A Convenient Wife - A Norman...

By cantgettosleep

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Semi-mature. Completed. There is such a thing as being too 'eligible' a bachelor and Norman is finding the pr... More

Chapter 1 - Something Old
Chapter 2 - Something New
Chapter 3 - From This Day Forward
Chapter 4 - Forever Hold Your Peace
Chapter 5 - We Are Gathered Here Today
Chapter 6 - Speak Now Or....
Chapter 7 - We Give Thanks
Chapter 8 - Something Blue
Chapter 9 - My Solemn Vow
Chapter 10 - Dearly Beloved
Chapter 11 - This Man And This Woman
Chapter 12 - Holy Matrimony!
Chapter 14 - I Pledge Thee My Troth
Chapter 15 - This Glorious Union
Chapter 16 - For Richer Or Poorer
Chapter 17 - For Better
Chapter 18 - I Now Declare You
Chapter 19 - Forsaking All Others
Chapter 20 - Something Borrowed
Chapter 21 - To Have And To Hold
Chapter 22 - Or Worse
Chapter 23 - Do You, Finleigh Yindi Killara Take....
Chapter 24 - With This Ring, I Thee Wed
Chapter 25 - Husband and Wife
Chapter 26 - I Present To You, Mr and Mrs....
Chapter 27 - To Love
Chapter 28 - And To Cherish
Chapter 29 - This Day And Forevermore
Chapter 30 - A Symbol Of My Promise To You
Chapter 31 - Wear It And Think Of Me
Chapter 32 - With All That I Am
Chapter 33 - With All That I Have
Chapter 34 - In Sickness
Chapter 35 - And In Hell....I Mean Health
Chapter 36 - I Choose You
Chapter 37 - With My Body....I Thee Worship
Chapter 38 - This Circle Is Without End
Chapter 39 - I Share With You....
Chapter 40 - All My Earthly Goods
Chapter 41 - Do You Take....
Chapter 42 - Do Us Part?
Chapter 43 - My Heart Will Be Your Shelter
Chapter 44 - Until Death
Chapter 45 - Repeat After Me
Chapter 46 - Constant Friend and Partner
Chapter 47 - My Words Are My Truth
Chapter 48 - Do You, Norman Mark Reedus

Chapter 13 - Will You Honour Her?

496 35 4
By cantgettosleep


"Fin, how're you doing? It's Norm....ahhhh  Norman Reedus. Remember me?"

Thought I'd wait a few days before giving her a call, to let things settle down a bit. A cooling off period I s'pose you could say?

"Norman?  Oh yeah, I remember you now. You're that guy from The House Of Wax! The one who told me he wants to personally embalm my breasts....using his own body fluids....right?"

Jeeeezus! How I wish....

"Ha-ha, very funny smartass! Hey, what's that place like anyway? I heard they've got all sorts of death masks and shit in there. Make wicked cocktails too."

"It's pretty awesome. I went there last night for an old workmate's birthday party. And not only death masks, they have all these anatomical wax models. Some of them date back to the 1800's. You should check it out....I'd swear most of the intestines are real."

"Hell, I'm down for it. Let me know when you wanna return visit and I'll go with you."

"Look, Fin. I know it's kinda early, but when I woke and saw it's shaping up to be a nice day? Thought I might go for a bit of a ride. Then grab some lunch after?"  I continue.

"The Hudson Valley is really good for that and not too far away. So, I'm wondering if maybe....you'd like to come along too?"

"Like, get out of the city for a bit. A change of scenery. Promise I won't even mention....well you know. Just a bit of fun. Get some exercise, stretch our legs and have a laugh. Whaddya reckon, Fin. Are you interested?"

I heard a little gasp, then dead silence.

"Fin....you still there?"

"You really mean it? You want to go for....for a ride with me?"  Her voice came back in a tentative questioning whisper.

"Hell yeah, wouldn't have asked if I didn't."

"Oh, feck me! I love....do you know how long it's been since....yes....yes please. When can we go? "

My hand dropped, and I stared at the phone in astonishment. Shaking my head as a massive smile spreads its way across my face.

She sounds like an excited kid, just like Ming when I take him out on my bike. And her eagerness is just as infectious.

Especially now that I know she loves riding as much as I do.

Mega bonus!

"Gimme your address and I'll be there in a half hour. Does that give you enough time to get ready?"

"It's about twenty-five minutes too long. Though I'm sure I can find something else to keep me occupied until you get here."

This time I hoot in laughter. Eager and low maintenance?

As Daryl Dixon would say....BOOYAH!


Jeez....she must be loaded?  😮

My stomach drops a bit when I pull up outside the address Fin gave me. I always thought Win's joint was pretty flash, but this place is a palace!

I grab the gear strapped to the back of my bike and start up the stairs. Hear the click of a door opening.

"Oi! I'm down here"  Peering over the rails I see her face ginning up at me from below the sidewalk.

Aaaah!  Her place is in the basement, just like her Unc's. That's a relief.

"Top of the mornin to ye, mavourneen"  I call out in my best Murphy McManus accent.

Jump down the stairs to where she's waiting and eagerly plant a kiss on her cheek.

"Dag....come on in. Do you want a coffee or something before we hit the trail?"

I follow her down the hallway, glancing around me. Nice, very nice and light too. Spotless as well which appeals to my inner-clean freak.

Then my eyes settle....very appreciatively....back on her as she walks in front of me.

Fin's hair is pulled into a long fishtail braid, that sways over a thick checked shirt. Her legs are encased in what look like skin-tight jodhpurs and she has those beat-up old desert boots on again.

Good choice for what'll be a chilly ride.

Beyond wicked ass!

"Coffee will be killer, thanks Fin. What the....hey....how're you goin little buddy?"

I dump my gear on the floor of the living area and drop to my knees. Grabbing hold of the Frenchy as he bounces up, licking my face in glee.

"Is this Fang? I thought you were only pet sitting when we first met....are you doing that again?"

"Nope, he's all ours now. His owners were away for so long that when they came home? He didn't want a bar of them. Sat behind the couch all day having one hell of a hissy fit."

"So they asked if I wanted to adopt and we did. The kids love him to death."


As in plural????

"I had to ask Meek if it was Ok first. After all, this is her house and I just rent the basement. But it was all good. Her children, Freddie and Mellie....just about went ballistic. So now Puppy is a timeshare pooch."

Ok, no instant family then....phew!  Not that it'd matter much to me. But getting around will be a lot easier without the Brady Bunch tagging along.

Will be a lot easier?

Shit, Reedus! Stop kidding yourself that it's all a fait accompli will you?

"How do you like your coffee? Oh....Ohhhh...."

I glance up from where I'm furiously rubbing Puppy's fat tummy. Making him slobber and pant with joy.

Her bottom lip sucked in between her teeth as her eyelids fluttered like crazy. She's staring at the jacket and helmet I bought with me for her. Then shook her head, blushing like mad.

"Fin? You're  such a feckin eejit"  She whispered under her breath, turning away quickly and opening the fridge.

"Didn't think you'd have a helmet. And I bought the jacket cos you left yours behind at Win's. This one is better for riding anyways, it'll keep you nice and warm. What....what's wrong Fin? Tell me?"

I take hold of her arm, waiting until she faces me. Twisting her lips into an embarrassed smile and shaking her head....no. But her eyes tell me she's....disappointed?

"Tell me?"

"It's nothing. I feel really silly. So just ignore me, Norman....Ok? When you said 'go riding in the valley'?  I totally misunderstood. Thought you meant the four-legged kind of ride, that's all. I'm such a dag."

"Do you take sugar? Smart thinking about the jacket, thank you. What make is your bike?"

"Triumph Tiger. Just replaced one of my old ones a month ago and thought today will be good to take it out for a decent run. You know a bit about bikes then? At the end of the year, I'll have another series going. Take friends or a celebrity guest out for a cruise...."

I kept talking, and soon she got herself together again.

Feel kinda bad, though. Remembering how excited she'd been on the phone. Realising now she'd misinterpreted....thinking we're going on a horse trail ride or something?

*shudder*  😨

"We have a few bikes on the station. Gramps cobbled them together and we use them for musters. Or to get around to the feed or watering holes. Nothing flash, cos we mostly utilise the helicopters and horses still. Have a seat."

"Station? You mean like a ranch or something for cows....a Texas kinda thing? Hmmmm  good coffee, thanks sweetheart."

Fin is leaning over the kitchen countertop much like she did at Hubert's. Sipping tea this time though.

"Well, I suppose you could say that. Though Aussie stations are just a teensy bit larger maybe? Yampilil isn't the biggest but still a fair size I think. Just on three and a half million acres with about thirty thousand head of cattle."

I almost swallow my tongue.

FUCK! That's like....the size of freaking Connecticut!


"Here, let me give you a hand....the zips a bit fiddly."

I place the spare helmet down on the sidewalk, then tug at the bottom of her jacket until it's fastened. Pull at the straps on her backpack to make sure it's secured as well.

"The etching on the tank, it's the same as the tatt on your hand. Does it have some significance, Norman?"

"You noticed, huh? It's kinda my brand logo, for my art gallery and stuff. Big Bald Head....from a song I liked. Awwww, shit!  I forgot to grab gloves for you. Here have mine."

"Ta-daaaa!  No need, I found an old pair in my bedroom. And I've got my beanie as well as a scarf. Wow you're a busy guy, eh? Actor, bike rider, artist....Dad. Where do you find the time to do it all?"

"Some things are always worth finding the time for. Now, your helmet. You warm enough....good....all set?"

Fin's smile beamed back at me and she all but bounced with excitement.

I straddle my bike and start her up, motioning for Fin to climb aboard. I tug her forward a bit, so she's almost wrapped around me. My body can shield hers a bit more from the cold.

That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!  😉

Traffic is still a bit heavy cos we left later than planned. Took us well over an hour to make it just to Rockland. I pulled up next to the river and when Fin skipped off to find a bathroom, I lit up a smoke. Had a bit of a browse on my phone....made some calls.

It's funny, huh?

With the way dinner ended up the other night, I thought things between Fin and me might be more than a bit strained. Yet it's been totally the opposite so far.

The reason we left late was due to the fact we lost track of the time. Way too busy talking and listening....laughing....

When it's work or even fan-related? I can just slip on my public mask and do my job.

When I'm with people who I know well....like my friends and family? Then I'm just my usual, dorky Norman self.

Don't have a clue who or what I am now, on my own with Fin that is? Pretty sure I don't have any kinda mask on though.


I'd memorised the route from a map on their website.

And forty minutes later I slow the bike down to a crawl, turn onto a long icy dirt drive. It's flanked by trees and a white farm fence.

"Mr Reedus? Hi, I'm Bud....welcome! We're all set up and ready to go."

After ditching our jackets, I grab Fin's hand and we follow him around the back of a huge sprawling barn. Some chickens and a goat or two start to shadow us as we trudge along.

"What is this place....it looks like a farm? Have you been here before?"  Fin's face smiled up at mine in confusion.

"Nup"  I grin back.

Then flick my head. Towards where Bud is now leaning against the fence....that encloses a large paddock.

Her intake of breath is huge as is her shock. And her fingers clench suddenly on mine. When she finally takes in the half dozen or so saddled monsters that are just....fucking standing there.

Staring back at us like we're their lunch or something.

"Sorry, sweetheart. I absolutely hate the goddamn things....they scare me shitless. Found a guy who runs a custom chopper shop, couple of miles up the road. Thought I'd go there, have a good old natter and a dig around. Then come back here to pick you up in an hour or so."

"Is that cool with you, Fin?"

She nodded in a total daze. Let go of my hand and started sleepwalking almost, towards Bud.

"So, young lady. Have you ever ridden before? Why don't you point out a mount you'd like to try"  Bud asked as Fin climbed the fence.

I'd grabbed my camera from the bike pannier. Now I start taking a couple of snaps as she gazes around.

"Since before I could walk, Bud"  She whispered absently.

"Man!  If I had a dollar for every time I've heard that one? I'd be on the Forbes list. And if I had a dollar for every time it was actually true? I'd have nothing at all."

He muttered this to me a little sarcastically....before calling out in a fair bit of alarm.

Fin has jumped off the fence and is striding her way out into the field. Hell bent on a mission by the looks of it?

Straight past all the horses he's lined up.

"Whoa! Hang on there, little lady!  Stay well away from that one. Chilli's a fair bit of an ornery son of a bitch, even to me. How about this lovely bay? She's nice and placid....perfect for your first...."

Fin is now standing in front of a massive, reddish-black devil. Who's stamping the frozen earth with his cloven hooves. Puffing angry snorts of steam into the cold air while his head keeps rearing backwards.

Should've called him Satan instead? This huge beastie is fucking pissed off big-time!

"Oh shut it, you bloody poser! Acting so typically male and trying to prove how much of a tough guy you are, huh? Well guess what, mate?"

"I'm not buying any of your bullshit, not for one single second. So you might as well just give it up and get over yourself....right now! "

Her voice is firm yet soft as she slowly steps closer and closer. Stopping about two feet away from his deadly, tooth-filled snout.

She then stood stock still and I thought I heard....is Fin humming or something?

Both Bud and I are holding our breaths while 'Chilli'  furiously shakes his head a few more times. As if he's saying 'no fucking way!'.

Then he let out one last almighty snort, before inching his way forward. Started delicately sniffing the air around her body.

"You wanna kiss? Then you're gonna have to steal it, mister"  She whispered up at him.

His huge lips flutter inches from her nose....then they start to nibble delicately at her jaw like a lover.

Slowly Fin moved....started running her hands all over his neck and flanks. Returning every now and then to softly croon into his ear. Rub her cheek blissfully against his.

If that evil nag was a cat? It'd be stretched out on its back and purring up a storm by now.

If it was yours truly? I'd be begging her to....

"Fuck me!"

Bud's whisper was shaky when he finally gulped in some air. And I followed suit shortly afterwards.

"Alrighty! How's about we get you saddled up? Prove to me you actually know how to....well shit!  I guess that's me told then, isn't it?"

Fin took just one step forward and with no effort at all?

Basically....and gracefully....vaulted her butt onto Chilli's back. Snaking fingers of one hand through his mane as he reared slightly. Then gave an almighty kick of his back legs.

Through her jodhpurs, I see the muscles in her thighs and calves grip firmly onto his sides.

"HUH!  Bloody show-off! Think you need to run off a bit of that attitude, matey. What do you say, Chilli....shall we go for a little ride?"

In seconds, they were trotting around the paddock. While Bud was muttering and unhitching the placid bay for himself.

"See you in a while, Fin"  I call out, taking one last snap of her as she flies past at a gallop.

Bum high up in the air with her head leaning down close to his. Lips tickling his ear.

Don't think she heard me....she's laughing too much  😁


Made it back almost two hours later.

And about a grand poorer. Cos I went a leeeetle  bit crazy, buying some accessories for my bikes down in Georgia. Arranged it with the guys at the shop to ship the gear down there for me.

I climbed up on the fence, perched next to Bud and lit up. All the other beasties are back in the stables now....thank fuck!

"Where's Fin?"

He nodded to a blurry figure in the distance. Flying towards us now through the lower valley.

"I threw in the towel after about ten minutes. Couldn't keep up so I just left her to it. Your girl sure can ride alright, puts me to shame."

"What's this?"  Bud asked when I placed another single note in his hand after paying him.

"Your dollar"  He shook his head and gave me a rueful grin back.

The steam is coming off them both as they pull up to a stop in front of us. She slid off his back and smooched the monster before thanking Bud profusely. He gave her a wave and led Chilli into the barn, started wiping him down.

Fin's arms wrapped tightly around my neck. Kissing my face over and over before whispering in my ear....

"Thank you so much, Norman. That was just the most incredible surprise. Had no idea how much I missed....Oh sorry....I'm a bit pongy."

She let me go and smiled sheepishly before quickly turning away.

Not fast enough though. I glimpse her eyes and they're now filling fast. And it isn't because of the chilled wind either.

"Well, I can think of better ways to work up a sweat. But I'm glad you had a good time, sweetheart. Hope you  worked up an appetite as well cos I'm starving. I know this little place about a half hour away...."

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