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By lethal_bullets

7.7K 660 2.2K

"๐˜'๐˜ญ๐˜ญ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ด๐˜ด ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ด ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜บ ๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต" - @_๐˜ด๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ_๐˜จ๐˜ช๐˜ณ๐˜ญ_ Book 1. Can be read as a stand-a... More

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Chapter 1 : "No, otherwise I'll look old."
Chapter 2: "No, I'm an angel."
Chapter 3: "...Didn't expect you to like erotic stuff."
Chapter 5: " One word is enough to kill you. "
Chapter 6: "You tried to steal my girl!"
Chapter 7: "OH LITTLE BRO!"
Chapter 8: "Nah, you look like a Cupcake to me."
Chapter 9: "THIS MEANS WAR!"
Chapter 10: "WE HEARD THAT!"
Chapter 11: "I won't look at your nudes or contacts."
Chapter 12: "And I greedily slung my pizza."
Chapter 13: "ALL HAIL SAM GORDON!!!"
Chapter 14: "Innocent my ass."
Chapter 15: "Your face is enough to make me smile."
Chapter 16: " Lance. Your full name is..."
Chapter 17: "What kind of question is that?"
Chapter 18: "Damn, Gentleman."
Chapter 19: "Aggressive, now are we? Sexy~"
Chapter 20: "You're on your period."
Chapter 21: "It's daddy~!"
Chapter 23: "Are you wearing a contact lense on one side?"
Chapter 24: "Cause I'm in love with you."
Chapter 25:"YOUR ASS IS MINE!"
Chapter 26:"...if you never came to New York, I wouldn't have met you."
Chapter 27: "Oh dang~ who's this hottie?..."
Chapter 28: "What? This is just as exciting as the UFC fights. "
Chapter 29: "You better whoop them ass!"
Chapter 30: "I only have eyes for one."
Chapter 31: "Arsehole?"
Chapter 32: "...because I care for you."
Chapter 33: "Cherry clafoutis, be it then?"
Chapter 34: "I really am going to rip your head off and shit on your neck!"
Chapter 35: "I feel like a fucking Disney Princess!"
Chapter 36: "High school girls, High school girls, all for me~"
Chapter 37: "You know what else is pretty? My fist in your face-"
Chapter 39:"I locked him in the storage room."
Chapter 40: "I was just greeting her. "Geez~ calm your tits."
Chapter 41: "I'm fine. Don't worry."
Chapter 42: "Is Blakey blushing? Oh fuck, he really is!"
Chapter 43: "We're just friends."
Chapter 44: "I swear on my life, I am a virgin."
Chapter 45: "Chill your balls, Blake."
Chapter 46: "This is something between him and I."
Chapter 47: "Can't I watch you atleast get the shirt off?"
Chapter 48: "Karma is a bitch, Cohen."
Chapter 49: "And you're so real. A real Ass."
Chapter 50: "If I wanted a bitch, I could've have bought myself a dog."
Chapter 52: "Your stepdaddy does~"
Chapter 53: "You kissed me."
Chapter 54: "Think what you like...America is a free country."
Chapter 55: "Someone who loves me back."
Chapter 56: "Give him a chance."
Chapter 57: "You're gay?"
Chapter 58: " FUCK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH! "
Chapter 59: "Just like me, huh?"
Chapter 60: "You're only wearing your underwear!"
Chapter 61: "What did he do?"
Chapter 62: "... ' Do you like bacon? Wanna strip?' "
Chapter 63:"I fell in love with her."
Chapter 64:"Yeah, cause you are a gay bitch. You like dicks."
Chapter 65: "I'm fine as long as it's you. "
Chapter 66: "HAPPY HALLOWEEN!"
Chapter 67: "You mad bro?"
Chapter 68: "Did you just cosplay your childhood crush?"
Chapter 69: " There's no problem with a guy sitting next to another guy..."
Chapter 70: "Mark my words, I will fight for us till death arrives."
Chapter 71:"You make me sound like a loner."
Chapter 72: "...What am I to you? And what are they to you?"
Chapter 73: "I don't want to be friends with you."
Chapter 74: "Seems like you have to choose between us."
Chapter 75: "Happy Thanksgiving!"
Chapter 76: "Yes, I will."
Chapter 77:"I'm not one of your one night stands."
Chapter 78: "Don't tell anyone about this, okay?"
Chapter 79:"Hate? You said, you were good friends."
Chapter 80:"Who are you calling fuck, you fuck!?"
Chapter 81: "Legends are born in a valley of struggle."
Chapter 82:"Just like us not being together, yet."
Chapter 83: "You have a stain behind you."
Chapter 84: "Distracted by staring at your beautiful face."
Chapter 85:"Fank Yew!"
Chapter 86:"Miggy is gay."
Chapter 88:"HAPPY NEW YEAR!"
Chapter 89:"Yes, I'm serious."
Chapter 90:"Why?"
Chapter 91:"Have you gotten over her already?"
Chapter 92:"Neither yours."
Chapter 93:"That's right. You're mine after all."
Chapter 94:"You know, that I'm all yours right?"
Chapter 95:"Women are scary."
Chapter 96:"It wasn't my intention to hurt you."
Chapter 97:"...I'm the reason why you are hurting!"
Chapter 98:"Boys are assholes."
Chapter 99:"He is the best mistake, I have ever made."
Chapter 100:"Dash has been missing..."
Chapter 101:"No, I really love him."
Chapter 102:"Ya'll fell for my trap."
Chapter 103:"Yes, I'm here!"
Chapter 104:"Stop eye raping me, will ya?"
Chapter 105:"I love you too."
Chapter 106:" Because of you."
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BONUS CHAPTER: "Happy birthday, biatch~!"

Chapter 22: "Stay away from Amanda."

84 7 44
By lethal_bullets



As I entered the classroom I spot Amanda smiling at that guy. She's seriously showing her cheerful, wonderful and bright smile. They seem to be attached to each other.

-I really hate this guy! He better not touch her!-

I take a seat behind that dick and spot Blake marshing towards him.
"Get the fuck off my seat!" He yells and that blonde dick turns to provoke him.

"Your seat? Oh, okay." He stands up and drags Amanda, who looks confused. "Let's go."

His eyes stare right into Blake's. " The Fuck you say?! " He grabs goldy locks hair. " She's staying here. Next to me. Got that asshole?"

Blonde dick dares to glare back at him. "I'm not afraid of you, Cohen."

Blakes lips form a smirk." We'll see about that." He gives him an uppercut. Blonde dick didn't see it comming and tumbles to the side. I stand up and drag Amanda out of the scene.

She looks so shocked and her mouth is open, trying to form words, but none of her wonderful voice can be heared. As I grabbed her by the hand, placing her to my seat, her grey orbs bore helpless into mine. "Don't worry." I assure her with a small smile and place my sweater around her shoulders, just in case if she feels lonely.

Blake and Blonde dick are still fighting. Each of them trying to block and strike at the same time. Blonde dick looks like he's bruised and Blake in other hand, all fine. -That asshole.- Doesn't really surprise me, for a guy who's been in a boxing club since he was a kid.

"That's enough." I stand in the middle to separate both of them. They are still hungry for more. I honestly don't give a fuck, if they fight or not, but Amanda can't stand still and shakes at the other end. I'm doing this for her sake.

"Get the fuck out, Johnson!" Blake barks and tries to punch me away. -He's got some nerves!- I grab his neck and bore my knee straight to his stomach. I let him go and block Blonde's right hook by grabbing his wrist.

I let go as soon as his temper lowered down. "The fuck you want?" He glares and sighs after his useless long stare.

"Stay away from Amanda." I warn him, clenching my fist tight. Our eyes meet, sharing each other dead glares. He tries to look over to Amanda but I cover his sight. Somehow Blake is now facing me and gripping my shirt tight.

"Tryna be tough, Johnson? You really want me to be fucking serious?" He spits out. I stand still and dare him to.
- The only things that are preventing me from killing him is my religion and the law.-

I didn't notice Mr. Braham at first, until he yelled at us and teared us apart. "BLAKE COHEN! RAVEN JOHNSON! CHARLES MOORES! TO THE PRINCIPLE OFFICE, NOW!" We glance one last time at each other and then Blake turns to look at the old man.

"Fuck you want, now?!" He groans as the old man widens his eyes and crosses his arms.

"Language Mr. Cohen! I want you to go to the principle office! If you haven't behaved recklessly, you wouldn't have the need to go there!" Despite his age, he actually can still be damn strict. Blake flickers his eyes on him and into mine before walking out of class.

Blonde dick Charles is not in his place anymore. I'm guessing, he headed out first. -To hell with that wretch!-
I take a look at Amanda, who is still frightend looking at me. I crack a small smile, forming the words with my lips: 'It's gonna be okay' and walk away.

Do I have any options? Nah, but I didn't do anything wrong and I have witnesses, so a possible suspension won't happen this time.


"What brought you guys here?" The d-rex raises his glasses up and folds his hands. -Kinda looks like a friendly businessman to me -He doesn't look frightening at all, but when you catch him on his bad days you better wish you didn't. Right now, we got him on his days.

Blake rocks his chair back in forth, obviously not giving any shit. While, Blonde dick Charles clenches his teeth with a straight line on his lips and cracking his knuckles. D-rex stands up and slams his hands on the desk. "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION FOR THE 3RD TIME! DON'T PRETEND LIKE YOU HAVEN'T HEARD ME!" He notices that none of us shrieked or even change our face expression and clears his throat.

Blonde dick Charles speaks up. "What do you want to hear?" D-rex glares at him and sarcastically smiles.

"What I wanna hear?! You know exactly what I want to hear! Why else would Mr. Braham demand you to come here?"

"Well I didn't agree to this either and didn't want to be here. Did I get what I want? No. Life isn't fair, Sir." Blake tries to make fun of him, but I just see a fool trying to provoke another fool.

"Any other unnecessary comments, Mr. Cohen?" He barks back and Blake snickers. -The advantages he has a rich kid- "What about you, Johnson? What made you come here?" His dark orbs bore into mine.

"Nothing, Sir." I answer back as both of those dickheads look surprised at my response. - I don't see a reason to expose them, even though I hate them.-

"See, none of us have done anything. Maybe Mr. Braham just has a bad day like you. Now can we go?" Blake raises an eyebrow, seeking for a fight. -Idiot.-
D-rex inhales silently as his eyes are pierced on Blake.

Surprisingly, D-rex sits down and nods after a few minutes. "Alright. You may go, but once you come here or I get to hear anything from you ever again, you can forget talking yourself out of the situation."

We stand up and were about to head out, until Blonde dick Charles asks him a question. "Does that mean we don't get any suspension?" -Honestly, this guy is stupid as fuck.-

D-rex amusingly smirkes. "No youngman, unless you have done something bad which I hope you didn't. "

Blonde dick glares at us and mutters. "What if someone else has done something?"

-Wow, we are all in the same boat. Just the fact that my hatred is above the limit. But as a matter of man with respect, we, Blake and I, don't tell on each another.-

Blake lays his head back, groans and forcefully turns around with a long face. "Ughh! Fucking Stop asking question, Headfuck!"

Blonde Dick provokes Blake with his glares. "I have the rights to ask. Why the hell shouldn't I?"

"Because he answers!" Genius-from- the-back-Blake spits out.

"Cohen!"  D-rex low-ass voice warns.

He tilts his head a bit to the side then dramatically sighs. "Okayyy~ fine. Firetruck. Better?"

I walk out as the three of them still continue their foolish conversation.


Everybody surprisingly look at me as I enter the classroom. I didn't have to explain anything to Mr. Braham, he knows that it was unnecessary forcing us to go there.

I sit silently next to Amanda. She looks a bit calm now. "Are you.. ?"

I shake my head and smile. "No suspension this time." She returns small smile -Her cheerful smile...- then turns back to look at the blackboard.

Soon Blonde Dick returns and glares at me, but takes his place infront of us. And about the other asshole, well he didn't show up for the rest of the lesson.

One thing is clear, I won't give up. I know, they are willing to fight and so do I, any fight is worth for her! They are two now and what if?! Even if it's the whole men around this world I have to face first, I'm 100% sure that I will win.


School finally ended and I decided to wait for Amanda. I spot her talking to Blonde Dick Charles and internally curse him. He stares at me as I walk towards them. She nods at him and he glares at me one last time before he leaves.

-Okay, what the actually fuck?!-

"Hi" She innocently smiles at me. My face is too frozen to smile back. I silently inhale, before I speak.

"You know him from somewhere?" I try not to sound angry.

"Yeah... his my neighbour." Just as she said that my blood started to boil. -Fuck! So he's even living next to her!-

I chew my left cheek, inorder to remain silent and not to start a fight again.

"We've.. never really spoken a word. Just now, that he came back to our school..." -OH FUCK... Why the actual shit did he came to our school?! I can't keep my mouth shut...-

Her eyes meet mine, as I smile at her. "You reserved this week for me, right?" She raise an eyebrow. "Our promise, remember?"

"You mean, your own decision?" She huffs at me, making me chuckle.

"Mmmhhh~ yeaaaahh... prolly." I grab her hand and lead her to my car. "Now, let's not waste any more time. Let's go!"

-I sense my anger slightly fading away. Thankfully! Who knows what I am capeable of.-

Author: Whewww~ this sure took me long :') I still have exams coming up this month so I'll be pretty busy~

However, I'll still try updating new chapters.

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