Trust Issues || H2O Delirious...

By DaughterDeHell

76.6K 2.6K 1.5K

Los Santos. City of thieves. City of Gangs. There is a constant battle to be, Number One. Every gang want... More

A/N || Thank you
A/N || Imagines Book Out!


1.5K 47 3
By DaughterDeHell

Y/n's POV

"It's not what it looks like!" I said quickly.

"I think it's exactly what it looks like." Macey says, smirking.

I looked down and see the position Delirious and I are still in. I quickly push him back and hop off the countertop.

The girls look and each other, then at me and Delirious, before squealing loudly. I quickly rushed to the bedroom door, closing it quietly and hushing the girls. "SHHH! You guys are going to wake somebody up!"

They quieted down but continued to fan girl.

Delirious turned off the bathroom light and closed the door before walking over to the bed and sitting down. I walked over and sat next to him.

"Why're you guys up?"

"We heard you come in and we wanted to see how your job was." I should've known. They always stayed up waiting to ask how my job went in our base.

"O-M-G! O-M-G! You guys are so cute!" They continued to ramble in high pitched voices.

"Wait wait." I stopped them, looking up confused. "Your not mad at me?" They stopped and looked at me with frowns. "Why would we be mad at you?"

"I went against my own word, I got involved with one of the guys."

Their eyebrows furrowed and they sat on either side of me, putting a hand each on my back. "Y/n, we just want you to be happy, and he seems to make you pretty damn happy."

I smiled widely as I wrapped my arms around them and squeezed them tightly as I dropped back onto the bed. They laughed and hugged me back.

"So, are you guys dating?"

"Mm, nothing official, it's more of a friends with benefits type relationship."

Kacey sits up abruptly. We look at her in confusion. "Wait, so the hickeys that you had..." Macey gasped and sat up with her twin. They both turned to Delirious and he froze, glancing at me before back at them, not even caring that they were seeing his face.

"Aw shit! I totally should've figured that out!" Macey scolded herself.

We laugh and I sit up as well, scooting over and sitting next to Del. I took his hand in mine and fiddled with his fingers instead of my own.

"So, how was your mission?" Kacey asks, leaning back and smiling at us.

The question had jogged my memory and I laid back into Delirious, groaning and rolling my eyes. "The entire thing was a setup. Some amateurs tried locking down the building to kill me, but I handled it."

I furrowed my eyebrows as I remembered what they said. "What is it?" Delirious asked, squeezing my hand gently.

"Nothing, it's just... I fought 2, and right before I took out each of them, they both said the same exact thing. 'Y/n, the Rebels are looking for you.'"

Macey froze.

"That's exactly what Rocco said before you killed him too." We all looked around. "I can't wait to wipe out the Rebels, they've caused me enough problems." I sighed and turned, cuddling into Delirious. I could tell that he was curious but he didn't want to ask and I'm grateful because I really didn't feel like talking about it right now.

"Don't worry, we'll figure it all out." He said, kissing my forehead. I smiled and felt the girls stand. "Well, we're going to bed. Goodnight." I sat up and they both walked over to me.


They both kissed my cheek and left to their own bedroom. I laid back into Delirious and closed my eyes.

"Goodnight Y/n."

"Night Jon."

We all decided that we would take a walk around the mall today.

Our Misfits mission would be in 2 days so we thought we'd take an off day for once.

Totally coincidentally, Delirious and I ended up matching. We wore black joggers with a blue and white baseball t-shirt and clean white shoes. Everyone made some sort of joke about it but we insisted it was purely coincidental. I left my hair down, letting it flow, along with a lot of the girls.

Nobody wore their masks, except for Ohm, who wore his usual bandana over his eyes, Swagger, who wore chainmail and pulled a mask over the bottom half of his face, and Delirious, who wore a black bandana around the bottom half of his face and a black hat covering his head. He wanted to wear his mask but I refused to let him in public.

This time around, the car just had Me, Delirious, Macey, and Kacey.

Normally, Toonz would've come with us, but with the growing numbers, he decided to take a separate car with Squirrel and Gorilla. Since everyone in the car has already seen his face, Delirious took off the bandana for the drive.

I was peacefully looking out of the window as the twins talked. I felt Delirious take my hand and lift it to his face, placing a gentle kiss on my knuckles and giving me a soft smile before turning back to the road.

I smiled back and sat up before leaning forward and kissing him on the lips and giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

I heard the twins slapping each other in the back and I swiftly turn around, giving them questioning looks. They stopped abruptly once they noticed me looking and put on poker faces.

My eyebrows furrow but I shrug them off and look forward. They proceeded to giggle and whisper to each other and I ignored them as Delirious parked.

The girls quickly unbuckled and got out.

I let go of Delirious and began to get out as well, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, giving me a quick kiss. I smiled at him. "What was that for?"

He smiles as he tied the bandana around the bottom half of his face. "It's probably the last one I'm gonna get for a couple hours."

I smirked at him as I got out of the car. "We'll see about that."

We met up with everyone at the entrance and decided on what we were going to do.

"Alright, so let's split into our own groups and meet up at the food court in 2 hours?" Evan asked. Everyone nodded and agreed. I broke off with the twins. They wanted to go into a couple different stores.

We went into Forever 21 first, then Hollister, and as we were exiting, we bumped into another group. This one consisted of Jonathan, Luke, Ryan, Joe, and Mark. A large smile took over my face as my eyes met Delirious'.

"Woah, are you guys following us?" I joked, nudging Joe. They chuckled as our groups sort of fused together.

We continued to talk and walk around together, sometimes splitting to go into different stores but meeting up right after.

Delirious and I were attached at the hip, never leaving each other's side, and the twins were the only people with confirmation of our secret relationship.

At the moment, Delirious and I were joking around in American Eagle. He stood next to me as I scanned through the racks, occasionally poking my sides and tickling me.

I felt his arms wrap around my waist and I smiled as I leaned back into him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"You know, Cartoonz and Squirrel wouldn't tell anyone, and neither would Ohm or Gorilla." He whispered, putting his chin on my shoulder.

"Oh yeah? Are you suggesting we tell them?" I turned my head towards him slightly.

"Well, I mean, it would be nice to have some company who we can relax around."

I smiled and turned in his grasp, wrapping my arms around his neck. "If you trust them, I trust them."

I pulled the bandana down, placing a quick kiss on his lips before pulling the bandana back up. He smiles at me as I take his hand and lead him out of the store.

We sat at a table outside, texting everybody about where we're at when they were ready to meet us. We were only contemplating on how to tell them.

Eventually, our little group was sitting at the round table, pulling up chairs when necessary.

The only people missing were the twins.

They had went into Aeropostale, which was only a couple stores away from where we were seated. I had texted them and they said they were about to check out.

Everyone was talking while we waited for the twins, then we would go meet up with everyone else at the food court.

Delirious and I were sort of putting the whole confession aside, not knowing how we should tell them, or how they'd react. I glanced at Delirious and his eyes suddenly went stone cold as he stood up, pushing his chair back harshly.

Everyone at the table looked at him in confusion. I went to reach for him but he walked straight passed me.

We all looked at each other for any indication as to what his outburst was about. After seeing everyone else's faces of utter confusion, we all turned to see where he had walked off to.

6 guys were all stood in a circle, surrounding something, or rather, some people.

Macey and Kacey.

The guys were poking and prodding at the girls, grabbing at their clothes and trying to take advantage of their small figures.

My breath hitched and my teeth clenched as I stood up, my hands gripping the table harshly.

Ohm and Luke grabbed my arms, trying to calm me as my breaths became more shallow. I swallowed my anger and watched as Delirious grabbed the girls, pulling them behind him in a protective manor as they held onto his arms, obviously shaken up.

He didn't speak a word to the guys as he turned around, wrapping the twins in his arms and asking if they were ok. They nodded frantically, hugging him tightly as they tried to calm themselves.

One of the guys put a hand on Delirious' shoulder, causing him to turn around and give the guy a nasty glare.

"Hey, what the fuck do you think you're do-"

"Me? What am I doing? What the fuck are you doing?" Delirious retorted, trying to stay calm but I could tell he was having trouble.

"Look man, we were just getting to know the pretty ladies, give them a good night, you know?" The guys all chuckled and Delirious stood straighter and more serious, the twins holding his hands and cowering behind him.

"They aren't interested in any of you, so back the fuck off and leave them alone." Delirious' tone was low and threatening. The guys chuckled again and I could tell that it was pissing Delirious off.

I started to walk over when Ohms grip tightened around my arm.

"Wait, they're armed..." He whispered, motioning towards the men in front of Delirious.

The two in the back had small pocket knifes sticking out of their back pockets and the third and fourth had guns strapped to their waists. The fifth had a larger looking switch blade on his belt. The one talking to Delirious also seemed to have a pistol in his waistband.

I smirked at Ohm and patted his shoulder.

"Yeah? Well so am I."

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