My Best Friend's Brother / Ro...

By SelenaWriting

59.4K 1.3K 118

Selena, age 18, was a normal girl who lived in California with her best friend, Rydel, age 20. Rydel was goin... More

Chapter 1 "Welcome Home & Hell"
Chapter 2 "Arrivals & Bad Starts"
Chapter 3 "First Night & First Hug"
Chapter 4 "Classes & New Friends"
Chapter 5 "Improving & Skateboards"
Chapter 6 "Shopping & Blackmail"
Chapter 7 "Kisses & Confusion"
Chapter 8 "Hate & Love"
Chapter 9 "Pillows & Legs"
Chapter 10 "Starbucks & Flirts"
Chapter 11 "Hospitals & Courage"
Chapter 12 "Dates & Realizations" Part 1
Chapter 12 "Dates & Realizations" Part 2
Chapter 13 "Recovery & Shows"
Chapter 14 "Dreams & Trips"
Chapter 15 "Recitals & Reunited" Part 1
Chapter 15 "Recitals & Reunited" Part 2
Chapter 16 "Breakfasts & Secrets"
Chapter 17 "Back Home & New Struggles"
Chapter 18 "Lock in & Robbers"
Chapter 19 "Truth & Miracles"
Chapter 20 "Memory & Relena"
Chapter 21 "Questions & Answers"
Chapter 22 "Guitars & Consciousness"
Chapter 23 "First Dates & Princesses"
Chapter 24 "Hair & Fights"
Chapter 26 "Colleges & Scholorships"
Chapter 27 "Basketball & Lovers"
Chapter 28 "Mornings & Last Day"
Chapter 29 "Rydellington & Drives"
Chapter 30 "Tears & Years"
Chapter 31 "Two weeks... "
Chapter 32 "Depression & Hurting"
Chapter 33 "Talking & Family"
Chapter 34 "Home & Things are looking up"
Chapter 35 "Life is weird..."

Chapter 25 "Girls & Court"

1.1K 38 0
By SelenaWriting

\Ross's POV/ 

        We walked out into the living room and saw my dad grabbing the keys to the van. He looked over at us, "Come on, we got to go!" he said leaving out the front door. We followed him out into the van and we sat in the back. Selena's mom and sister were out shopping so, it was just going to be us Lynches, Ellington (once we pick him up) and Selena. We arrived at the police station a half an hour later. 

        "Hello everyone," an officer said. I grasped Selena's hand and she bit her bottom lip and held mine back tight. "I will be doing your questioning. We will take you one at a time into the room and ask a series of questions based off of the information we already know. Give us simple answers and this will be over in no time," he smiled. We had to sit in some waiting room where it was so small and had so little chairs, Rocky and I just sat on the arm of the chairs and so did Ryland. 

        "We would like Riker in first," an officer said and Riker stood up and went into the room with him. "What do you think their going to ask him?" Selena asked sitting in the chair I was sitting on the arm of. "mm, probably something like if he remembers what the shooter looked like or anything like that." She nodded and took out her phone and checked her Twitter and stuff like that. 

        A few minutes later, "Ross," they called. "That's me," I said and I went with the policeman. 

        He shut the door behind me and I sat in a wooden chair. "So, First question, do you know anybody by the name of 'Brittany Corton'?" I shook my head, "No." 

        He smirked, "She seems to know of you," he mutters. I furrowed my eyebrows, "What are you talking about?" He passed me over a folder labeled, "Case 213" 

        Damn. They have a lot of cases to get to. 

        I opened it and I saw three pictures of three girls. "These girls are the girls who we believe to have robbed Ms. Selena's house and hurt your brother severly," he said chewing his gum.

        "Well, shouldn't you arrest them?! Instead of bringing us in and asking us questions when you already know who it is?!" I raised my voice. He put his hands up, "Please do not yell at me. We can take you into custody if you come off offended." I crossed my arms and nodded. I pulled down my beanie a bit. 

        "This one, Brittany, has said you and her had a romance." 

        What the actual fuck. 

        "No we didn't," I said. I looked at her picture and I don't recognize her at first. But, then I had a moment where I did. 

        Flashback to a month ago.                 

        Rydel's eyes went wide. 

"Ross! That's Brittany! I wouldn't..." she said until I interrupted. 

"Thanks. That's all I need to know," I said and walked over to Brittany. 

"Hey pretty baby, what you doin?" I said winking at her. She giggled a little and smiled, 

"Not much. Just thinking about who this handsome boy in front of me is." 

"Ross. Ross Lynch." 

         End of flashback 

        She was the girl I flirted with. Oh shit, I told her my name and everything... "Um, I did happen to talk to her a little but we weren't together like dating. I only talked to her one time but that was it. I remember her saying something about..." I stuttered. Brittany said her and Rydel didn't get along. Oh my god. 

        "She said her and my sister weren't very good friends," I said and bit my lip in nervousness. I wiped my sweaty hands on my pants and kept them at my sides. He began writing everything I was saying on a notepad. "Ross, do you have a girlfriend right now? Or have you and Brittany recently been in contact?" 

        I shook my head, "No, we haven't been in contact and yes, I do have a girlfriend." 

        "Does it happen to be Selena?" 

        I nodded. 

        "Okay. Well, we are going to talk to Rydel and Selena next. You may leave now," he said and another policeman opened the door for me and I walked out to find everyone staring. "Rydel," they called. Rydel got up and went in the room and Selena looked at me, "How was it?" I shrugged, "It was okay." 

        She nodded and I smiled at her, "Don't be nervous, okay?" She shook her head, "I'm not." I sighed and grabbed her hand and held it. 

        A whole hour went by and it was filled with interviews. "Ross, stop it!" Selena would yell at me. "No," I said trying to sound serious. I was on her phone playing flappy bird. "I have to beat your high score!" I shouted. "I can't get passed the first freaking pole," Riker chuckled. "Why does the bird even flap? Is it retarded? It's a bird. It can fly.." Rocky debated. We all laughed. "If you keep tapping my screen hard enough like that you are going to crack it!" Sel yelled at me. I groaned and gave it back, "I give up." 

        Ryland came out of the interview room and the poilcemen demanded us outside. Once we were in the hallway outside of the waiting room, "Now, you all gave us good information and we have enough to make an arrest. We just have to file all this to the jury and get a final vote." 

        Rocky smirked, "What is this? Court?" Ellington chuckled. "Why yes, it may be," the policeman said and Rocky's eyes went wide, "Oh." 

        They said we could go home and the ride home was silence. 

        This is a long day... 

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