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By lethal_bullets

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"๐˜'๐˜ญ๐˜ญ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ด๐˜ด ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ด ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜บ ๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต" - @_๐˜ด๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ_๐˜จ๐˜ช๐˜ณ๐˜ญ_ Book 1. Can be read as a stand-a... More

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Chapter 1 : "No, otherwise I'll look old."
Chapter 2: "No, I'm an angel."
Chapter 3: "...Didn't expect you to like erotic stuff."
Chapter 5: " One word is enough to kill you. "
Chapter 6: "You tried to steal my girl!"
Chapter 7: "OH LITTLE BRO!"
Chapter 8: "Nah, you look like a Cupcake to me."
Chapter 9: "THIS MEANS WAR!"
Chapter 10: "WE HEARD THAT!"
Chapter 11: "I won't look at your nudes or contacts."
Chapter 12: "And I greedily slung my pizza."
Chapter 13: "ALL HAIL SAM GORDON!!!"
Chapter 14: "Innocent my ass."
Chapter 15: "Your face is enough to make me smile."
Chapter 16: " Lance. Your full name is..."
Chapter 17: "What kind of question is that?"
Chapter 18: "Damn, Gentleman."
Chapter 19: "Aggressive, now are we? Sexy~"
Chapter 20: "You're on your period."
Chapter 21: "It's daddy~!"
Chapter 22: "Stay away from Amanda."
Chapter 23: "Are you wearing a contact lense on one side?"
Chapter 24: "Cause I'm in love with you."
Chapter 26:"...if you never came to New York, I wouldn't have met you."
Chapter 27: "Oh dang~ who's this hottie?..."
Chapter 28: "What? This is just as exciting as the UFC fights. "
Chapter 29: "You better whoop them ass!"
Chapter 30: "I only have eyes for one."
Chapter 31: "Arsehole?"
Chapter 32: "...because I care for you."
Chapter 33: "Cherry clafoutis, be it then?"
Chapter 34: "I really am going to rip your head off and shit on your neck!"
Chapter 35: "I feel like a fucking Disney Princess!"
Chapter 36: "High school girls, High school girls, all for me~"
Chapter 37: "You know what else is pretty? My fist in your face-"
Chapter 39:"I locked him in the storage room."
Chapter 40: "I was just greeting her. "Geez~ calm your tits."
Chapter 41: "I'm fine. Don't worry."
Chapter 42: "Is Blakey blushing? Oh fuck, he really is!"
Chapter 43: "We're just friends."
Chapter 44: "I swear on my life, I am a virgin."
Chapter 45: "Chill your balls, Blake."
Chapter 46: "This is something between him and I."
Chapter 47: "Can't I watch you atleast get the shirt off?"
Chapter 48: "Karma is a bitch, Cohen."
Chapter 49: "And you're so real. A real Ass."
Chapter 50: "If I wanted a bitch, I could've have bought myself a dog."
Chapter 52: "Your stepdaddy does~"
Chapter 53: "You kissed me."
Chapter 54: "Think what you like...America is a free country."
Chapter 55: "Someone who loves me back."
Chapter 56: "Give him a chance."
Chapter 57: "You're gay?"
Chapter 58: " FUCK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH! "
Chapter 59: "Just like me, huh?"
Chapter 60: "You're only wearing your underwear!"
Chapter 61: "What did he do?"
Chapter 62: "... ' Do you like bacon? Wanna strip?' "
Chapter 63:"I fell in love with her."
Chapter 64:"Yeah, cause you are a gay bitch. You like dicks."
Chapter 65: "I'm fine as long as it's you. "
Chapter 66: "HAPPY HALLOWEEN!"
Chapter 67: "You mad bro?"
Chapter 68: "Did you just cosplay your childhood crush?"
Chapter 69: " There's no problem with a guy sitting next to another guy..."
Chapter 70: "Mark my words, I will fight for us till death arrives."
Chapter 71:"You make me sound like a loner."
Chapter 72: "...What am I to you? And what are they to you?"
Chapter 73: "I don't want to be friends with you."
Chapter 74: "Seems like you have to choose between us."
Chapter 75: "Happy Thanksgiving!"
Chapter 76: "Yes, I will."
Chapter 77:"I'm not one of your one night stands."
Chapter 78: "Don't tell anyone about this, okay?"
Chapter 79:"Hate? You said, you were good friends."
Chapter 80:"Who are you calling fuck, you fuck!?"
Chapter 81: "Legends are born in a valley of struggle."
Chapter 82:"Just like us not being together, yet."
Chapter 83: "You have a stain behind you."
Chapter 84: "Distracted by staring at your beautiful face."
Chapter 85:"Fank Yew!"
Chapter 86:"Miggy is gay."
Chapter 88:"HAPPY NEW YEAR!"
Chapter 89:"Yes, I'm serious."
Chapter 90:"Why?"
Chapter 91:"Have you gotten over her already?"
Chapter 92:"Neither yours."
Chapter 93:"That's right. You're mine after all."
Chapter 94:"You know, that I'm all yours right?"
Chapter 95:"Women are scary."
Chapter 96:"It wasn't my intention to hurt you."
Chapter 97:"...I'm the reason why you are hurting!"
Chapter 98:"Boys are assholes."
Chapter 99:"He is the best mistake, I have ever made."
Chapter 100:"Dash has been missing..."
Chapter 101:"No, I really love him."
Chapter 102:"Ya'll fell for my trap."
Chapter 103:"Yes, I'm here!"
Chapter 104:"Stop eye raping me, will ya?"
Chapter 105:"I love you too."
Chapter 106:" Because of you."
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BONUS CHAPTER: "Happy birthday, biatch~!"

Chapter 25:"YOUR ASS IS MINE!"

119 8 22
By lethal_bullets


I feel a lot better, after I've finally confessed. I have nothing to hide anymore -AH! I'M SO RELIEVED- I've been secretlty crushing on her, since 10th grade. Cough, 'stalking'... It's normal, right? I mean, everybody does that, right?...

Now, that I remember... When we met each other in class and spent our time in the library, that wasn't the first time I saw her...It all started in the music room. Whenever she went there, I'd secretly follow and hide behind the curtains, just to hear her play 'Kiss the rain' by Yiruma on the piano. I still see her pale hands flowing on the piano key, her eyes shut and dark hair flying infront of me. -Shit, she's just too good...-

Another thing that makes me relieved is seeing Felicia. She seems to have changed into a wonderful woman. Even after she dumped me, she didn't get together with Blake. He just mistreated her and when her parent's found out she wasn't virgin anymore, they forced her to drop school, since he was still there. -That asshole!- She told me, that she found someone, who treats her like a queen. Her boyfriend might be rich, but she said she doesn't want to depend on him too much and that's why she decided to do part time jobs. -Atleast we're back to talking.-

I Sensen tue starkes of my idiotic gang. I'm dragged back to reality, thanks to these idiots.

"YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!!! BRO!" Sam and Kace widen their eyes on Lance's phone. I sigh and grab my coke, as I walk towards them.

After a long ass minute Dash runs his fingers through his hair. "Tell me this isn't real...WAKE ME UP FOR FUCKS SAKE! I'M HAVING THE WORST NIGHTMARE EVER!!!" He growls and covers his face with his hands. Annoying Kim throws a handfull of popcorn at him.

"Will you shut up! I'm really enjoying this right now, you prick! The best scene is about to happen." This sick bastard grins and stuffs himself with popcorn, as if he is watching a movie. -I secretly pray, that he'll choke on it.-

"YOUR ASS IS MINE!" The latino idiot jumps on him and they start fighting on the couch, like 10 years olds fighting over a console.

My attention wanders to Lance, who pats my shoulder and wipes a fake tear out of his cheek. " I'm so deadass proud of you my son!" They all start to laugh at his embarrassing words. I punch him away making him groan. "What?! You are starting to make small progressions in your love-life. That should be praised!" He waves his phone infront of me with the damn-ass picture and video, he secretly took and recorded.

I grab the phone, push his chest making him take a few steps back and lastly delete it.

"What the fuck man?!" He growls and tries to snatch the phone, but I lift it up high to avoid his fingers.

"Asshole." I murmur as I throw it back to him. He surprisingly catches it and glares at me, then gently kisses his phone not releasing his gaze off me.

"You are lucky that I won't kill you, for now! One scratch on my baby and you're dead!" He looks at his phone then groans."You for real?! Okay, thank god I've sent it to the others."Lance shoves his smartphone back to his jeanspocket. -Seriously, what's up with people and their phone addiction?- I roll my eyes and glare at the rest, who are sending me innocent smiles and waving their phones up in the air. -Like fuck, they won't stop messing around with me. That's for sure.-



-What is my status with Raven now? He's making it way too hard for me. I do not know him for long, so why?!-

"Hey! Earth on Amy! You here?" Courtney snips her fingers infront of me.

I blink a few times then sigh. " Yeah I'm here. Sorry, I was just thinking..."

"About what?" She raises an eyebrow and leans closer to me. "Speak up!"

"It's n-nothing..." I lie and look down. -Like hell I'd tell her!- She grunts and shakes me by my shoulders.

"Gurl~ c'mon! Sum'things up! I spot flushes on you~" She laughs and I groan. -I blame my mom for this 'flush' genes. - I peek around us to made sure there aren't any eavesdropers in the hall. I mean, this is highschool I'm talking about, once you've said or done something, people will have have you as a topic.

"It's about Raven..." I gave in and told her all the details, on how he confessed to me infront of his ex-girlfriend and that I was jealous of her. I can't hide things behind her back, she'll eventually find out and won't stop nagging, why I didn't tell it to her sooner.

She squeals and has a brightful grin on her face. Also, she doesn't stop telling me, that she knew this will happen. -No good!-

I blur her out of my thoughts, while she's still over dramatically praising me.

-I wonder what Raven is doing right now. What will happen next?... What do I feel towards him?-


Court has to go to another class, so we parted ways. While I am walking, I notice someone familliar glancing at the school board. He has upturned black hair and a red bandana around his tattood arm.

-It's Kim! What is he doing here?-

"Hi." I walk towards him and smile. He's a person you can't ignore for some reasons, like his presence is way to strong.

He grins back and gives me a hug. "Hey~"

"Since when were you attending our school?" I ask as he lets go.

"Been here since the ninth grade." He chuckles, then grins again. "I just skip often and mostly am in art class." Explains, why I have never seen him. Most of my time, I'm either in the cantine, library or music room.

"Why didn't you tell it to me sooner?" I remember the time, where the whole squad introduced themselves. Only Crystal mentioned that she was attending our school. "Are the others also here?"

He shakes his head. "Only me and Crystal. I don't think it's necessary to mention school. I mean, no one gives a fuck." His laughter echoes the hall again. I smile and just shrug, while starring into his baby-face, with a lip ring and a sharp shaped jawline.

After a while he pokes me, while wiggling his eyebrows. "Heared you got a confession~" -Don't tell me...-

I flush and sigh. "I don't know how to respond to that tho..."

He clears his throat, then slings one arm around my shoulder, while he leads me to walking. " Ya know, Raven is a good man. I've been bestfriends with him, since we were in elementary school. From how I know him, he can be a dick, with his goddamn 'great' knowledge. And what a big dick he can be~ Like he doesn't make sense most of the time!" -Yep, that sounds like Raven.-

I press my lips together and try to hide my smile, thanks to Kim sounding funny with his dramatic voice. "I'm not trying to make it hard for you or force you to accept him. You should decide, what you think is best for you." I spot a little smile across his face as we continue walking. "But if you do choose him... make sure to punch him many times, since you've got the chance to! I mean, I'd use that opportunity!" I crack out a little laughter and he joins me. -I can't take him serious.-

"Just kidding. He's been smiling a lot lately and stopped being that grumpy asshole that he actually is. Ever since, you two have met, I can't get it out of my mind, that he's actually 'that' Raven from 4 years ago. What an amazing glow-up, huh?" He laughs as I stare at him.

-This is the first time, I'm seeing Kim as an young adult. I mean, he's acting like a child most of the time, but when it comes to stuffs like this, he shows his real self.-

His laughter slowly fades."I'm assuming you know, Felicia?"

I nod and feel something tightening inside of me.
"Yeah, I've seen her. But we didn't talk to each other, so I don't really know what happened...between those two."

He raises an eyebrow, obviously surprised. " Is that so? Well, I'll let him handle it. He better tell you soon."

"What's that supposed to mean?" We stop walking and stop infront of the art room.

"It means, I wish you the best of luck and hope to see little Ravens and Amandas walking around one day~" He wiggles his eyebrows and I flush. "Do me a favour and don't leave him. I'm sure you won't regret it - Oh and, Don't tell him any of this! He'll cut my perfect head off and wear it, since his jelly~ I mean, I'm hot~" He lifts his hands up and put them together, into a begging pose.

"Wha-" I get cut off as he quickly hugs me and rushes to open the door.

"I gotta go! Keep my word on mind, Amanda and thanks for everything." Before the door shuts, his face got plastered with a warm smile.

-What the freaking flemeu just happened?...-


One thing I love about school, is when it ends, but I'm sure I'm not the only one, right?

I step outside with Raven's confession and Kim's favour on my head.

Come to think of it... I haven't seen Raven or Blake neither did I see Charles today.

-Somethings really odd!- Charles has been my childhood crush and Raven hates him...Raven is the first one to confess to me and Blake has something to do with Raven... -UGHH!!! Why is RAVEN almost involved into everything?!-

Speaking of the devil, he's wearing a blue hoodie and black jogging pants. His hair is kinda messy and he has a towel around his neck. "Hey." His smooth voice hallow in my ears. It takes me a few seconds before I answer. My heart is racing and I feel really uncomfortable.

"H-hi." I tug on my sweater to hide my shaking hands. "Where have you been?"

His lips curve up. "Missed me that much?" -I forgot how egoistic he can be.- I groan and he chuckles. "I went jogging and skipped school. Kinda wasn't in the mood."

"How fit." I sigh and imagine him running down the streets, with the crowded people glaring at him. His messy hair looking perfect and his body defined. -Jaw dropping...No, no, no Amanda! Stop!- I hastily shake my head and notice him looking at me.

"Thanks?" He raises an eyebrow. -Sounds more like a question... Oh shoot! He must think I meant it sarcastically!-

"I mean it...Since when were you wearing those clothes?" I raise an eybrow and analyse him. White Jordans, Under Armour dark-blue hoodie and black jogging pants. -Reminds me of Charles, speaking of him. Didn't he make fun of him earlier?...-

He just shrugs, grabs my bag and scoops his hands into mine. "Your mom and Miles are at my place."

"For real? Why?" I'm surprised. -Why wasn't I informed earlier?-

We get into his black car. "Apparently, Mrs. Miller and mum have known each other since College. Somehow, they lost contact and just saw each other in the church sometimes. When I told my mum, that I've been at your place, she immediately told me to invite you all."
He explains, while driving.

"Wow..." Is the only word that escaped my lips.

"Yep, wow..." He grins. "My mum wants to meet you too." I glance at him.

"Why?" I spot a little smirk on his lips and his eyes flicker to me.

"Maybe, I talked too much about you?" He gives me an innocent smile and I swat his arm.

I groan."Raven!" -He can't be serious! I wonder what he said! Good things I hope! I don't want to go in his place, now...-

His soft giggle echoes in the car. "Sorry not sorry! I had to. I couldn't keep my mouth shut. You know what they say, loving a person too much makes you think out loud~"

I flush and cover my face. -This guy is crazy! Kim was right, He can be a *beeepp* sometimes!-

"Want to go jogging with me on saturday?" He asks after a while.

"Jogging? No, no and no! Forget it!" I sigh.

"It's weekend anyway. On sunday we go to church and if you want we could do a movie night on Sunday."



Took me a little bit too long xD ... Hope you didn't mind the long wait. I made sure to make this much more interesting ;3 Oh, and there will be more cliffhangers from now on.

Who is Felicia?

Is Raven trying to look like Charles?

Find out in the next chapter!♡

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