Trust Issues || H2O Delirious...

By DaughterDeHell

77.3K 2.6K 1.5K

Los Santos. City of thieves. City of Gangs. There is a constant battle to be, Number One. Every gang want... More

A/N || Thank you
A/N || Imagines Book Out!


1.9K 74 59
By DaughterDeHell

Y/n's POV

Luke lets out a frustrated growl and moves his hands to my waist, his grip tightening. I smirk and grind harder on his lap. He gives me a frustrated look, which only makes me smirk more.

I lean in towards his face, causing him to freeze. I give him a sly smile. "Don't get all nervous on me now Luke."

Our faces were only centimeters apart when he whispered. "Sorry Del." And he closed the gap. I smirked into the kiss before pulling away slightly.

"Come on Toonzy, don't hold back." I kissed his cheek before kissing his neck again, making sure not to leave any marks. He growls before grabbing me by the waist and spinning me around and bending me over, running his hands along my ass and legs.

"Well fuck Y/n. Now Delirious is gonna have my head." I smirked a little. "Not if I get it first."

I tried to suppress my laugh but failed. "Pfft, sorry, it was the perfect time for a dirty joke."

He laughs a little before standing up, making me stand straight as well, as he grabs one of my legs and hooks it onto his hip.

"Well if he's watching, we might as well put on a show." He says, smirking. Luke starts to lean in more and more until suddenly, the lights went out.

He dropped my leg and I let out a giggle.

"Time to go."

He smiled and nodded as we both made our way outside. I started walking towards the technician room as Luke met up with the others to cause a distraction.

I walked through a hall and finally found the right door. I twisted the knob and luckily, it was unlocked. I walked in and everyone in the room turned to me.

I stood tall and put my hands on my hips. "There you are." I look directly at Rocco, a smirk on my face. I walk up to him, putting my hands on his chest.

"Throwing me on Luke like that, what? Can't handle me yourself?" I slide my hand down his chest and he looks at me with a large grin.

He turns to the other men in the room, all trying to get the power back up and running. "Get out." They all look at him. "Now." They all quickly shuffle out, closing the door behind them.

I stretch out and lean into him more, allowing him to wrap his arms around me. He smelled like cigarettes and old lady perfume. He slides his hands down my sides and picks me up before setting me on a chair.

He immediately starts to strip down.

"Someone's excited." I giggle, biting my lip and running my hands down my own body.

He takes off the furry coat and his shirt. He wasn't very built.

I mean, compared to Delirious, he looked like the Pillsbury Doughboy.

He starts to unbuckle his pants but I stop him. I slowly slip out of the chair and get on my knees so I'm level with the buckle. I start to slowly undo it with one hand, my other hand traveling down to my inner thigh where I hid a knife.

He puts his hands on my head, gripping my hair. I stop for a second and look up at him with a mischievous smile before driving the knife straight into his thigh and yanking it out.

He lets out a loud yell, letting go of me and stepping backwards, surprised. "You bitch!"

He starts to walk towards me but I quickly stand and spin, round-housing him in the face. He holds his jaw and looks at me, pissed.

He pulls out his own knife from his pocket and charges me. He swings the blade and I duck under it, grabbing his pants in the process and dropping them to his ankles. He tried to take another step but wobbled and nearly fell.

He growls and reaches behind him before pulling out a glock-17. My eyes widened and he tries to shoot me, luckily, since we're in such a small place, it's easy for me to maneuver around him and move his arms before he gets a clear shot.

I was about to swing and stab him when he grabbed my arm, knocking the knife out of it. I try to think quickly, so I grab his belt and yank it, causing him to fall onto his back.

I quickly pin him and grab his gun, pointing it at his head with a cocky smirk.

"Any last words?"

He looks at me with a bloody smile and chuckles.

"Now I know who you are. Y/n, the Rebels are looking for you."

My eyes widened and he took the opportunity to grab his knife and drive it straight into my hand. I scream in pain and grunt loudly as I used my free hand to quickly pull the gun up and shoot him in the head.

Any little movements hurt my hand, but I can't take the knife out right now, I have no one to wrap it and I still have work to do. I heard people start coming down the hall and I knew I had to work fast.

I walked over the the computer set and waited for another minute or so until the power came back on. I reached into my bra strap and pulled out a USB.

I plugged it in and quickly transferred all of the files onto it, erasing them from the computers memory system.

As I finished, someone barged into the room. I quickly spin, seeing the unfamiliar person and shoot them in the head. Their body drops and I start to run out of the door.

As I start to exit the hallway, someone grabs my wrist. I yelp in pain as I felt the knife shift at the sudden movement.

The person quickly lets go as I hold the gun to their head. I look at the persons face, only to see it covered by a hockey mask.


I drop the gun and quickly hug him tightly. He's taken aback at first but hugs me back. He grabs my hand and brings it closer to him to inspect it.

I wince in pain.

He takes notice and grabs my other arm, urging me to follow him. We run out of the building through a side entrance and once were outside, I quickly lean against a wall, gripping my hand.

Delirious looks at me and calls for Mini to come get us.

"Delirious." I say through gritted teeth. He looks at me questioningly. "Take it out." I hold the hand with the knife up.

He looks at me like I'm insane and quickly shakes his head. "I-I don't know..."

"Del, please, it hurts, we just have to wrap it once it's out to restrain the blood, and then I can get proper treatment."

He looks at me and nods. I slide down the wall so I'm sitting and he crouches down next to me, gripping my wrist in one hand and the knife in the other.

The minute he touches it I hiss in pain.

He quickly lets go.

He's fidgety and nervous.

"Delirious, all you have to do is pull it straight up and out." I gave him a reassuring look and he nods.

I prop my hand on my knee and he reaches for it once more. I grimace, grinding my teeth. I felt one of his hands on the knife and the other on my shoulder.

"Hey hey, stay with me ok, you haven't lost much blood, and you can still move your fingers. Good signs, good signs."

My breaths become more and more shallow as the knife wiggles and he slowly starts to extract it. I wince harshly and whimper in pain.

He moves his hand to my cheek, using his thumb to wipe some stray tears, slightly calming me.

He starts to slowly move the knife up again and I nearly yell, my good hand snapping up and grabbing the wrist of his hand on my cheek. He leans closer to my face, looking at me solemnly.

He takes his hand off the knife and takes his mask off. I look at him with wide eyes before giggling a little at the clown makeup.

"What's with the makeup?" I ask in between harsh breaths.

He smiles. "I've had my fair share of mask mishaps."

I smile at him and he uses the sleeve of his hoodie to wipe away most of the makeup. I took in all of his features.

His baby blue eyes, pearly white smile, dark eyebrows, sharp jawline, etc. He was the most attractive man I've ever seen.

"Well hey there cutie." I muttered.

He laughs a little and moves his hand back onto the handle of the knife while I'm distracted. He looks at me and smiles genuinely. I smile back and he starts to lean closer.

Our faces were now only a centimeter apart.

I looked down at his lips before looking back into his eyes. I couldn't stand the distance anymore and I put my good hand on the back of his neck, pulling him down and locking lips with him.

I felt him smile into the kiss and he leans in more. I open my mouth slightly, allowing him entrance.

'Now this, is a kiss.'

I suddenly felt a sharp pain my hand and accidentally bit down on his lip, hard.

We quickly parted and I saw he had yanked the knife out, I also saw him reach up and touch his lip lightly before pulling his hand back and observing the blood that was drawn.

"Shit, sorry! Sorry!" I say frantically. He chuckles and shakes his head before licking the blood away and pecking me on the lips. "It's fine."

I felt the heat rush up to my face but the feeling quickly receded when I felt the blood pouring from my hand.

"Oh fuck."

I quickly start to lift my shirt over me, using my leg and good hand to rip it. I hand it to Delirious and he quickly ties it tightly around my open wound.

I pick up Delirious' mask and hand it back to him. He looks into my eyes before taking it and sliding it back on.

I felt a shiver run through me and realized I was only in a bra and Mini is gonna be here soon.

I suddenly felt very self-conscious.

Delirious quickly takes notice to my discomfort and takes off his hoodie and puts it over my head.

I smile at him and slide it on completely.

I pull the sleeves up a little and take in the comforting smell. I look up at Delirious with pink cheeks.

"Thanks." As I said that, Mini quickly turned into the little alley. Delirious looked at me and nodded before ushering me towards the truck.

On the way back, I felt myself start to doze off, my head falling onto Delirious' shoulder.

He glanced down at me, pulled up the hood, and made sure Mini wasn't watching before lifting up his mask and kissing my forehead.

"Sleep gorgeous, I'll wake you up when we get home."

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