The Weak RWBY X Malereader

By Wolfinator12

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The story of a boy, which people only know as the brother of one of the strongest Huntsman, finally making hi... More

Bio / Prologue
Chapter 1: New Friends, new Enemies, old Problems
Chapter 2: Initiation
Chapter 3: Determination
Chapter 4: The bully
Chapter 5: First steps
Chapter 6: Helping a friend
Chapter 7: Back in Beacon / Author problems
Chapter 8: An eventful day
Chapter 9: The Phantom strikes again
Chapter 10: Dance Dance Phantom
Chapter 11: First mission.
Chapter 12: Opposites
Chapter 14: the Breach
Chapter 15: Let the Games begin
Chapter 16: JNPR vs BRNZ
Chapter 17: Strange day
Chapter 18: The Phantoms new Arsenal
Chapter 19: Choices
Chapter 20: Plans
Chapter 21: First steps once again
Chapter 22: Training and new stuff
Chapter 23: An (un)familiar face
Chapter 24: Quoteth the Raven
Chapter 25: Back together.
Chapter 26: New secrets revealed.
Chapter 27: Cinder Falls
Chapter 28: Peace in war
Chapter 29: Date plans
Chapter 30: Date the second.
Chapter 31: Date with the Cat
Chapter 32: Cheering up the Phantom and dating the Dragon
Chapter 33: Achive Men and Hunters
Chapter 34: Y/n doesnt like trains
Chapter 35: Dead?
Chapter 36: Fighting the lack of interest
Chapter 37: Argus
Chapter 38: What?
Chapter 39: Slaying the Leviathan
Chapter 40: The flying city
Chapter 41: Official
Chapter 42: First big changes
Chapter 43: 'Icecream' they scream
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50: The End

Chapter 13: Juniper vs Sobek

10K 193 215
By Wolfinator12

Y/n woke up at 8 o'clock and decided to let his teammates sleep longer, he was sure that they are going to need the extra energy. It was 20 minutes later , when Ren slowly stirred awake, a bit sleepy the black haired teen looked around the room , until his eyes fell on Y/n, who was currently sitting at the desk, writing something.

Ren: "Good morning Y/n, i hope you didnt spent the entire night planning." Y/n chuckled a bit.

Y/n: "No i didnt, dont worry. I think we can let the others stay in bed for a bit longer, lets say till half past 9, if you want you can go back to sleep." the blue haired boy suggested and Ren shook his head no.

Ren: "No thank you, i think im going to take a shower and than meditate for a bit, if that is ok."

Y/n: "Sure thing, im just looking over the plan again."

Ren nodded and grabbed his clothes before entering the bathroom to take a shower. After he finished he started meditating while Y/n checked his weapons. At half past 9 the two boys split up to wake the rest of their group, Y/n went to Azure while Ren to the girls. Reaching the room Y/n knocked , waiting for an answer, but none came. A bit agitated Y/n knocked again, no answer once again, now Y/n was getting angry, he angrily knocks even louder. Silence was all he heard after full on punching the door, his eye start twitching from anger and blinded by rage Y/n threw a kick against the door, his anger was replaced by pain. Giving up Y/n walked towards the girls' room, standing in front of the room was his team, they looked towards Y/n and instantly saw his anger.

Phyrra: "What did Azure say?" she took a guess to what made Y/n angry.

Y/n: "Nothing, he isnt responding to my knocks, the door is locked. He could have already left but why not inform us?"

Nora: "Want me to break down the door?" she raised her hammer to convey her suggestion.

Y/n: "If this was his home, i would have allowed it but unfortunately it isnt. We can either wait for him and hope it wont take long for him to come back or get started on the mission, what do you think?"

Ren: "I think we should wait."

Nora: "We could go and get something to eat and hope that once we are back he is at his room." Nora suggested and Phyrra gave a nod, showing she liked her idea.

Y/n: "Ok lets get something to eat, we can talk about the plan while doing so, i can update Azure once we find him." Nora quickly jumped on his back hoping to get a piggyback ride but it only ended with Y/n faceplanting on the ground.

Nora: "Oops." She said with a smile before getting of Y/n.

Phyrra: "Everything ok?" Concern was all over her face as she held out her hand to help Y/n up from the ground.

Ren: "Nora, what did you do that for?"

Nora: "Sorry i got excited and forgot that Y/n isnt so physically strong."

Y/n: "Dont worry, no harm done..." Y/n said while looking deep in thought.

Phyrra: "You sure? You seem out of it."

Y/n: "No , i just had an idea. I think i have a better plan to kill that Sobek. If we can pull it off the fight will over in less than 5 minutes." the leader said while walking towards the dinner that is near the hotel. On their way there Y/n got a call, he quickly picked it up as he saw the callers ID. "Where are you?" he angrily asks.

Azure: "Chill bro, i just wanted to tell you that a buddy of mine called, he wanted to hang out so i went and met up with him, i will probably be back some time in the evening. Bye bro."

Y/n: "WAIT!" the call ended and Y/n was pissed. "IS HE FUCKING SERIOUS?! THAT BASTARD ONCE I GET MY HANDS ON HIM I WILL USE HIM AS BAIT FOR MORE SOBEKS!" his teammates all took a step back in surprise at their leaders out burst.

Phyrra: "What is going on?" she asked while trying to calm Y/n down. After a few deep breaths Y/n was calm enough to inform his teammates.

Y/n: "Azure is currently at one of his buddies, they are chilling and he will be back this evening, he fucking left us on our own. "

Ren: "We should inform Ozpin and get a bullhead back to Beacon."

Y/n: "And leave the Sobek to kill all the townpeople it wants to. No, we are going to inform Ozpin but we are going to kill that thing, with or without Azure."

Nora: "Captain, are you sure we can kill that thing?"

Phyrra: "Yeah Y/n, i heard that Sobek can be quiet the challenge even to professional Huntsmen." she sounded concerned.

Y/n: "We kinda have to, we dont know when the Sobek will be attacking this town, it can be in a year, maybe a month, a week or even today, but what we know is that it is currently weak, maybe even weak enough for us to kill it. We just need to have a good plan and be prepared. Our other option is that we wait, but what when the Sobek comes out of the water and civilians are nearby? What if we went back to Beacon right before it attacks? I wont take the risk and i am asking you to help me, the Sobek might be strong but team Juniper is stronger!" Y/n held out his hand, flat with the palm towards the ground. Nora was the first to put her hand on his.

Nora: "With your plan we can deal with everything."

Phyrra: "Lets show them how strong we are." she said with a smile, her hand on top of Noras.

Ren: "We will have its head for Azure to admire." his hand joined the pile and Y/n smiled.

Y/n: "I wouldnt have it any other way. " They all moved their hands down and threw them back up.

JNPR:  "Team JNPR!" they cheered. With determined smiles they entered the dinner, quickly getting their breakfast. Once they finished eating they all got ready to talk about the plan.

Y/n: "Ok , my first plan is out of the window seeing that the pro left us. Luckily i already made it so he was an optional part to the plan. Step 1: We need to find the Sobek, once we found it, Step 2: Get it out of the water, if needed. We cant fight it in the water, to difficult to move for us. Step 3: Ren hides himself and Nora with his semblance, Phyrra and i will bait it towards us. Step 4: Nora smash. Try to get as much momentum as possible, Phyrra can increase it with her semblance while i will shoot you with lightning dust. If we are lucky that will kill it on the spot, if not it will be weakened and most likely stunned. If it survived Nora will focus its head, Phyrra try to keep the tail at bay, me and Ren will weaken it further by shooting it. We will slowly chip away until it is either dead or nearly dead, a strong hit to the head should be enough to kill it at that stage. Questions?"

Phyrra: "How will we get it out of the water?"

Y/n: "Simple we use its instincts against itself, Grimm are attracted to negative emotions, anger is one of them. I will act as the bait, once we found it Ren will hide you and Nora while i just think about Azure to get mad. Trust me my anger will be enough for it to come out."

Ren: "I can do that but are you sure it is safe to act as bait?"

Nora: "Yeah we cant risk you getting hurt."

Y/n: "Dont worry, if it gets to close we will switch, Ren stops hiding Phyrra and Phyrra gets its attention, my semblance will trigger and it will forget about me." it was enough to reassure his teammates and they all accepted the plan. "Ok lets pay and start searching at the beach." The did so and soon they walked along the shore line. It was after two hours of watching the waves hit the sandy shore until Ren found something.

Ren: "Found a track!" he shouted and his teammates rushed towards him. Taking a closer look at the footprints in the sand Y/n came to a conclusion.

Y/n: "Its near, these tracks are still to visible for them to be older, the wind would have started closing them back up with sand if they were older. Ok, lets get started, everyone check your weapons, Ren, Phyrra, Nora get to that big stone other there, if possible climb on top. Give me a signal once you are ready, Phyrra use your shield to reflect the sun to signal me."

Phyrra: "Ok, stay safe."

Nora: "Yeah Captain, i dont want to tell your girlfriends that you died."

Ren just gave Y/n a fist bump and the trio ran of towards their hiding spot, meanwhile Y/n looked closer at the water, reloading Shadow with lightning dust rounds while keeping normal rounds loaded with Light. A minute later Y/n saw the reflected light, signaling to beginn with the baiting. He started thinking about everything Azure and his parents did that can make him angry. At first it was simply them ignoring Y/n, then it switched to forgetting him, either forgetting to call him to come eat with them or just not asking him if he wants to join them at watching a movie. Y/ns anger slowly rose but it wasnt enough, he had to think of the more worse things. Forgotten birthdays, parent visits at school, presents for the holidays, all these things were enough to make Y/ns blood boil and he was sure he saw movement in the water, but it was still not enough, he had to take out the big guns. Azure laughing at Y/ns weakness, his farther look of disappointment, the angry faces his parents adorned while scolding him for something he messed up, the praises his brother earned. Y/n even started hearing their voices.

Ivory: "Why cant you just be like your brother?" his mother asked.

Krim: "Come on its not that hard." the voice of his father echoed through his mind.

Azure: "Arent you glad i took care of it for you, i mean i know you cant take on something like that." the mocking voice of his older brother, the sound if hissing and water splashing ripped Y/n out of his thoughts, luckily early enough to allow Y/n to dodge the giant jaw of the Sobek. Y/n froze seeing the gigantic size of the grimm in front of him but he quickly caught himself and started running towards his friends position. The entire way there he shot at the Grimm that followed him, slowly gaining on him. His dash was not enough, 20 meters away from his goal his arm was bitten into, the giant jaw of the Sobek snapping shut, earning a loud wail of pain from the huntsman in training.

Phyrra: "Y/N!" she shouted scared. Y/n forced himself through the pain and tried swinging his other blade at the grimm, but the grimm just moved its head a bit, swinging Y/n through the air.

Y/n: "P-Phyrra... S-switch!" he odered through clenched teeth. Phyrra was quick to throw her speak at the Sobeks exposed throat and the sudden pain was enough for it to release Y/n from its jaw. Y/n crawled away while holding his, luckily only, bleeding arm. His aura was gone, but it was enough to prevent his arm from being broken or even ripped off. The pain was clouding Y/ns mind but he still slowly got back on his feet. "WE NEED TO GET IT CLOSER!" he shouted and Phyrra gave a quick nod, simultaneously she dodged the Sobeks whip like tail attack. The dou dashed towards each other and once together they ran towards the boulder. Mid run Y/n took aim at Nora using Shadow. The first 4 shots went wide, missing Nora or hitting the boulder, the fifth finally hit her activating her semblance, charging her with energy she will need to bash the Sobeks head into the sand. Phyrra made eyecontact with Nora and the two girls smiled. Changing her hammer into the granade thrower mode, Nora jumped and shot below herself, making her fly high into the sky. Meanwhile Y/n and Ren got the Sobek attention using their pistols, Phyrra readied herself to increase Noras impact with her semblance, just like Y/n planned. Nora was soaring through the sky, gaining more and more momentum while plummeting towards the distracted Grimm. It was like time slowed down as Nora hit the grimm, forcing its head into the sand. A giant mass of sand flew into the air, blocking the view and silence fell upon the battle field.

The silence wasnt long lived as the Sobeks tail suddenly cut through the smoke screen, soaring right towards the distracted Ren. Y/n saw it and without thinking dashed towards his friend, raising his blades in a cross hoping to block the hit.


The loud cracking sound came from Y/ns weapons, which were now reduced to their handles, while the slowed down tail conected with Y/ns left arm, earning a loud snap as the bones were crushed. Pain. Pain was all Y/n felt. His mind clouded by agonizing pain as he layed there in the sand which was slowly dyed crimson with the blood coming from his arm.

Nora/Ren/Phyrra: "Y/N!" the shouted towards their down leader.

Y/N: "S-STAY FOCUSED!" He barked back and they turned back towards the Sobek, which showed clear signs of being hurt, its heads armor plates all cracked, some black smoke already coming of it and blood coming through the cracks.

Ren: "Nora, focus the head. Phyrra keep the tail busy. I go and help Y/n. " Ren took charge but Y/n interrupted him.

Y/n: "EVERYONE FOCUS FIRE ON THE HEAD!" The took a glance at Y/n who was trying to sit up and take aim with his right. "On my mark!" his teammates couldnt do anything else than follow their leaders orders, so they all shifted their weapons to their gun forms and took aim. "FIRE!" The bullets and granades started raining down on the Sobek, which could do nothing than hiss in pain as the hail impacted. "Phyrra lodge your speak in its jaw preventing it from closing, Nora once she did give the sobek a nice head ache." With no signs of agreement the two girls did as their leader ordered them to, first was Phyrra who dashed towards the blinded grimm, luckily thanks to the pain it had its jaw wide open. Quickly he lodged her spear in, making sure to aim the spear head at the grimms brain.

Phyrra: "NOW!"

Nora: "THIS IS FOR Y/N!" she shouted while swinging her hammer downwards at the Grimms head. Another loud crack echoed over the sandy beach but this time it was followed by absolute silence. A few seconds later, still silence. Ren took a look and knew.

Ren: "We won!" he shouted and low and behold there, in the sand layed the slowly disolving body of the Sobek, the armor plates at the head cracked and riddled with holes, Phyrra spear sticking out of the back of its head and the lower jaw. The front part of the jaw is nothing more than a thin pancake thanks to the hit from Nora. The rest of the grimms body had nearly no signs of damage, except the tail, which had tiny pieces of Light and Shadows blades stuck in it.

Phyrra: "Y/N!" she realized that her teamleader was still injured. The trio went wide eyed as they ran towards their friend and leader. The sight was horrible, Y/n was laying in the sand, his right hand clutching Shadows remains, his face one of pure agony and his left arm, nothing but a mangled piece of flesh, bones ,snapped at atleast 10 different places all the way from the hand to the shoulder, piercing the skin. Phyrra had a hand in front of her mouth, she was shocked, her leader was so badly hurt while none of them even got so much as a scratch.

Nora: "We need to get him to the town!" Nora was the first to get over her shock.

Ren: "Phyrra call Ozpin! Nora pick Y/n up, we need to get help fast!" The two nodded, Phyrra took out her scroll and Nora secured Y/n on her back, the trio quickly made their way back to the town, fearing their friends life. Not 5 steps later Ozpin picked up the call.

Ozpin: "Mis-" Phyrra quickly interrupted him.

Phyrra: "Y/n is badly injured we need a bullhead asap!" she shouted. A few seconds of silence.

Ozpin: "A bullhead is on the way, may i know how this happened?" he asked , worry clear in his voice.

Phyrra: "Its all Azures fault! He left us to met with a friend, Y/n wanted to fight the Sobek, we had to, it would have most likely attacked the town later this day, it was bigger than we thought. We managed to kill it but while fighting Y/n was hit by its tail and it completely destroyed his left arm." She angrily explained, she was pissed, pissed at Azure for leaving them alone, pissed at herself for not being able to defend Y/n and pissed at Y/n to sacrifice himself again. She saw him jump into the attack to defend Ren.

Ozpin: "I will make sure Azure will get the right punishment, in the mean time, good job, make sure Y/n stays safe for now."

Phyrra: "Will do professor." the call ended and team Jnpr ran towards the town, once they reached it they quickly got the help of some of the townsfolk, all were happy about the dead grimm but also worried for one of their saviors. Y/ns wounds were treated as good as possible, the bleeding stopped and the local doctor even managed to get some morphine to minder the boys pain. The Bullhead soon arrived and a group of medics got off, quickly puting Y/n on a stretcher. Ren and Nora went to the Hotel to get their teammates stuff and check out, while Phyrra stayed with Y/n and the medics to answer possible questions. Once everyone boarded the Bullhead it quickly took off towards Beacon.

Reaching the school the medical team and team Jnpr rushed towards the infirmary. A lot of students watched some dry heaving as they got a glimpse at the mangled arm of Y/n. Once at the infirmary Nora, Ren and Phyrra had to stay out while the medical staff got to work at trying to save Y/ns arm. The three sat outside, not saying a word, worrying about Y/n. Soon Glynda and the Ozpin arrive at the infirmary.

Glynda: "How is Y/N?" she asked concerned.

Phyrra: "We dont know, they are still in surgery." she said tears dwelling in her eyes.

Ozpin: "Can you please tell us what happened again?" Phyrra was to emotional to talk so Ren decided to explain, he explained everything from how Azure just went away to visit a friend, Y/ns plan and how the fight went, explaining how Y/n saved him, how Light and Shadow got destroyed alongside his arm, ending in underlining how well Y/n still led them and how his plan eventually led to the Sobeks defeat. Glynda was fuming from anger.

Glynda: "WHAT DID AZURE THINK?! HE WILL SO GET PUNISHED!" she shouted while angrily stomping on the ground.

Ozpin: "I say it again, great work out there, not only did you manage to defeat a Sobek you also did so without the aid of your Huntsman. I would also appologize to you, Azure is one of my huntsman and i should have made sure he is fit for this job, please tell Y/n im sorry once he wakes up. I ne-" The door to opened and a solemly looking doctor steped out. "Ah Dr. Jan, any news on mr. Jade?"  the doctor nodded and took a deep breath.

Dr. Jan: "We were able to stop the bleeding, he had some cracked rips and the shoulderblade on the left side was also cracked, all that should heal quickly once his aura regenerates, he will have to take it slow for the next 2 weeks."

Nora: "And his arm?" the look in the doctors eyes was enough for them to know.

Dr. Jan: "Im sorry, but the damage was to severe, we had to amputate." he sadly said before leaving.

Nora: "He lost an arm..." she sounded broken.

Ren: "All because i didnt see that tail whip."

Phyrra was crying and Glynda was trying to calm her down.

Ozpin: "Im sorry, i will try to get him a replacement. Please headback to your dorm, you can visit him tomorrow. The rest of team JNPR walked of towards their dorm and the two adults went to Ozpins office. As the door opened they found something that made their blood boil, there, without a care in the world sat a drunk Azure.

Azure: "Hey *hic* Ozzy how is life?" he slurred. Glynda walked towards him. "Oh Aunty nice to *hic* see you." He was suddenly on the ground with a big red handpring on his cheek.

Glynda: "YOU LEFT YOUR BROTHER AND HIS TEAM ALONE TO GET DRUNK?! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPPENED? NO OF COURSE NOT HOW SHOULD YOU! " Another slap this time it was the other cheek. "Your brother lost his arm, his weapons and is now going to miss the tournament, all because you wanted to meet a friend of yours." tears ran down Glyndas face. "He could be to emotionally scarred to want to continue training to be a huntsman, he might just give up now that his arm is gone. And it is all your fault."

Ozpin: "Azure im sorry, but what happened leaves me no other joice than to suspend you from any huntsman work for the next year. You will not be allowed to visit your brother only if he wishes so. Please leave immediatly." Everything just starts to sink in, slowly Azure got back up and with a hung head he left the office. Ozpin sighed and sat down at his desk, he quickly called Ironwood. After a few beeps the general picked up.

Ironwood: "Good day Ozpin, how can i help you?"

Ozpin: "I need a prosthetic left arm, Y/n was badly injured on his mission and lost his arm and his weapons."

Ironwood: "Y/n Jade?" the headmaster nodded. "Ok i will get the best bionic arm i can get. You said he also lost his weapons, what kind did he use?"

Glynda: "He used tow silent pistoles which could turn into blades."

Ironwood: "I can get some new ones for him, i think i owe him that, we managed to arrest Cinder, Emerald and Mercury after they suddenly started attacking the soldiers and the huntsman, the fourth person on the other hand unfortunately was able to escape, we suspect that her semblance allows her to teleport."

Ozpin: "Thank you for the information and thank you for your help, im sure Y/n will appriciate it." the call ended and Ozpin looked towards his assistant who was still having tears stream down her face. "Your nephew will be fine, he is to strong to let the loss of an arm stop him." he said reassuringly.

Glynda: "Thats not the problem, the problem is he will hate his brother even more now and he might even think he should have been stronger, i fear that Y/n will fall back into his training, working himself to death."

Ozpin : "Only time will tell, i will give you some time off once he is back on his feet, so you can spent some time with him." Glynda gave him a smile.

Glynda: "Thank you."

There you have it, the Sobek is dead, the town safe once more, but Y/n now without his weapons and without his left arm. Azure suspended from being a huntsman and everyone worried for Y/ns future. Cinder and her lackies got arrested but Neo was able to escape. What will the future bring? I hope you are ok with my decision of making Y/n lose an arm, my reason will be shown in future chapters so please bare with me. I also entered the watty award with "the weak" , this is the first time in entered so i hope for the best. A big thank you to everyone that is reading, everytime i look in my notification and see that someone new voted or commented i feel happy and just imagine how happy i felt than i saw this:

I was speechless, i couldnt believe my eyes, thank you. I never thought that this, or any of my stories at that, will be so well precieved. Feel free to comment, if you have questions dont be shy, just ask away either in the comments or as a Pm, i will gladly answer.

See you next chapter, Wolfinator out.

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