Please, Just One Wish (Jelsa)

By jelsa_doc

63.5K 3.2K 2.4K

Elsa Arendelle; the school most popular love advisor. Everybody wants her advice in dating and love life Why... More

Double Date
Last hope
Please Please Please
Bright Idea!
Strictly Business
Hold My Hand
Seven Minutes in Heaven
The F word
Sweet Dreams
Straight to the Point
Working on It
Half the Truth
The Encounter
Knock knock
Starry Night
Bailed out
Ticking Bomb
Fair Warning
Saturday Night
Jekyll and Hyde
Cards on the table
Jack Frost
Once, Twice, Three Times
Everything of Everything
Payback Time
The Afterglow
Memory Lane
Pinky Promise
Midnight story
Great News!

The Fool

982 54 67
By jelsa_doc

"You! What are you doing here?", I literally screamed to the figure in front of me.

"Is that how you greet a friend?", he rolled his eyes and let out a huff.

I ran to him and hugged him. I could sensed that he was surprised by my sudden move.

"That's more like it and more like you", he returned the hug. I looked up to meet his eyes and squinted my eyes still hugging him.

"No kidding, but what exactly are you doing here? In a Melkevein's uniform", I let go and crossed my arms, cocking an eyebrow to him.

"Well, what do you think?", he laughed and leaned at the counter, "Shut up!", I squealed and hugged him again.

"Wow, you missed me that much huh?", he replied as he returned the hug.

"You're back in town?", I muffled between the uniform's fabric, "I guess I am for a while", he let go of me.

We smiled and I hugged him again, "Oh my god, you don't have any idea how much I miss you", I said.

"I miss you too, Els", he pat my back.

"But really Tadashi, why did you apply being a waiter here?", I walked inside the employee room as he followed me inside.

"I thought you could use a hand", he said while leaning to the door frame.

"You don't have to, Tadashi", I put on my apron well aware Tadashi was staring at me.

"What happened to you?", his voice grew concern, "What do you mean what happened to me?", I busied myself fixing my braid.

"You okay?", he squinted his eyes trying to examine the bruises all over my body.

"Yeah, I fell at practice", I sighed and look at the bruises the ice left for me. "Its not that bad, It will heal in no time", I smiled.

"You really think I would believe that?", Tadashi crossed his arms and judging me, "Yeah, because its true I fell. Not my best performance today", I walked passed him and went to the counter.

I know that Tadashi wasn't convinced with my answer and he tried to ask for more but suddenly the bell on top of the entrance door ding.

"Hello, welcome to Melkeveien", I blurted those words like almost like an automatic answering machine.

"Hey, hey, I got this", Tadashi grabbed my shoulder and told me to take my time preparing for myself.

"Do you even know how to serve a gelato though?", I said as I started walking to the counter.

"I worked part time here last summer remember? Besides I'm a natural", he grinned while adjusting his cap, "Your feet could get some rest", he smiled before he walked to the counter to serve our costumer.

I scoffed and smiled to myself, if only this guy wasn't that genius, which I'm not complaining for how genius he is, I wont be separated from him this fast.

He went to college when he was only 15 and now, while I'm finishing high school, Tadashi currently finishing his master degree.

My whole life has been a joke comparing to him.

"We're going closing in 10 minutes, Tadashi", I warned him as I wiped the tables and he nodded as a respond.

"That's our last order by the way, I'm gonna check our stock for today", he said as he went over to check the stock in the pantry.

He truly is a helping hand for me.

Being with Tadashi has occupied my mind from thinking about Jack and what we did last night. I'm so grateful for that.

The store's bell ding as I turned my head, "Sorry miss, but we're closing soon", I said to the girl standing near the door, she looked lost.

She's about my age, taller than me and wore an eccentric massive pink frame glasses, her legs were so long complimenting her body making her looks like that hot nerd girl anyone loved to date.

"You seem lost? Can I help you?", I folded my napkin and walked towards her, "Is this Melkeveien creamery?", her eyes were everywhere searching for something.

"Yes, but we're closing now, so I'm sorry to day we didn't accept any orders now", I smiled at her as she met my gaze, "Oh, I'm sorry, no, no I was looking for my friendㅡ", she stopped and hesitate a bit

"Not like friend, friend. He's my boyfriend, like boyfriend, boyfriend not like boy friend with a space between the words", she ranted without catching a breath, thankfully I was trained by how fast Anna could rant.

"It's only me and another employee here, so I guess probably your boyfriens has left somewhere else", I replied, "Oh no no no, he's here I could sense it", she's eyeing every corner of the store.

"Okay, you're creeping me out, lady", I frowned looking at her behavior.

"There you are!", she ran as Tadashi came out from the pantry. "Hey, Hon", Tadashi said as he wrapped his arms around her waist and planted a peck on her cheek.

"So you two have met, huh? Elsa this is my girlfriend, my girlfriend this is Elsa", Tadashi stated exchanging his gaze from me to her.

"So you're Elsa huh?", his girlfriend jumped out from his wrapped and basically hugged me, "Y-yeah, nice to meet you toㅡ", I patted her back and she realized.

"Oh where are my manners, I'm Honey Clementine. But people called me Honey Lemon since I enjoy drinking lemonade so much, but you can call me Honey for short just like what my friends call me", she ranted again as her eyes sparked with full of glee.

"Okay, nice to meet you Honey, I'm Elsa Arendelle", I offered her a handshake which she accept, "I know! Tadashi told me so much about you! And you're way way way more beautiful than the pictures!", she pulled me into a hug again.

Too much hugs for today?

"Wow, I take that as a compliment, but look at you Honey, standing tall just like a runway model", I smiled at this goofy eccentric girl in front of me.

"Please, I'm far from that kind of model, and you're such an angel", she squealed

"No, believe me you're prettier", I replied
"No, you are prettiest"
"Please you are more prettiest!"
"You most prettiest", she squealed

"Ladies, ladies, calm down", Tadashi finally spoke up as he put his arms around Honey's waist again making Honey let out a shy chuckle.

"Geez, you two definitely will definitely make great genius charming babies", I rolled my eyes and chuckled, followed by the two lovers shrugged and smiled awkwardly at each other.

Such a typical new couples, huh?

"Should we close now?", I let loose my apron, "Yeah! One sec Hon, we're gonna take our stuffs", Tadashi said as he entered the employee room.

As we entered the employee room to get our stuffs, I couldn't help but giggle at how Tadashi's eyes and face sparked up when he saw Honey, "So, she's quite a catch", I smirked at him.

"She's not quite a catch, she really is a catch", he grinned proudly.

Wow I never knew Tadashi could be this cute towards a girl.

"She's soㅡ", I stopped since I couldn't find the right words to describe her, "Energetic?", Tadashi suggested.

"Yeah, she's like a happy pill", I agreed with him, "Now come on, lets not make the lady waits", I grabbed my bag and walked towards the door.

"Elsㅡ", suddenly Tadashi grabbed my hand, my gaze instantly met his concerned eyes

"You okay?", he checked on me again. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?", I sighed and smile at him.

He let go of my hand and stared blankly at me, "Please don't lie to me", his eyes showed the sincerity of his words.

"I'm not lying, Tadashiㅡ", my breath hitched as the thoughts of Jack crossed my mind, "You remember Jack?", I sighed feeling defeated.

"As in Jack Frost? That guy with silver hair?", he asked back, "Yes, that Jack Frost", I answered as he nodded to let me continue my story.

"Remember when I told you to become my fake date?", I laughed awkwardly at the thoughts of me being that miserable.

Tadashi laughed but suddenly he stopped, "You didn't ask him to go on a date with you, right?", I don't need to answer him as he already knew my answer.

"What happened? Did he do this to you?", Tadashi voice grew louder as he pointed at my bruises, I shook my head.

"So what happened?", Tadashi walked closer to me as I felt my heart throbbed me.

I couldn't talk, I just stood there and let the tears wet my cheek. Tadashi walk closer to me as he wanted to give me a hug, but I stepped away from him.

"Just don't, I don't deserve you and all your attention Tadashi", I chuckled trying to look strong but I could feel my tears dripping down my cheek.

"I hurt him, Tadashi", I hugged myself as the reality hits me. "Who?", he asked softky

"My Dad!", I sobbed louder and the stinging pain from my cheek hit me.

"I'm such a disappoinment, he was dissapointed in me, I'mㅡ", I couldn't even finished my sentence as I let out a loud sob.

"Please don't do this to yourself", he said as he took a seat beside me. "Go home Tadashi", I said between my sobs, "Just go home"

He stayed there, didn't move an inch. He didn't want to leave me. Its Tadashi we're talking about afterall.

"Please, don't let Honey wait", my voice came out weak, he let out a soft okay as he left his handkerchief beside me and went out through the doors.

I cried by myself until I felt my throat dried and how disgusting my face was.

Theres no use crying over something you've done, it cant be undone.

I stood up and cleaned my face, I locked all the doors and closed the store. I zipped my jacket as I felt the cold evening air pricked my skin.

Time to go home.

I walked and waited by the bus station, if you think my Dad let me to bring a car on a school day. Well, you're wrong.

After about an hour long, I jumped off the bus and reached my neighborhood. I walked on the pavement under the dim moonlight. I don't know if its just me but this whole trip from the store to my house seems longer than ever.

"Evening, Mrs. Jefferson", I waved at the old lady that lived 5 house away from me, "Hurry home young lady, the sun has sets", Mrs. Jefferson replied from her porch

The night was still young but I only could hear the sound of the wind playing with branches and how the leaves danced through the night.


"I'm home", I said while I locked the door from the inside and I saw Olaf ran to me and circling me with his head nudging my legs.

I picked him up, "arent you a good boy? You miss me, Olaf?", I pet his head and he woof like he knew the answer of my question.

"Holyshit, what happened to you? Did you get robbed? Oh my god, are you okay? Should we call the police? Are you hurt?", Anna came out from the kitchen and saw me as she instantly put her hot chocolate down and ran toward me.

"No, I'm fine, I fell on practice today several times", I simply stated avoiding her eyes and focused my gaze on Olaf.

"Yeah right, but that doesn't explain the red and swollen eyes", she crossed her arms and giving me that sassy 'are you serious' look.

I laughed at her, "Its nice seeing you home after all these days, you went out a lot", I put Olaf down and made my way to the stairs.

"Please don't change the topic of our conversation", Anna tapping her foot getting impatient, "Oh, watch me", I rolled my eyes and left her, but she insisted and tailed me upstairs.

"Your hot choco is gonna be cold any minute", I warned her, "Oh right! You're right", she turned around to go downstairs.

But she turned around again like a top, you know that toy that spins on its point when sets in motion.

"Wait a minute, you almost tricked me", she ran through the stairs making Inggrid warned her. "I guess I am, see you", I closed my doors and locked it.

I dropped myself behind the doors, "Elsa, please", I heard Anna knocked behind me but I didn't care, I didn't bother to answer.

"Elsa, I know you heard me", she said once again almost pleasing, "I'm here for you, what happened? We used to share everything, I wish you would tell me why", she stopped as she knocks again, "Just let me in, Elsa"

"Go away, Anna", I said loud enough for her to hear me from outside, "Leave me alone"


Anna didn't answer or knock again.

Its funny how people suddenly be all concerned about you when you're in your lowest point, but they didn't bother to care when you're okay and put on a show with a mask on.

After I cleaned myself and applied some calming lotion for my bruise I sat down near the window, looking to the moon.

"Why is this all happening to me? Is it all because of me or its just that you hate me so much, oh God", I sighed

"How are you today?", I heard a voice from across my window

You guess right.
Its the one and only Jack Frost.

I'd rather kill myself now, thankyou.

I froze a bit before my brain cells worked again, "Yㅡyeah, I'm fine", I stuttered a bit but I manage to answer him.

"You don't look fine", he replied.

I couldn't see his face properly since he was wearing a hoodie and  the dim lightning from the moon didn't help but only gave a dark shadow upon his face.

But I'm sure I wont ever let him know that I was this miserable, partly because of him.

"Exhausted between works and practice", I said almost in monotone not trying my emotion filled my words.

Jack just let out a small 'oh' before we went silent.

"So, how 'bout you?", I spoke up trying to lighten up the tension between us, "Oh, so now you're asking", I could sense a sarcastic tone in his voice.

"Okay, just pretend I didn't ask you anything", I shrugged as I tried not to be botheres by his words, "I did it, by the way", he spoke up.

"Did what?", I pursed my lips trying to get a nice lool at his face but its just too dark, "I'm such an idiot, I didn't do what I must do earlier", I could hear he chuckled.

"Sorry, I'm lost", I replied coldly.

How can he still be fine when I hurt him? And now look at me!

I'm the fool!

I was the one ended being hurt by my own words and my own act.

My Dad disappointed in me, my mom probably too. And Jack being Jack, laughing and chuckling as if what happened last night and this morning were nothing.

I'm a fool

He laughed before he pulled down his hoodie revealing his silver hair and a satisfication smile, like he was so proud of himself. How his eyes sparkled about the thing that he did it, I knew it was something.

"What do you mean?", I asked again almost blurting out the words whuch made me look impatient.

Jack just looked at me and smiled, his eyes met mine and his eyes were more alive than ever, it was like you could see how happy he was.

He shook his head making his silver hair danced under the moonlight and he chukled and grinned proudly.

"I asked Tooth out!"

Dun dun dunnn
Cliff hanger much? Hahaha

How was this chapter?
I hope you guys enjoy it!

I love Tadashi so much, so I'm glad I could put him in this chapter. Do you guys like him? Tbh, Tadashi is in my 'most handsome disney character' list lol

Sorry, I was gone for awhile because I have lots of studying and stuffs to do!
Anyway I hope this chapter answers all your long wait!

Did you guys watch Frozen 2 trailers? I freaked out when it came out and literally had goosebumps when I watched the trailer! Cant wait for more upcoming trailer and of course the movie itself!

Are you guys excited for Frozen 2?! Eeeeekkkk!!

Wow, I rant a lot on this authors note. Its my first time ranting here. I hope I didn't annoy you guys!

Thankyou so much for your support!

Please leave vote and comments
It means so much to me

I'll see you guys in the next chapter,

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