Caged By Him

By moonchild80

8.6M 201K 90.1K

"WHY CAN'T YOU GET IT INSIDE YOUR HEAD?" He trapped my trembling body between his arms and slammed his fist i... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's note.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Author's note.
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97

Chapter 39

82.5K 2K 488
By moonchild80

HIYA. I busted outta my grave to publish this. Enjoy, queens💞🙂

Aurora's POV:

I stood in the walk in closet, setting down the fresh clothes I just got out of the dryer. I have been doing house work all day and I'm tired. But I don't mind, it's better than sitting around, doing nothing.

"Aurora, do me a favor and help me with these." I hear Tristan shout from the room as I continue to fold the clean clothes.

He walks in and stands behind. I turn to him, realizing that he wants me to help him with his bandages. I take the kit from him and set it beside me.

My eyes go to his toned upper body as his chest heaves up and down. He doesn't say anything but stare down at me.

Tristan towers over me as I take a moment to survey his body. He must've lived in the gym to obtain a body like this.

With slight hesitance, I slowly graze my finger over his abs, feeling his muscles. I look at bullet hole he has because of me and stop, worried that even the slightest touch will hurt him.

I can feel tears forming in the brim of my eye but I try my best to hold them back.

"Aurora." The sound of my own name taking me by surprise. He rarely says my name. He only ever calls me 'angel' or 'baby'.

I look up to him and he frowns, watching the tear roll down my cheek. I sniffle and wipe it down with the back of my hand.

"What's wrong?" He questions, his voice stern. But I don't answer. It's already embarrassing enough that I'm crying over the sight of his wound.

"Shit, you know I hate seeing you cry. Just tell me." He sighs out in frustration and I gulp.

" got shot because of me. " I mutter, feeling more and more guilty.

He tuts, shaking his head and latching on to my jaw."That's not how I see it. I got shot for you. Now I don't have a problem with that and you shouldn't either, do you hear me?" He states, a serious look plastered on his handsome features as I look up at him through my lashes.

"I'm okay and most importantly you're okay. There's nothing for you to worry about, hm?" He raises his brows while all I do is blink.

Instead of nodding at him or thanking him for reassuring me, I simply step closer, placing my hand on his chest to keep me steady.

I feel bad for everything I did to him. I couldn't trust him at first. My experience with men was a bad one. And the fact that he's a mafia boss, that was a red flag. But I really like him now. My feelings for him are strong. As strong as they ever were.

It's like I had forgotten how we met, how he used to treat me and how toxic our relationship is. I shunned all those thoughts away.

I stand on my tip toes and watch him as he licks his lips and looks at mine. I gently press my redenned lips against his and soothe my hand on his unshaven stubble.

I attempt to finally pull away to gasp for air but he pushes me back against his face, hoisting me up and carrying me over to the couch, letting out a hoarse grunt in the process.

He lays me down on the bed and gets between my legs. He then starts to kiss on my lips, then moving down to my neck.

He rolls off me and opens the bedside drawer, pulling out a condom then staring down at me. Does he want to have sex again? I think he's forgetting that his family is still here in their rooms.

"Tristan, Dad wants you." I hear the voice of Isaac and the sound of his knocking on the door, making both of us snap our heads in his direction.

I look back at Tristan, still hovering over me as he sighs and bows his head."I'll be right there." He looks disappointed and angry.

I can't help but giggle, making Tristan turn his head to me in surprise. I rarely laugh around him so he looks taken back.

"You like that, huh?" He smiles with a small chuckle as I smile and nod.

"I'll be back in a little. Wait for me." He rolls off me, putting the condom back in the drawer then making his way to the door and exiting.


After Tristan got called in by his father, he was gone for about an hour then came back to do work on his laptop.

I sat in the vanity and combed through my hair. I brushed and brushed till I smoothened it all out and it wasn't an easy task.

I looked at Tristan through the mirror as he layed under the sheets, focused on the screen of his laptop and typing into the keyboard.

As if he knew I was staring, he switched his eyes to me and stares through his eyelashes.

"Are you done?" He asks and I nod, putting the hairbrush down and resuming to tie my hair up. "Come here, I need to speak with you." He sighs.

I walk over to the bed and he brings the sheets down so I can get under them.

"You look sleepy. Are you okay?" He questions, swiping his thumb on my cheek. I nod, feeling the need to fall asleep.

"What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Right. Listen. Elijah made the mistake of inviting some people here. They're coming tomorrow and it's too late to decline."

"What kind of people?"

"Family and a few people I work with. They heard the news and wanted to come see me." He informs me and I nod in understanding. "But first, I just want to make sure that you're okay with that."

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" I attempt to look tough. Obviously, the idea made me nervous but was I going to admit it? No.

"I know how you are. I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable by bringing people you don't know into our home. But it's good for business and I need to make sure you're okay with it." He informs me, his voice low and steady. He can do whatever he wants. I'm not the kind of person to put my foot down on something that doesn't concern me.

"It's totally your call. If you don't feel safe then we won't do it." He probes, staring at me.

"I don't mind." I tell him, shrugging my shoulders. Who am I to stop him from doing something beneficial for his business?

"Are you sure?" He pokes, his thumb caressing my skin. I'm okay as long as I don't make any social interaction of any kind.

"Do I have to talk to them?" I question and he looks me in the eyes with a hard frown on his face.

"You're my wife so of course you'll have to at least say hi to them. But other than that, no."

"Okay." I accept. I'm just hoping they're nice and won't judge me.

"Is that a yes?" He pokes and I nod and blink up at him.

"Hm." He hums, his lips lingering on mine for a moment before pulling away.

We've been talking a lot more lately. I can ask him things and he would answer me gently. I like that.

"You look tired, get some sleep." He tells me and I nod.

I fell asleep while he kept working on his laptop.


The next morning, I got up pretty early and made breakfast for everyone. I didn't wake Tristan up as he was working late.

Today was the day everyone was going to come see Tristan and I was so nervous.

Other than the wedding and the engagement party, I never interacted with any of these people so I don't know what they're like.

I just hope I don't do anything humiliating because embarrassing myself is kind of my forte.

I sat with my mother in law for a couple of hours before going back upstairs to get ready.

I wore a blue sun dress with some flats and let my hair down. I didn't put on any makeup because I don't want to stand out. I slid on my wedding band and engagement ring and headed back downstairs.

By 11AM, people started arriving by the dozens. There were a lot of the and they were all so sophisticated and elegant.

All the women were gorgeous, which made me feel really insecure. They made me feel bad about how I look, as I always feel.

I briefly chatted with a few people which was quite the accomplishment for me, considering how shy I usually am around people.

But then I got really nervous so I just distanced myself from everyone and plastered myself against a wall, looking over at everyone and anxiously rubbing my arm up and down.

"Sis in law, you look hella fine today." Isaac compliments with a playful grin as he makes his way towards me.

"Oh, I- Thank you." He nod and places his hand on my shoulder, pulling me away from the rest.

"Listen, I invited Stella over." He lowers his voice.

"You did?" To that, he nods.

"She wanted to see you so I told her to come." He informs me and I smile at him. I had missed Stella. I haven't seen her since before everything happened.

"Oh, did you guys work things out?" I refer to the last conversation Isaac and I had.

"Kind of. We haven't really gotten into it yet." He shrugs his shoulders, dragging a hand through his hair.

"That's great. I'm really happy for you both." I smile. "Let me know when she gets here. Excuse me, I need to go upstairs for a moment." He nods and walks away with Jonas as I head upstairs.

It's really crowded here. I didn't think this many people would show up. I knew he knew a lot of people but there's at least a hundred pople in here. And these are only the ones he trusts.

I guess news travel fast when a mafia boss/ famous business man gets a life threatening injury.

Shaking my head, I flatten down my dress and walk down the corridor leading our bedroom.

I walk in, finding him dressed in his black slacks, trying to put on his white shirt but struggles, his face scrunching up in pain.

You'd think he would've learned by now that bulletwounds don't heal in so little time but no.

"You're hurting yourself." I say, walking over to him and taking the shirt from him and helping him put it through each arm.

"Are people arriving?" He asks me and I nod,  bringing the shirt over his shoulders and starting to button it up.

"Yes they're all downstairs." I confirm and he stares ahead with a blank expression.

"Good. I'll be down shortly." He says and I nod, taking the tie and wrapping it around his neck.

All the whilst he just kept staring down at me. No devious smirk on his face, nothing to say. Just deep concentration.

I'm used to him staring at me but the way he's doing it right now is different and it's making me wonder what's he's thinking about.

"I-Is something wrong?" I ask him, looking up at him and he smiles, shaking his head.

I wish I knew what was going on inside his head. I swallow and look back down, fixing his tie.

"There you go. I-I'll tell them you'll be down." I let go of him and walk away but I don't get far before he reaches up for my arm.

"Where are you going so fast, hm?" He hums.

"I need to go help make lunch." I inform him but he doesn't budge. He keeps staring at me.

"Have I mentioned how good you look today?" He says, tucking a strand of my hair then grazing his thumb on my cheek. All the whilst smirking at me.

"Um. Thank you." I mumble with a soft voice as he winks then lets go of my hand. Allowing me to leave and head downstairs, patting my red cheeks to cool them down.

I go downstairs and Tristan joins a few moments later. Peope clutter around the foot of the stairs at his sight as he starts greeting them before they fall into conversation.

The next couple of hours went by pretty quickly if you ask me. I talked to Stella for a brief moment before Isaac pulled her away and the both would start kissing at each other right in front of me.

I can't even with them. One minute they're having second thoughts about each other and the next they're making out in front of everyone. I guess you can call them adventurous.

Midst my standing alone awkwardly moment, Aylina came and kept me company so we fell into deep conversation.

Tristan's POV:

"Thank you for coming." I nod my head at them and shake their hands. I swear I'm in no mood for any of this shit, being nice to people I couldn't give a fuck about. There's no need for them to visit me, we only do business and I like to keep things professional. I don't need anyone checking up on me.

"Tristan." Elijah calls out as he marches towards me. "Excuse us for a moment." Elijah pulls me away from the crowd to the side.

"I have a fucking headache." I sigh then turn to Elijah. "What the fuck do you want? What did you do? Did you stir up other messes that I have to clean, you fucking cunt?"

"Don't hold back, Tristan. Tell me how you really feel." He chuckles, making my anger boil even more.

"Elijah." I snap and he goes back to being serious.

"There's an urgent phone call for you upstairs." He informs me and I stalk away, starting to walk up the stairs. I stop and scan the crowd fom upstairs, my eyes land on Aurora who is stood with my sister, nervously scratching her arm up and down.

I turn around and make my way to my office, pushing the door open and going towards the phone.

"Tristan Black speaking." I talk into the phone.

"Tristan, it's been a while." I hear a familiar voice come through. A very familiar voice but I can't quite pin point where I heard it.

"Who exactly am I speaking to?" I question in a blank voice and I hear a chuckle on the other end.

"Come on, I haven't left that long, have I? It's Alex." As soon as he said that, my grip on the phone tightens.


I haven't heard his name for a while nor have I seen him in years. He's gone underground due to some mission his father had him do. But fuck, did we used to have a good time.

"Alex? You're out of hiding?" I question with a blank tone as I stare out the window watching more people arrive.

"Sure am. And guess what? I'm coming to see you." He informs me and I take a deep inhale of air.

"You are?" I tighten my grip on the phone.

"I heard about what happened and I figured what better time to come see my favourite cousin. Can you send a location?" My mind drifts off elsewhere.

This is not going to end well.

Oh heeyyyy. This took forever but I really tried my best to publish sooner. I'm focusing on my studying because I really need to pass everything😧.

So let me know your thoughts on this chapter and why Alex is bad news?

Thank you wholeheartedly for all the messages, the votes, comments and reads. We recently hit 200K reads and I'm so grateful😭💞

Lots of love❤.

Published: May 15th 2019.

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