Finally Yours: The Sequel | T...

Von ratedJG

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Read the first book before reading this. Mehr

• prologue •
• one •
• two •
• three •
• four •
• five •
• six •
• seven •
• eight •
• nine: part one •
• nine: part two •
• ten •
• eleven •
• twelve •
• thirteen •
• fourteen •
• fifteen •
• sixteen •
• seventeen: part one •
• seventeen: part two •
• seventeen: part three •
• eighteen •
• nineteen •
• twenty: part one •
• twenty: part two •
• twenty one •
• twenty two •
• twenty three: part one •
• twenty three: part two •
• twenty four •
• twenty five •
• twenty seven •
• twenty eight •
• twenty nine •
• thirty •
• thirty one: part one •
• thirty one: part two •
• thirty two: part one •
• thirty two: part two •
• thirty three •
• thirty four •
• thirty five •
• thirty six •
• thirty seven •
• thirty eight •
• thirty nine •
• forty •
• forty one: part one •
• forty one: part two •
• forty two •
• forty three •
• forty four •
• forty five •
• forty six •
• forty seven •
• forty eight •
• forty nine •
• fifty •
• fifty one •
• fifty two •
• fifty three •
• fifty four •
• fifty five: part one •
• fifty five: part two •
• fifty six •
• fifty seven •
• fifty eight •
• fifty nine •
• sixty •
• sixty one •
• sixty two •
• sixty three •
• sixty four •
• sixty five •
• sixty six •
• sixty seven: part one •
• sixty seven: part two •
• sixty seven: part three •
• sixty eight •
• sixty nine •
• seventy: part one •
• seventy: part two •
• seventy: part three •
• epilogue •
on to the next... book #3!

• twenty six •

715 22 18
Von ratedJG

Monday, January 8

Welp, I knew this day was coming but I honestly didn't think it would come this quickly. Kelly's leaving tonight and although I am sad about it, I can't show it. Kelly's already emotional enough and I know Kiara will probably break down at some point today, so me being in my feelings wouldn't help at all.

I walked into Kiara's room and lightly shook her until she woke up.

"Time for school babygirl." I said, trying not to laugh as she looked at me like she wanted to fight me. She's really not a morning person unless it's Christmas or her birthday and it's hilarious.

She slowly got out of bed and I went to the bathroom with her so I could help her brush her teeth, bathe, get dressed and all that stuff. Luckily her hair was holding up pretty well so I didn't have to worry about doing that. Don't get it twisted though, I would've handled it if need be. I know how to do a lil sumn sumn.

We walked downstairs so I could fix her something to eat.

"Mommy's still sleep?" she asked me.

"Watchu think?" I said jokingly.

"Well this time she gets a pass. She needs rest since she's gonna be on stage a lot."

"You're right about that." I replied. She sat down and I quickly started whipping her up some pancakes.


"Hey baby daddy." I heard Kelly say as she was coming down the stairs for breakfast about half an hour later.

"Aye, chill with all that." I chuckled.

"Is that not what you are?"

"You can call me one or the other, but not both combined." I said with a smirk.

"Boy bye!" she laughed. "How bout just Tremaine."

"Yeah yeah whatever." I pulled her closer to me and kissed her lips. "How'd you sleep?"

"Great, but then I woke up feeling kinda down."

"Kelly don't you start..."

"Too late, I'm starting." She frowned. "I'm gonna miss y'all."

"Kelz I need you to think about the fact that you're reuniting on stage with your best friends for a tour that the world has been waiting on since y'all broke up. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Think about how many fans y'all got counting on you."

"I know all of this Trey and trust me I'm excited, but still..."

"It's only gonna be what, three months? It could've been way longer. I could even try to come see you at some of your shows, if my schedule permits."

She sighed, "You make it sound so easy."

"I never said it was. I'ma miss yo ass too. It'll be kinda hard without you here but I'm willing to deal with it if it means you get to go out there and do what you love with ya girls."

She cracked a smile, "Aren't you sweet."

I shrugged, "I try."

"Mhm... Hold on, why Kiara not down here?" she asked while looking around the kitchen.

"I am, I was just in the bathroom." Kiara said as she appeared from around the corner.

"You ate already?" Kelly asked her.

"Yes ma'am."

"Good, cause y'all running low on time."

"Why you acting like I ain't never brought her to school before?" I joked.

"My bad, I guess it's just my motherly instincts."

I shook my head, "Nah, it's anxiety. Just relax baby. Eat something."

"I'm good Trey, I promise." She looked at Kiara and opened her arms up, "Come here lovebug."

Kiara walked up to Kelly and gave her a hug, then pulled away and frowned. "Are you gonna be gone before I get back?"

"No sweetie, I'm not leaving until tonight. I'm still gonna be here when you get back cause we're all going to Blue's party, remember?"

"Ohhh yeah!" Kiara replied, perking up. "Then I'll see ya later."

Kelly chuckled, "See ya later baby. Love you, be good."

"Love you too mommy. And I'm always good!"

"See you in a bit." I said to Kelly as I headed towards the front door with Kiara.


"I'll see you later Keeks." I gave her a hug as I prepared to walk out of her classroom.

"Bye daddy!" she said sweetly, giving me a kiss before running off to join her little friends. I left out the classroom and was walking through the halls to exit the school when I heard someone call my name. I turned around and groaned when I saw who it was.

"Hey, how are you?"

"Janay what the hell do you want?" I mumbled. I haven't seen her drop off or pick up her child in months. Either someone else did it or I would already pick up Kiara before she would come. Today just had to be the day that she shows up at the same time as me.

"Why are you always so rude? Damn. You would've thought I killed your dog or something." she said.

"Ya know, you really bold as hell talking to me right now. Let's not forget what happened the last time you tried to do that."

Surprisingly I didn't see any evidence of the damage Kelly did to her face. Then again, she seems to have a lot of makeup on so she probably covered it up real good.

"Well she isn't here, so I think I'm good." she mumbled under her breath.

"No, you're not good. Quite frankly, I don't have time to deal with your mouth right now." I started to walk away but she called my name again.

"Look. I'm sorry about the way I acted that night. I was a lil tipsy, I didn't know what I was doing."

"That's honestly no excuse. Especially since you've been trying all that slick shit for months."

"I'm sorry Trey, for real. I can't take back the past but the least I can do is apologize."


"Listen, I'm not even tryna be on some sneaky shit right now. I actually wanna talk to you about something. It's about my daughter."

"Uh, okay..."

"Her and Kiara are really close. They're like the best of friends. She talks about her everyday and she's been asking me if they can have a play date. So I wanted to bring it up to you and see what you think."

"Well Kiara talks about your daughter a lot too. I wouldn't mind doing something like that for the kids, I just don't think I should be around you like that for a long period of time." I replied honestly.

"If that's really a concern for you then I could just drop Naomi off at your place, they'd spend the day together, and then I'd pick her up later."

I nodded, "I like the idea, but I have to discuss it with Kelly first."

"I get it. I would say keep me updated but..."

I sighed, "Give me your number so I can tell you what she says."

I put her number in my phone as she told it to me, hoping I wouldn't regret it later. I really need to learn to stop giving people the benefit of the doubt when they probably don't deserve it.

"Remember this is strictly for the kids. So if Kelly agrees to this, you better not try a damn thing. This is business."

"I got it Trey. Jeez." she said, rolling her eyes.

"Is that all?" I asked.

"I guess." she mumbled.

"Ight, bye." I said before walking away. That conversation was already longer than I intended it to be and I didn't need it to continue. I don't want her thinking shit is sweet, cause it's not. However, I ain't got beef with her kid so I wouldn't mind the play date. But at the end of the day, it's up to Kelly.

I got to the house about an hour later because of crazy LA traffic. As soon as I opened the front door, Kane barked and came running to me.

"Wassup boy?" I greeted, crouching down to his level and scratching his head. He barked again and tried to lick my hand. I held my palm out in front of him so he could lick it.

"Where yo mama at?" I asked, referring to Kelly. She hates when I say that but she know she loves that dog. She be tryna front.

He ran towards the stairs and I followed him through the long journey to our bedroom. I found Kelly there laying down and watching TV.

"Babe really? Why you back in bed?" I chuckled.

"Ole boy looks like he wanna jump up here. You better handle that." she said, looking down at Kane who was standing near her side of the bed, wagging his tail.

"He's just happy to see his mommy."

"Relax with all that." she chuckled.

"Downstairs boy. I'll feed you sumn soon." I said to Kane, and he scurried his ass out the room.

"Nah but for real, why you back in bed?" I asked Kelly again.

She shrugged, "I ain't have nothing else to do. Normally I would've cooked, took Kiara to school or been at someone's meeting. And shit, I already packed. So what does that leave me with? Bed and TV."

"Well when you put it that way, I guess." I laughed, walking into the closet to change into something more comfortable. After getting out, I slid into the bed next to her and she laid her head on me.

"You ate and everything?" I asked.

"Man... I had two plates."


"Hell no, that ain't good!" she laughed. "Don't encourage this behavior. I'm not supposed to be eating like this right before tour."

"You'll burn all the fat on stage, it'll be fine." I said jokingly.


I chuckled, "I'm just playing. If you're gaining any weight, trust me it's going to the right places." I reached behind her and tapped her butt.

"As flattering as that was..." she said sarcastically. "It didn't help."

"Stop trippin. You know I'll always love how you look. You could gain 50 pounds and it wouldn't mean a thing to me."

"Hm..." she looked up at me skeptically. "You're buttering me up for something, aren't you? What did you do?"

"Watchu mean? I'm just complimenting you."

"Oh please Trey. It's a difference between you just complimenting me and you trying not to get me mad about something."

"You talkin crazy." I mumbled. I felt her eyes still on me and I sucked my teeth. "...Ight, so I saw Janay at the school."

She quickly sat up, "Was she looking for another ass whooping? You should've called me. Like I said, I ain't have nothing else to do."

I chuckled, "Can you chill?"

"Naw man, I'm so tired of that bitch."

"I know, but her kid does still go to the same school as Keeks."

"That don't mean I gotta see the hoe."

"You right." I agreed. I'm not doing that arguing shit this time.

"So did she try to talk to you again?" she mumbled.

"Yes but before you get mad," I said quickly, "She was just asking about a play date between her daughter and Kiara. They real close friends."

She raised her eyebrow, "Play date where? Here?"

"I mean, yeah..."

"I don't want that bitch inside of my house."

"The child or Janay?"

She cut her eyes at me, "That's not funny, obviously I'm talking about Janay. Naomi is a sweetheart. I know Kiara loves her. Her mama however, is the devil."

"Listen, I honestly think a play date would be a good idea. Janay could just drop Naomi off and then pick her up later, that's it. She ain't even gotta step foot into the house."

"Just the thought of her being around you makes me sick. And I'm not even gonna be here, so like..."

"You trust me right?"

"Of course I do. It's her that I don't trust. The bitch is crazy, conniving, and sneaky. Ain't no telling what she would do. I'm more so worried about your safety than anything else."

"What, you think she would try to hurt one of us or something?"

"I'm just saying Tremaine, you have a reputation to protect. She might be plotting to try to ruin it because she's bitter about not having you. Shit, she might even be trying to ruin mine. Bitch almost got me caught up last week, I'm not even gonna lie." She laughed a little bit.

"I understand what you're saying Kelz and you might be onto something, but I know how to be careful when it comes to her."

"Do you?"

"Yes, I do. My focus is on the kids, I'm not finna be entertaining no bullshit."

"Ugh, Trey I don't know..."

"Do it for Kiara."

She sighed dramatically, "Alright, fine. I guess I'm cool with it."

I smiled, "There's my girl."

"Trey I'm not even fucking joking, she better not try anything slick or this whole thing is getting shut down."

"I know, I know."

"I'm dead serious."

"Baby..." I wrapped my arms around her waist, "I hear you."

"You better."

"Lemme just text her and let her know it's a go."

"You're gonna what?" she snapped, quickly pulling away from me.

"Oh yeah... I told her to give me her number so I could keep her updated."

"Are you fucking kidding me Tremaine?!"

"What? Kelly it's one text. It's not like I'm finna have a whole conversation with the girl. I have her blocked on social media, you think I actually want her number? This is just business."

She shook her head and crossed her arms, turning away from me.

"Baby come here." I tried to pull her towards me but she wouldn't budge. "Stop playing and come here." She loosened up and I pulled her back down next to me.

She groaned, "I know I'm not supposed to hold hate in my heart but damn it I do, and that bitch is first on my list."

"Listen to me. I don't want you having all this negative energy in you right now. It's no time for that. We should be enjoying these last few moments before you leave. You not supposed to be all upset —"

"I'm cool." she said in a snappy tone.

"You're clearly not."

She took a deep breath, "Okay, you know what, you're right. We should be cherishing these moments. I'm sorry, I'll stop being so negative."

"Good. Now gimme a kiss." I leaned forward and met her halfway for a peck on the lips. "Mm, gimme another one."

"Boy don't you start nothing now." she giggled.

"I'm not." I chuckled. She held my face and kissed me two more times.

"You wanna go out to eat later?" I asked.

"Oooh, yes! I have an appointment in a couple of hours but I should be back in time for us to go. Then we could pick up Kiara right after."



"It's just crazy how everything we do always gotta be on some type of schedule."

She shrugged, "Welp, that's life in the industry for ya. Every move you make must be calculated."

Later that night

It's officially T minus three hours before our flight and as one last little function before we leave, we were all at Bey's house celebrating Blue's birthday. This is Blue's third day of partying in a row. She had a big birthday party on Saturday which Trey, Kiara and I couldn't attend because we were out of the country. Then Bey and Jay took her out yesterday for her actual birthday, and now here we all are today having a family get together. We're supposed to be having fun and shit, which we are, but something ain't right.

"You good Kelz?" Trey asked, noticing me sitting there thinking.

"Yeah, it's just Kiara..."

"What happened?"

"She's been so quiet ever since we got here, which isn't like her." I was watching her sitting with Blue across the room and although she may look normal to anyone else, I know my baby.

"I think she's realizing how soon you're leaving, now that it's night time."

"So my baby's sad..." I frowned. "Should I go talk to her?"

"If you feel like that's best, then go for it."

"Oh I was gon do it anyway. I just wanted to see what you would say." I replied as I stood up from my chair.

He chuckled, "Well let me know how it goes."

I walked up to Kiara and held out my hand, "Baby come with me for a minute."

She grabbed my hand and we made our way to one of the rooms upstairs. As soon as I closed the door, she immediately broke down crying.

"Oh Jesus..." I frowned and lifted her up then sat on the bed with her on my lap. "Kiara tell me what's wrong?"

"I— I— I—"

"Okay, breathe babygirl." I held up her chin so she could look at me and she took a deep breath before trying again.

"Mommy I don't want you to go."

I sighed, "Kiara..." I knew this was coming but it still hurts to hear her say it.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't apologize baby." I wiped the tears from her face. "I know this is gonna be hard for you, but I really won't be gone for as long as you think."

"It's gonna feel like forever." she whined.

"What happened to all that strength you had? You were going with me to rehearsals, you made that slideshow with daddy... I thought you were starting to accept this?"

"Yeah but now that today's the day, I feel different."

I shook my head at the fact that Trey literally just said the same thing a few minutes ago.

"I understand how you feel because I feel the same way. I'm gonna miss you so much sweetie. If I could take you with me, best believe your bags would be packed right now." I laughed a little and she laughed along.

"I wish I didn't have to go to stupid school."

"I can't take you out of there for three months. You have so many important things to learn and you can't miss out."

"What's important in kindergarten?" she mumbled under her breath.

"Girl you are such a trip." I laughed. "Wouldn't you miss your friends?"

"I care about you more than them."

"Even Naomi?"

She paused then giggled, "Okay, I guess I would miss her."

"Speaking of Naomi, guess what."


"You and your bestie get to have a play date."

She gasped, "Are you for real?!

"Yes ma'am." I chuckled. "Her mom talked to your dad, then your dad talked to me. The plan is that she'll come over and y'all would hang for the day."


"You'll have to ask daddy about that."

"Yay, this is awesome! We're gonna have so much fun!" she exclaimed.

"Mhm, see this is why I don't want you out here being all sad. How are you gonna be able to play with ya homegirl if you're not happy?"

She nodded, "You're right mommy. I think I'll be okay. Are we still gonna talk every day?"

"I don't know about every single day, but I'll definitely call your daddy whenever I'm free so you and I can have our lil girl chat."

"You promise?"

"Here." I held out my pinky and she wrapped hers around mine. "You know I never break my pinky promises."

"You better not, cause I would hate to break your pinky."

"Oh hush!" I laughed. "You got a mouth just like ya father."

"Actually, daddy says I got my mouth from you."

"Your daddy's a liar." I joked.

We got up from the bed and left the room, making our way back downstairs. She found her way back to Blue and I sat back down in my seat next to Trey.

He gave me a knowing look, "She started crying didn't she?"

I sighed, "Sobbing. Trey I don't know if I can leave her like this."

"Well she seems fine now. What you say to her?"

"I gave her a little pep talk, and I also told her about the play date."

"Oh aight, cool. That should hold her over for a little while, right?

"Yeah, a little while. It's only a matter of time before she starts getting sad again and then the waterworks continue."

"You don't think she'll start getting used to you not being here?"

"I don't know, Trey. I really don't. All I know is that I just want her to be okay."

"And she will be. Don't even worry bout all that, I'll make sure she's good while you're gone."

"I know you will." I replied before resting my head on his shoulder. I'll try to think happy thoughts for now but I gotta tell ya, there's nothing worse than seeing your child cry the way Kiara was crying a few minutes ago. If she does that again, I might just lose my damn marbles.

"Alright everyone. I have a speech." Blue announced all of a sudden, jumping up from her chair.

Bey chuckled, "The floor is yours, birthday girl."

"Okay so, I just wanna thank you all for coming today to help me celebrate my 11th birthday. I'm officially a preteen!"

"Let's not go there just yet." Bey mumbled.

Blue shrugged, "It's true mom. I'm sorry to say the time has come. But anyways, I've had so much fun this weekend and it's all thanks to my wonderful parents. Daddy, I love you and all but since mommy's leaving tonight, I'm gonna direct the next part of this speech to her. No offense."

"Offense kinda taken." Jay said jokingly.

"Mommy, I'm gonna miss you like I always do when you go on tour. But I know you're gonna go out there and kill it... like you always do when you go on tour." Blue giggled and Bey laughed along. "I wish I wasn't in school so I can go with you. I hear the singing all the time so I'm used to it, but I love watching you dance cause I always try to copy all your moves. And now I wish I could go even more cause my aunties will be there too! All three of you singing and dancing in front of thousands... it's gonna be sooo cool! Auntie Kelz and auntie Chelle, I'm gonna miss y'all, but I know you're gonna go out there and kill it just like mommy. So send me lots of pics and videos, and when I call, y'all better answer. Okay, that's my speech!"

We all applauded her and I'm not gonna lie, the girls and I were trying so hard to hold back our tears.

"My baby! Come here!" Bey cried out. Blue walked over to her and gave her a hug. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, mommy. And don't worry, I'll take great care of Rumi, Sir, and daddy while you're gone."

"And daddy?!" Jay shouted playfully.

"Yup, you heard what I said." Blue laughed. "Anyways, auntie Kelz and auntie Chelle... group hug!!!"

Few hours later...

As I'm standing here in front of the jet with the girls and the fam, I just can't stop thinking about how surreal this whole thing is. The last time Bey, Michelle and I toured together was in 2005, almost 20 years ago! Of course we've done a couple of performances here and there but that doesn't compare to traveling the world together while doing what we love. I missed it so much and I can't wait.

On the other hand, I'm real emotional right now because I'm gonna miss everyone, especially Kiara and Trey. Being away from them is never easy. However, I gotta do what I gotta do as an entertainer. But lemme tell ya, if people thought I was clingy towards Trey before, I'm finna be clingier than ever after this tour is over.

"Alright well, I guess this is goodbye." Mama Tina spoke up.

Bey frowned, "Mama don't say it like that."

"Well it's true ain't it?" she chuckled. "Y'all just standing there as if y'all aren't on a tight schedule."

"We're just taking it all in." I said.

"Y'all nervous?" Tina asked.

"No ma'am." Bey replied. "It just sucks that we're gonna be away from y'all. No matter how many times I do this, it's always the hardest part."

"We'll see what we can do when it comes to popping up at some of y'all shows. You just worry about going out there and reminding the world who Destiny's Child is. Got it?"

"Got it." all three of us said at the same time.

I did my rounds saying goodbye to everyone. First Mama T, then Richard, then Lala, then Chris, then Kiyan and Julez. By the time I got to Solange and Alan, there were tears streaming down Solo's face which surprised me.

"Solo what's wrong?"

"Both of my sissies are leaving me. I'm used to one of you being gone at a time, but both of y'all? I'ma be lonely."

"Awww sis, don't say that..." I frowned. "Girl I wish you could come out there with us and be one of our backup dancers, just like back in the day."

"Ha, good times." She laughed a little.

"Listen, Bey and I will be sure to call you whenever we can and we'll have our sister time. We won't leave you hanging. Now stop being a damn baby, you supposed to be a thug." I said jokingly.

"Shut up." she chuckled as she wiped her tears. I gave her a tight hug and rubbed her nose.

It's funny, here I am telling Solange not to cry but as soon as I get to Trey and Kiara I'm telling myself the same thing.

"Bye mommy." Kiara mumbled. I took her from Trey's arms and kissed her face.

"I love you princess. Be good for daddy, okay? I'll talk to you soon."

"I love you too. Be good for auntie BB and auntie Chelle." she joked. Her and this sense of humor. I gave her a hug and I felt tears flowing from my eyes.

"Aw, mommy don't cry." Kiara said once we pulled away and she noticed my tear stained face.

I pouted, "I'm sorry, I can't help it."

I put Kiara down and focused my attention on Trey.

"Come here, crybaby." he said jokingly. I rolled my eyes playfully as I walked into his arms.

"How in the hell am I gonna do this without you, Mr. Neverson?"

"You're gonna have to try. You got millions of people depending on you."

"I know." I sighed, "Damn, I'm gonna miss you."

He chuckled, "I'm gonna miss you too, but you gotta go."

"I love you baby." I said, poking my bottom lip out.

"I love you more. Have a safe flight, call me when you land." I nodded and he leaned forward and kissed my lips repeatedly.

The girls and I said our final goodbyes then we walked onto the jet. We looked out the window, waving and blowing kisses to everyone. We're honestly so blessed to have such an amazing support system behind us.

"Alright ladies, this is it." Beyoncé said dramatically. "Y'all ready?"

"Let's go get em!" Michelle and I replied at the same time. Yeah that's supposed to be Bey and Jay's thing, but we stealing it for the next few months.

DC3 is back, bitches... and we coming for necks.


Sorry for the delay guys. College is kicking my ass 🙄

Comment thoughts if any.

Don't forget to vote 😘


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