Hiccstrid Shorts

By Cloudie13

89.9K 1.4K 568

Do you ship Hiccstrid? I know I do. Rufflout? Yeah! I write that too! Heathlegs? Mhmmm! I wrote this when I w... More

Rules and Contents
The heir's Birthday Part 2
Advice from the Best
Paints and Dragon Racing
Paints and Dragon Racing Part 2
Watching Their Movie (Trailer)
Scars part 2
Haddock's and The Haddock's
Tone Death examination / Rescue Riders
Miss P, the reproducing enabler.
Boy Talk
The Problems of Peg Legs
A Walk Through The Bush
Eye of The Beholder What-If
The Dancing and The Dreaming
A Hint or Two
Modern Drabbles
Modern Parenting
We Meet Again
Author's Note
"DAD, NO!"
Dinner With The In-laws
Anxiety (Version 2)
Dinner With The In-laws Part 2
Dancing and The Dreaming Version II
The Bench
Seriously important. If you dont read this your clueless
"Red Hair?"
A Warrior, A Chieftan, A Father, A Friend
Mother's Day
You're My Father
The Track
A Shoulder To Cry On
A Shoulder to Cry On II
ANother promo Im' Sorry

The Heir's Birthday

3.1K 38 25
By Cloudie13

A/N: Hey! This is the first real chapter of my one-shots. Btw, this has no research. So don't expect things to be historically correct, I just wrote down what I wanted ;3


Age: 17-18. Race to The Edge.

Place: Mainly Berk

Couples: None, well, not yet. ;>

Summary: It's Hiccup's eighteenth birthday, which means he has to go back to Berk and play a game of Maces and Talons with his Dad. Sounds simple, but it means everything.


It was a normal day on Dragons Edge, sunny, a few clouds. Except, it wasn't that normal. Today, it was a certain heir's birthday. His 18th, to be exact. This certain Viking, Hiccup, began the walk to the clubhouse, gloomy. When he arrived, all his friends were there with cheerful faces.

"Hiccup! Happy birthday!" Hiccups best friend, Astrid, cried and hugged him. He managed a smile and a thanks for everyone's good wishes, before going back to his sad state. He sat down at the table with his breakfast, but he never ate anything.

"Hiccup? What's wrong? You should be celebrating today!" Fishlegs cried. He was concerned for his friend and leader.

"Yeah. 18! I'm not even 18 yet!" Tuff yelled. Ruff smacked her twin in the face and yelled,

"Duh! He's the oldest out of everyone! Anyway, why are you all depressed?"

"On any heir's birthday, they're meant to play a game of Maces and Talons with their Father, or whoever is the current chief." He said, with no emotion what-so-ever.

"Easy! You beat Viggo. And he was just playing a life-size game!" Snotlout yelled.

"I'm not done. That heir also has to begin chief training within a month. If not, it's passed to next in line. That would be you, Snotlout." Hiccup said, looking towards his younger cousin. he folded his arms on the table.

"That's amazing, Hiccup! Chief! What an honour!" Astrid cried, flailing her arms in the air.

"Yes! Don't you think that would be fun? You can boss everyone around!" Tuffnut yelled, earning another smack to the head.

"It would be, for you guys. You all know who you are... you always have," Hiccup said quietly, looking at each and every one of his friends before returning his gaze to his untouched food. "But I... I don't know." 

Everyone looked upon their leader with sad eyes. 

"Well, we should probably get to Berk, like you said. Your Father will be expecting you." Astrid said softly, wanting to place her hand in his hair, but instead went with his shoulder. Hiccup grumbled something no-one understood. "You can't change what's about to happen, Hiccup." 

He slowly nodded and stood up. "Alright gang, pack your bags, we're going back to Berk."

Time Skip ;P

The Gang touched down in the middle of Berk's busy village, infront of the chief and Hiccup's house.  Before anyone could say anything, they heard that recognisable, booming voice.

"Son! What a pleasure! I thought you weren't going to show up!" he said, slapping Hiccup's back with accidental force. He turned towards the gang. "The party's tonight, it's going to be formal. So, look proper, and sharp. Don't worry about decorations, they're being handled. Hiccup and I, need to talk." He finished eventually, walking inside his house.

"You heard him, gang. Party's tonight. I'll see you then." Hiccup sighed, following his dad. Astrid flashed him an apologetic smiling before he walked through the door.

Hiccup found his Father pouring two mugs of mead.

"Here, son, take a drink. You're most likely going to need it. And please," Stoick said, making eye contact with his son, "Please don't cut me off or run away. I know you don't like the idea of being chief, but it's not going to change." Hiccup sighed, sat down at sipped his mead.

"Am I even allowed to drink this?" Hiccup asked, gesturing to his cup.

"Your eighteen. And your friends will be able to drink aswell," Stoick said, finishing his first cup already. "So, son, you're aware of tonight's events? You know, The Maces and Talons game,  the ceremonial dance, the speech-"

"I have to make a SPEECH!?" Hiccup almost screamed. Those passing by outside heard this and chuckled before carrying on their business. Stoick merely nodded, and Hiccup grabbed his journal and immediately started scribbling things. 

"Have you chosen someone to dance with?" Stoick asked, making Hiccup stop what he was doing. He recovered from the shock of the question and looked down towards the floor, nodding. "Well then, who is it?"

"Astrid," Hiccup whispered, "But she'll most likely say no." He scoffed. "Who am I kidding, of course, she'll say no!"

"And why's that?" 

"Because it's me! Hiccup! The village nuisance! I'm just a scrawny, little... Hiccup." Hiccup whispered, banging his head on the table.

"Don't say that, son! She won't be able to resist you with the outfit you'll be wearing!" Stoick boomed, making the whole village hear. Most laughed out loud and carried on with their day, shaking their heads.

"You planned my outfit?" Hiccup asked, curious. 

"Of course! Since you weren't planning it yourself, I'm guessing." Hiccup nodded. "It's on your bed, go try it on and come down so I can see." 

Hiccup nodded once more and headed to his room. He saw the outfit lying on his bed as his dad promised. He slipped through the outfit easily and clipped on his fur cape. He sighed while he adjusted his collar infront of the polished metal in his room. He slowly trod down the stairs. He looked up sheepishly to see his dad looking down on him.

This is his outfit, ignore Astrid, btw:

"You look perfect, son. Just a chief should." Stoick said with pride on his face alongside a smile.

"Are you sure, Dad? What if I mess up somehow? I always do..." Hiccup said, quietly. He definitely needed a confidence boost.

"If you mess up, laugh it off with everyone else. You'll do amazingly well, I'll bet on it. Any more questions?"

"About the game, Dad, what happens if I win?" Hiccup asked, looking more confident.

"If you win, Your training won't have to start within a month, but two years. But instead of roaming the world you'll be expected to help Gobber in the forge since you've been his apprentice. And also,  you'll be known as the smartest man in the archipelago." 

"Wait, you mean-"

"Yes, I am the current record holder. You beat me, you've automatically beaten everyone else. And if you lose, by the way, Training starts within a month. Which is what everyone's expecting to happen." Stoick added on the last part more softly. Hiccup tried to block out the sting but, if his Dad is record holder like he says, then he probably will lose. 
"You can also choose one person to support you during the game." This statement brightened Hiccup's mood a little. 

Time Skip to the party.

Hiccup and his Father were sitting down in chiefly chairs on the stage, looking over the crowd.

"Son, These are your people. You'll serve them, as they-"

"Serve you. I know Dad, you've said that a thousand times." Hiccup replied, in a happy mood.

"And don't you forget it," Stoick said, aking the two laugh, attracting the attention of most villagers. Gobber walked up to them.

"Chief, Is it time for your speech yet?" The blacksmith asked. 

"Oh, yes. Nearly, Gobber. Go get your dance partner, son. You'll hear the music once the stage is clear." Stoick said, turning towards his son at the end. Hiccup nodded meekly and went off to find Astrid.

"Go get 'em, Hiccup!" Gobber called out after him, trying to be reassuring. It only made him laugh, so, in a way, Gobber succeded.

It took a while, but Hiccup eventually found his friends sitting at the table the normally do. 

"Hey Guys," Hiccup said, sliding in next to Astrid.

"Hiccup! How's it going?" Fishlegs cried first.

"Fine, really. Nothing new." Hiccup replied.

"So, Hiccup, who are you going to take to the ceremonial dance?" A voice called from across the table. Hiccup didn't realise that Heather was here. 

"Oh, h-hey Heather! H-hows it going on Berserker island?" Hiccup tried.

"Don't try and change the subject, Haddock," Heather said firmly, the smirk on her face only getting bigger. 

"W-well... I was planning on t-taking... Astrid?" Hiccup stuttered. He needn't worry about her knowing the dance, every unmarried female on Berk was taught it just in case. 
Astrid's eyes lit up at the mention of her dancing with Hiccup. She thought Hiccup would choose Heather or any older woman, or even Ruffnut! Not her...

A/N: Hey everyone! This was a long one to write. I wrote the whole story as one and it was 2765 words! I had to split it in two, so the next part will be realised in a few minutes ;>

This was the first chapter of Hiccstrid Shorts! Please vote or comment or follow me or something. Orrrrr leave a request down below    >^<


Published: 10 August, 2019

Word count: 1547

I enjoyed writing it, I hope you enjoyed reading it. G'Baiiiiiiiiiii!


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