Creation L.H

By HolyMichaelClifford

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Nexia Rose McGarth grew up with only a father to take care of her. A father that spent most of his time in hi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Authors Note
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Authors Note
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Authors Note
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One

Chapter Thirty Three

207 14 10
By HolyMichaelClifford

"How do you possibly have your fucking drivers license you drive like my mum?" Luke asked once we got to the lab. Aaron pulled out the keys looking in the rear view mirror at Luke who looked like he was going to throw up.

I understood that fully. I was sympathetic for Luke having to deal with that first riders feeling as well.

Aaron looked affended by the insult letting out a small gasp.

"He drives like Louis The Tommo Tomlinson." I countered in evily and Aaron glared making a face at me.

"I have more style than Tomlinson, he has the sass and ass but I have the Style."

"Actually he has Styles you have nothing." I replied with a wink and he shook his head at me.

"Hunny he ain't gay." Aaron spoke in a girly fake gay voice as he did a little hand gesture towards me. He pursed his lips and made a clucking sound with his tongue.

This was one of the reasons why Aaron and I got along so well, he understood my jokes and he played along with it. But when it came to the Asian cracks that was when he wanted to go Jack Black on your ass.

"I beg to differ." I said as Luke opened my door. I took his outstretched hand and he helped pull me up and into his arms. He hugged me tightly for a few seconds and I didn't try to pull away because I knew he was upset about destroying something that he had worked so hard on with my father to make. But he wanted to get rid of Luke for the better of us.

"You good?" I asked once we pulled back and he nodded kissing me it was much harder for him to lay his forehead against mine but I loved how it was.

"Lets go." I said and he grabbed my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. I saw Aaron standing a little bit in front of us giving us the space we needed and I would have to tell him thank you for being so patient later.

Luke walked us to the doors and we let go knowing that it would raise more than enough eyebrows and since they might already get an idea on who I was I didn't need that. Luke opened the door for me and I walked in keeping my head down.

The cold AC felt good with the big coat I had on. The boys went to either side of me almost protectively as we headed towards the doors that we needed to get down to the basement. Most people here probably didn't even have an idea on what was going on down there. But if they were to find out all hell would break lose.

I bit my lip as we got through another set of doors and than to the stairs. It was much more effective than the elevator since I was scared of them and because they had video cameras and I couldn't let anyone getting curious of us on it.

Luke put his hand on the small of my back as we walked down making sure that I wouldn't fall. It was a sweet gesture something the robot Luke had done often but what I had took for granted.

It was strange to realize that there were two Lukes; one that was undoubtedly perfect while the other one was adorably geeky and had quirks. Two Lukes but one seemed to captivate my heart more than the other though they were just one person.

I bit my lips clasping my hands in front of me as I was the first one to hit the downstairs double doors. I knew we were getting closer to the basement and my heart kept racing. It was something that I was known for feeling paranoia; the stomach churning feeling that seemed to swallow me alive.

I felt like I was going to puke.

"Don't worry it will be over soon." Luke seemed to feel the worry that simmered off of me, he moved closer towards me and kissed the top of my head. It seemed to help me if not a little and I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding in. It was easier in ways to be with Luke, to be happy. At least he was like me in ways, made mistakes and knew right from wrong. He would grow old and eventually die like any normal person should.

Thinking about killing this robot, something that dad and Luke had worked on tirelessly didn't seem like such an easy and good thing now once I was inside the building. So close to where the robot would be. I didn't know if I would be able to do it. To kill the indestructible robot, and be happy. To kill the robot they had created over long hours, over piles of paper and things that just never happened.

I knew my father would be hurt by this. Be hurt that I -his daughter- had done everything in my power to get rid of something that he seemed to love. I knew things would be tough for a while between us but I needed to do this. It was the right thing. It was the only way.

Aaron let out a soft sigh as he walked ahead of us probably getting a little antsy about all of this. His hands started to ball up into fist at his sides and his feet tapping against the hard ground was the only sound that was distinct in the long corridor.

I bet the other two boys weren't even having the same thought process as I was having. They probably weren't seeing this as me destroying everything I touched.

But I was.

I knew that I was always the one that ended up screwing everything up, hurting the people closest to me, and hurting myself in the process. I broke things maybe even broke people. And I hated how I was suddenly having this ephiamy.

My lets started to feel like jello, stringy beneath my body. I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to keep on distroying things, I hated it. Looking down the long corridor I stopped dead in my tracks unable to move. Luke stopped abruptly behind me only because he was holding onto me.

Aaron kept walking ahead of us unaware that I was having a small ephimay. His feet slapped against the ground as they started to slow and altogehter stop once he realized that Luke and I weren't following behind him.

"What's going on?" Aaron spoke curiously with a bit of suspion layering his tone. He looked in-between Luke and I staring at the way Lukes arm was wrapped around me. I bit my lip digging my foot into the ground.

"I don't know." Luke admitted. " Nexia, what's wrong?" Luke moved slightly so he could get a better look at my face and his creased with worry. It wasn't something that I liked seeing on his face. This worried Luke wasn't the best one and I knew that. I very much liked the carefree always smiling awkward Luke worried Luke made me feel bad, almost guilty.

"Nothing, nothing." I tried to shake off the feeling of dread as the words were almost lodged into the center of my throat. It was almost as if I couldn't breath. I didn't know why I had to think this way now. There was no reason for it. Maybe I was being paranoid- that was always a good possibility. Paranoia always seemed to evade my thoughts at random intervals and this seemed to be one of them.

Taking a deep breath my teeth grazing my bottom lip somewhat absentmindedly.

"What is it, Nexia?" Aaron asked me in a softer voice his expression softened somewhat. Luke started to rub my back soothingly.

"I don't know if I can do this." I admitted reluctantly. Luke nodded almost as if he understood what I meant, and Aaron just stood there blinking at me. I knew this was probably a bad moment to being having this kind of ephimamy but it was my brains fault. The thought process and everything else wasn't meant to be like this.

I knew Aaron wasn't an impatient person but when he had his mind set to something it wasn't easily dissuaded.

"Nexia, it's alright." Luke cooed to me rubbing my back softly as if in a comforting gesture. I shook my head, my hair falling around the nape of my neck as I quickly moved it away.

"No it isn't. I always distroy everything I touch, and I am going to be distroying something you and dad had worked so hard to create."

"It will be fine." He insisted coming around to face me. He cupped my cheeks into the palms of his hands as he stared at me the way robot Luke would. Almost to intimate for my own good. My breath hitched in my throat as I looked back up at his lean figure.

The light falling onto his face showing the contrast betwen light and shadow. Of the way the deep hole where his lip ring had been darkened even more. He was beautiful.

His blue eyes seemed to be only brighter at this moment; like the ocean vibrant and filled with wonder.

"Breaking something you had worked so hard on? It won't be fine, it won't be alright." I choked out shaking my head. My throat felt like it was constricting, closing in.

I saw Aaron through the corner of my eyes lean back against the wall, back pressed against it as he rested his elbows on his thighs. He was more than likely thinking that this will take a while that I would be having this little moment for a few minutes if not longer. He had to deal with me years ago when I got like this and he knew that I would procrastinate.

"Listen to me sweetheart," Luke begged softly bringing my head up to look into his bright eyes as I tried to look away. "You aren't distroying anything. We all are fixing a problem." He motioned one of his hands over all of us as he still stared intently at me.

"We have to fix something that I had made for my own greed. I wanted you to know me -the real me- and I thought this would do it. It didn't work though because I just didn't have it all thought out. Please don't blame yourself for this. This is my fault and I am just causing you more stress to be thinking about this."

Luke was sweet. To sweet for my own good. He was like that delicious jolly rancher that could never leave a sour taste in your mouth, he always had you wanting more. I don't know why I was thinking of candy metaphors or similies at a time like this but my mind sort of went in that direction.

A part of me knew that I didn't deserve him; I didn't even deserve his robot to say the least. Though I was grateful that he decided to settle for someone like me. Appreciative that he wanted to stay apart of my life, and he was willing to risk so much just to do so.

I took a deep breath puffing my cheeks out in the process. Luke still held my face firmly in his hands almost as if he were to loosen them and I would go screaming and running in the other direction. Knowing me though I probably would have with the nerves that were running through my body.

"Okay." Was all I could say.

"Okay?" I smiled at his The Fault In Our Stars quote.


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