The Weak RWBY X Malereader

By Wolfinator12

487K 7.1K 8.7K

The story of a boy, which people only know as the brother of one of the strongest Huntsman, finally making hi... More

Bio / Prologue
Chapter 1: New Friends, new Enemies, old Problems
Chapter 2: Initiation
Chapter 3: Determination
Chapter 4: The bully
Chapter 5: First steps
Chapter 6: Helping a friend
Chapter 7: Back in Beacon / Author problems
Chapter 8: An eventful day
Chapter 9: The Phantom strikes again
Chapter 10: Dance Dance Phantom
Chapter 11: First mission.
Chapter 13: Juniper vs Sobek
Chapter 14: the Breach
Chapter 15: Let the Games begin
Chapter 16: JNPR vs BRNZ
Chapter 17: Strange day
Chapter 18: The Phantoms new Arsenal
Chapter 19: Choices
Chapter 20: Plans
Chapter 21: First steps once again
Chapter 22: Training and new stuff
Chapter 23: An (un)familiar face
Chapter 24: Quoteth the Raven
Chapter 25: Back together.
Chapter 26: New secrets revealed.
Chapter 27: Cinder Falls
Chapter 28: Peace in war
Chapter 29: Date plans
Chapter 30: Date the second.
Chapter 31: Date with the Cat
Chapter 32: Cheering up the Phantom and dating the Dragon
Chapter 33: Achive Men and Hunters
Chapter 34: Y/n doesnt like trains
Chapter 35: Dead?
Chapter 36: Fighting the lack of interest
Chapter 37: Argus
Chapter 38: What?
Chapter 39: Slaying the Leviathan
Chapter 40: The flying city
Chapter 41: Official
Chapter 42: First big changes
Chapter 43: 'Icecream' they scream
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50: The End

Chapter 12: Opposites

10.1K 157 256
By Wolfinator12

Azure: "Ok, lets get you up to date about what we are going to be doing for the next 3 days." The older of the Jade Brothers started after a few minutes of awkward silence. "Now what do you already know?"

Y/n: "The town the mission is taking place at is called Hull, its a small coastal town, south-west of Vale, the inhabitants are mostly working in the fishing industry. The contract states that they have the suspicion that a aquatic type grimm is causing all the fish to flee." the older brother sweatdropped at the way his younger brother quickly explained the details.

Azure: "You really read the contract?" Y/n shot him a quick glare.

Y/n: "Why wouldnt i? Every piece of information helps keeping my team safe." he snapped at his older brother.

Ren: "Y/n please calm down, no need to get so heated up." the calm boy said while placing a reassuring hand on Y/ns shoulder. Y/n took a few deep breaths to calm down.

Y/n: "Thanks Ren. Now do we have any details on what that aquatic grimm could be? Any eye witnesses?"

Azure: "Only a child that said that he saw a big shadow in the water. Our job will be to investigate, gather info on the grimm and slay it." Y/n leaned back and closed his eyes, thinking about everything he just heared.

Y/n: "Hmm... Phyrra?" he opened his eyes and looked at his partner.

Phyrra: "Yes?"

Y/n: "Can you give me our Grimmiary?" she nodded and opened her back , starting to rumage through it.

Nora: "Any ideas flying around that mind of yours captain?"  Y/n nodded, Phyrra handed him the small notebook. Without making another sound Y/n started flipping through the pages of the notebook. After a few minutes of silence Azure decided to ask Y/ns teammates, seeing that Y/n didnt react on having his name called.

Azure: "He seems pretty immersed in that book, what did he call it? Something with Grimm?"

Phyrra: "The Grimmiary, sir. Y/n came up with that idea after seeing that professor Ports classes are... " she hesitated to finish that sentence.

Azure: "Useless?" he finished it for her and she nodded.

Phyrra: "For everyone except for Y/n, he listens to them all, takes notes and at the end of class he has a small page filled with information on the grimm that Port talked about in his story." Azure was shocked, his little brother was probably the only person that can get useful stuff from Ports extremely sugarcoated stories of his heroic youth.

Ren: "At first we just used his notes to learn for tests and stuff like that, but one day Y/n just asked us if we should start writing our own info book on the creatures of grimm."

Nora: "Yeah, who would have thought that after all those years , noone bothered to make such a collection on the existing Grimm. We searched the library , the local bookstores and even asked the headmaster, who might i add was as shocked as we were. So there we stood in Ozpins office , stunned about the noneexistence of such an important book and Y/n just threw his notebook to Ozpin. The headmaster took a look at the first page, after a few seconds the next and soon he was quickly flipping through all the pages, until he reached the end of the written pages. Man you should have seen the headmasters face, he looked at Y/n as if he grew a second head after burning down the school."

Phyrra: "It wasnt that extreme of a reaction, but he was pretty shocked. He asked Y/n a few questions before asking us to finish this book."

Azure: "How many Grimm have you completed yet?"

Y/n: "Completed, none, enough detail to allow even a team of first years a decent chance in a fight against them, currently 23."

Azure: "You want to tell me that you used your free time to research different Grimm just to write the stuff you find out in that book?"

Phyrra: "Yes and No, HE didnt use his free time, WE used our free time, we worked together and split up the work and planned the times well. In the entire first semester we spent at least 5 hours a week just looking through books or the internet, not much if you ask me but enough to get 4 Grimm worked out every other week, sometimes more, sometimes less, but enough to have these 23 Grimm worked out now."

Azure: "Ok ok, now oh wise professor doctor Jade, what has your book on our grimm." team JNPR glared at the uncalled sarcasm, but Y/n answered nonetheless.

Y/N: "Aquatic Grimm we only have worked on a few uptill now, we wanted to focus on Grimm we will most likely encounter before starting with the more rare ones. But we have 4 options..." Y/n openes the page of the first option.

(Ignore the size and th fact that it is an aerial type grimm.)

"The Typhoon, a small mantaray looking grimm, not very strong but it has a potent venom in the spikes on his tail, can reach the shallow parts of the sea , its head and upper back is heavily armored. Not very fast, focus on its wings or cut of its tail, once imobilized try reaching its VERY weak belly. Option 2:" Y/n flipps to the next page.

"The Irvibane, the younger version of the Sobek, uses his tail as a spiked whip , his jaw is still weak so it is easy to escape bites. Can go on land and is farely fast both in and out of water. Best way to kill is cutting its throat. Option 3:"

"The Snap Jaw, basically Grimm sharks, they are fast and have a deadly bite, they can smell blood from a few kilometers away and sometime hunt in packs. They have no armor, except the mask, and their skin is very thin, simply put, they are glass canons, they strike quickly and hard, but if the first attack fails to kill their prey they have a hard time getting away. They also make a very destinctive low grumbling sound before striking. Way to kill, dodge or block the first strike and retaliate with swipe to the belly. And last Option is: "

"The Sea King, long aquatic snakes, they like to strangle their prey, they do possess venom but they rarely use it on small prey, aka humans. The white stripes are actually hard scales used to defend from bigger enemies, black stripes are soft scales enabling quick movements, aiming for them is the best course of action." Y/n finished explaining , his teammates started thinking while Azure was still to shocked to think straight.

Ren: " Snap Jaws live in the deeper parts of the sea, so i think they wont be the thing that boy saw." he suggested.

Phyrra: "Thats true, we need to ask around for more details on that shadow, maybe we are lucky and find that boy." Y/n nodded and turned towards Azure.

Y/n: "What do you think should we do?" that snapped the older boy out of his thoughts.

Azure: "E-ehm, yes, good thinking Phyrra, i was planning on asking around." Y/n rolled his eyes at the obvious lie, he glanced towards his friends and saw them too roll their eyes.

Nora: "How long till we arrive there?" she asked.

Azure: "Half an hour, maybe a bit more. So we have some more time to relax." He said while leaning back, placing his hands behind his head. "So lil bro how is Beacon treating you? Did you make friends, other than your teammates? Have you managed to get a girlfriend for once?"Y/n nearly popped a vein out of anger.

Y/n: "Yes, i did make some friends, for the girlfriend part why do you care?" he said through clenched teeth.

Azure: "Because you are my little brother and i care about you."

Y/n: "OH you care about me huh? When im sure you can answer some basic questions even my friends should be able to answer, right?" Azure started to pale a bit but reluctantly nodded. "Great, lets start easy, when is my birthday?"

Azure: "31st of January." he quickly answered.

Y/n: "Correct, now next question how about we raise the difficulty, what are my hobbies? Name 3." Azure started sweating.

Azure: "R-reading... Ehm... i think you liked to sing and play the guitar."

Y/n: "Wow, that was a close one right?" Y/n grinned smugly. "Last question, what is my Semblance called?" Azure froze completely.

Azure: "Y-your Semblance?"

Y/n: "Yeah you know the super power nearly everyone has?"

Azure: "It has something to do with light right? Maybe Lumination?" a few seconds pass before Y/n burst out into laughter.

Y/n: "Lumination, really? How can you be so far off? Nora would you like to answer the question?"

Nora: "Your semblance is called Phantom. It makes you have an extremely small presence, making it near impossible for people to notice you, same for grimm."

Azure: "How am i supposed to know that?!" he asked childishly.


Phyrra: "Y/n calm down."

Nora: "Yeah we cant have our shadow be noticed."

Y/n: "Sorry, sorry, i just couldnt help it. Now Azure, do you realize why i dont like you?" his brother hung his head in shame but gave a small nod. "Good, please dont try to act as if everything is fine between us. We might be brothers, but other than that we are complete opposites, even now, you were actually just going to wing it on that mission, werent you?" Again a small nod. "You might be strong and charismatic, but you are to simple minded, you cant just wing every mission , especially if you have students with you. Thats why you leave me no option. " Y/n took out his scroll and called someone. He put the scroll on speaker so everyone on the Bullhead will hear the other person.

Ozpin: "Ah Y/n, is something the matter? Why are you calling me?" Azure went wide eyed.

Y/n: "Im sorry if im interrupting something, i promise i will keep it short, is it possible for me to take over the leadership of the mission my team and i are currently on?"

Ozpin: "May i know why you would want to do that?"

Y/n: "I feel like the huntsman we are shadowing is not fit to lead us, turns out his plan on solving the problem was just winging it, he didnt even have a suspicion of possible grimm that could have caused the problem, so i would like to take other the role of the leader, i promise i will keep both my team and the huntsman safe." The headmaster grew a small smile before typing something on his tablet. A few seconds later both Y/ns and Azures scroll pinged, Azure took a look and nearly dropped it.

Ozpin: "Done, for this mission you will be the leader, i have informed your brother. Do you need something else?" Y/n shook his head. "Ok one thing though, your huntsman can still retake the leadership if needed and you will report back everyday, starting with this evening. I will be waiting for your call Y/n and good luck."

Y/n: "Thank you professor." The call ended and Y/n looked at his team , Nora gave him a thumbs up, Ren a small nod and Phyrra smiled. They all agreed that this is for the best. "You heard the headmaster guys, so try to keep the town intact and you heads on your neck. First thing we will do is check into the local hotel, we will get 3 rooms, one for me and Ren, one for Nora and Phyrra the last for Mr. Jade, once we stored our stuff in our rooms we will split up and ask around. Ren you and me will ask around at the docks, Phyrra and Nora do the same at the market area, Mr. Jade you will go and ask the mayor for every piece of intel you can get. We will meet up again at the hotel at dusk. Any questions?" his friends shook their heads and Azure was just mumbling about being kicked of his throne. "Ok lets relax we have 20 minutes till we reach the town."

Azure: "You really have changed since the last time we saw each other didnt you Y/n?" The boy in question gave his brother a sideway glance before directing his glance back foward.

Y/n: "I did, thanks to our aunt, my team and my friends, i became more social, i mostly dropped my emotionless ways while with them, but that is not so hard to do when it has been what? 3 years since we last had a conversation with each other that didnt imediatly end with me punching you in the face? "

Azure: "It has really been 3 years already? Guess, i was just to busy to realize. Hey do you still like to sing?" at that question even his teammates seemed interrested.

Y/n: "Been a year since i last sang." Y/n said sadly. "Didnt really feel like it." he mumbled.

Phyrra: "You can sing?" she asked intrigued.

Y/n: "Everyone can sing, most people just dont do it good." Y/n emotionless voice was back while saying that.

Azure: "Y/n always liked to sing back at home, or at least i always heard him sing when i was visiting."

Nora: "CAN YOU SING FOR US PLEASE?!" she shouted with stars in her eyes. Y/n thought about it for a bit before sighing.

Y/n: "Azure can you use your semblance to summon a acustic guitar?" Azure nodded and held out his hand. It started glowing and soon the glow formed into a guitar made out of light. He handed it towards Y/n who quickly checked if it is in tune for the song he plans on singing. He took a deep breath before starting to play the song.

Y/n: "1... 2... 1... 2... 3,

I've been feeling so small,
Watch the clock ticking off the wall,
But tonight I'm letting it go,
Spend my coin for sure

I'm gonna be myself,
Or I could be someone else,
No one's stopping me now,
I'm gonna skip my breaks,
I'm gonna make mistakes,
I just wanna feel alive

It's just what I do when I'm out so.

Try not to hold me down,Feel alive,
When I'm in this town,
Look at those beautiful stars,
I wanna drive a faster car,
Nothing can break me,
No no,
Nothing can break me
Try not to hold me down,
Feel alive,
When I'm in this town,
Look at those beautiful stars,
I wanna take a trip to Mars
Nothing can break me,
No no,
Nothing can break me
Look at those beautiful stars,
I wanna drive a faster car
Lay my troubles to rest,
Blow the smoke through my cigarette,
City lights looking fine,
And know that this is my time now
I'm gonna be myself,
Or I could be someone else,
Noone's stopping me now,
I'm gonna skip my breaks,
I'm gonna make mistakes,
I just wanna feel alive
It's just what I do when I'm out so
Try not to hold me down,
Feel alive,
When I'm in this town,
Look at those beautiful stars,
I wanna drive a faster car,
Nothing can break me,
No no,
Nothing can break me
Try not to hold me down,
Feel alive,
When I'm in this town,
Look at those beautiful stars,
I wanna take a trip to Mars
Nothing can break me,
No no,
Nothing can break me
Look at those beautiful stars,
I wanna drive a faster carI'm gonna be myself,
I'm gonna be someone else,
I'm gonna be myself,
I'm gonna be someone else,
I'm gonna skip my breaks,
I'm gonna make mistakes,
I'm gonna skip my breaks,
I'm gonna make mistakes,
I'm gonna be myself,
I'm gonna be someone else,
I'm gonna be myself,
I'm gonna be someone else,
I'm gonna skip my breaks,
I'm gonna make mistakes,
I'm gonna skip my breaks,
I'm gonna make mistakes,
Try not to hold me down,
Feel alive,
When I'm in this town,
Look at those beautiful stars,
I wanna drive a faster car,
Nothing can break me,
No no,
Nothing can break me
Try not to hold me down,
Feel alive,
When I'm in this town,
Look at those
Beautiful stars,
I wanna take a trip to Mars
Nothing can break me,
No no,
Nothing can break me." Y/n finished singing and gave the guitar back to his brother.

Ren: "You are quite a good singer if i am honest."

Nora: "Why did you never tell us you sang?"

Y/n: "Like i said, stopped singing a year ago, just didnt feel like it anymore, it lost its charm and even before that i started singing less frequently and if i sang the songs were a bit , not cheery." he explained to his friends. They nodded and soon got back to relaxing the last few minutes of travel were filled with comfortable silence and soon the Bullhead landed. The group of 5 all grabbed their bags and left the Bullhead, which once they were all off and Azure gave the signal took off again. They walked towards the hotel they will be staying at. Their destination wasnt far so it didnt take long for them to reach it, get the keys for their rooms and split up to their respective rooms. Y/n unlocked the door to the room he and Ren shared and the two boys entered.

Ren: "Was it wise to just take over?" the calm boy finally broke the silence.

Y/n: "Unfortunately yes, like i said me and my brother are total opposites. He is strong and can easily fight on his own, BUT he lacks in teamwork, he fails to work effectively with others, while i on the other hand, am weak and i cant really fight on my own but i am exceptionally effective in working with others, i know how to coordinate a team, so it is for the best that i will be leading us." Ren thought about what he heard and nodded.

Ren: "You are right, i think i was just a bit scared about possible consequences of over throwing the huntsman we are supposed to shadow."

Y/n: "And i wouldnt have done it if there werent the lifes of citizens in danger. I left something out while talking about the possible grimm, they all rarely come near human settlements, they only attack ships, so no matter which grimm is causing the problems here it will attack the citizens, unfortunately the Sea King, Typhoon and the Irvibane are all able to attack people even out side of the water."

Ren: "So we have to kill the grimm before it decides to start attacking the people." Ren thought aloud.

Y/n: "I really hope it is an Irvibane. It is the least dangerous and we easiest to kill. But lets get going." The two grabbed their needed things and left their room. Together they walked towards the dock area and started questioning the local workers.

The sun was slowly fading behind the horizon and the two boys were able to gather some usefull intel concerning the grimm. They entered the hotel and there their friend were already waiting for them.

Y/n: "Good everyone is here, how about we get something for dinner and exchange the things we found out?"

Nora: "Yes please!"

Pyhrra: "I could go for some food."

Y/n: "Great Mr. Jade is paying."

Azure: "Yes... wait WHAT?!" team Jnpr laughed at the older Jades expense.

Y/n: "Dont worry, lets make a deal, you pay for your and Noras meal only ok?" Y/n held out a hand and Azure quickly shook it.

Azure: "Deal.

... Why did i accept that deal?" Azure whined at seeing how much Nora is capable of eating, she was already at her fifth serving of a meter high stack of pancakes.

Y/n: "Dont know, dont care. Ok lets start exchanging intel. I will start, the people at the docks all had similar things to say, they spoke of a tail with white spikes on it, poking out of the water, so it has to be an Irvibane or a Sobek. Did you guys have more proof for that?" Phyrra nodded and opened her notebook.

Phyrra: "A kind man that works at the local blacksmith told us that he found footstep leading out of and into the water."

Y/n: "Hmmm. Did he say how big they were?"

Nora: "He said at least half a meter in diameter."

Azure: "How big can an Irvibane become before they morph into a Sobek?"

Y/n: "Since this is an Irvibane that lives in the sea, 5-6 meter of length, but they have small feet so we most likly have a Sobek, waiting to attack this town." Y/n took out the Grimmiary and flipped to the page on Sobeks.

Ren: "Are you sure we can deal with a Sobek?" Y/n read through the details and nodded.

Y/n: "We are lucky the Irvibane just recently morphed into a Sobek, meaning that most of the armor plates are still just developing or hardening. (like he one in the top righthand corner) I will come up with a plan over night, we will use tomorrow to get everything we need to lure it out and kill it. Ok guys get some sleep, we have a overgrown crocodile to slay." the group nodded and went back to their respective rooms once everyone finished eating and payed for their meals, for both his and Noras meals in Azures case, who was looking at his now empty wallet with small tears escaping his eyes.

Ren: "Dont stay up for too long, we will need you at 100%." Ren said as Y/n said down at the desk.

Y/n: "Dont worry, i already have an idea. Now i just need to fill in the details. Oh and i need to call Ozpin." he realized and quickly called the headmaster.

Ozpin: "Ah Y/n i was about to call you, now how is your mission going?"

Y/n: "We figured out with what we are dealing here. A recently morphed Sobek, its probably waiting till its new spikes and armor plates are hardened before attacking the town. Im currently working on a plan to defeat it. If we are lucky we can manage to kill it tomorrow ,if not a day after." satisfied with the report Ozpin said his goodbyes and ended the call, Y/n got back to working on the plan, once he was certain that his plan will succeed he went to bed, preparing for tomorrow.

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