Lost | Tom Riddle ✔

By _nomad_

5.1M 184K 68K

"Sweetheart, you are the badger, I am the snake, but in this chase, I am the predator and you are my prey." ... More

Extended Summary
Chapter 0: Meeting Her
Chapter 1
Please Read
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Facts : From Author's Desk
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Characters : From Author's Desk
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Behind the kisses : From Author's Desk
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
OMG moment for this story
Chapter 44
Plot Holes : From Author's Desk
New Story : Dating Blindly
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Blooming romance
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chemistry: From Author's Desk
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Decoding Tom : From Author's Desk
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
A friendly competition
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Epilogue I: Meanwhile
Epilogue II: Repercussion
Family Ties and Trees
The Last Note: From an Author's Desk
New Story
All the alternate endings
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 75

23.7K 869 277
By _nomad_

My sudden obsession. Why am I suddenly getting into a K-POP song? I don't even understand Korean. :( And I am into the things that I can understand. This song made me want to learn Korean.

I am sorry for the delayed update. I have this big project that I started working on. Academics have ways to occupy your life. Anyway, I was thinking to make a character guide for this book. I think we have lots of them. Do you think I should? 


Tom's chocolate orbs narrowed. His straight nose flared. His sharp jaw clenched. To cut the chase short, the boy was angry. Furious. Mad.

The cold body pressed to his side. His long fingers came in contact with the green scales. But unlike other times, they didn't stroke it affectionately.

"Master?" The voice hissed.

Tom had no idea how this worked, but he could feel that she was concerned about him.

Tom snorted.

Concerned. Such a big word. A hollow word. He had associated the same word with a certain Avery, not a long back. In fact, he had been associating the same word with the same boy for years. Could he trust him anymore?


For the first time in years, he had felt that he had found a girl who was worthy of his attention. The girl who knew how to take care of herself. The girl who had protected him even in her wolf form. He thought she was concerned about him. Could he trust her anymore?

Never again.

He was angry at both of them. 

On Avery for betraying his trust. 

And on her, because she made a traitor out of an otherwise pure boy.

His eyes twitched. His lips pursed. His artistic, long, lean fingers curled around the wooden piece that he had been possessing since he was eleven.

Tom turned his sights to take in his polished wand. His mind recalled the words of its maker.

"This is yours, boy," the elder man had all but thrust the sleek wand in his small palm, "she has chosen you."

He remembered how happy that little sentence made him. Someone had chosen him. It was the first time that had happened. Well! There was a letter that he had received from Hogwarts. And in a sense, the school had chosen him as a student, but in his eyes, this was still different. Special. Because unlike his wand, his school had chosen many other students. Dumbledore had told him it was the school for people like him, but this wand clearly showed him that there was no one like him. That he was special. Unique. Tom craved that feeling. When you grow up in an orphanage with tens of abandoned kids who are much less deserving than you, you certainly start craving attention. And this wand had given him exactly that.

Tom closed his eyes.

Years later, he felt the same way when he realized that the noble blood of Salazar housed his veins. That founder of this place shared heritage with him. That realization made Hogwarts his home. His true home. And what do you do when the pests rot your home? You make sure they no longer homed it.

He reopened his chocolate eyes. They now shone in determination. He didn't need anyone. He didn't need the damn concern. He didn't even need a friend or a companion. All he needed was his wand and his magic.

"I will be alright, Ahina."

He would show Salazar that he was a worthy heir. He would show him that his legacy didn't die. He wouldn't let him down unlike those two.


The following weeks were harsh. Even harsher than the rough weather it accompanied. And neither of them couldn't pass any slower.

The chills of January couldn't penetrate the stone walls of that ancient school, but it was obvious that they were vulnerable from within. Who could blame them? After all, an enemy was residing within them. And filtering out your own confidant is one job that not all can accomplish.

As if bubbly Yoshi Yamada wasn't enough, 2 more students were petrified. This time the house of lions was at the receiving end of the wrath. Poppy Pomfrey, a fresh out-of-the school matron of the hospital wing, couldn't help her maternal instinct from kicking in. She gushed and rushed for the betterment of now frozen bodies of three kids. She had taken it upon herself to ward off any unwanted presence and it was not a child's play for the first few days after the attacks on two third-year students.

Anonymous attacks on those residing in that old monument terrified everyone. The fate of every soul in that castle was at risk. Though teachers tried to keep their facade and acted all strong, their trembling fingers said it all. The worried frequent glances thrown over stiffened shoulders, perked ears to catch every unwanted move, heavy exchanges of air even while walking on the flat surface, tight clutch around the wands were now becoming usual sights in the castle. Like everyone was expecting that the next move was going to be on them. Hogwarts was secure no more. Initially, the second attack had left an equal impact on everyone. However, it was that small message on the wall after the latest attack that had aroused two extremes.

Mundare, it read.

It had taken some time, but eventually, everyone figured that the Latin word meant clean. And suddenly the fact that every attack had happened on muggle-born came into the light. This late revelation made new attacker some unconventional hero in the eyes of blood purists. The hushed whispers of a hidden chamber, its beast, and an heir started circulating in the classrooms, meals, and dorms. These stories originated in the Slytherin dungeon, of course, and it didn't take long for them to reach an even bigger audience.

That's how at least Alexa heard about them. She had always been an observant fool after all.

"The legend of the Chamber of Secrets says that Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in the castle, of which no other founders knew anything. Slytherin, according to the legend, sealed the Chamber of Secrets so that none would be able to open it until his own true heir arrived at the school. The heir alone would be able to unseal the Chamber of Secrets, unleash the horror within, and use it to purge the school of all who were unworthy to study magic."

She blinked countless times. This is what they read in the book. This is what they heard in the rumours. The legends associated with this mysterious building were endless. But were all just the legends? Alexa didn't fully agree anymore. She didn't know what to believe anymore. One thing was sure that someone was indeed attacking them. The future of those pupils lying in the hospital wings was at risk. Hell! Not only their future, but things were tensed for every single one of them. Life is uncertain. And suddenly, nothing seemed more real than this little fact. Everyone has a right to live their life peacefully. No one should be screwing up that for anyone. Her kind mind contemplated.

Her fists clutched the sides of the book. The page crinkled in her hold. She was long gone to care. Her eyes wandered again to "true heir". Her mind recalled that particular encounter with certain Slytherin prefect.

"I am warning you, Riddle. One word of my secret and I will happily let the people in Hogwarts know that there is a possible Slytherin heir roaming the grounds of their school."

She had told him so confidently. It had been so long since that happened, that it almost seemed like a distant memory now. She wasn't lying to Tom when she had told him that she had done his background checking, because she had. Alexa was Sapiosexual. Tom's looks were just the added bonus. Even before he barged into her life and made himself the centre of it, she had been aware of his presence. The difference was that she was not in love with him then. When Alexa heard about his possible parentage from her sources, it did nothing to waver her possible fascination with that aristocratically designed boy. Alexa was told to keep away from bad people, but no one should be held accountable for their ancestors.

This, however, changed things. Many things. This accusation was big. And she didn't want to do anything in haste. Despite how angry she was on the boy. He had been ignoring her for weeks. He even had no decency to tell it on her face that he wanted to call off their tutoring sessions. Slughorn had told her graciously that Tom had reported the potion master that they had covered almost everything and she was good enough to study on her own. It wasn't like she was going to officially study Alchemy anyway. (Headmaster Dippet made sure of it by cancelling the course altogether.) 

She, however, missed his sessions. 

She missed his teaching. 

More importantly, she missed him. 

She missed being with him.

Alexa shut her book. Adjusting the strap of her bag that was on her shoulder and spectacles that rested on her cute nose, she left the library. Her steps were hurried. Her eyes were looking for her boy. She needed to confront him. Once. She needed to give him a chance. At least once. She needed to do it. Not only for him but also for her. For her heart, which belonged to him.


Chapter 18: The encounter between Alexa and Tom when she refused him for the first time.

I am so excited for their confrontation. Are you?

Do you think things will heat up suddenly? 

Do you think Alexa will find out? If she does, do you think she will side up or against him? 

What about Tom? Do you think he will let her whatever she decides? He is mad at her anyway.

If you liked the chapter, please keep me motivated through your votes, comments and share the story with your friends. It truly means a lot.

Thank you all!!!

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