Caged By Him

Autorstwa moonchild80

8.6M 201K 90.2K

"WHY CAN'T YOU GET IT INSIDE YOUR HEAD?" He trapped my trembling body between his arms and slammed his fist i... Więcej

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's note.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Author's note.
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97

Chapter 30

100K 2.3K 810
Autorstwa moonchild80

Not proud of this, but enjoy💕💕

Aurora's POV:

My eyes blink open and I squint when the strong luminous rays of sunshine light up the room.

I rub my eyelids and stretch out. I can't believe I slept all night without waking up during the night. I didn't even hear Tristan come in.

Looking to my left, I notice the side is empty. Did Tristan even come in last night? If not, where is he? If so, where is he?

I sit up on the bed and stretch out, blinking my eyes. I just want to get this day over with.

All of a sudden, Claire walks into the room with a beaming smile on her face and a tray im her hands.

"Good morning, Aurora." She chirps, making her way over and placing said tray in my lap.

"Morning, Claire. What is this?"

"Mr Black requested you have breakfast in bed." She informs me, giving me a toothy smile. So he did come back last night. I'm guessing he's downstairs. But I usually have my breakfast downstairs so what gives?

"Thank you. Why did he tell you to do that exactly?" I ask sheepishly, trying to prove my own assumptions wrong.

"Because it's your birthday silly." She says and I mentally facepalm. Of course he knows it's my birthday. What else did I expect?

"The real question here is why didn't you tell me?" She probes as I smile lightly.

"I'm sorry, I-I just didn't think it was a big deal." I explain, looking down at my food then back at her.

"Of course it's a big deal." She says, making her way over and perching on the bed. "Happy 20th Birthday. I love you." She says, hugging me tightly and rubbing her hand on my back. "Thank you so much for always being so nice to me."

"Thank you." I giggle. She pulls out and gives me a genuine smile and I motion her to sit on the bed and eat my breakfast with me. She complies with my request and picks up a fork.

"So what do you want to do today?" She asks with a mouthful of fruit.

"Nothing. Maybe just hang out with you in here." I tell her, picking at the food. "Is Tristan downstairs?" I ask, wanting to alleviate some of the curiosity.

"Yes, he'll be up in any second." She nods then stands up, flatenning her dress. "So I'm going to go back downstairs. Call me if you need anything." She says and I nod at her before she walks out.

As soon as she was about to exit, she bumps into Tristan at the door. "I'm sorry, Mr Black." She mutters, bowing her head as he nods at her. He then strides in with his dark grey suit, not taking his eyes off me.

"Good morning, angel." He hums, pacing towards me with a smirk on his face as I swallow my food.

"Good morning." I say back, looking down at the tray.

"You were asleep pretty early last night. Are you feeling okay?" He asks, tugging at his suit jacket and staring down at me as I nod.

"Um, yeah. I was just bored so I fell asleep." I inform him and he just stares at me. I swear his stare never fails to make me shy away.

"Good. Because today's going to be a busy one, so why don't you go and get ready?"

I nod and finish up the rest of the food before heading over to the closet as Tristan slumps on the couch and pulls out his phone.

Entering the vast walk in closet, I notice dozens of boxes stacked up in there. I knit my brows in confusion as I soon feel Tristan stood behind me. He places a kiss on my head to which I turn around.

"Happy birthday, my beautiful wife." He says, giving me a one eyed smile while his hand cups my cheek. So those are gifts? He really didn't have to but I appreciate it so much. I can't believe he cares about my birthday. Only two people have before: my mom and Stella. So this is all very new territory for me.

"Thank you." I say, trying to look down but he tugs my jaw upwards.

"You're welcome, love. You can open them if you'd like." He suggests, looking straight into my eyes. He grips onto my hand and walks me over to the canape where he sits me down as I pick up one of the large boxes that are sitting next to me.

I unwrap the paper then open the box to see the most beautiful dress. It's one of the dresses I saw yesterday and liked. And he got it for me, how is that possible?

"It's so beautiful. Thank you." I smile at him and he reciprocates it, motioning me to come over. I place the box aside and walk over to him. I willingly place a kiss on his cheek, to show my appreciation. Just one of these gifts cost as much as my old paycheck. And there must be at least 30 boxes in here, from small to large.

So this is why Stella wanted me to go shopping with her. So she can see what I like and Tristan can go buy everything for me?

"T-This is too much, I'm sorry if it bothered you." I tell him, playing with his tie as he stares down at me. Sometimes, I feel like I'm a burden on him. But then again, he's the one who wants me to stay here. If he ever wants me to go, I'll go. I also feel like he wants me to love him by buying me expensive things. But all I want is respect and affection.

"Don't say that. It's a pleasure as long as you like it." He declares in his deep, husky voice as I lightly smile. "Now, you can go get ready, I'm taking you somewhere. Wear something warm." He tells me, giving my parted lips a kiss. "I'll wait for you downstairs." He says, giving my waist a squeeze then walking out of the room.

I go over and open up a few boxes. It's everything I liked at that store yesterday from shoes, to jewelry, to dresses... Tristan really goes out of his way but I'm extremely grateful. I can't thank him enough.

I still can't think of a reason why he would want me. I mean there's no doubt that he's a great looking man. But why me in particular? I'm so basic and there's nothing interesting about me.

Sighing, I stand and start getting ready. It's pretty windy today and it might even rain so I better be prepared.

I go to the bathroom and wash my face then brush through my hair. After picking an outfit, I dress and fling my coat over my clothes. I go through Tristan's clothes and pick out a black coat for him. I doubt he'll need it but it's getting cold. Plus, I don't know where we're going so I better be prepared.

Pacing downstairs, I say goodbye to Claire and exit, closing the door behind me. I see Tristan waiting by one of his various cars.

He sees me and holds the door open for me, grabbing my hand and helping me slide in. He closes the door and goes to the other side.

"Can I know where we're going?" I ask, curious to where we might be heading. I hope it's not somewhere expensive.

"To our private jet, it'll make the trip shorter." He replies in a neutral tone. All these months living with him, I had learned to read and analyse him. I can guess he's a bit nervous? Or maybe hesitant to go wherever we're going.

"Oh, okay."


When we landed, I wasn't allowed to see where we were. Tristan told me to just trust him and I did. So now, as he drives me to I don't know where, I keep my attention on a book I'm reading and avoid looking out the window.

The drive was about a half hour long, and wherever we are, it was cold outside.

"We're here." Tristan grunts, sliding out of the car and coming to my side. As always, he helps me down and as soon as we get out of the car, he squeezes my hand tightly. As if he wants to assure me because he knows, he knows I'm about to get really emotional.

My heart starts racing and I'm unable to breathe. Out of all the places in the world, this is where I never thought I'd come.

My eyes circle the place and I look back at Tristan who's staring at me with a slight apologetic look.

"H-How did you..." I choke up but soon feel him rub on my hand. That feels nice.

"I've been told you wanted to come here." He states in a blank tone, his rough voice void of any playfulness.

I wasn't physically nor emotionally prepared to come here. But this was somewhere I always wanted to come to, no matter how hard it can be. But due to my financial situation throughout my entire life, I was never able to.

"I'm sorry, love. Let's just go back if you don't want to be here." Tristan says beside me but I'm not focused on him, I'm focused on where I am. The brown leaves falling down on us, the loud wind invading the chilling silence, some birds flying and landing on thombstones.

He's brought me to my mother's grave.

I shake my head at Tristan to which he purses his lips and starts walking, holding my hand. "Watch your step." He softens his tone and turns around to check on me, motioning me to be careful of some rocks that line the grass pathway.

My memory of this place is very blurry, but hell if I ever forget where my mom was buried. When my dad used to kick me out of the house, I sometimes came here to sleep beside her, to remind myself that she's still with me. So many cold nights I've spend curled up beside her grave.

As we arrive, I swallow and look down at her grave. Her name engraved on the faded stone, flowers growing on the grass and twigs growing and surrounding her thombstone. I can feel tears in my eyes but I hold them back.

I don't know if I can handle this.

"I'll give you a moment alone." He says, starting to walk away but I hold him back.

"Can you- can you please stay with me?" I plead, sniffling and no longer holding back my tears.

"Yeah, I got you." He says, squinting his eyes and softening his eyes at me.

There was a long eternal silence where I just kneeled there, soothing my fingers on my mother's thombstone. I shed a tear on her grave and continued to stare at it, dazed, like it was the last thing I'm going to do.

"You want to tell me about her?" Tristan asks, unexpectedly and out of the blue.

I take a deep breath then start "She was my best friend. And she was so nice to me. She always pretended to be happy but she wasn't. M-My dad, he used to hit her but s-she stayed with him for me. When she died, h-he forced me to work and kicked me out whenever I didn't bring any money. I-I ran away when I was fifteen." I open up to him and pour my heart out, hoping I won't regret it later.

"Why?" Tristan asks blankly, intrigued to know more about me. Should I tell him?

In some weird way, Tristan has really been there for me. He protects me, cares for me and tries to get through to me but I never allowed him to. I was always on edge and on the guard around him. But for some reason, right here, right now, I wasn't scared to tear down my walls and let him in. Because I just feel that he won't judge me, he never has.

"He wanted money, so he got payed by a few men in exchange for....In excha-" I gather my strength to finish my sentence. I feel safe around him enough to tell him. "In exchange for my virginity."

As soon as those words escape my mouth, I feel Tristan tense beside me. His fists balled up and his jaw gritted with a hard frown on his face. Although, he manages to maintain his composure.

"Do you know where he is?" He whispers and I shake my head. I consider my dad dead, it's easier than dreading that someday I'll bump into him.

"It made me feel like no one wants me. Even my dad didn't." I cry, embarrassed that I'm admiting this yet somehow safe that it's Tristan I'm confiding in.

"I want you." He casually declares, making my heart burst. He knows exactly what to say.

"Really?" I ask, my voice cracking, wiping my eyes and staring up at him with teary eyes. He nods at me, his hand going under my jaw and his thumb collecting the tears that wet my face.

"Mhm, I always will." He assures me and I nuzzle into his hand. "You have no fucking idea how perfect you are."

If it was any other guy, he would've realized how messed up my life was and left. But Tristan, he stayed with me and consoled me, he listened to me and selflessly lent me his attention.

My heart flutters to his statement and my stomach churns with the overwhelming amount of emotions I'm feeling. And it was at that moment when I realized that I was starting to have feelings for him.

My mind wraps around my recent realization. I can't believe I have feelings for him. There have been so many opportunities where I could've escaped, where I could've left all of this behind but I didn't. Because in the back of my head, I didn't want to leave him. He casted a spell on me and it worked.

"I didnt even say goodbye to her." I shake my head and sniffle, taking my attention back to my mom. I'll always regret that I never got to tell her how much I loved her for the last time.

"Shhh, it's okay, baby. I bet she's really proud of you." He assures me, pulling me in his embrace and shushing my cries that sound like wheezes.

"Do you want to go home?" He asks, looking me straight in the eye as I nod at him.

I want to thank him for doing this. It wasn't anywhere near expensive but it means so much to me. It holds a special place in my heart.

"Thank you so much for bringing me here. I always wanted to visit her." I hug him again and mutter softly in his chest as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer.

"You're welcome, angel." He says, stroking my hair and softening his tone. "It's getting cold, let's get you in the car." He ushers, pulling me out of his warm embrace and tugging on my hand. I place a kiss on her thombstone and mutter "Goodbye mom. I love you." before going back to Tristan and making our way towards the car.


Shutting the door behind him, Tristan pulls me into the house and locks it behind him. Apparently, he had other plans for us once we got back but I kindly asked him if I can just go back to the house. And as expected, he said yes.

I notice, upon my arrival, that Claire is gone. I make my way up to the bedroom with Tristan and start preparing for a night in.

He locks the door behind him and takes off his shoes, eyeing me with lust. He starts taking off his jacket off and stalking closer to me.

Without wasting any second, he claims my lips and starts moving his with mine in a passionate kiss. "Let me undress you." He pants against my lips as I shyly nod at him.

He makes it his mission to take off my clothes ever so slowly, not forgetting to slip in a compliment here and there.

Minutes later, I'm fully undressed and so is he. I stand there with my cheeks flushed and my hair draped across my body, covering my entire back along with my breasts and waist.

Tristan picks me up, entering me without any warning as I hold on to him and wrap my legs around him. His arms find the small of my back and he suffocates his body with mine. He takes me to the bed where he semi lays down with his back against the headboard and with me sitting on top of him, straddling him, his manhood so deep inside of me.

We stare at eachother and he moves my hair behind my back. I hesitantly soothe my hand on his face and he watches me do so, his eyes piercing into mine. His hands rest on my thighs as we continue to gaze at each other as the skin on my palm grazes over his stubble.

"I love you, you know that right?" He asks, raising his brow and I slowly nod. I know that now.

He grips on my hips and pulls me closer to him as my hand rests on his torso and explores his toned body.

Tristan tugs on my jaw and pulls me in for a kiss. He tilts my head and starts kissing on my neck. I wrap my arms around his neck and let him kiss on my neck as I lay my chin on his shoulder and let my fingers go to his hair.

He catches me off guard when he pulls his hips up and thrusts into me, making me bounce and I grip tighter on him. "Fuck" he grunts, repeating the process in a very slow manner. I moan into him which only makes him thrust harder into me and continuing to passionately have sex with me.

We stayed up till sunrise, wrapped up in each other's arms, our writhing bodies intertwined and our sounds of pleasure filling the room.

Ooff, I stayed up to publish this for you guys. Hope you enjoyed💕💕

What did ya think? She's finally catching them feels. They're happy but it's not going to last with what I have planned😌

Also, some of you thought that her wish was to have babies but you guessed wrong😂

As always, I can't thank you enough for the reads, the messages, the voted the comments. It's absolutely surreal if you ask me.

Lots of love❤

Published: April 2nd 2019.

Czytaj Dalej

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