Bitten Witch

By Shannah_Couper

46.4K 1.9K 255

First in the Witch's Blood Trilogy Alex is a normal everyday nerd, she likes to read and play games. At least... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Author's Note (Discontinuing)

Chapter 28

1.1K 53 0
By Shannah_Couper

Envy tilts his head slightly and I move over and pull out the chair next to him, sitting down I glance across the table at the man watching me carefully.

"Well now that everyone is here, it's time for introductions," Liam speaks with a commanding voice, "Since this is my territory I shall start, I am Alpha Liam Hunter."

Eve dips her head, "I am Luna Evelyn Hunter."

'Since we don't hold a title yet we will introduce ourselves last and you have to go after me.'

The man across from me speaks next, "Alpha Jack Archer."

'That's sexist.'

"I am Alpha Torren Vecck, my territory hails to the north of here," the man beside the Archer Alpha speaks, his voice trembles slightly.

'It's protocol.'

"I am Luna Rue Vecck," the women beside him speaks much clearer.

"I am Alpha Aiden Core, my territory hails to the west of here," the man across from Liam speaks with a calm voice.

"I am Luna Dianna Core," woman beside him though has a very quiet voice.

Envy nods, "I am the next Alpha of this pack, Envy Hunter."

I tilt my head and repeat what Envy tells me in my mind, "I am the Omega and next Luna of this pack Alexandra... Cattenach."

Envy places his hand over mine on the table making a point.

Liam clears his throat, "With the introduction done we need to start the meeting, as I explained to Alpha Vecck and Alpha Core over the phone, vampires have been sighted recently in neighbouring towns. They have also been causing problem within our boundaries."

"Do you know the cause of their actions?" the Vecck Luna asks.

"We have a few ideas but nothing concrete," Eve replies.

"Is it possible that they are causing problems due to you possibly scheming with witches?" The core Alpha suggests his voice even.

Liam states firmly, "We are not scheming with witches."

"Yet you have them in your house and you have them here while holding a confidential meeting between Alphas of other packs."

'Is it against the law for them to be here?'

'No but if a pack were to team up with witches in order to gain power there would be a lot of issues and it would be like a whole pack turning rogue.'

"Is it wrong for family to visit?" I question him, "They are here with my invitation as I have not only just been bitten by a wolf but also lost my Grandmother and Mother. My cousins simply wished to see how I was fairing, that is there only reason for them being here." I feel Envy grab my hand under the table lending me strength.

"My apologies Alexandra, I was not trying to imply anything," he says dipping his head.

"Anyway, we have another reason for being present Alpha Liam," the Vecck Alpha speaks up worry lining his face, "We heard that you recently had rogues in your area as well. We faced several of them a few days before you called and we believe they have been in contact with vampires."

"Yes, we have rogues in our territory currently as well as vampire however we have a party out and they will be dealt with swiftly," Liam tells them, "We wished to hold this meeting to calm any suspicions that might have arisen and simply give the fact to what has been happening as says the law. We don't believe that the rogues and vampires are working together as we have no evidence that might suggest that."

'What law?'

"Yet the rogues are moving in packs, which is very uncommon, as well as the fact that they are entering known territories. Isn't it likely that they are working with the vampire since rogues easily follow strong power?" The Core Luna spoke this time.

'It's a minor law that helps to keep the peace between the packs.'

"But we have no information on the vampires that have been around and normal vampires wouldn't have the power to command a whole pack of rogues," Eve points out.

"Then isn't it obvious that your problem is bigger than you think?" the Core Alpha says.

I can tell things are getting a bit heated so I say, "Even if the problem is bigger than we believe currently, then that will be our own issue. To my understanding unless this issue affects you directly then you don't need to know more than the basics of the situation."

"Yes, we understand that," the Core Luna looks my way, "However our territory isn't that far from yours and we don't want the vampires or rogues to cause issues within our pack. We're much smaller than your and my people are at risk."

"They won't, we are more than capable of handling the situation which is what we are currently doing," Envy tells her firmly.

She blinks and lowers her head showing submission, I glance at Envy he wears his face carefully blank. I lean back against the chair, I place my elbow on to the arm of the chair and I place my cheek onto my closed fist watching everyone at the table.

"What my son means is that we understand your concerns but we are more than capable of handling the situation before it spreads that far," Liam coughs into his hand.

"Perhaps Alpha Hunter," The Archer Alpha speaks up this time, "You should allow your son and his mate to lead this meeting instead of yourself?"

Liam looks down, "So that is why you're here then, I understand."


'He's measuring my strength to lead, Wolves respect strength. Everyone believed even before I was born that my Father is too passive to be a good Alpha.'

"Is that the only reason for your visit Alpha Archer?" Envy questions him.

I glance at Envy, he sits like the others and it appears he belongs, a lot more than I do.

"I also wished to inform you that I believe the Witch Council," I flinch when a sharp pain pierces my eye, "is planning something."

"The Witch Council is always planning something, what makes you believe this time it's something worth reporting?" Luc inquires from the top of the staircase.

No one seems surprised at his appearance, he walks down the stairs and moves around to stand behind me. I glance up at him and give him a look, he shrugs at me in response.

"Not only I believe it's something to report but several other packs have been restless as well, I've never liked the fact the Council resides within Romania but it makes it easier to keep an eye on them."

"Just because the Council has become restless and it appears that they are planning something doesn't mean anything. The Council are always planning something but they never act upon those plans because they're lazy bastards," Luc tells him.



Everything suddenly goes black. I place my hands to my head and scream, I think I faintly hear someone call my name but all of my senses are being taken over. There isn't pain but I feel nothing, it's absolutely terrifying and all I feel is panic. But I know that I can't panic, panicking can kill you.

"Alex..." A voice floats towards me.

I try to look up but it feels like my whole body is slow, like I'm trying to push through something thick and heavy. I open my mouth but no sound leaves me. I can't breath and I can't feel anything, it's black.

"Alex... fight... it..." that voice again.

Fight it? How am I supposed to fight this, I don't know what I'm fighting!

"Don't... let... them... win..."

Don't let who win? What is going on? Right now if I could scream, I would, this has surpassed fear and panic and now I'm just frustrated.

"Come... to... me..."

It doesn't matter I can't just stay here, I grit my teeth and attempt to move but not only is everything slow but heavy, every time I manage to move it just feels like someone's pushing this incredible weight onto me. I don't even know if I'm going the right way and I have no idea how much time is passing, it feels like it's taking forever to just move an inch.

"Let... go..."

This voice really isn't helping right now, I'm trying to concentrate it's taking everything in me just to move let alone think.

"Don't... think... just... come... to... me..."

Don't think, I'm not I'm just trying to move. What even is this stuff, it's black and heavy and thick. I don't know where I am and I don't even know who is talking to me. I just want to scream why do these things always happen to me?

"It's... a... trap... just... come... to... me... my... Daughter..."

I start struggling, "Dad?"

"Let... go..."

"Let go of what?" I feel my eyes close and my body fall but never stop.

"Stop... thinking... just...concentrate... on... my... voice..."

Stop thinking, stop thinking. It sounds easy but it really isn't, I can't breathe and all I can feel is a heaviness surrounding my body. But I try and I let everything just fall from me and the only thing that I do is concentrate on his voice. I ignore the pain in my limbs, the burning of my lungs and the panic growing in my stomach, the only thing I do is concentrate on his voice.

"That's my girl, now be careful for your fate is going to put you through one hell of a ride."

I open my eyes and gasp, I sit up and look around and frown in confusion. I'm sitting on grass in the forest and everyone is fighting around me. I cough and lean over and try to crawl.


I look up as I get helped up. From smell I can tell it's a wolf, I go to thank them but then pause and actually look around. Everyone is a wolf except for the ones they're fighting against and not just one kind, it's the vampires and witches.

"This isn't good, where's Envy?" I try to walk away but then they pull me back.

I freeze when I turn back to her and I spot it, "I didn't think that you'd be the traitor."

I see no regret in her eyes as she speaks, "I'm sorry Alex but vampires can turn humans without risk or problems and they promised me if I helped them."

"Your mate."

"Yes, its Vivian and it's forbidden to be with a human due to the bonding bite, so you were the only way I could be with her is to help them to get you. I'm sorry I had to do what they asked they just couldn't take you when you were unstable it was too risky for them. But the Council has come to take you and they can't let you be taken and have them suppress your vampire side, they need you."

"I don't know if I can believe you Lisanna."

"I understand but either way I will do anything to be able to be with Vivian. You understand don't you Alex, you and Envy are able to be together so why can't I?"

A flash of white suddenly jumps between us and pushes me away, I hit a tree and I wince when a branch scratches my cheek. Envy snarls at her and she drops and shifts and they move and they both go straight for the throat. I still feel slow due to whatever happened to me but I know I have to do something, but before I can do anything someone grabs me and yanks me, he bares his fangs right in face. I panic and slam my hand up and a blast of light flings him away from me, I walk backwards and look around, Envy and Lisanna are still fighting each other.

Dean and Lilith are trying to fight a witch, Mika's fighting a vampire, Luc's dealing with three witches and there's just blood everywhere. I don't know what to do, I still feel sluggish and they're here for me and I can't do anything.

I'm about to try and move or do anything until someone grabs my hand. I swing around and stare in shock at the person in front of me, large fangs extended from their top canines but the more shocking thing is how eerie he looks because he looks just like me, but male.

"Alex!" I jerk and stare into his eyes confused as all fuck.

Regardless I shout back, "Let me go!"

"Wait please, let me explain. But it's no safe here please, come with me."

I look at him like he's insane, "What? No, I don't even know who you are and this is my pack. I can't leave them."

"You'll only be putting them in more danger if you stay here. Neither of them will stop until they've taken or killed you."

I blink at him stupidly for a minute but can't deny the truth that is there. For the past weeks its all been about the vampires and witches coming for me. Why because I'm a hybrid, because I'm powerful? It doesn't make any sense I'm sure there are others out there more powerful then me, there has to be hybrids out there. So why am I so special?

I shake my head and dispel the thoughts.

"That doesn't matter, I don't know who you are, so I doubt I can trust you anymore than the other vamps." I turn to leave to go help but his grip on my arm tightens.

"Alex, I'm your half-brother and I'm sorry but you can't stay here. Please forgive me."

My body goes into shock at the words half-brother so I don't fully react when he swings me into his arms and takes off at a speed I didn't even know was possible.


We come to a stop and he sets me down, as I instantly move away and look around, we're in a house somewhere, my guess not anywhere near my pack.

"The fuck...? Where are we?" I question him.

"London. I'm sorry for the change of continent but if the Council or the vampires got you, it'd be over for you and this is the only place safe from their views."

"But you're a vampire."

"Yes but I'm not with them."


'Envy... I'm in London and I'm guessing a lot of trouble.'

'No shit, as soon as you were gone not only did the vampire vanish off somewhere but so did the witches. So now you're not in pack territory so you're defenceless.'

'I'll be fine. I'll figure out how to get back while you take care of the pack. Get Mika and Luc to help with healing for anyone injured and keep me updated.'

I can almost hear a smile in his voice despite the situation, 'Finally coming into your Luna title I see. Don't worry that was the plans and Alex?'


'I trust you to come home Red.'


I look to my new Brother as he wrings his hands and looks at me nervously, it's a bit unsettling how much we look alike. He has dark red hair and red eyes, we have similar facial structure but what really throws me off is his tattoo. Similar to mine except it wraps around his right wrist and down the back of his hand, it goes up most of his arm instead of just a little. But the lines are identical to mine where they appear delicate but deadly with the pointed ends and there's the Red Crescent moon that curves to left on the back of his hand but there is no symbol beside the moon.

He notices me looking and lifts his hand up, warily I bring my hand up and touch our fingertips together. I gasp when electricity zips through my tattoo and it begins to glow. He gasps when his begins to glow too.

I pull my hand away and swallow. I can't explain the full feeling as to what run through me but I know I can trust him.

"Alright, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, what's going on?" I tell him crossing my arms.

"I need your help to kill our King," he says.


To be continued...


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