Daughter of a trickster God (...

By EsmyRiley345

196K 4K 738

Davina is the daughter of Loki, Goddess of fire and virtue, granddaughter of Odin, niece of Thor and Princess... More

The start
Finding out
Who is she?
Why help?
Warning to the so called King
My scepter
Shopping ambush
What to do for fun
Rocket and Groot
Lunch visit from Kol
Found you
A week later
First date
Frigga's visit
All about an Asgardian
Nurse Davina
Work together
Girl fight
Dramatic birth
Sent away
Kol's Steamy visit
Attention caught
Battle of New York
3 weeks of bliss later
Sweet phone call
Turning up the heat
Long lost sister
Tale of Dahlia
Loki's arrival
Books for you
Pairing for Rebekah
Welcome home (sort of)
Date night
Meant to be
Banner and Stark's visit
Pay back prank
Make you talk
Dahlia attacks
Flerken + the tesseract + A Koloki talk
Ice bath
Damn those witches
Don't mess with this mama
What now?
Avengers visit
Moving time
Family dinner
Unexpected Arrival
To Asgard
Meeting Odin
Dinner and a tour
The Christening
I am yours
One month later
Going on a date
Marry me
Car sex
New story
More information
The next morning

Dinner is served

2.4K 50 4
By EsmyRiley345

Here's a new chapter, I hope you like it.

Warning chapter contains sexual content..

Continues from previous chapter..

A few hours later.....5 pm

Kol's pov

I return to the motel room after making a call to Nik to let him know what's going on as he wanted to know what was happening with Hope. I explained to him that Hope and Cami are safe with Agent Barton's family for now and that they are being moved to a safe house in Texas where me and Davina will go first thing tomorrow morning. 

I kick my shoes off and look over at the bed where Davina's sleeping. She's been sleeping for a couple hours now and she's completely out of it. She must be really tired because she won't even wake up to the smallest sound nor did she wake up earlier when there was a bang outside in the corridor. I smile as she snores quietly hugging the pillow to her chest as she rolled onto her side with the cat she brought back from Asgard lying beside her. The cat is very much awake and he's done nothing but stay by her side and watch over her. He's growled at me a few times when I've touched her or gone near her but he didn't try to scratch me, he just sort of stared at me in that very unnerving way cats do. I take it he must be very be protective over Davina which is normally for animals to be protective over their owners. 

I look at the time and see it's just gone 5. I should wake Davina so she can eat as I know she's probably hungry now. I walk over to the bed and sit down earning a little growl from the cat "back off buddy. I'm not going to hurt her" I say giving him a stare down and he just meows in response before jumping on to the nightstand. "Davina" I say gently shaking her shoulder but I get nothing as she still remains asleep. I lie down on my side and stroke her cheek "come on love, it's time to wake up" I say as I lean in and kiss her on the lips earning a little smile from her lips. I smile and keep kissing her lips until her lips start moving in sync with mine and I feel her giggling against my lips. She pulls away her eyes open "hmm that's a nice way to be woken up" she says "I'll kiss you awake more often" I respond giving her a wink making her smile. "I'd very much like that" she replies before leaning forward and pressing her lips against mine making me hum as she clings onto my shirt, gripping it tightly in her hands as I deepen the kiss. "I take it you had a nice nap" I say as I break the kiss but I keep my forehead pressed against hers "I did. That's the first proper sleep I've had in two and a half months. I think the baby just wanted you near by" she replies making me smile slightly as she brings one of my hands to her stomach which seems to warm up slightly at the touch of my hand. It's still seems so unreal to me that she's carrying my baby, I mean it's suppose to be impossible at least that's how my siblings and I always thought yet again there are things we apparently don't know about the world despite being a thousand years old. We may be wise beyond anyone elses year and we may know a lot about history and lived through some of history's most infamous events etc the French revolution, the civil war, the plague and we've met many Queen and King's but we don't really know anything about the world. We're only just learning that there are other species out there in the universe and there are such things as Gods and Goddesses. It feels like me and my siblings have been living a lie all this time and Davina has somehow awoken us and revealed the truth to us. She's awoken me and she's breathing life into me and giving me reason to be good.

"Are you okay?" Davina asks concerned making me realize I had zoned out "yeah I'm fine. I'm just still reeling in the fact you're carrying my child" I respond "are you alright with this? I know it's a huge shock and I don't know whether children were a part of your plan back when you were human but this is real and I need you to know it's okay for you to be scared because I am too" she says I cup her face in my hands. "Darling I'm more than alright with this. Sure I'm a little scared but I'll be okay. It's just gonna take some getting use too" I respond "I just want to warn you not to be startled if the baby comes out blue. I'm part frost giant and I was born blue so there's a chance our baby will too. I don't want you to be fearful of the baby and I don't want the baby to be made to feel ashamed of who and what she or he is" she replies "I'm not going to be fearful of my own child and I will never allow my child to feel ashamed of it's heritage. I'd never want our child to feel low or ashamed of themselves" I respond sincerely "I know. So have you talked to your siblings?" she asks "yes I just spoke to Nik before I woke you up" I respond "did you tell him I'm pregnant?" she asks "no I think we should keep it a secret between us for now" I respond making her frown. "Why?" she asks "because with everything that's going on with my siblings, we should wait until things have calmed down in New Orleans and once it's safe for Hope" I explain "I guess you're right but what are we going to do if you're still fighting your father and brother Finn when I'm on the verge of giving birth. Kol I don't want you to be away from me or the baby. I need you and I know that may seem selfish to keep you from your siblings when you're literally in the middle of family drama but I just don't want to be away from you. I hate being away from you" she says making me sigh and pull her into my arms. "I know darling. I don't like being away from you either. I'm going to be staying with you for a good few weeks but then I must return to New Orleans and I promise I will end what's going on with my father and brother and then you can come back" I respond "why can't I just come and help you? I'm strong enough to take on your father. I can kill any of your enemies and be done with it" she says "I know love but I don't want you having to solve every problem for me and my siblings besides you're pregnant now and I don't want you stressing yourself out. It's not good for you or the baby" I respond rubbing her back as she buries her head in the crook of my neck. 

"Come on, you need to eat" I say pulling away "okay can we just order room service. I don't feel like going out anywhere, I'm still really tired" she replies "of course love. What would you like?" I ask grabbing the menu from the nightstand and handing it to her. "I want a cheese burger and fries, a banana milkshake and mint chocolate" she says "okay I'll go and order the food but I don't think they have mint chocolate here" I say causing her to pout "if it's not to much trouble? Could you pop to the nearest store and get some please? I've been craving mint chocolate" she says "stay here, I'll go and get you, your mint chocolate" I respond gently tapping her on the nose making her giggle. "Thank you" she replies pressing her lips against mine "anything for my queen" I respond making her blush "I'm your Queen?" she asks "why of course you are. My love, my Queen and now the mother of my unborn child" I respond making her smile. "I love you"
 she says "I love you too. Now I'm going to order your food and pop to the store nearby and get you some mint chocolate. I won't be long" I say getting off the bed "okay I'm gonna take a shower" she replies getting off the bed and heading to the bathroom. The cat jumps off the nightstand and follows after her. I shake my head before putting my shoes on and grabbing my car keys and the room key along with some money before leaving the room.

I arrive at the motel restaurant "hello I'd like to make an order for room service under the name Mikaelson" I say to the woman at the desk "what would you like to order?" the woman asks biting her lip and batting her eyelashes at me in an attempt to flirt with me but I ignore her advances. "One cheese burger and fries, one banana milkshake, one steak and one bourbon" I say "when would you like the food?" she asks leaning forward causing her cleavage to nearly spill out of her top but I just roll my eyes. "In half an hour, I want the food brought to room 13A" I reply "I'll pass on your order and your food will be brought to your room. Would you like anything else?" she asks "no thank you that will be all" I reply "are you sure?" she asks twirling a strand of her hair with her finger "yeah I'm definitely sure. Bye now" I reply turning around and leaving before she can say or do anything else. I have absolutely no interest in some whore that's just waiting to spread their legs for any guy they see. I have Davina, my beautiful goddess Queen, my baby mamma.

I leave the motel and head straight to the nearest store which is literally right next to the motel. I head straight to the sweet section and soon find the chocolate. I grab four bars of mint chocolate since Davina didn't say how many she wanted but since she's craving them, I might as well get her a few. I then head to the till and pay for the chocolate. I leave and head straight back to the motel and make my way upstairs.

I arrive back at the room and hear the shower running indicating Davina's still showering. I shut and lock the door behind me. "I'm back darling" I say opening the bathroom door ajar "okay did you get some mint chocolate?" she asks "yes I did. I got you four bars" I say "ohh thank you" she replies "no problem" I respond moving away from the bathroom and placing the bag with her chocolate inside on the bed where the cat is. I kick my shoes off and go to close the bathroom door but I can't seem to stop myself from pushing the door further open. My eyes go straight to the shower where Davina is very visible to see as it has glass doors . At the minute the glass doors have steamed up so I can just about see her through the shower doors. I can see the outline of her body and every move she makes. She's running her hands through her hair probably rubbing in shampoo or rinsing her hair. I have the urge to over there and join her in the shower but I prevent myself and decide to leave her to shower in peace. I back away from the bathroom and shut the door. I head over to the night stand and grab the TV remote to turn on the TV just as I hear the shower turn off. I sit down on the edge of the bed and watch TV.

My eyes move from the TV to the bathroom door as I hear the door handle being turned and the door opens and Davina walks out wearing only a towel that is wrapped around her body while her hair is semi dry. "Um could I borrow a shirt of yours? I don't have any clean clothes to wear?" She says "of course, my duffel bag is over there just go and help yourself" I reply pointing over to my duffel bag on the couch in the corner of the room. She walks over to my duffel bag and I watch her every move hoping she would accidentally let go of the towel.

She unzips my bag and pulls out a shirt and instead of going to the bathroom to put the shirt on like I thought she would. She simply turns around and begins walking towards me. She gives me a sexy smirk as she stands in between my legs. She has one hand clutching onto her towel so it doesn't fall but I have a very good feeling that the towel will soon be removed. I place my hands on her hips "what are you after my love?" I ask "what makes you think I'm after something?" she asks "I know you and I know that smirk on your face signify's you want something so come on out with it" I say "there's nothing I want except for you" she purrs stroking my face with her free hand. "Oh really?" I ask "yes, do you want me as I want you?" she purrs "I'm pretty sure you know the answer to that" I respond grabbing her free hand and placing it on my hard bulge. "Oh I can see that. Do you know how long I've waited to see you? To feel you? To touch you and taste you?" she purrs slowly unbuttoning my shirt and trailing a hand down my bare chest before pushing me down on the bed and climbing on top of me causing a low growl to rumble through my chest. "Oh honey, I'm getting a pretty damn good idea" I respond making her giggle as she leans down and kisses up my chest causing my eyes to flutter shut at her touch. "I'm so frustrated Kol. I've gone three months without having sex and it's killing me, I need you. I want you so badly it almost hurts" she purrs kissing up my chest and making eye contact with me the moment I open my eyes and I groan as she keeps kissing upwards with her eyes still locked on me and I've never found something so sexy. "Well how about you remove that towel and I'll give you what we both want?" I suggest wiggling my eyebrows making her giggle "not just yet, this will take a while. I want to take time in worshiping you and your body" she purrs in response making me groan. "Well it's gonna have to be quick because dinner will be here in less than 15 minutes" I respond "don't worry dinners already started. I'm just the appetizer" she purrs unraveling her towel revealing her delicious naked body to my awaiting eyes. She bites her lip and smirks as she tosses her towel on the floor "dinner is served" she purrs making me growl and grab her by the waist "why yes it is" I respond flipping us over so now she's lying on the bed and I'm top of her. "Let's see what my appetizer is today" I say kissing her on the lips before beginning to kiss down her jaw and neck then all the way to her chest. I look at her as I kiss down her stomach making her whimper. "Today's appetizer is very sweet" she says biting her lip "something sweet my favorite" I growl as I near her pussy which is dripping with arousal as I can smell it. I kiss her belly button making her giggle as I know she's ticklish there. I go to push her legs apart but I stop as the cat jumps on the bed. "We're gonna have to put him elsewhere otherwise we're not going to be able to do anything" I say sitting up on my knees "don't worry I'll handle it" she replies sitting up and getting off the bed. She picks up the cat and walks round the bed and I can't help but just stare at her lovely naked ass. She puts the cat in the bathroom "just stay in here for a little bit okay. I need some privacy with my man" she says making me chuckle as she shuts the door and turns to me, biting her lip. I smirk and quickly remove my shirt as she struts towards me "I need my appetizer first" she purrs "why certainly. Ladies first" I respond biting my lip as she climbs onto the bed and kisses me. She moves onto my lap as I deepen the kiss and she begins to push me down. I place my hands on her hips once I'm fully lying down and I groan as she slowly grinds her crotch against mine. She pulls back and smirks at me before ducking her head and kissing down my jaw to my neck. She licks and sucks at my neck making me groan and squeeze her hips. She moves away from my neck and kisses down my chest sending hot shivers through my body. She looks up at me with a smirk as her eyes lock with mine and she keeps her eyes on mine as she continues kissing down my body in a painfully and teasingly slow manner. As she nears my stomach she lifts her hips up causing me to let go of her hips and I bite my lip as she sticks her ass up in the air, shaking it slightly as she kisses and licks down my stomach. "God you're killing me" I groan as her eyes still remain locked on mine making everything even more intense. "You better not die on me" she says playfully "well if I do, this is certainly the best way to die" I respond with a wink making her smirk as she kisses past my navel and unbuttons my jeans. She rips off my belt before I can even blink and the next thing I know my pants are off and she's pulling my cock out of my boxers. "My, my you're still as big as I remember. So big and thick and so hard all for me" she purrs licking a stripe up my length making me moan and clench the bed sheets. "Fuck" I pant slightly as she licks up my cock again "I'm always hard for you darling" I groan as she starts kitten licking the head of my cock which is very sensitive as I haven't fucked her in three whole months nor have I been touched by her in three months. It's been so painfully long, three months is way too long to go without having sex or being touched by your girl in a sexual way. I've missed her touch, her scent, her body, her kisses and oh the sex. Damn I never thought sex good get any better than it already was but my god Davina sure knows how blow a man's mind. She literally gives a whole new meaning to sex. She's the best I've ever had, no woman couldn't even compare to how she is in bed. She's every man's dream. Drop dead gorgeous girl with an amazing body and a sexual appetite that could probably kill a human. I don't think any mortal man would be able to handle her needs but I sure can much like she can handle my needs. We balance each other out very well in the bedroom. We're both super kinky and love to go for many rounds, we're also up for anything. 

By this point Davina has my entire cock in her mouth and is making gagging noises as the tip of my cock hits the back of her throat making me moan. "Oh fuck" I grunt reaching down to her head and gathering her hair in my hands and tugging at it as she bobs her head up and down my cock, her tongue swirls around my length as she goes. "Oh Davina, yes you're so good" I moan thrusting my hips up causing my cock to jam right into the back of her throat. She pulls away and a little bit of her saliva attaches to the head of my cock from her lips making me growl at the sight. "You're so sexy" I groan as she smirks and licks her tongue around the head before swiping it across the tip, licking away the pre-cum that appeared there. "Please love" I groan my chest heaving as she keeps teasing me with her mouth by licking the head of my cock and then sucking the head of my cock into her mouth before licking down the length of my cock. "I love it when you beg. It's hot and it turns me on" she purrs before taking my cock back in her mouth in one go making me grunt. "Oh fuck. God I'm gonna cum" I moan feeling my balls twitch causing her to ball away and my eyes widen as she ducks her head and licks my balls before taking one in her mouth and sucks it "oh fuck Davina!" I moan bucking my hips making her giggle and pull away from my balls. She takes my cock back in her mouth and sucks it, bobbing her head up and down fast while fondling my balls with her hand. "Oh Davina. I'm cumming!" I moan tugging at her hair which I've still got a hold of. "Cum for me Kol. Cum in my mouth and then you'll get to have your appetizer" she purrs briefly pulling her mouth off my cock making me growl and I push her head down as she takes my cock back in her mouth. I roughly thrust my hips up making her gag over and over again as she bobs her head. "Ugh Davina!" I moan as I burst inside her mouth, making sure to hold her head down. She hums and licks up my cock before pulling her mouth off. She wipes her lips and looks at me. Her eyes are full blown with lust and desire but they're also a little watery. Her lips are swollen and puffy and her hair is all frazzled from me pulling at it. "Come ere" I growl sitting up and pulling her down against me and crashing my lips against hers making her moan. I place my hands on her ass and squeeze her cheeks making her moan against my lips. I flip us around so she's lying underneath me and I spread her legs open, biting my lip as I eye her glistening pussy. "My pretty" I growl as I dive down and lick up her slit making her moan loudly as I gave her no warning. "Hmm you still taste so sweet my love" I say as I lick up her slit again "oh fuck" she whimpers "my favourite snack. This is the best appetizer I could ever ask for" I growl before plunging my tongue inside her making her arch her back and moan "ah yes" she whimpers fisting the bed sheets. "Oh my sweet love" I groan as I plunge my tongue in and out of her sweet pussy. "Fuck Kol" she moans grinding her hips up against my face but I quickly hold them down as I thrash my tongue in and out of her. "Oh god yes" she moans as I pull away only to insert two of my fingers which I instantly start pumping in and out of her. "Fuck this is what you wanted huh?" I ask "partially. What I really want is you inside me? God I'm so horny for you" she moans tossing her head back as I keep pumping my fingers in and out of her wet pussy. "Oh I can tell, you're dripping like a faucet my love" I retort as I lick her pussy while continuing to finger her. "Do you want to be inside me? Don't you want my pussy?" she purrs "what a silly question to ask? You know very well that I want to be inside you and you know I want your pussy. I'll always want your pussy, I crave your pussy like a drug. You and your sweet body are my drug and my god I'm so addicted" I growl before removing my fingers and plunging my tongue deep inside her making her moan loudly. I hold her hips down while keeping my head between her legs, burying my tongue so far inside her pussy that she starts squirming under me. Her body shivers and her legs quiver as I keep blessing and beating her pussy with my tongue and fingers which I bring back into play. "oh god baby I'm gonna cum" she whimpers suddenly threading her fingers through my hair and tugging at it making me grunt as she holds my head in place which is really hot so I shake my head between her legs while licking her pussy making her moan loudly as I flick her clit with my tongue. "Fuck!" she moans her legs start to quiver more and she bucks her hips up frantically indicating she's close. "Cum for me darling. Give me your sugar" I growl as I pull my tongue out of her and pump two of my fingers in and out of her fast and hard causing my wrist to smack against her clit making her whimper. "Oh god. Yes I'm cumming!" she moans groping her breasts as her back arches and just at that exact moment I duck my head back down and attach my mouth against her pussy, licking and sucking at it right as she orgasms "Kol!" she moans as her sweet juices pour into my mouth making me hum at her taste. I quickly lick her clean before pulling away "damn your juices taste extra sweet than usual" I groan as I lick my fingers as I have some of her arousal on them. "That will happen as my body changes. My smell and taste will change and you will notice" she replies biting her lip as I crawl up her body, placing a little kiss on her stomach on my way up. I press my lips against hers making us both groan as we taste each other on our lips but we don't care as our lips mold together. The kiss quickly becomes heated and we start making out, our hands running everywhere and groping anything we could get our hands on. My hands ended up on her ass and breasts the most though. Davina trails a hand down and squeezes my ass making me grunt "I've missed that" I groan as she kneads my ass. Don't ask why, she always likes to squeeze and touch my ass when we're intimate and at first it was weird because I've never had a woman touch my ass like that but I happen to really like it now as it gets me excited. She giggles and squeezes my ass harder causing me to buck my hips forward into her causing my cock to nudge against her pussy making her whimper. "God I need you now" I growl reaching down between us on the intent to push into her and make hot sweet love to her but we're interrupted by a knock at the door. "That will be the food" I say pulling myself away from Davina and getting off the bed. I put my cock back in my boxers and do up the little button so it doesn't poke out and I grab the towel Davina had earlier and wrap it around my waist as I don't want to answer the door when I have a very prominent boner. 

Davina covers herself with the bed duvet as I walk over to the door. I unlock and open the door, I instantly sigh in annoyance when I see it's the woman from earlier that tried to flirt with me when I was ordering room service. She has a trolley with her which has the stuff I ordered "room service for Mikaelson" she says biting her lip as she eyes up my chest making me regret not wearing a shirt. "Thank you" I say grabbing the trolley and pulling it inside. "Do you need a hand with anything?" she asks putting a foot in the room preventing me from shutting the door. "Nope I'm good. Bye now" I say giving her a slight shove out the shove. "Are you definitely sure you don't need a hand? Because it sure looks like you do. You know I'm more than willing to help out and give a little extra service, free of charge of course" she purrs making me scoff. "I don't need a hand thank you very much and even if I did. I wouldn't ask for a hand from a whore like you" I retort making her gasp. "I'm not a whore. I'm just a girl who knows how to have a good time. If you need a hand just say so. It wouldn't the first time" she purrs which pisses me off but before I can rant at her and explain to her that I have no interest in her. A pissed off Davina appears wearing my shirt which stops past her thighs "hey bitch back off! He's already got company!" she yells clenching her fists "oh my god you're one of those freaks from the news" the whore says "excuse me what did you just call my girlfriend!?" I ask glaring at her "girlfriend?!" she sputters "yes she's my girlfriend now I suggest you be careful about what you say regarding my love otherwise things will get very ugly for you! Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to have a nice dinner with my girlfriend and then I'm going to make love to her so get lost and go bother someone else. I'm not interested in a desperate whore like you!" I snap shutting the door in her face. I turn to face Davina who has tears in her eyes making me frown "darling what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I ask concerned walking over to her. "You don't think I'm a freak do you?" she asks her bottom lip trembling "god no. Why would you even ask that?" I ask pulling her onto my lap as I sit on the edge of the bed. "I just worry that you think I'm a freak like some people do" she replies "you are no freak my love. You're a goddess, you're strong, brave and drop dead gorgeous. Don't get upset because of some worthless whore who doesn't even compare to you. She's just a worthless mortal, she's nothing. You are everything and so much more. You're a badass and a hero to the world, in more ways than one" I respond kissing her cheek as she sniffles. "I'm sorry I guess I'm a little sensitive at the moment. I blame it on the hormones, the baby's making me cry over petty little comments" she replies "it's normal but please never let yourself feel like you're anything but amazing. You are incredible, you truly are. I know that, Hope knows that, your uncle knows that, your father knows that and our baby knows that" I respond placing a hand on her stomach and I smile as I see a faint glow through my shirt. "See the baby agrees with me" I say as her stomach continues glowing "no the baby's busy having a disco in my womb" she replies making me giggle "no I think that's how the little one's trying to communicate with us" I say lifting up the shirt and watching in fascination as her stomach changes colour. She looks down and smiles as we watch as her stomach turns blue not frost giant blue but a faint glowing blue. "I wonder what those colours mean? What is the baby trying to say or is the baby just messing around in there?" I ask curiously "it's the baby's power. The baby already has power, the babe is trying to figure out what it's power is" she says "how do you know that?" I ask "because I just read the baby's thoughts and the little one is having a wale of a time in there" she replies making me chuckle and kiss her forehead. "Come on let's head before the food gets cold and we can resume to our little love fest" I say trailing my hand up her thigh making her giggle and bite her lip. "Okay" she replies cupping my cheek in her hand as she presses her lips against mine making me smile and kiss back. She pulls away and presses her forehead against mine before getting off my lap and walking over to the trolley. She brings the trolley over and sits back down on the edge of the bed as I lift off the lids revealing our food. Davina changes the channel and puts on a random horror movie that was playing as we start eating.




20 minutes later...

We finished our dinner 5 minutes ago and now we're lying in bed under the covers making out completely naked, well Davina's completely naked. I've still got my boxers on which are really straining against my cock which is aching to be inside Davina but I want to build things up abit. "Kol take your boxers off. I need you" she whimpers as I kiss her neck "just a minute darling" I respond against her neck as I start sucking her neck "hmm" she moans tilting her head to the side to give me more access to her neck. I feel her hands move down my boxer before reaching for my boxers and beginning to tug at them. "Please" she whimpers as she slips a hand between us and rubs my cock through my boxers making me moan and pull away from her lips. "As you wish darling" I say as I get up on my knees and pull my boxers down allowing my cock to spring free. I remove my boxers and toss them on the floor beside the bed before lowering myself back down on top of her. I press my lips against hers and slowly begin grinding against her making my cock nudge against her pussy "Kol" she whimpers "I know baby, I need you too" I whisper down her ear giving it a little nibble making her moan and buck her hips against mine. I reach down between our bodies and grab my cock to position myself at her entrance. I rub the head up and down the opening of her pussy making her whimper "please don't tease. We've both waited long enough for this" she says "I know my love. God you have no idea how badly I've missed feeling you like this. You're like my puzzle piece, you fit so nicely with me" I say as I slowly push into her "oh god" she moans her eyes rolling to the back of her head as I push the rest of the way inside her. "Fuck" I pant as I place my hands on either side of her head as I remain still inside her "move Kol. Make love to me" she whimpers placing her hands on my hips as she opens her legs a bit more giving me more room as I draw my hips back before thrusting into her. "Yes" she whimpers as I slowly thrust in and out of her. "Hmm yes Kol" she moans squeezing my hips as I increase my pace slightly "ugh Davina" I moan as I move in and out of her. "Oh god please go faster" she whimpers I instantly oblige by thrusting faster with a little force. "Oh yes" she moans moving her hands to my shoulders and gripping them as I keep thrusting in and out of her. "Davina" I moan leaning my head down and burying it in the crook of her neck as I draw my hips back before thrusting back into her. "Harder" she moans so I lean up on my hands and lift myself up a bit as I harden my thrusts. "Oh god yes, more Kol!" she moans as I start pounding into her "Ugh Davina, you're so tight. God I've missed your pussy" I moan throwing my head back as I drive in and out of her. "Ohh yes. Ugh fuck me. I've missed your cock. Never leave me again, I need you always" she moans making me groan. "I need you always too. Ugh fuck I'm never going to leave you. To hell with my siblings, they can deal with my father and brother" I grunt as I keep pounding into her "uhh oh god yes!" she moans arching her back as I slam in and out of her with great force making her moan loudly. "Ugh oh Davina!" I moan as she clenches around me "more baby. Give it to me" she moans bucking her hips up making me groan and smack my hips into hers. "Oh fuck Kol!" she moans arching her back again so I quickly slide both my arms underneath her and lift up my hips, angling them slightly as I pound into her over and over again making her moan out loud. 




20 minutes later....

"Oh fuck yes Davina move those hips!" I moan as Davina grinds her hips back and forth as she rides my cock "hmm oh god Kol. I'm close" she whimpers reaching down and rubbing her clit making me growl and smack her hand away. "No it's mine" I growl making her giggle but she soon stops as I rub her clit "ohh" she whimpers as she does figure eights making me groan. "Oh fuck yes" I moan gripping her hips and slamming her down on my cock as I thrust my hips up into her "yes, yes give it to me" she moans placing her hands down flat on my chest as she grinds her hips down hard before beginning to bounce up and down on my cock. I growl and grope her breasts, squeezing, rubbing and pinching her nipples making her whimpers "shit I'm gonna cum" she moans bouncing faster "ugh me too" I grunt moving one hand to one of her ass cheeks and squeezing it as I bring my other hand to her front and rub her clit harshly making her wither and arch her back as her pussy clamps down hard around me. "Oh god yes!" she moans as she orgasms, her juices gush all over my cock and I see some leak out of her making me moan at the sight. "Cum for me Kol" she moans moving her hips back and forth, rolling them as she goes "ugh Davina" I grunt holding her hips still as I drill up into her making her moan. "Oh god" she moans her pussy clenches around me making my cock twitch inside her right before I burst inside her. My cum spurts out soaking her walls and mixing with her own orgasm juices. I groan as some leaks out of her right before she collapses on top of me. I wrap my arms around her waist and stroke the middle of her back as she lifts her head and kisses me. I return the kiss, humming in content as I feel myself recover from my orgasm. Davina pants as she pulls back and lifts herself off me causing some of my cum to spill out of her making me groan as she lies down beside me. "That's me done for the night. Those three months apart were worth it for that. God I haven't came like that since you visited me three months ago" she says making me chuckle "that was epic" I say breathlessly as she turns onto her side and places her head on my chest. "Yeah it was" she replies flashing me soft smile before getting out of bed and slipping on my shirt she was wearing before I took it off as we were making out.

She lets the cat out of the bathroom and quickly enters to brush her teeth. The cat jumps onto the bed just as I manage to put my boxers back on. The cat sits and stares at me before turning it's head as Davina walks out of the bathroom. She smiles at me as she walks over and climbs back into bed. She cuddles up to me and I wrap my arms around her "it's been an eventful few days" she says as she snuggles her head against my chest making me smile "yes indeed it has" I respond kissing her forehead as I stroke up and down her arm. Silence soon surrounds us but it's not an uncomfortable silence, it's a peaceful silence. I turn my head and open my mouth to say something to Davina but I stop myself short as I find Davina has fallen asleep making me chuckle as I press my lips against her forehead. "Goodnight my love. Goodnight little one" I mutter placing a hand on her stomach, smiling as a warmth flows through her stomach.

End of chapter, what did you think? Any good? Davina and Kol got smutty. Kol had to deal with a desperate girl who tried to flirt with him. Davina got upset due the girls comment about her being a freak. Kol defended his girl. Kol comforted Davina. Kol's going to spend a good few weeks with Davina but will he be able to stay with her instead of having to return to New Orleans, leaving her alone with Hope and Cami? What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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