transfer today. We cant risk it to wait any longer."

Ozpin: "Are you sure?" Y/n just nodded. "Very well." he typed a message at his computer and turned back to Y/n. "While we wait how about we get the transfer going so you can turn into a bird. Any prefrences?"

Y/n: "A Mistralian Hawk." Glynda gave a short chuckle.

Glynda: "You always were a fan of that bird."

James: "Its not a bad choice, Mistralian Hawks are fast, they have a great eyesight and they have light blue feathers on their undersight which they use as disguise."

Ozpin: "Ok, now close your eyes and relax, it will feel wierd at first but soon you feel nothing different." Y/n nodded and closed his eyes. Ozpin got up from his chair and stood behing Y/n, he placed a hand on the back of Y/ns head and starts pushing his aura into Y/n. The two slowly start glowing a turquoise color as their auras seemed to mix. The room was dead silent until Ozpin let go of Y/n and their auras recided back into their bodies. "Now how do you feel?" the headmaster calmly asks before taking a sip from his mug.

Y/n: "No different than before, a bit stronger than before maybe. How do i switch to my bird form?"

Qrow: "Concentrate on the wish to be able to fly, to sprout wings and be unbound by gravity."

Y/n: "Ok. Here goes nothing." Y/n closed his eyes and concentrats on the feeling Qrow discribed and in a small flash of light blue light he changed into a mistralian Hawk. Y/n slowly flapped his new wings before carefully taking flight, at first it looked just like you would expect someone to look like when he first flies with his own set of wings, but after a few rounds around Ozpins office he had the hang of it and was flying as if he was doing it his whole life. Y/n flew high up towards the celling of the office before going into a dive, quickly changing back to his human form as he lands in a thud in the chair infron of Ozpin desk. "Ok that was awesome."

Qrow: "I know the feeling and congrats you are a quick learner, it took me weeks to get the transformation down and even longer to be able to fly as effortless as you were." Qrow patted Y/n on his back.

The ding of the elevator caught everyones attention. Phyrra nervously stepped into the office only to spot Y/n and quickly dash towards him, envoloping him in a hug.

Phyrra: "Y/n we won! " she happily said as she let go of Y/n, who gave her a smile.

Y/n: "Knew you can do it. But thats not why we are here. First off let me say that i know about Ozpins plan on making you the next Fall maiden, dont worry i wont stop you and i will not force you to do anything you dont want to do, but please listen to me. We need you to become the fall maiden, you are the only person with the right personality and strengh to ensure the highest chance of success for the transfer. We can find someone else if you decide against becoming the fall maiden and no one will hold it against you. Im certain that Ozpin already informed you on why it is important that we find a new maiden as fast as possible, but it turns out that we have even less time than formerly expected, the person that stole half of the powers managed to escape Atlas and will now be hellbend on getting the other half, but you are strong, the strongest student here, add to that that you are always willing to help other and have team that will support you no matter what. If you were to get the maidens powers you will be able to fight Cinder, maybe even defeat her, so i am sorry to ask you this but would you please become the next fall maiden and that today?" Phyrra was quiet, she was deep in thought.

Phyrra: "You will stand alongside me no matter what?" Y/n pulls her into a loving hug.

Y/n: "I will be there now and in the future, maiden or not. I will do everything in my power to help you. I know it sounds cheesy and i know that it will sound as cheesy once i tell the rest but now its only you and me. Phyrra, since the day of initiation nearly a year ago, you always stood beside me, you supported me even tho im weak, you helped me not because you needed to but because you wanted to and for that i love you." Y/n pulled the teary Phyrra into a loving kiss that lasted only a few seconds but felt like for an eternity.

Phyrra: "I love you too." she wiped away a few tears before gaining a determained look. "Ok i will become the next fall maiden."

Ozpin: "Splendid, please follow me. Y/n you can head back to your dorm if you want to."

Y/n turns to look at Phyrra and takes her hand.

Y/n: "I would rather stay with my girlfriend and be by her side." Ozpin smiled and nodded.

Ozpin: "Very well." The group entered the elevator.

Qrow: "Knew you had it in you Hawk. Now who is next?" Y/n gave him a smirk.

Y/n: "Your nieces, Crow."

Qrow: "You know, i should be threatening you about hurting you if you hurt them but from what you told me and they said i think you are a great person and the best for them. Keep them safe for me will ya?"

Y/n: "Sure thing Druncle Qrow." Y/n gave him a teasing smirk. The evelevator soon opened up to reveal a giant hall, dimly lit in green light and in the middle of it a machine with a girl in it. Phyrra tensed up a bit and Y/n gave a reasuring smile. "You will be fine." he said and Phyrra nodded before she let go of Y/ns hand and entered the other half of the machine. The general walked towards the control screen.

James: "Miss Nikos you ready?" Phyrra only nodded before closing her eyes. Soon the machine stired to life and an orange energy was pulled out of Amber and pushed into the now screaming Phyrra. Y/n walked towards the pod Phyrra was in and placed his right hand on the glass.

Y/n: "You are doing great, just a few more seconds." he reassured her and she surpressed her screams and calme down. A few seconds later the machine stopped and Phyrras pod opened. Phyrra nearly fell out from exhaustion but Y/n caught her. "Dont worry, you can rest now, you did great." Phyrra smiled and closed her eyes, quickly falling asleep. With a bit of work Y/n managed to get her on his back as he walked towards the adults. "Ozpin i have a request for you."

Ozpin: "What ever it is im sure i can agree with it."

Y/n: "I want to tell my team about the maidens, dont worry i wont reveal anything else, only the existence of maidens and that Phyrra is now one of them. They deserve to know and i can promise that they will keep it secret while helping me defend Phyrra." Ozpin thought about it for abit before nodding.

Ozpin: "I agree, your team deserves to know, but please keep everything else hidden."

Y/n: "Sure thing, Oh and general? Can you send the greave to my dorm?"

James: "Already inform Winter , she will bring it to you once she got it from the ship."

Y/n: "Thank you, i will take my leave now and bring Phyrra to our room, have a nice day."

Y/n walked off and enters the elevator. Soon he was in his dorm explaining everything about the maidens to Ren and Nora, who ,after coming over their shock, agreed on helping Y/n keeping Phyrra safe.

Y/N: "Remember this stays between us, noone else is allowed to know until Ozpin gives the go ahead."

Ren: "Wouldnt it be fair if everyone knew? I mean it is something really big and something of that size should not be hidden from the public."

Y/n: "Unfortunately if we were to reveal this to the public more people will start hunting down the maidens, they are powerful and if someone were to manage to get their hands on the power and they plan something bad noone can truely stop them. Thats why Ozpin decided to keep it a secret, to protect the maidens and to keep the civilians safe from overpowered criminals."

Ren: "That does make sense. Ok i promise to keep it a secret."

Nora: "Yeah i promise too. Now to the tournament who should we send to the finals? I mean Phyrra is the strongest out of the two of us but she is currently in no fighting condicion."

Y/n: "You will be our fighter, just take some lightning dust with you to activate your semblance, stay on guards and try to find openings in your opponents defense. Once you spot one big enough give the strongest hit you can."

Nora: "Aye aye cap!" she shouted while saluting and Y/n chuckled.

Y/n: "I will go and talk with RWBY i have something i need to tell them." Ren and Nora nodded and Nora gave Y/n a thumbs up.

Nora: "Go get them Phantom." she said with a smile.

Ren: "Good luck." Y/n smiled and left the room, knocked on RWBYs door and waited. A few moments later Yang opened the door.

Yang: "Y/N! I thought you were in the infirmary resting?"

Y/n: "Got released early because someone crashed through the wall destroying the room. But thats not important i came to talk to you, Ruby and Blake are they here?"

Yang: "Yes they are come in." She opened the door further and Y/n entered. He spotted Ruby happily munching on cookies a giant bag filled with them right next to her, Blake was on her bed reading the book Y/n bought her a few days ago. "Ruby, Blake. Y/n wasnt to talk to us." the two quickly got next to Yang and now the trio of girls stood infront of Y/n.

Y/n: "First of this might sound cheesy so bare with me ok? Im not good at this. First Ruby, you were the first true friend i had, your dorky and energetic personality managed to get me out of my emotionless state and i cant thank you enough, you always manage to make me smile for that i love you." Y/n placed his hand on her cheek and pulled her into a short but loving kiss.

Ruby: "I l-love you too." She said , her face competely red, her sisters cooing not helping.

Yang: "Way to go sis!" she cheered.

Y/n: "Next Blake, from the first day i saw you in the ballroom, i thought of you as this quiet, broody and mysterious girl. Over the next few weeks i learned that behind the quiet girl lays a fierce fighter for what is right, once you told me about your past i couldnt help but admire you, you decided to leave something that you grew up with to do what is right. You are ready to work yourself to the bone for what you stand for and still have time for your friends. Some might say that you being so quiet is wierd, but in my eyes it makes you who you are and would not want it anyother way, you are a lovly person, a great friend and i hope you will accept me to be part of your life, because i love you just as much as Phyrra, Ruby or Yang, i dont care if you are a faunus."

Blake threw herself onto Y/n and crashed her lips on his his.

Blake: "Thank you so much for being there for me Y/n. I love you."

Y/n: "Dont worry i will be there for you and so will your team, no matter what happens. And should you ever feel like you have to run away agains, know that we can accept you decisions so come to us and tell us before leaving." Y/n used his thumps to wipe away a few stray tears and Blake nodded. "Now to Yang."

Yang: "Yeah woo me Lover Boy~" she said with a teasing smirk.

Y/n: "Oh do i really have to or is taking of my shirt enough for you to be satisfied?" he teased back.

Yang: "Why not both?" Y/n rolled his eyes before he took of his shirt, revealing his new robotic arm in all its glory.

Y/n: "Yang, you always were an open person, a social butterfly and no one could not be friends with you, you are brave, funny and very pleasing on the eye. Sure your humor is only for the people with a certain taste and your flirtous personality can lead to some awkward situations but you are also a fierce fighter, a strong woman who will beat you up before winking and saying sorry. I know you used this personality to hide your fears, you wanted to stay strong for both your dad and Ruby after the loss of your mother, for you even mothers. But know that your friends and i will still accept you even if you show us your true self, me and Blake both got a glimps of of when you told us about your past and it didnt make me think of you any less in fact i respected you even more. To put simply you are a great person, a greater friend and hopefully my girlfriend. I l-" he was cut of has Yang pulled him into a fierce make out session. Once the two parted Yang gave a smirk.

Yang: "There is more where that came from babe." Y/n retaliated with a smirk of his own as he grabed her butt making her yelp in shock.

Y/N: "I do hope so Firecracker." Y/n winked and walked to the door. "How about after the festival is over i go on a date with each of you?" The three nodded and Y/n wished them a goodday before leaving. The trio still stood frozen staring at the door. Untill Weiss got them out of it.

Weiss: "OH OUM that WAS cheesy!" she shouted while laughing loudly.

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