Daughter of a trickster God (...

By EsmyRiley345

196K 4K 738

Davina is the daughter of Loki, Goddess of fire and virtue, granddaughter of Odin, niece of Thor and Princess... More

The start
Finding out
Who is she?
Why help?
Warning to the so called King
My scepter
Shopping ambush
What to do for fun
Rocket and Groot
Lunch visit from Kol
Found you
A week later
First date
Frigga's visit
All about an Asgardian
Nurse Davina
Work together
Girl fight
Dramatic birth
Sent away
Kol's Steamy visit
Attention caught
Battle of New York
Dinner is served
3 weeks of bliss later
Sweet phone call
Turning up the heat
Long lost sister
Tale of Dahlia
Loki's arrival
Books for you
Pairing for Rebekah
Welcome home (sort of)
Date night
Meant to be
Banner and Stark's visit
Pay back prank
Make you talk
Dahlia attacks
Flerken + the tesseract + A Koloki talk
Ice bath
Damn those witches
Don't mess with this mama
What now?
Avengers visit
Moving time
Family dinner
Unexpected Arrival
To Asgard
Meeting Odin
Dinner and a tour
The Christening
I am yours
One month later
Going on a date
Marry me
Car sex
New story
More information
The next morning


2.2K 39 15
By EsmyRiley345

Here's a new chapter, I hope you like it. Now this is where the avengers will tie into the story.

The parts written in italic means they've already happened like a flash back of shorts. You'll see what I mean as you read the chapter.

Also just so you know in the story it is now March. Hope was born in October so it's a small change and I just wanted to let you know. Hope is six months old here and just so you're aware there might be slight changes to the dialog of the avengers plot. it will of course be the same but I'm changing a few things in order to fit Davina into the story.

3 months later....March 7th 2012

The night before

No one's pov

Out in the New Mexico desert, a secret remote research facility was in a state of panic as there was a evacuation about to take place. A black helicopter flew in the sky heading towards the scene. The scene before it though looked like pure chaos as there were men running around in a fast pace and they were clearly in a hurry.  Soldiers that were on foot jumped on to the big military truck and drove away as fast as they could. 

Stood at the landing pad was a man in a suit and wearing shades that made him look badass. This man was Agent Phil Coulson and he stood peering at the helicopter as it landed. The helicopter door opened and a woman quickly got off. This was Agent Maria Hill, one of SHIELDS fiercest and determined agents. Climbing out of the helicopter after her was SHIELD director Nick Fury. Agent Hill and Director Fury approached Agent Coulson "so how bad is it?" Fury asked "uh that's the problem, sir. We don't know" Agent Coulson replied before beginning to lead Hill and Fury into the facility.

Agent Coulson lead them to the radiation unit of the facility. Hundreds of technicians and other staff were hurrying around the place, grabbing and taking essentials only. "Dr Selvig read an energy surge from the tesseract four hours ago" Agent Coulson spoke making Fury frown slightly "NASA didn't authorize Selvig to test phase" he said "that's the thing though, he wasn't testing it. He wasn't even in the room. It was quite a spontaneous advancement" Coulson explained "so it just turned itself on?" Agent Hill asked as she walked beside Fury and Coulson. "What are the energy levels now?" Fury questioned "climbing, when Selvig couldn't shut it down, we ordered the evacuation" Coulson informed him "how long to get everybody out?" Fury asked "the campus should be clear in the next half an hour" Coulson replied Fury stopped and stared at him for a moment "do better" he said before turning round and walking off. 

They continued heading down to the radiation facility floor "Sir, evacuation might be futile" Agent Hill said "we should tell them to go back to sleep" Fury responded clearly not impressed. "If we can't control the tesseract's energy , there may not be a safe distance" Hill explained to the Director. "I need you to make sure phase 2 prototypes are shipped out" Fury informed her "is that really a priority right now?" Hill asked a little frustrated with the director although she didn't show it. Fury stopped and turned to Agent Hill "until such time as the world ends, we will act as though it intends to keep spinning. Clear out the tech below, I want every piece of phase 2 on a truck and gone" he informed her "yes sir" Hill replied turning to a few Agents that were standing by "come with me" she said before walking away with the few agents in tow. 

Director Nick Fury entered the lab facility where the Tesseract was being held by a apparatus which kept the glowing blue cube in place. "Talk to me, doctor" Fury said as Dr Selvig emerged from behind the apparatus, looking quite concerned. The Tesseract was glowing unusually brighter and flare rings were shooting out at random. "Director" Dr Selvig said "is there anything we know for certain?" he asked "the Tesseract is misbehaving" the doctor replied "Is that supposed to be funny?" Fury asked narrowing his one good eye "no sir, it's not funny at all. The Tesseract is not only active but she's misbehaving" Selvig informed the director "how soon until you pull the plug?" Fury questioned "she's an energy source. If we turn off the power, she turns it back on. If she reaches peak level..." Selvig explained but was cut off by Fury "we've prepared for this, doctor. Harnessing energy from space" he said "we don't have the harness sir. Our calculations are far from complete and now she's throwing off interference, radiation. Nothing harmful though, just low levels of gamma radiation" Selvig explained "that can be harmful. Where's Barton?" Fury asked glancing around for the person in question. "The Hawk? He's up in his nest as usual.

At the top of the railings a man dressed in black gear was sat watching them. "Agent Barton report" Fury said calling for the agent through his earpiece. Agent Barton climbs down from where he was sat and walked up to the Director. They began walking around the facility in a discreet manner "I gave you this detail so you could keep an eye on things" Fury spoke "well I tend to see better from a distance" Barton replied "are you seeing anything that might set this thing off?"  Fury asked just as he said that, a scientist turned to Doctor Selvig. "Doctor, it's spiking again" he said "no one's come or gone. It's oven is clean, no contacts, no I.M.'s . If there was any tempering of any kind it wasn't on this end" Barton explained "at this end?" Fury asked in question "yes, the cube is a doorway to the other end of space right? The doors can open from both sides" Barton replied and suddenly Dr. Selvig started clacking away at the keyboard and sees on the monitor, his worst nightmare. 

The Tesseract suddenly thunders and shakes the entire facility. The thunder and shake was so big that even Agent Hill and Agent Coulson felt it and they were on complete opposite ends of the facility. The flaring rings and glow of the blue cube started to spout out brighter and louder like a boiling pan of water or a kettle heating up . The Tesseract's energy built up into a beam much like the Bifrost bridge. The beam hit at the end of the platform that is wired up to the apparatus device. The great maelstrom beam fired the Tesseract's energy. The beam then began to form a vortex, which slowly yet gradually opened a portal. 

A black hole is created and you could see the darkness of space, it looked beautiful and mysterious, strewn with a billion stars that shined and gleamed. A gust of blue energy clouds the room, blinding everyone. The Tesseract's energy forms into a cloud that reaches the top of the facility's vacuum chamber.

 The room was eerily quiet for a moment but then heavy breathing was heard from the platform. Guards slowly began to approach the platform with weapons in hand, prepared to fight whatever was there. A figure is spotted kneeling down on the platform, smoke appeared to be coming off it. It was Loki the God of Mischief, Davina's father and he didn't look so good, there were dark bags under his eyes, his cheeks looked slightly hollow, he looked as if he had literally been dragged through hell but nonetheless he smiled in a mischievous manner as he slowly raised his head. His smile slowly faded as he looked deep into the eyes of Fury, Barton and Selvig. He slowly stood up, holding a scepter in his hand. It looked similar to Davina's only it looked a little more lethal but nothing was quite as lethal compared to what was inside that scepter.  "Sir, please put down the spear!" Fury said Loki looked down at his scepter before suddenly pointing it at Fury and Barton and shoots a blue beam towards them. Barton quickly tackled Fury to the ground, both barely missing Loki's shot. Suddenly hell broke loose, machine guns were fired at Loki but the bullets just bounced off him like they were nothing. Loki jumped from the platform and attacked the people who were firing at him. Within mere seconds Loki takes down several guards with his knives and energy blasts from the scepter. He suddenly stopped and waited to see who would dare attack him next. 

Barton tried to stand up but Loki quickly walked towards him and Barton raised his gun, preparing to shoot but was stopped as Loki grabbed his hand "you have heart" he said before pointing the head of the scepter directly at his heart. Barton's eyes suddenly turned black and Loki was now able to control the Agent. The mind controlled Barton put his ear piece away and stood up straight. Loki starts to putting several SHIELD agents under his mind control. As Loki gains mind control over another agent, Fury takes the Tesseract and places it into it's case and then began to get up to leave. "Please don't. I still need that" Loki said turning his head towards the SHIELD director "this doesn't have to get any messier" Fury said "why of course it does. I've come too far for anything else. I am Loki of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose" Loki replied "Loki? Brother of Thor?" Selvig asked "we have no quarrel with your people" Fury replied "an ant has no quarrel with a boot" Loki retorted "are you planning on stepping on us?" Fury questioned "I come with glad tidings, of a world made free" Loki claimed "from what exactly?" Fury asked "freedom. Freedom is life's great lie and once you accept that in your heart like a gunslinger" he said before turning to Selvig who was standing behind him and he placed his scepter against Selvig's heart. The Doctor's eyes suddenly turned black just as Barton's had.

"You will know peace" Loki said turning to Fury "you say peace but I kind of think you mean the other thing" Fury replied as the Tesseract's energy cloud rapidly built into what may be an implosion from the vacuum chamber ceiling. "Sir Director Fury is stalling. This place is about to blow, it will drop a few feet of rocks on us. He means to bury us" Barton informed the God "like the Pharaoh's of Odin" Fury said "he's right, the portal is collapsing in on itself. You got maybe two minutes before this goes critical" Dr. Selvig informed "well then" Loki said as he glanced at Barton who didn't even hesitate for a second to shoot Fury who dives onto the floor. Agent Barton grabbed the case which contained the Tesseract and left the lab with Loki, Selvig and several other agents who were under Loki's mind control. 

Loki, Barton, Selvig and the other controlled agents arrive at the facility parking lot and quickly gather certain weapons. Agent Hill stood to the side and watched in confusion "we need these vehicles" Barton said as Hill walked over to him "who's that?" she asked "he didn't tell me" he replied as he walked off. Agent Hill looked at them in suspicion as they all get into a truck and she turns to leave but as she's walking away Director Fury starts talking through the walkie talkie "Hill, do you copy?" he asked causing Loki and Barton to sharply turn to look at her. As they are talking Fury sits up in the lab, pulling out the bullet that hit him "Barton is compromised" he said and suddenly Hill turns to shoot Agent Barton but he quickly points his own gun at her and starts shooting. He moves the drivers seat of the truck and drives off as Agent Hill keeps shooting. Meanwhile Fury is running down a hallway of the facility "he's got the Tesseract! Track it down!" he yelled the energy is really starting to brew up a storm from the vacuum ceiling. 

Agent Maria Hill gets into a jeep and drives after Barton's truck. The truck screeches as it drives through the tunnel. Several SHIELD agents pull up to them when suddenly a drive bye shooting ensues. Loki stood up and flipped over several SHIELD trucks using his scepter. The Agents pile into the trucks and drive after them with a screech but Hill puts herself at distance. 

Fury races out of the hallway trying and succeeding in avoiding falling pipes. The entire facility is now shaking rapidly like an earthquake. 

Agent Hill's jeep roars as she pulls up beside Barton's truck and drives way ahead , pulls the break and swerves into a 360 motion so she's facing Barton's truck and she drives in reverse. Barton reaches his arm out the window and shoots. Hill shoots her windshield shooting at Barton. As this is happening, Agent Coulson jumps into a SHIELD van with his walkie talkie in hand "you're clear sir! You need to go!" he said as Fury bolted out of the facility and jumped into the helicopter and the surface of the landing pad gives way causing the helicopter to plunge through the surface but luckily Fury manages to get out of there. 

It soon becomes a full out chase as Agent Barton drives faster which causes Agent Hill's jeep to wobble out and put her back behind. 

Back at the radiation facility the Tesseract's energy cloud shrunk into a small  ball of white light but then suddenly a cloud of blue light consumes the entire facility. Fury watches from his helicopter, waiting for the implosion that was bound to happen. Several miles away, Agent Coulson's van jolted due to the force of the Tesseract's blast wave. Suddenly the entire facility base swallowed itself. The blast caused the tunnel to cave in, crumbles of falling rock fall onto Agent Hill's jeep, almost leaving her trapped under the blanket of rock. 

All who was on Barton's truck escaped the tunnel and drive off into the night desert landscape. The helicopter containing Director Fury roared over Agent Barton's truck and Loki looked up, squinting his eyes as Fury slid open the copper door and he stood there with a gun in his hand and instantly began firing at the truck. Loki felt rage bubble inside him so he pointed his scepter at the helicopter and shoot at it causing the helicopter to catch on fire and it instantly went down like a fire ball but Fury like the badass he was jumped out and landed on the desert floor. The helicopter falls to the ground and Fury quickly starts firing at Loki again but he's too late as they had gotten too far away, Loki looks back with a smile and Fury stand there mind reeling from what just happened. "Director, Director Fury, do you copy?" Agent Coulson asked through his walkie talkie "the Tesseract is with the hostile force, I have men down. Hill?" he asked just as Agent Hill was climbing out of her jeep "a lot of men still under, don't know how many survivors" she reports "sound the general call, I want every living soul not working rescue looking for the brief case" Fury informed "Roger that" Hill responded "Coulson get back to the base. This is a level seven, as of right now we are at war" Fury claimed "what do we do?" Coulson questioned and Fury just stood there, thinking before looking up and a sign of hope was clear on his face.

Present- Next day

Davina's pov

I wake up and groan at the kink in my back, I didn't really sleep well last night. Honestly I haven't been able to sleep much these last few weeks despite the fact I've been feeling very tired as of late. I get out of bed and start heading to Hope's room as I hear her fussing through the baby monitor. Yes I'm still on protecting Hope duty, the Mikaelsons are still having trouble in New Orleans with their parents, brother and the witches. I feel awful that they're being kept apart from Hope and I wish I could help, I keep insisting I could but they all reject my offer and insist I stay away because I've helped them with enough. My only contact with them is through Kol, we talk everyday and I really miss him, more than ever. I feel like a part of me is missing and I hate being away from him and I know he feels the same. He's finding it hard to be away from me and wants to come and see me but everything that's going on in New Orleans is keeping him from coming down to see me. It's common to feel that way since we're soul mates and soul mates don't particularly like to be kept apart from one another. Kol is aware of the fact we're soul mates as I told him a few weeks after we started dating. He didn't freak out by it and was more than okay about it. 

I reach Hope's room and gently push the door open. I smile as I see her sat up in her crib cooing away "hello sweetie" I coo as I walk over and peer my head over the crib. Hope looks at me and babbles making me smile. I reach down and pick her up "when did you wake up hey?" I coo as I balance her on my hip. She babbles in response making me giggle slightly and I head over to the changing table knowing she'll probably need a diaper change. I place her down on the changing table and begin undressing her. I quickly take off her diaper and dispose of it. I quickly clean her up and put a clean diaper on her. I then pick out some clothes for her to wear. I dress her up in a cute little yellow dress and white tights. "Don't you look adorable" I coo tickling her tummy making her giggle. I smile and pick her up "come on let's get you fed and I'll put spongebob on" I say as I exit her room. I enter the living room and place her in her bouncer. I quickly turn on the tv and put it on the kids channel before heading to the kitchen to make her a bottle of milk.

I quickly make a bottle of milk along with some mushed up banana which she really likes. Hope is starting to eat solid foods but I liquidize or mash the food up. I head back to the living room and find Hope laughing at the tv as some cartoon character does something she thinks is funny. I smile and place the milk bottle and mushed up banana on the coffee table before taking her out of the bouncer. I sit on the couch and place her on my knee as I reach out and grab the milk bottle. I adjust her in my arms before placing the teet of the bottle at her lips. She grabs onto the bottle and begins drinking the milk.


2 minutes later...

Hope has finished her milk so I place the now empty bottle on the coffee table and sit her up on my knee. I start rubbing her back to wind her. Once she's burped I grabbed the bowl of mushed up banana. I only mushed up one banana so there isn't much but I know she won't eat much after having a bottle of milk. I spoon a small amount onto the spoon and hold it to her mouth which she immediately opens and takes the spoon in her mouth. She does a little hum sound as she eats the banana making me giggle as I prepare another spoonful of banana.

She soon finishes the banana and I quickly wipe her banana which has a bit of banana on before standing up and placing her back in the bouncer. I quickly change the channel and put spongebob on before grabbing the empty milk bottle and dirty bowl. I leave the room and head to the kitchen. I place the bowl in the sink and I place the bottle in the dish washer so it gives it a good clean, the bottles are dishwasher safe. I quickly wash, clean and dry the bowl and spoon before putting them away and heading back to the living room just as my phone rings from my room. I turn and head to my room and grab my phone from the nightstand. I press answer as I head back out the room. "Hello" I say "good morning love, how are you?" Kol asks making me smile at the sound of his voice. "I'm fine, how are you doing?" I ask as I enter the living room "I'm doing okay, I miss you though" he replies "I know I miss you too but we'll hopefully see each other again soon right?" I respond "yeah we will, I'll make sure of it. I can't stay away from you much longer, I'm loosing my mind without you" he replies making me smile and blush. "I feel the same" I respond "did you get any sleep last night?" he asks knowing I've been having trouble sleeping "not really, I couldn't get comfortable whatsoever" I respond "is your back still hurting?" he asks "kind of" I reply I've been getting bad back pains recently "maybe it's down to stress or something" he replies making me frown "that's the thing though I'm not stressed" I respond making him sigh "I'd so go and get yourself a massage but I don't want some guy touching you" he says making me giggle slightly "what if I got a massage off a woman?" I ask "then go ahead and treat yourself to a massage. I don't want you being in any sort of discomfort" he replies "okay, I'll go later right now me and Hope are watching spongebob. It's a very interesting episode" I say making him chuckle "alright well I'll leave you to it. I'll speak to you later love" he replies "okay take care" I respond "you too. I love you" he says "I love you too"I respond before hanging up the phone and turning to Hope who is laughing away at the tv. "I'll be right back Hope" I say before heading to my room to get myself changed. I walk over to the wardrobe and pull out some clothes to wear. I take off my pajamas and toss them in the washing basket. I put on a clean bra and panties before beginning to slide on a pair of jeans I picked out but I huff in annoyance as I find the jeans are too tight and won't button up. This is insane I swear these jeans fit me the other week why are they tight all of a sudden. I sigh and put the jeans back in the wardrobe and pull out a skirt. I then proceed to get dressed, for today my outfit consists of a black short sleeved dressy type of top, a skirt with buttons at the front and black sneakers. Once I'm dressed I put on a black leather jacket which has a grey hood attached to it. As for my hair I give it a quickly brush before tying it up in a ponytail.

(Davina's hair and outfit)

 I then grab my phone and head back to the living room where Hope is still laughing away at the tv. I get her pram out from the cupboard by the door and I unfold it and put it up. I then head to the kitchen and grab myself an apple and a granola bar, I also make myself a drink of water which I quickly drink before beginning to eat my apple. 

Once I've eaten my apple, I toss the core away in the bin and unwrap my granola bar. I bring it to my mouth but just as I'm about to bite into it, I feel my stomach churn slightly. I put the granola bar down and quickly make myself another glass of water and I gently sip at the water. I sigh in relief as the churning in my stomach instantly stops. I pick up my granola bar and begin eating it.

Once I've finished the granola bar, I throw the wrapper away in the bin and finish off the glass of water beside me. Once I've drank the water I quickly wash the glass and dry it before putting it away. 

I then head to the living room "alright come on sweetie. We're going out for a little walk, I need to get some milk, eggs, orange juice and mint chocolate" I say I have the oddest craving for mint chocolate, I've never tried mint chocolate before but I saw it at this store and decided to buy some and see how it tasted. I instantly loved it and have kept going back to the store to buy more. I can't get enough of it, I think I have an addiction to mint chocolate. I grab Hope from her bouncer and put some white shoes on her before putting her in the pram. I carefully strap her in and make sure it's not too tight but is secure enough. Once she's strapped in I turn the tv off and grab a over the shoulder bag from the cupboard where I got the pram from. I grab my phone and purse and put them in the bag. "Now where are my keys?" I ask myself looking around in search of my keys before finally finding them in the cookie jar in the kitchen. I grab myself a cookie after pulling the keys out and head out to the hallway where Hope is. I push the pram towards the door. I quickly unlock and open the door then wheel Hope out the door and gently place the pram beside the door as I step out and close the door behind me. I quickly lock the door before grabbing hold of the pram and pushing it down the hallway towards the elevator.

I arrive at the elevator and press the button. Just as the door opens a man wearing a suit and sunglasses appears next to me and at first I think nothing of it as we both step into the elevator but once the elevator doors shut and it shuts moving down, I keep feeling his eyes move to me. Hope suddenly gurgles and smiles at the man earning a small smile from him "how old is she?" the man suddenly asks "six months" I reply without glancing at him "she's a cute baby, sorry if I sound creepy saying that. I'm just a complete sucker for babies" he replies "aren't we all. No she is cute and she's the sweetest little baby ever" I coo the last words earning a smile from Hope. "Is she yours?" he asks "no she's my goddaughter, I'm babysitting her while her parents are out of town" I respond lying through my teeth, hey I can make conversation with people as long as I don't say too much. "Do you have any relatives around the area?" he asks "I'm sorry but why is that any concern to you?" I ask "sorry. I'm a undercover cop and I'm investigating a recent theft. It's pretty big and my boss is demanding that I find the thief so I'm just asking around" he replies I see, that's completely understandable" I respond as the elevator finally stops and the doors open with a ding. "Have you seen anything suspicious as of late?" he asks "no, I don't really go out anywhere much. I'm kind of a loner" I respond as we step out of the elevator. "Alright well call me if you see or hear anything" he replies pulling out a little white card from his pocket and handing it to me "detective Coulson" I say reading the name on the card. "Alright I'll give you a ring if I see anything, can't guarantee I will since not much tends to happen around here" I respond he gives me a smile smile in response "well let's just say between you and me I think that might be about to change. A little word of advice though do be careful out there" he replies "I'm always careful Detective Coulson" I respond before walking away with Hope and I feel slightly unnerved as I feel him staring at me. I get the guy is a undercover cop detective or whatever but does he really need to keep on staring at me. I shake away the thoughts as I exit the apartment complex and walk away, heading for my destination.

No one's pov

As Davina walked away with Hope. Detective Coulson aka as Agent Phil Coulson exited the apartment complex and sped walked around the building to his black range rover. He pulled out his walkie talkie "Fury, do you copy?" he asked there was a slight buzzing sound before Fury's voice sounded through the other end "yes I copy. What do you have for me Coulson?" he asked "do you recall that video we saw a couple of months back the one with the girl who flipped over a car with energy blasts?" Coulson questioned "yes I recall, what of it?" Fury asked "I've just crossed paths with the very girl from the video. She lives at a small apartment complex and she's currently babysitting her godchild. Do you want me to bring her in?" he asked "not right now. Leave the girl be unless it's absoutley necessary. If she has an infant child with her, we wouldn't want to bring the kid into any of this" Fury replied "very well. Fury?" Coulson asked "yes Coulson" Fury replied "the place the video was shot was New Orleans. That's the same place where that odd light had fallen and hit the earth but nothing was found except the mass amount of energy levels that were recovered. Do you reckon she was what fell from the sky?" Coulson questioned "I do and I believe she is of relation to Thor and Loki" Fury replied "what makes you think that?" Coulson asked "because her energy levels and her powers match that of an Asgardian. If Thor shows up which I have no doubt he will we'll ask him about her and if the situation with Loki rises any further then she will need to be brought in" Fury explained "very well sir" he replied "how is the team coming?" Fury asked "I spoke to Romanoff first and she went to get Bruce, I also paid Mr Stark a visit. How did it go with the solider?" Coulson asked "as well as it could. I'm sending Captain out to find Loki once he's been located so make your way back here" Fury responded "very well sir, I will see you soon" Coulson replied before putting his walkie talkie away and beginning to drive away from the apartment complex.

End of chapter. what did you think? Was it any good? it's getting pretty interesting now. Loki has arrived and has caused quite the stir. Something's up with Davina. She's having back pains, trouble sleeping, stomach churning and her clothes seem to not fit her. Davina encountered Agent Coulson. Fury and Coulson know and believe Davina was what fell from the sky and hit earth in New Orleans all those months ago. Will Coulson and Fury end up having to recruit Davina? What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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