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Love is a crazy thing but still we search for it. When you thought you found the one but it turns out you're... More

56 (end)
not an update
NEW STORY!! πŸ˜…πŸ˜


531 35 10


I'm feeling very uneasy now. The need to go home to my parents is huge and I don't know why.

Because of that urge, I grab my bag as I head out the dorm and went to the bus station. I don't know when did I learn to skip school but the time I got shot, I didn't think much about school anymore but my parents' safety.

I tried calling Soobin but his phone is not reachable. His phone might be dead.

To: Soobin 🐰

"Hey, I tried calling you but your phone might be dead. I'm going home to my parents. I'm worried about them. Please take care Binnie."

When I got home, I saw my parents in the living room holding some papers and beside them is a box I've never seem before.

"Why do you still keep those?" my dad asked my mom and my mom was crying.

I'm about to interfere when my dad spoke again.

"What if Yeonjun will see all of those things? He will surely question us and I don't want to answer whatever question it is" my dad said and I was taken aback by my name mentioned.

"He must know. Yeonjun deserves a good life. More than this we can give him. We can't keep this from him for ever he will soon find out that he's not ours" my mom said and that's my cue to let them know my presence.

"Yeonjun-ah, w. . . why are you here? Y. You. . .you're suppose to. . . to be at school" my dad is stuttering and I can clearly see the lie in his eyes.

"I'm adopted?" I asked and my mom look down as she cried.

"Son, come here let us explain OK?" dad ushered me to the chair as we approach my mom.

"I. . . we. . . are sorry we hide this from you" dad started as I just listen, I know how my heart shattered and I want to leave but I want to hear them.

"Look inside the box" my mom said as she open the mysterious box.

I open look in it before taking out a torn shirt. The shirt is small, maybe owned by a one year old boy also known as me.


That was written at the back of the shirt and the other part of the word is torn.

I took out a pair of shorts that I assume was also mine and a pair of shoes.

A backpack was also inside. I took it and open it. Inside was a little fox plushie, a handkerchief, a little notebook and a pair of pajamas that was probably mine.

"We saw those when we found you sleeping in my truck of vegetables. I just got home from delievering the vegetables in the market when I decided to get the vegetables I left for the house. You were there" my dad said as I cried.

"Why now?" I asked as I look at the shirt with the word "Jun" on it. "Why are you opening this now?" I asked again.

"Because your dad . . your real dad. . . . . we found him" my mom said as I look at them.

"me, how did you find me?" I asked.

I don't know but I am more intrigued on how am I found. How did I got here, how did I become Lee Yeonjun this place come to know? How did I become this?

"Well" my dad started. . .

18 years ago

Lee Dong Ho (Yeonjun'a adoptive father) just finished harvesting his vegetables and he was so happy with the results because the vegetables are all so beautiful without any impurities. He knows to himself that he will have a good sale today in the market.

He drove his old truck to the market and as expected, many vendors are waiting for his delivery. He started unloading and giving every vendor their share.

After selling the vegetables he left the truck to grab some stuff he and his wife needed at home.

After a long day, he went home and his wife was waiting for him smiling.

"Hey how are you?" he asked his wife as he approach her.

"I'm fine. Still coping up but I'm fine now" she said with a sad tone.

The couple just lost their child four months ago in a storm that hit their province. The saddest part was the fact that the wife can no longer conceive due to her sickness and the child they just lost is their only miracle child.

"I'm sorry" Dong Ho said as he embraces his wife.

"Come on let's not be sad. Our baby will not like it. What do you have anyway?" his wife asked and Dong Ho went to the truck to get the vegetables reserved for them.

But as he was about to unload the vegetables, he found a little boy sleeping with the vegetables.

"Honey come here" he called his wife who immediately rushed to his side.

"What in the world? Who is this boy? What is he doing here?"

It is then that they notice the boy's appearance.

His clothes are thorn, he's shivering and sweating at the same time. His cheeks are tinted pink and his pants are soiled.

He immediately carry the boy inside their house with his wife following behind as he aided the boy.

"He's burning" he said as he felt the boy's temperature.

"Let me" his wife took over as she did her best to calm the boy down.

When the boy woke up, he was crying.

"Ma. . . . "

"Sshhh its OK. You're safe here baby. "

Two days after they found the boy, they went to the police station to ask if anyone had reported a missing child but the officer said they receive none.

Its been one week since the boy stayed with the couple and that length of time is enough for the couple to grew fond towards the boy.

"Baby, what is your name?" Lee Yeon Mi, the wife asked and the boy pointed at his shirt that is on the side.

The torn shirt with the word "Jun" was seen.

"This is your name?" Dong ho asked and the boy nod.

"I think that is not his full name. Jun I think is the continuation of a name. But we don't know. This shirt is literally split in two. If he's not wearing a jacket, he would freeze" Yeon Mi said as they both nod.

"Hmm my name is Yeon Mi, and he is Dong ho, he's my husband. And you are Jun" Yeon mi said and the boy squeal making the couple coo at how cute the boy is.

"You're Jun?" Dong ho again asked and the boy squeal again as he giggle in delight.

Another week past and a police inform them about a lost boy about one year old but when they bring Jun to the station, the police told them the child reported missing was already found.

After a year without a notice of a missing boy, they decided to officially adopt the child as their own naming him Lee Yeonjun.

Yeon comes from Yeon mi's name.

The family was happy because Yeonjun is growing well and he is so sweet. But when Yeonjun reached 13 his features show class and when they saw a news on the TV about Choi Jin yang's wife's death anniversary, they knew it was telling something.

The photo of Jin yang's wife resembles the face of their son, Yeonjun.




"You're saying, I'm Choi Jin yang's long lost son that the world assume to be dead?" I asked as I heard the story on how I came here.

"We thought you just resemble his wife but. . . . . . . but when you got shot that day. . . . no one matched your blood type aside from Mr Choi. And when we were in the hospital, Mr Choi asked us about you and he showed the other half of your ripped shirt. He has been looking for you. . . . he also came to our province but he didn't find you because that is the time the crime increased here and the officers are paying more attention to the robberies, murders and drugs. . . . . he performed a DNA test to confirm and it matched. . . . you are Choi Soojun, that's your real name. I don't know what your dad went through but he has been searching for ages. Yeonjun. . . ah I mean Soojun-ah, I think its pointless to hide this from you anymore because your real father found you. We thought you wouldn't find out as you never watch the news but the truth slap us in the face" mom explained as she cries with my dad trying to hold back his tears as he hug her.

I can't think straight.

I can't think straight.

I am the long lost son of Choi jin yang also known as my sponsor in my studies in Halsten.

"Do you. . . do you want me to go with him? Do. . . .do you. . . are you giving me away? . . ." I asked and my mom immediately embrace me.

"you're still our Yeonjun. And it's right for you to be with your real father because he longs for you and he loves you as much as we do. And we just want you to be with him. We are not giving you away. We are giving you the life that you deserve and the chance to be with your real dad" my mom said as I grip the fabric of the shirt tighter.

Just as I am about to leave to think, I took my bag only to see my bunny keychain, and that alone make me fall on my knees as I realize another thing.

I'm Choi Jin yang's biological son.

And he is the father of the guy I love that goes by the name Choi Soobin.

Soobin is my brother.

Tears stream down my eyes as the pain in my chest worsen. It hurts so bad that I can do nothing but cry.

"Yeonjun-ah, slow down, breathe" my dad said as he sat me on the couch with my head resting on my father's shoulder as he rub my back. "Sshhh come on calm down"

"... . . . . s. . Soobin. . . .Soobin"
I cried and with those words I say, I heard my mom gasp and my dad's hands stroking my back stopped and I know that they know exactly why I am crying like this.

"Oh my gosh" my mom rushed to my side as she handed me some water to calm my nerves down.

So much happen in a span of one hour and a half.

I woke up in the middle of the night and went to the kitchen and grab some water. When I went back to my room, my phone lit up indicating a message.

From: Kai

"Hyung, you're not in your dorm are you home? Where are you?"

I almost type where I am when I remember something that gave me goosebumps.

"Hyung what is your dorm number?" - Kai

"Hyung I easily forgot things when it comes to numbers so yeah haha"- Kai

"Hyung sorry I forgot your room number"-Kai

"Goodness, I forgot Beomgyu's locker is number 1177, I almost embarrass myself"- Kai

"Hyung just go to the entrance of your dorm, I forgot your room number"- Kai.

"Yah! Math is my lowest grade because numbers and me don't go well you know goodness. Hyung stop laughing"- Kai.

my phone display another message from Soobin

"Jun-ah can you come out your house now? We have to get you out of there. Don't worry about your parents, they'll be safe"

I immediately grab my bag and my jacket as I head outside and there I saw Soobin.

He pulled me in his car as we drove away.

Then I remember. .

Does Soobin know were brothers?


OK honestly I'm lost haha I'm sorry for that.

Ok so updates will be slower than expected. But if i'm lucky i can update every weekend... If not then I'm sorry in advance. College is killing me haha

Thank you guys for staying and I hope I'm doing a good job.

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