Daughter of a trickster God (...

By EsmyRiley345

196K 4K 738

Davina is the daughter of Loki, Goddess of fire and virtue, granddaughter of Odin, niece of Thor and Princess... More

The start
Finding out
Who is she?
Why help?
Warning to the so called King
My scepter
Shopping ambush
What to do for fun
Rocket and Groot
Lunch visit from Kol
Found you
A week later
First date
Frigga's visit
All about an Asgardian
Nurse Davina
Work together
Girl fight
Dramatic birth
Sent away
Kol's Steamy visit
Attention caught
Battle of New York
Dinner is served
3 weeks of bliss later
Sweet phone call
Turning up the heat
Long lost sister
Tale of Dahlia
Loki's arrival
Books for you
Pairing for Rebekah
Welcome home (sort of)
Date night
Meant to be
Banner and Stark's visit
Make you talk
Dahlia attacks
Flerken + the tesseract + A Koloki talk
Ice bath
Damn those witches
Don't mess with this mama
What now?
Avengers visit
Moving time
Family dinner
Unexpected Arrival
To Asgard
Meeting Odin
Dinner and a tour
The Christening
I am yours
One month later
Going on a date
Marry me
Car sex
New story
More information
The next morning

Pay back prank

1.3K 35 9
By EsmyRiley345

Here's another chapter, I hope you like it. This chapter mentions about governments, royalty and the character Hulk. Some things might be in accurate and I will apologise in advance for that but sometimes it's better to make stuff up to make the story more interesting. I also apologise about certain history events that might be in accurate, I don't want to be insensitive. I don't know much of America's history apart from some bits as I'm British so again sorry if anyone feels offended. 

The next day..

Davina's pov

I had just woken up, showered and got dressed for the day and made my way downstairs. As I enter the kitchen everyone goes quiet as they look at me except for Kol who stands up and walks over to give me a kiss "good morning love" he greets as he takes my hand in his and leads me over to the table that they were all seated at. "You can stop staring you know" I say feeling annoying with everyone staring at me, except for my father who is of course upstairs tucked away in his room. "Sorry, we're just concerned for you after what happened yesterday" Hayley says "I'm fine, one little attack isn't going to change me or turn me into a scared little girl. I'm stronger than that" I respond "we know that but you passed out" Rebekah retorts "I know I did but can we not talk about it please? I'd rather not think about it right now" I respond making everyone nod. "So where is your father? Hadn't seen him for the rest of the day after what happened?" Elijah asks "he's in his room, doing research on something I believe" I respond "how would you like to do something today? Just you, me and Hayley" Rebekah asks "hey, what about me?" Freya asks "you've been a bitch to Davina so you can't come and I intend to treat Davina to a little relaxation and I don't think you'll help with that" Rebekah retorts "so what do you say Davina?" Hayley asks "sure, why not? I could use a little girl time" I respond "hey! I thought you enjoyed my time" Kol whines with a playful pout making me giggle so I kiss him on the cheek "oh I do enjoy your time but a girl needs girl time too" I respond "what are we suppose to do while you three go out getting pedicures and whatever else girls like these days?" Klaus asks "I don't know do guy stuff, spend time with Hope or play chess" Rebekah suggests "oh and you can also make sure my father stays out of trouble" I retort "how are we suppose to keep the God of Mischief out of trouble?" Klaus asks "that's easy, just tell him the Hulk's on his way. That should get him to behave" I respond with a mischievous smirk "why is he afraid of the Hulk?" Freya asks "don't you know who the Hulk is?" I ask "not really no"she replies shaking her head "let's just say he's Dr Banner's alter ego. There's Banner and then there's the Hulk that only comes out when he gets angry so in a way it's like he has a split personality disorder" I respond "why would your father be afraid of him?" she asks "let's just say my father pissed off the Hulk who didn't stand for his nonsense and he well gave my father a bit of a beat down" I respond "why are you talking about the beast?" my father asks as he strolls into the kitchen "Banner sent me my baby's sonogram this morning and I was explaining to Freya here who the Hulk was" I respond "you seriously don't know who the Hulk is? Banner was here the other day, don't you remember me asking about the other guy?" my father asks "I was to preoccupied by that weird sonogram to pay attention" Freya responds "Tony Stark gave me and Kol a plush toy of the Hulk" I say "oh that's the Hulk? How did that happen? Is it like the wolf curse?" she asks "no, it was nothing like the wolf curse. Banner was in an experiment that went really wrong" I respond having read up about Bruce's incident and he also spoke to me about it "or the experiment went really well" my father retorts as he sits down. "What makes you think it went well?" Elijah questions "because the government were experimenting to try and make a weapon that was stronger than the military and they got just that, only the hulk is ten times stronger than any military force and weapon in the world. He's like ten military forces put together" my father explains "and now the government hunt him down like he's a villain when he's not at fault for what happened. They think it's a good idea to hunt down and chase a man with severe anger issues with guns and threaten him" I add "I always said mortals were dimwitted. They never learn from their mistakes even if it hits them in the face, they still find a way to justify anything they do" my father responds "it's not every mortal. It's people like the ones who work in the government or military. They think they're above everyone else and always get away with everything they do and when things go wrong they pin the blame on someone else. Just as they've done with Banner, they blame him when they had a hand in the experiment too especially that asshole Ross" I respond "I agree with you. My siblings and I have witnessed the greed and manipulative ways of government officials. We were there when the first ever government was created and it was filled with people who only wanted to control and gain power" Kol speaks up "only back then they weren't as greedy as they are now plus most of the royalty around the world prevented the government from having such power and control. Many Kings and Queens had power over government officials until a few decades ago, Hitler wanted more control, he wanted to be above royalty so he tried to manipulate the King and Queen of Germany to hand over more power by making them sign a conduct which stated they couldn't get involved with government issues but he failed as we had a little influence on the King and Queen and advised them to not trust Hitler and they listened" Klaus explains my father listens carefully with a look of pure interest "ever since though more government leaders seeked to gain control from royalty because they wanted to call the shots and have more power. Some succeeded but some did not" Elijah adds "America used to have a royal family, way back in the late 18th century to the early 19th century but they were all over thrown or cast out by government officials. They were badly treated, stripped of their titles and shipped off elsewhere in the world but nobody is actually aware of that because they kept it out of the history books because the government don't want anybody to know what happened" Kol explains "we however know the truth as we witnessed it. We were tempted to help but problems arised so we had to flee for safety" Klaus says "I never knew of that and I've read up on some of Earth's history but there was never any mention of that" my father responds "who do you think the White house belonged too? Not the president that's for sure. The white house was property of the royal family while their castle was on a private land but the government knocked the castle down until there was nothing left" Kol responds "mortals have just as much blood on their hands as anyone" my father retorts "humans make mistakes, they always have done but so do we" Rebekah speaks up "at least we own up to most of our mistakes. We know what we are and we know what we've done but we don't hide it like the people in government or high power do" Kol responds "I honestly respect you for that. Odin is somewhat similar, he did things to get where he is now and when you mention it to him, he gets angry about it. He's a hypocrite and it's honestly the main reason why I was opposed to Thor becoming King as I was seeing double of Odin and I didn't want my brother to be like that" my father responds "so by betraying him, you were sparing him?" Klaus questions "I was the only one who could see how arrogant Thor was. He's an oath and he's always thought the answer to something is by using his fists or his hammer. He doesn't think, he has no strategy, he goes into a fight without thinking which could be costly and by the way it wasn't entirely me who betrayed him. I had The Other whispering ill thoughts in my head and making me believe things I thought were my own beliefs" my father responds "I love Thor, we grew up together but he has his faults just like I have mine" he adds "you love him yet you tried to kill him" Rebekah retorts "oh come on, we all have that typical love/hate relationship with our siblings. One day you can't live without them and then the next day you want to push them off a cliff" my father retorts shrugging his shoulders like what he said doesn't matter but he earns a few smirks from the Mikealsons. "That is so like our family" Rebekah responds "I have a question for you and it's regarding your heritage" Klaus says "you mean my Jotun heritage?" my father asks "yes" he replies "ask away" my father replies "did you never suspect you weren't Odin and Frigga's son?" Klaus asks "well as a child I was always curious as to why I looked so different compared to them. Thor was blonde and blue eyed like Frigga and I suppose once upon a time Odin had blonde hair too. While I was dark haired and pale skinned then there was the fact Odin never quite treated me the way he treated Thor. If Thor did something good he got praised and a party was thrown but if I did something good I got told to do better and that was it. Odin was also often very tense around me, it's like my presence made him feel uneasy but I didn't think it was down to the fact I wasn't their son" my father explains "so how did you figure out?" Elijah asks "after the Frost giants invaded Asgard. Thor and his warrior friends and I went to Jotunheim. Thor angered them and we started fighting them. One of Thor's warrior friends were touched and their hands blackened which is often what happens when a frost giant touches a non frost giant but when I was touched by one, it didn't happen to me and at first I was confused but it was when I snook into the vault and touched the casket of winters did I transform into my true form and figured out the truth. I honestly thought I was cursed" my father explains "did you not know of Davina being the same?" Klaus questions "not until Frigga had told me. I was kept out of the delivery room when her mother went into labour. It's customary for the father to wait outside while the woman gives birth so I wasn't suspicious of it but apparently when Davina was born she was blue. My wife she was in a haze so she didn't see what was going on and Odin cast a spell on her to make her look normal" my father explains I look down at the mention of my mother. "That's abit like what our mother did to Nik. He is our half brother, he's a werewolf and a vampire. Our mother made him wear a necklace that weakened his strength so he couldn't back against Mikael" Rebekah speaks up "she wanted to keep her dirty little secret. She didn't want anybody to know I was the product of her being desperate and spreading her legs for a man that wasn't her husband" Klaus retorts bluntly "could we not talk about this when Hope is around please? Her innocent ears don't have to hear this" Hayley says as she has her hands covering Hope's ears "my bad" Klaus replies "how did your mother manage to get off with another man when she had two young children running around? Did she like ditch them somewhere?" my father asks "Elijah I believe this question is for you" Kol says "I remember her leaving the village for two days. She said she was going to visit a neighboring village about medicine as I was ill with a fever. She left Finn in charge of me" Elijah explains "I'm sorry she left her two young sons at home with the oldest looking after the younger brother? How old was your brother Finn?" my father asks "he was 8" Elijah responds "what woman leaves their eight year old in charge of the other son?" my father questions "a woman who can't keep her legs closed" Kol retorts "that's why there's so many of us. Well that and Mikael was apparently always broody and frustrated when he returned from battle. At least that's what I've gathered" Rebekah retorts "damn I feel sorry for you guys. I would've never left Davina alone like that, heck I didn't anyway. She always came with me no matter where I went" my father responds "even when you went to battle?" Klaus asks "well actually I was suppose to stay behind but I always managed to sneak onto the ship without anyone knowing until of course my father blew my cover" I speak up "a father always knows when his daughter is near" my father responds "Davina never was left alone as a child. Sometimes me and her mother went to  battles together, sometimes we trained together but sometimes we trained separately so one of us would be with Davina. We even took turns with breast feeding" my father says making my eyes widen "dad!" I exclaim my cheeks blushing red as everyone looks at me. "What? I've always been a dedicated father even when you needed feeding. Your mother sometimes got tired or was in training so I had to take it upon myself to feed you and make sure you got the nutrition you needed" he responds "you're embarrassing me" I respond hiding my face in my hands "it was always a perfect way to bond too" he adds making me groan as I slide down in my chair. "How exactly were you able to breast feed her?" Freya asks making my father instantly turn into Raven "I'm how she was able too. The second I turned into this and heard Davina crying or fussing for a feed. The milk would just start flowing" my father says making my cheeks turn even redder "oh god papa, please stop talking" I groan as Klaus snickers slightly "no need to be embarrassed. I'm very proud to say I nurtured you with my own breasts. Your mother found it wonderful too, it made her love me even more for it" he responds still in his female form "oh my god someone please kill me now" I groan as I hide under the table so I don't have to see the amusement on everyone's faces as I know they're finding this very entertaining. "Oh come on, don't hide from your papa" he responds "I'm gonna stay under here for the rest of the day" I respond folding my arms across my chest and pouting like a child. "Davina we're suppose to go out for a girly day today" Rebekah says "I'm gonna have to make a rain check on that. I'm too embarrassed to come out" I respond "this has made my day" Klaus says with a chuckle "oh I'm so glad you're finding this entertaining Klaus" I respond sarcastically "you know if every man had the option to breast feed their child. I recommend they should as it's very satisfying and healthy for both participants although whilst breast feeding I tended to feel the baby blues afterwards. Man do I respect women for the things they go through when bringing children into the world" my father says "from what I remember you were a hormonal mess. You became a right big wuss and a total diva" I respond having remember small bits of when I was a baby and remembering how my father acted after he had breast fed me. "Actually the diva part hasn't change. You're still a diva" I retort "carry on sweetheart. I have plenty of stories to tell" my father responds making my eyes widen "you wouldn't dare" I retort "oh but I would. I'm your father" he responds "oh don't remind me" I respond with a groan. "Come on love. Get up, you're going to get a bad back if you stay down there any longer" Kol says finally speaking up "no because you're not going to look at me the same way anymore. I know you're laughing at me" I respond "oh come on love. I still look at you the same and I'm not laughing" he responds "you had a smirk on your face and kept snickering" Klaus responds "how dare you lie to me" I say annoyed and perhaps a bit too dramatically but hey, I'm five months pregnant and I have hormones raging through me like no tomorrow so I have an excuse. "Thanks a lot Nik" Kol grumbles "I'm staying down here and you can't make me come out so you can all piss off" I respond "guys relax, she's my daughter, I caused this so I'll handle it" my father says before getting under the table and at this point he's back in his male form "you shall not pass in here. This is my zone" I say making him chuckle "too late for that don't you think? Considering I'm under here" he replies "doesn't anyone find this a little odd? There's a God and a Goddess under the table as we eat breakfast" Freya says "we've been finished with breakfast a while now. We've just been enjoying this delightful revelation that our dear friend Davina was breast feed by her father" Klaus responds making me growl "keep making fun of me and I'll punch you in the throat" I respond "now, now sweetheart. Don't focus on the people up there, focus on me" my father says as he sits cross legged in front of me. "How the bloody hell can they manage to fit under there?" Rebekah questions pulling up the table cloth which covers us both to take a quick peak at us before letting go of the cloth "excuse me. Could you be quiet up there? We're trying to have a private conversation" my father says banging his fist against the table "not so private if we can hear you" Freya retorts "oh shut up" my father retorts making me giggle. My father waves his hand causing a green wisp to flow around under the table. "Now they can't hear us" he says with a mischievous grin "I'm sorry for embarrassing you. You know I don't mean too" he replies making me sigh "I know but it's embarrassing when you talk about it in front of my boyfriend" I respond "he was going to find out eventually. He's your soul mate and you can't keep anything from them not even the embarrassing stuff such as you were breast fed by your father. They laugh about it because it's the first they've heard of it while on Asgard many people know I often breast fed you in my female form when your mother was tired or training" he responds "it doesn't make it any less embarrassing that you said it in front of everyone and now I'm laughing stock" I respond hating being the laughing stock even if it is a harmless joke. "You don't have to be the laughing stock if you don't want to be. You can turn the situation around and get a little pay back for being laughed at. Make them the laughing stock" he responds "how?" I ask he casually looks around under the table and motions to their shoes "good old trick you use to do whenever you snook into meetings as a child" he says making me smirk "good idea papa. I suppose they do deserve a little tripping for laughing at me except for Hayley and Rebekah. I know they didn't laugh" I respond "that's my little mischief maker" he responds making me smirk at his nickname for me. I was always a rather mischievous child growing up but I was also very sweet so none ever suspected me of anything when someone got pranked. "You betcha papa" I respond "I'll leave you to it then" he responds as I turn and start tying their laces starting with Kol since he's closer. My father gets out from under the table "she'll come out in a moment. She's just calming down, she got a little upset" my father says "what did you talk about down there? We couldn't hear anything" Freya asks "oh I'm sorry, is there some sort of rule book that says I must tell you what mine and my daughter's private conversations are about? They're called private for a reason" my father retorts sarcastically earning chuckles around the table as I finish tying Kol's shoe laces together before moving onto Elijah since he snickered at me too. He may have tried to keep a straight face but I heard him snickering quietly. 

Once I've tied Elijah, Klaus and Freya's shoe laces together. I get out from under the table and sit next to Kol acting casual. "Hey, love. I'm sorry if we upset you" Kol says going to kiss me on the cheek but I hold up my hand so his lips meet my hand "kiss the hand. I'm still mad at you" I respond with a huff, being over dramatic but who cares like I said, I'm a raging hormonal pregnant woman. "We actually think it's sweet you were breast fed by your father. Yes it's weird but it's also rather sweet" Rebekah says "unfortunately Thor can't turn into a woman so he won't be able to breast feed your children" my father retorts "wait? I'm to have children with Thor?" Rebekah asks "why yes of course. You're soul mates and since he is the future King of Asgard. He will need an heir and you will be the mother of his children if and when you finalize your soul mate bond and by that I of course mean intimacy" my father responds "when is Thor next coming here?" Rebekah asks "oh dear, I can practically start hearing Rebekah's womb explode for the desire to get with child" Kol says "oh shut up Kol. Klaus has Hope and you have a child on the way with Davina. I want my child too, I deserve it so let me be excited about this" Rebekah retorts "hey girls, what do you say we start heading out for that girly day and leave the guys and Freya?" I ask "sure, let's go before I stick a fork in Kol's eyes" Rebekah responds as she stands up "my apologies sister" Kol responds and Rebekah suddenly stumbles as she gasps "oh my god? Did I just hear you apologize?" she asks dramatically making me and Hayley laugh as we stand up and move away from the table. "Oh ha ha" Kol responds sarcastically rolling his eyes as Rebekah gives him a sarcastic smile and sticks her tongue out like a child making me giggle. "Right girls let's go" she says as links arms with Hayley and drags her over to me and we start to leave. I hear Kol, Elijah, Klaus and Freya begin to stand up so I start whistling "why are you whistling?" Hayley asks "I'm suddenly feeling much better" I respond "why?" Rebekah asks "you'll see ladies. You'll see" I retort before a crashing sound is heard "bloody hell!" "what the hell!" "oh no!" "arghhh! Get off me Elijah!" we hear several complains making us turn and we start laughing as we find Kol, Elijah, Klaus and Freya all lying on the ground but what makes it so funny is. Elijah somehow fell on top of Kol who has his face pushed against the floor while Klaus and Freya seem to have tripped over each other and now have their legs tangled while my father sits at the table casually whistling while Hope giggles and points at them. "Pay backs a bitch" I say with a triumph smirk making them look at me "that's what you get for laughing at me" I respond "you're definitely my best friend right now" Rebekah says making me smirk "you laugh at a pregnant woman for anything and you get scorned" I respond high fiving both Hayley and Rebekah as they praise me "correction that's what happens when you laugh and make fun of the God of Mischief's daughter" my father retorts as he kicks his legs up on the table and bites into an apple "thank you for making me feel better papa. Have a nice boys and Freya" I retort flashing a sweet innocent smile before walking towards the command door with Rebekah and Hayley who can't stop laughing at the prank I pulled. "Get off me!" Kol yells "I'm trying to get off" Elijah retorts "it can't be that hard Elijah! All you need to do is roll off" Kol retorts "if I roll off then my shirt will get wrinkled and dirty" Elijah responds "really? That's all you can think of right now? You have a thousand suits Elijah. I don't think you'll miss one flimsy suit!" Kol snaps "Freya get your legs untangled from mine!" Klaus yells "I'm trying! Why don't you try and untangle yours from mine!" Freya retorts making us laugh harder "Loki! Help us!" Klaus yells "why do you assume I will help? When this is very entertaining to watch" my father retorts while Hope keeps on laughing at her father, uncles and aunt. "Hope love, please don't laugh" Klaus says making Hope squeal and clap her hands as she giggles making me, Rebekah and Hayley laugh as we exit the compound, leaving them to it.

End of chapter, what did you think? Some history revelations. Loki bonding and finding things in common with Klaus while discovering the Mikaelsons have somewhat the same thoughts as him. Loki embarrassed Davina by revealing he had breast feed her. Loki and Davina had a father/ daughter bonding and plotting moment. There will be more of that to come. Davina got pay back for being laughed at and pulled a prank. What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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