It's a Match (boyxboy)

Par JSRebelx

49.5K 2.1K 187

Some spend their whole lives looking, others know straight away and some just spend forever wandering. For a... Plus

Author note
Late night
Dating app's suck
Middle Rank Life
Kill him!
pet names
Angry messages
Totally A Moment
Best Friend
First Date Conversations
Jaxson Anthony Roggers
Damaged Material
Hips Be Swaying
The Truths Out
Let Me Help you
I Fall Apart
Phone Call's
Daddy Damon

Second Chance

1.3K 73 11
Par JSRebelx

My inspiration for Logan

Archer's POV

The door to the room I'm in swings open, hitting of the back wall causing a loud thump to sound in the otherwise silence building and there in the doorway stands the Alpha, radiating authority. His large frame taking up the whole doorway, both ways. He must be at least 6'6 with thick muscle covering his whole body, my heart stopped I wasn't getting out of this, there was no way I could  fight off someone like that and live to tell the story.

"Will get out the fucking way!" the alpha was literally pushed back outside the room with an annoyed look on his face but my eyes shoot straight to the other stranger in the doorway.

"Mate!" my wolf growls out at the sight of him.

Standing there is a God of a man, just as tall as the Alpha but with light caramel skin and shocking grey eyes, a mop of light brown curls on his head, he was absolutely gorgeous and very obviously a dominant wolf, my stomach drops.

"Mate" he smiles, showing off perfect white teeth, he's bracing himself against the frame of the door but I can see his body vibrating to get closer to me. His smile drops when I don't reply or make any movement "do you not feel it?" he questions that smile of his dropping but all I can manage is a small nod.

I was giving a second chance but this time around I was mated to a dominant, I was going to be his little bitch, something I never wanted but I couldn't reject him! I knew how much it hurt last time! 

Swallowing my pride, I speak up.

"I'm Archer" my voice comes out scratchy from not being used in months but he just smiles at me, taking me all in, all the way down to my foot that I was trying to keep off the floor.

"I'm Logan, Sam told us about your leg, why don't you sit down and take the weight off it" he waves at the plastic chair still sitting it the corner but my eyes shoot to where the Alpha is still standing just outside the door, staring at me "no one's going to hurt you, I promise" I know I shouldn't take his word, he was a total stranger after all but he's also my mate, so why would he want to hurt me.

I drop down heavily into the seat and oh God does it feel better to relax somewhat, even if my whole body is still ridged, waiting for what's going to happen next. They both step into the room once I'm sat down, fully blocking my exit now with the size of them both.

"I'm William, Alpha of The Moonstone Pack and this is my Beta who I'm guess is you mate by the way he practically ran in here" he teases, making the other man blush a light pink "Obviously no one is going to hurt you but I need to know what you're doing running around on your own in my territory, you don't smell like a rogue?" it was said as a question even though he knew I wasn't a rogue; they gave off a strange scent of their own and I still belonged to a pack.

Logan leans against the far wall looking me up and down with hungry eyes and I can feel myself blush now, no one's ever looked at me like that before and once I get over the thought of his rank, I love the feeling of them eyes on me.

"I got rejected by my mate so I ran away from home" I signed, I could feel my eyes starting to well up, even though I now had this gorgeous man in front of me, the thought of my first mate and more importantly the rejection was still raw and hurt.

"You had a mate" Seth asks pushing off the wall to drop down in front of me, the closeness of him now was overwhelming, his scent so strong wafting up my nose. I nod, I just wanted to pull him close and take him all in but he could tell talking about it was upsetting me as I felt the first teardrop slip down my cheek, he learns over and wipes it away with the pad of his thumb and I feel the sparks against my skin instantly, making us both smile.

"What pack are you from" William cuts in on our moment, he's still standing in the doorway, now with his arms crossed across his wide chest staring at the two of us.

"The Luna Oak pack, its down South" I mumble, my throat is starting to hurt from talking and I really wish I had a drink, as if he reads my mind Logon gets up and leaves the room only to come back a minute later with a cold bottle of water in hand, giving it me which I promptly I down half of it.

William still standing there in silence "you apart of one of the biggest packs in the country"

"Yeah my dad's the Alpha" I shrug.

"Your dads the Alpha" William exclaimed; eyes wide.

"Your next in line to be Alpha?" Jacob asks a bit shocked as he takes me, making me smile yeah, I don't even look like the type, especially for one of the larges packs around.

"No, my brother is" he nods in understanding.

"I will have to get into contact with him and explain everything that's going on" he indicates with his hand between me and Logon "I bets he's so worried about you" he starts shaking his head at that while my mate jumps to his feet.

"You can't send him back! He's my mate" Logon growls, squaring up to the Alpha. 

"Back off Logon! You know I don't want to but his pack outweighs ours, simply in numbers alone, never mind anything else" his hand rests on his friend's shoulder "It will be up to his dad what happens next" he signs looking tired with the situation now.

"Now come, I bet Archer is exhausted and wants to rest"


We drive outside of the city for about half an hour, me in the back of the car, taking everything in and William driving with Logan in the front, he kept turning around to smile at me encouragingly, every so often.

I couldn't believe all this was happening, I had a mate finally! After the whole thing with Jax I was sure I wouldn't have another chance. Just spending my life ,aimlessly roaming around, alone!

But it seems the fates had given me a second chance to try again and at least this time my mate seemed to actually be interested in me, which is good.

Even if I wasn't thrilled to be the submissive partner in the relationship, I'm still going to give it all I've got because a mate was a mate and I was lucky to have one at all.

Looking out the back window as we drive up a long dirt road, the car bumping all the way up it, causing me to bang my head on the rood a couple time, a large three-story house came into view.

"Is it a big pack then?" I ask. Whereas the house would be an impressive size to some, this was just the same sort we used for the main Alpha family,  those who held high positions within the pack lived in it, while the rest lived in other houses scattered across the estate we owned.

"It used to be but now there's only about thirty or so of us left" Seth answers my question, turning back around to face me as William parks the car outside the front door.

"What happened to them?"

"A large rogue group attacked seven years ago they urm..." he side eyes William before he carries on speaking "they killed a lot of the pack that day" his voice hitches when he says the word kill.

"Enough history for now, I'll tell the pack about you, while you go rest for a bit, come down for dinner later on to meet everyone, if you're feeling up to it" I nod as he gets out the car slamming the door and walking into the house, his whole body ridged with tension the whole way.

"Did I ask something I shouldn't have?" I ask confused by his actions.

"Will's whole family died that day" he says jumping out the car as well with me following suit as we also make our way inside the pretty quiet house "he had to drop out of uni t become Alpha straight away" he explains as we make our way up the staircase to the second floor "he changed a lot that year"

"I'm sorry I brought it up" I say dropping my head, I couldn't imagine losing my whole family, these last few months had been horrible without them, they were all I'd thought about.

"No, it's fine, you never knew" he opens the third door on the right "it's just a touchy subject for him is all" the rooms a mess that we walk, with clothes chucked everywhere and by the smell of it it's his. "Sorry I didn't have time to tidy up, I never expected this to happen" he says smiling down at me.

He goes to move a pile of clean folded clothes off the bed so that I can sit down to take some of the pressure off my ankle, it looked less red and irritated now but still hurt like a bitch specially to walk on.

I let my eyes wounder around the room, it's painted in a soft baby blue with a large canvas of some woods with a lake hanging behind his bed, picture frames are hung around the walls with smiling faces looking back at me, apart from the mess it's pretty cute for a guys room.

"Shit I should have asked" he curses pushing a hand through his curls "do you even feel comfortable sharing a room with me? I know we're mates but if you'd like a separate one that's fine there's plenty of free ones" he looks flustered as he babbles on.

"This is fine" I smile over to him where he stands still by the door, he looks so relieved at my answer.


We spend the rest of the day watching movies, while I keep falling asleep, not even being able to watch more than ten minutes of the film, it's weird how comfortably I already feel around him but I guess that's just the mate bond working.

I wake back up to him stroking my hair as I lay snuggled into the bed, looking up at him to see he's already staring at me with them grey eyes of his but his pupils are fully blown now.

"It's nearly time for dinner if you feeling up to it" he shakes his head after speaking "Sorry your scents just really over powering right now" taking in his words I feel how hot my body had gotten while I slept, more importantly how hard I suddenly was and his scent wasn't doing me any favours.

"OH MY GOD!" I pull myself up into a sitting position and cover my face with hands causing him to chuckle beside me.

"Don't be embarrassed I'm not much better off trust me" his eyes drop to his lap as we both sit in silence, beyond horny "I think we need to talk though before this goes any further" his face has gone all serious now.

"Yeah" I say lamely because it all honesty I'm about to jump him.

"I just want you to know that if you dad wants you to return to your pack, I'll come with you"

"You'd give up your pack for me" I blurt out in surprise.

"Of course, I would, you're my mate" he declares "I want you to know I'm all in with this and I know you mentioned the rejection, which much of been horrible but I would never! do that to you" I can't help but lean over to kiss him and as soon as our lips connect the sparks go off. 

This is all just so right.


Ahh he's finally got his mate

Let me know what you think so far my voting and commenting :)

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