
By Diana_the_1Dfan

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"Ed....wait." her voice holds me back. Diana hasn't called me Ed ever since we were last friends "Edward... More

Diana Fernaux
Edward Rephlin


23 12 2
By Diana_the_1Dfan

Diana :

Was it true? Or was I dreaming ? But how did he change all of a sudden ? Did he really change ? He took three long years to realise the damage done? Did I do the right thing by giving him a chance? Will I be hurt again ?

Ugh !

There were all sorts of questions evolving in my mind and all of them were arising from Edward's request for a second chance at our friendship.

When Edward asked me for another chance I had so many questions.

I wanted to ask him where was he all this while. I wanted to ask him why he hadn't realised until today at Jess' house. I wanted to ask him why he would avoid me and not talk to me whenever he saw me. I wanted to ask him why he forgot my existance after his relationship with Julia. I wanted to ask him why he would hesitate even to smile at me when he was with Julia. I wanted to ask him why he would not try and help me when Julia would create issues for me. I wanted to ask him why was Julia so rude to me and no other girl even though he stopped interacting with me. I wanted to ask him why he would indirectly tell mean and hurtful things to me. I wanted to ask him why he stopped being my friend in the first place. But, I didn't. I knew it would make things complicated.

While I was sitting in my bed with a heavy stomach after dinner, I was trying to feel the way I was feeling when Edward was talking to me in the park a few hours ago. To be honest, it was more than just a talk about second chance to me. For me, it was everything. Even now when I think about each and every word Edward said was ringing in my ears. The way he looked at me, deep into my eyes still gave me chills. The way his beautiful green eyes were turning watery made me want to believe him. Every time he saw me with that pleading look made my heart sink. Every time he touched my hand, a wave of chills passed from my head to toe and the pit of my stomach tightened. His touch was something that I never expected but when he did touch me, my world just stopped only to look at him and my heart would just skip a beat.

I felt my mind being way too occupied that I couldn't think straight anymore. The only thing that was going in my mind was " Edward....Edward....Edward....." I couldn't think anything Other than Edward. So I decided to play some music on my phone but even before I could shit shuffle I got a text from Olivia.

Hey D ?

Yup !!!!

Umm.....are you busy ?

Nope.....I'm So jobless that I could stare at the ceiling all night...



So.....I'm in trouble....kinda....I mean...not deep trouble. 😫😢😭



What have you done ?

So I was home alone and I was trying one of mom's dresses that she just brought a month ago.

And ?

When I was removing it.....I was in a hurry because I got a notification on my


I tore it

What !?!?! 😂🤣

Ha ha ha ! Very funny !


Can you please shut up and help me instead of making me feel guilty, not that I am not already.

Well.....does she know ? 😆

What makes you think I would have told her ? 😐😑😢😭 broke your headphones a week you would have told her " It's KARMA mum!" 🤣😂😂😂🤣

OMG !!!! D !!!! YASSS !!! I forgot about that !!!! 😀🙄🙄😏😏

Shit ! Why did I even tell you!!! 😣😥

Because.....You're the best !!! 😘

That I am 😎

Tell me about it 😝

Btw.....who's text made you tear the dress 😉🙄🙄😏😏


You wouldn't be excited if it wasn't someone special ? 😋

Um....It was a friend

Huh uh ? So this "friend", has a name ? 😂🤣



D......well....I have to go.....

Why ? Got "Friend's" notification ?



Stop with this "friend" and I'm going to go....bye Diana

Bye "friend" 😂🤣


I was already confused and frustrated and now Oli's so called friend made an entry into the pool of thoughts in my mind. I would have minded my business, which I usually do but this was related to Oli. So I wouldn't let her exsist without letting me know who that friend was.

After a long frustrating day I decided to sleep a little early so that I can start fresh and active tomorrow. I was also wondering how would Edward and I interact with each other tomorrow with this whole " second chance ". I was looking forward to a new beginning and also hoping that our relationship would bloom in the best way possible.

Just as I came out of the washroom, my phone made a annoying vibrating sound as it was placed on the table and let's be honest I think the vibrating sounds gets really annoying only when the phone is kept on a hard surface and it creates that "Buzzzzzzzzzzzzz" and "Grrrrrrrrrrrr" noise.

I was smiling to myself and thinking of all the possible ways I could irritate Oil using "friend" but my smile kinda vanished but my heart skipped a beat when I saw Edward's name flashing on the screen in the form of a message.

Hi Diana, thank you for all you've done today. It means the whole world to me. I can't thank you enough for giving me a chance.
Good Night
Sweet Dreams
Take Care
Sleep Well Diana

I didn't know what to reply. I was really happy seeing his message. The way my heart skipped a beat was real. But I was also scared of any sort of disappointment that would arise in the future, out of all the odds. But right now, I just wanted to look at my phone and smile.

Good Night Ed. 😴

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