Married My Enemy (#1 Rajput)


3M 170K 26.1K

This story is about a relationships between a father and daughter. A wife and husband. And 2 best friend. "G... Еще

2 - World War Three
3 - Outburst
4-Too Close
5- Marry Him
6- Surprise
7- Brothers By Anger
8- His Ariel
9- Be Ready On The 25th
10-Mute, Deaf and Blind.
11- A Little Closer
13- We All Hide Things
14- Puzzles To Solve
15- Jealousy
16- She's Too Bold
17- One Week
18- One Day
19- Wedding
20-Vows and Emotions
21- Her Prince Or Demon?
22- Rejections Hurt
23- His Cure
24-Crowded By Smart People
25- 'Change Him'
26- Too Many Plans
27- 'Crossing The Limit'
28- Ghost House
29- 'Red Hulk'
30 - The Moon And The Sun
31- 'All Of His Shades'
32- Mental Asylum
33- 'Willing To Be Abnormal'
34- Low In Patience
35- The Y's
36- Fire Vs Fire
37- 'Three Years'
38- A Threat To Kiaan
39- Flirting Without Any Shame
40- Rajput's Vs Ahuja's
41-'Experience Teaches Us.'
42- They Saw Love
Sneak Peak
43-Blending For Each Other
44- 'You're Weird, You Know?'
45- Valak Loves Jaanvi
46- Lesson To Be Taught
47- First Kiss
Author's Note- Important
48- 'You're Making Me Fall For You'
49- They Love Each Other
50- Invitation
51- Gold Or Bold?
52-Mini Kiaan
53- Personality Switches?
54- New Friends
55- Flies Everywhere
56- Non-Adults
57- Confessed The Truth
58- 'Actual Fight'
59- The 'I' Game
60- Lover Or Stalker?
61- The History
62-Confessed It All
63- Home
64- Wife Or Baby?
65- It Was Always Jaanvi
66- Silence
67- Self-Talks
68- 'It's Me'
69- When Putana Calls Kiaan
70- 'Wingless Butterfly'
71- 'My Clown'
72- 'Raised Well'
73- The Race Against Time
74- 'Still Love You'
75- One
76- The Rising Respect
77-The Family's Outburst
78- Husband Over Friend
79-Flipping Kiaan
80- His Wishes
81-His Self-Respect
82- Blazing In Fire (Juhi's Truth)
83- Flowing Blood
Jaanvi's Information
84-Twisted Mind
85- 'They Are Coming'
86- 'Going Well'
87- The 'Do' and the 'Don't'
88- 'Give Me A Reason'
89- Dependent
90- 'Inner Demons'
92- 'Don't Want You'
93-Someone New
94- 'Is This What Depression Is?'
95- Oh Vomit!
96- From The Start
97- Stuck In The Middle
98- Jealousy
99- Moving On
100- Attention Seeker
101- Destroyed/Ruined Life Of Hers
102- 'One Month'
103- 'The Third Eye'
104- Back Home
105- Meeting Family
106- 'Always In Her Heart'
New Story
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter Two: One Million Special
This Books Is Nominated !!
Dhruv and Aditi!
Ishaan's book is out
New Book by Me

91- News

14.7K 1.1K 205

Guys, I understand this Jaanvi isn't very sweet but she's in depression and I can't just make her all normal in like two chapters, that won't be realistic. And I like real-type books. I want to show how she gets over it if that makes sense?

Started Typing On 28/03/2019

Chapter 91- News


Jaanvi's Pov:

The voice was still fresh in my head, so fresh that it felt so real. As if Juhi was talking to me again. Why did she call? Where was she? I was turning of the stove, arranging the pots into it's place. Yeah, didn't exactly know but I've got some humanity left. For Kiaan the least. I felt bad. I guess it's only him who I even bother thinking about now. I was putting the lunch into the dining table, wiping my forehead which had some flour on it. The plates were arranged in place, on the right time came Kiaan walking into the house with some plastic bag in his hand.

He was in his own little world, muttering something underneath his breath but stood still in shock seeing me. I looked behind me, making sure he's even looking at me or not. Once I was sure as hell, I raised my head, asking him 'what?'

He just shook his head, grinning happily. He dropped the plastic bag on the couch, approaching me. I didn't even have to ask him to sit down on the chair, he did it himself getting the point after seeing the plates and spoons for us. "You cooked?"

I just nodded. I was still getting use to too much talking. 'Be careful with your words, Jaanvi.' And I was doing exactly what he had told me once. I sank down on my chair, putting some rice into my plate in silence. It was after a long uncomfortable silence when Kiaan broke it.

"Sorry I was late. There was traffic then I met a friend on the way." He explained, putting the spoon filled with rice and lentils into his mouth, once having a full mouthful he started chewing with his gaze still on me. Daring or wishing me to speak. I just nodded in return.

He cleared his throat, reaching out for the water glass. I kept my fingers gripped around the spoon, just playing with it. Should I tell him? He should know. He's the father but he won't let me abort. He wouldn't, I'm sure of it. "What's bothering you?" He questioned, gulping down the whole glass of cold water.

I raised my head up, tilting towards him with a pale face. I just shook my head, losing the ability to lie anymore. My lips parted to speak but nothing came out. Of course his doubt was stronger now because of my stupid behaviour. "Nothing." I managed to slip it out.

"Can we please talk? Your face turned pale as if you're pregnant and I'm telling you to kill the baby." The first sentence he said it in a serious frustrated tone but the next half of the sentence he let out an awkward chuckle. Why? To make me feel better? Well, that didn't work.

"N-no i-I umm." My guilty gaze fell on the plate with untouched food. The spoon kept playing around, thinking what I'd say next. "I read the book. Thank you for getting me those."

He seemed astonished to hear me speak so much after so long. "Y-yeah, no problem." He smiled. "What one did you read?"

"Dark Water." I replied. I wasn't lying. I did end up reading it. Mainly because it was about a seven-year-old girl getting murdered. "The story was horrible." His eyebrow raised up, unhappily. "No, like I loved it but it made me sad. Poor Jessica, she was only seven." That's true. I did feel bad. Doesn't make sense to my own self, I'm willing to kill my own baby but at the same time I'm feeling bad for Jessica. Perhaps the book helped me take my mind of my own situation.

"Yeah. I hate Jessica's mother. All her fault." He replied with hint of annoyance. "How careless. What's the point of having kids if you don't spend time with them? Then why say 'I crave her love.'" He finished of hid food, leaning back on his chair with his leg crossed on his knee.

I became so defensive, I don't know why. "You can't blame her. She missed her daughter."

"And she was the reason the girl most likely ended up like that. It makes me think, why she even had Jessica?" he replied back with so much interest and authority in is voice clearing the air like he is right. "Why are you so defensive?"

I honestly don't know. Doesn't make sense because I want to abort my own child. Ignoring that I further asked, "You think aborting Jessica was better?"

His eyebrows rose, he leaned on the table, his back not touching the chair anymore. Putting his hands on the table he kept gazing at me for a moment before sighing. "It's a story." He seemed annoyed by my question.

"Still, tell me." I pressed, biting my lip.

"What's up? After one month you're talking to me that also about deaths. Are you ok?" His eyes pooled with concern, his voice lacing with worry. I shoved the spoon in my mouth, chewing into it as slowly as I can to take time to think. While chewing I kept glancing at his way once in a while to see him watching me carefully like I was some prey.

I gulped down some water after eating my food, putting the glass on the table. "Umm, I'm fine. I just wanted t--" I paused, fidgeting with my hands. "-to talk about books. I do that every time I read something. It's ok, I'd stop then." I stood up from my chair, picking up my plate first then my hand reached out to get his when he gripped my wrist, drawing my attention towards him.

"Look Jaanvi, it was just a story. But in real life my answer would be a no. I wouldn't want anyone to do that. I mean it doesn't matter if the kid was a mistake or what, it happened and now they should gladly accept it you know?" It was so soothing to see the words slip out of his mouth. The way he said it with his softest voice and his eyes showing how sincere he was. It broke my heard even more.

"But Jessica w-w-was going to die anyways, so?"

"It doesn't matter." He shook his head, leaving my wrist. I held his plate but stood in front of him. "Memories are the best, you know? We learn from certain things. I mean I wouldn't want that to happen to an--" It wasn't his words or his maturity. It was the way he said it. The calmness, the low rumble of his voice is comforting.

I didn't want any betrayal and I was probably going to give him one if I keep it to myself. So I say it. I confessed it. I admitted it as bravely as I can.

"I'm pregnant." I cut him off, putting the plates down on the table. I stand on the same spot, in front of him looking at his face with a serious expression in my own. His head snapped towards me, raising his eyes at me with a smug smirk.

"It's only January the 7th Jaanvi, April's gonna take forever to come. You should have waited then." He laughed, his head falling back on the chair. "Not happening and not true. Nope. Can't believe it. You've seriously gone mad. First ignoring me for what? Thirty one days and now 'oh Kiaan I'm pregnant,' come on, I'm not sup--" He was mimicking my voice, laughing but his face fell seeing my stony cold expression. He stood up from his chair, his chair making a loud annoying scratchy sound.

He bored into my eyes, looking at me with a blank face. "No. Y-you can't be serious? Are you?" Well, I wasn't expecting that. I just shrugged my shoulders, looking away from his dark gaze. "But it's not possible."

"Condoms aren't hundred percent safe Kiaan!" I wanted to hit my head on the wall, I wasn't expecting this as an answer. Definitely not this.

"So you ar-On my god! I-i-I'm going to be a freaking father?!" He screamed on top of his lungs, his face falling into a beautiful smile which I didn't want to break but I knew I had to. A huge smile played on his lips, giving his dimples out on display to me. I gulped down the fear of what I'd say next and how he's behave. "Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! I-I'd have someone to call me 'Papa?' Oh god Jaanvi!"

He invaded my personal space by lunging into me, I was pulled into his warm comfortable and soothing hug which I missed for the past month. He always tried to hug me to sleep but I always pushed his hand away. I slept and behaved like I was all alone. Is hand wrapped around my back and my waist, pulling me closer into him. His lips were busy giving my kisses on my head, muttering 'thank you' all along and it made me feel worst.

"I can't believe it, Ariel." I let out a sob with too much raw pain inside my body which I stored for a month. My hands didn't make their way up his body, just remained my side, lifeless. I cried my spirit out like it had to be given a break from my skin, from my sad soul. He thought I was crying in joy but I was crying in sadness. "It's ok. Thank you, i-i-I'm speechless! In less than a year i-i-I'd have my own child Jaanvi! Oh my god, thank you, thank you. I love you, thank you."

I could sense how happy and excited he was. It was clear from his voice. The few minutes ago normal voice was now in cloud nine, all happy and loud. I could feel his lips curving into a smile as he kissed my head. The way he spoke was transforming his emotions into me. His protective way of holding me showed how much he already cared about his-our baby's safety.

He pulled away, his body heat disappearing from me now. He looked down at my stomach, tears glossing in his eyes ready to spill at any second. He wiped away the unshed tear from his eyes smiling down at my stomach. He placed his hand underneath my top, on my stomach, his cold finger making me shiver as it made contact with my skin.

"Sorry." He muttered, smiling at me. A smile that I never saw before.  His smile etched its way back into his face. He kneeled down in front of me, moving his hand into a circle motion on my stomach. I let out a sob, it was the kind of desolate sobbing that comes from a person drained of all hope.

"Don't cry, Jaan." Kiaan whispered, he didn't know the real reason behind my sobs. He brought his face closer to my stomach, holding the top up with his other hand. "We've created another Jaan. (Life) We'll see our baby in few months. God I'm going to be a dad!" He still couldn't believe it. And I still couldn't believe that I was going to drop the bomb. Kiaan pressed his soft sharp lips on my stomach in a way to kiss the baby.

I refuse to say my or our, It'll only make it harder for me.

His attractive and captivating lips were kissing all over my stomach when I moved back, he top automatically covering my belly up. "I want to abort it." I said it. I felt the guilt drowning me inside the free ocean as well as lifting the weight of my chest for admitting how I truly felt.

His smile dropped. Seriously dropped. His eyes turned from soft to this rage-ful anger. For all those months of being patient around me I finally watched it explode in front of me. My sentence-my confession had done so much damage to our relationship and I could see it already. He rose up in his feet, glaring at me with full hatred. I wanted to run away from him seeing his angry red face, he looked murderous.

"What did you just say?" He asked, making sure he heard me right. He took long strides towards me with such a terrifying aura that made me jump. I took steps backwards, already feeling the sweat on my forehead and neck. His eyes were so dark, almost black in furiousness that I found myself shivering.

"I-I-I--" I couldn't finish my sentence, I just let myself accept that I'd lose this argument and accept that I was scared.

"What did you fucken say Jaanvi!?" He yelled, his eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold and hard. "You want to kill our baby? My baby? YOUR baby?" He shouted, it was a roar of pure anger. I felt my back touch the wall, the only thing I thought was he'd kill me. He would.

I sobbed in my hands, covering my face from his gaze as much as I could. "I-I'm not fit. I-I can't think straight and I'm not even physically ready. I'm weak Kiaan." I cried, closing my eyes shut in fear.

"That doesn't mean abortion is the last option!" He yelled, I heard his punch the wall next to me as I flinched evidently. "We can speak to the doctor about this! You aren't mental, you're just stressed, that doesn't mean you have only this option." He finished with bitterness hanging on the last two words like he was underlining them for me.

"I don't want it! Please." I begged. He gripped my hand, pulling it away from my face. I kept my eyes shut but opened it instantly when his rough hands gripped my jaw harshly making me wince.

"I am the father. I get a say in this!" He informed as if I wasn't aware.

"I have to carry it not you." I snapped, tears sticking to my red skin.

"Every women has to! You're no different. Why don't you want kids? I've noticed how you always dodged the children question, why? What's your problem! If you didn't want kids from day one why didn't you tell me!? Why didn't you? You betrayed me by keeping me in the dark." A chill ran down my spine hearing him yell into my face, just inches away from our nose touching.

"I don't hate ch--"

"Shut up!" He roared, annoyed like mad man. "Now you listen to me. You had those fucken panic attacks, I still married you. You had ridicules fears, I helped you get over it. You always got all freaking emotional about your mothers topic, I was there to be your shoulder to cry on. I've never even looked a girls but for you I did so many things! I celebrated your mothers birthday to make you damn happy! Juhi killed your mother, I was there! I stayed by your side! You tried killing yourself I was fucken losing my brain thinking you'd die! YET I took the responsibility to look after you in this country on my own! Do you know how scared I am going to work thinking you'd do something again and I'd have to face your father?" He pressed harder on my jaw, my hand flung on his to move it away.

"Every day for those thirty-one days I cooked! Breakfast, lunch and dinner! I did your laundry, I did everything in patience. I kept my cool even though you ignored me and my messages! You didn't even let me touch you still I just kept quiet, thinking you'd need time and now what? What am I getting in return? You killing my baby? My first child? Why would you want to torture me? What have I done wrong? If it my fault that you were written in my fate? Or that I love you? Or that I'm trying every day to make you happy?" My blood ran cold and a bead of sweat dripped down my face.

And like that tears flooded like water rushing down from a waterfall from Kiaan's eyes. I wanted to wipe it away but I caused it. I hurt him. "You're making it harder for me to love you Jaanvi." He broke down, his hands falling from my now sore jaw. He fell on his knees, covering his face with his hands. I dropped down in front of him, tears blurring my vision.

"Li-listen to me." I whispered through my raw tears, holding his hand to unwrap them from his face. He jerked my hand away, crying for minutes which felt like hours. "I'm scared."

"EVERYONE IS!" He shouts, showing me his red eyes. "You aren't the only one! It's there Jaanvi! My baby is in there probably hearing us and you're--" his voice trails away, his eyes locking with my stomach. His back touches the wall, his eyes now gazing at something. "Please. I beg you. Don't. I can't tolerate this, I can't. And I know I can't stop you as well. It'll break my Jaanvi. I want my own family." He looked at me, reaching out to hold my wet hands from all the sweating. He squeezed them, "Please."

"I don't want another Juhi or Jaanvi." I whispered, my eyes glimmered with watery tears.

"We won't. I promise." He said quickly, cupping my face. "There wouldn't be another Jaanvi because our Jaanvi would have us. Our child wouldn't be anywhere near your childhood Jaanvi, I promise you. I promise." He refused to look away from my eye even though I drew my attention to the floor, ignoring his gaze. "I beg you, please."

Married My Enemy

I stayed up late for this chapter, night!

Do you think she'll listen to him? Your opinion would matter because I might change the story.

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