Sweet Damnation (Richonne Lem...

By TaraNorthman

41.8K 1.5K 392

Artistically inspired- love, humor, romance, drama, and lots of sexy, one-shots involving Rick and Michonne (... More

I Need You
Hi Jessie...Bye Jessie
Ten Questions
Yogurt Vs. Cake
Stuff ~N~Thangs
Be My Forever
The Pleasure Is All Mine
Beautiful Stranger
No Ordinary Love
Sweet Damnation
With Or Without You
Pretty Kitty
Pussy Wars
At Last
Pure Domestic Bliss
Evening In The Truth
Write Or Wrong
Red Light Special
Porn Star
Seeing Through Tears
Heart Of The Matter
My Home Is In Your Heart
Endless Inferno Pt.1
Endless Inferno Pt.2
Endless Inferno Pt.3
Musings Of Rick
Musings Of Michonne
Musings Of Richonne
Southern Muse
Southern Comfort
Southern Regions
Southern Charm
Rapture Deux
My Lady
Close Your Eyes
All Because Of You
In Mint Condition
Ain't No Sunshine
All The Wrong Reasons
To Make Things Right
Jesus Watches Us
Just A little Talk With Jesus
Damn You
Soft Shock
If You Leave, Promise Me
More Than Words
That Night In Memphis
1-900-Richonne (Preview)
II: Shutting Out The Past
III: I Heard A Kiss From You
IV: Waiting For This Moment
V: Tell Me Baby
Out Of Dreams
The Moth and The Flame (Preview)
Cowboys and Stallions
Off The Grid (Preview)
Believe A Little Bit Longer
The Party Crasher
Hotel Hottie
Mistress Michonne
That Night In Vegas Preview
Richonne Fire Hazard
Rick's Tricks ~ Michonne's Treats

Rude Boy

416 14 2
By TaraNorthman

A/N: Just another sexy - one shot, not related to any other chapters. Michonne /Rick are so OOC - XXX warning

Come here rude boy, boy
Can you get it up
Come here rude boy, boy
Is you big enough
Take it, take it (yeah)
Baby, baby (yeah)
Take it, take it (yeah)
Love me, love me (yeah)

Oh no! This is the last thing I need, my damn car won't start and I'm already late for work.

I give Shane a call to let him know I'm going to be late, then call my brother to see if he can pick me up. Of course, he doesn't answer. Next on my list is Paul ― who's usually with my brother. Guess what?  No answer there either. I call Shane back to tell him I can't seem to find a ride and he offers to send Aaron to pick me up.

"Hey, Chonne," Aaron greets me when he pulls up fifteen minutes later.

"Hey, Ron thanks for picking me up. I'm so fed up with that damn car, I need a new one but it will probably just be cheaper to fix, ya know?" I tell him as I hop in and we head to the office.

"I'll give my buddy Rick's a call when we get to the office. He owns a shop over in King's County and I'm sure he'd be happy to help out."

"Thanks, I'd appreciate that." We arrive at the Walsh and Associates a few minutes later; I put my purse away and grab my case files. A few minutes Aaron lets me know Rick can send someone out to check my car out tomorrow around two. Which is fine since it's my day off.

The day only gets worse.

Within three hours of starting my shift; I slip and fall on a piece of ice by the soda machine and scuff my brand new pumps, I suppose I should just be happy I only have a sore ass and nothing is broken, twisted or strained.

Just as I'm feeling like things can't get any worse a super-hot guy comes into the office demanding to speak to the CEO.  Now, I'm not one to judge, but something about him screams asshole ― it could be that he just walked in and started barking at me.

"Hi I'm Michonne; Mr. Walsh is in a conference. Is there anything I can help you with Mr...?" I ask, giving Curly my patented 'perky receptionist' smile.

"Grimes, water and tell Walsh, I'll wait." He says it all without looking up from his phone. No smile, no please, no thank you. These damn people are terrible.

"Sure, be right back with your water." Of course, I'm still smiling, no use in being sour just because he wants to be a turd.

He grunts and takes a seat; I'm actually surprised he acknowledged I said something at all. He keeps his eyes on his phone and it seems the rest of the world just doesn't exist. 

I try handing him his water, but he won't take his eyes out of his phone. " Shane should be able to see you in a few minutes; low and behold another grunt. Is he a man or a gorilla?

I slam the bottle of water on the end table next to him without asking if needs anything else before walking away.

I hear a mumbled "what the fuck?" come from his mouth and lose it.

"You got a problem?" I snap, turning on my heel coming to stand in front of him." At this point, I have my hands on my hips and I'm standing just a couple inches from him.

He's just about to reply, and I can see by the look in his eye that yes, he has a problem with me. Oh, well, that's what I have to say about it right now. I hope Shane takes his time and makes Mr. Demanding wait for an hour.

Unfortunately, Shane comes out of the conference room and pulls me away before I get to hear what he has to say.

"Michonne, go home. I can't have you treating my clients like that," Shane tells me when we get back to his office.

"Well in case you forgot I don't have a damn car! " I'm yelling at my boss now.

"Now, Michonne, this is a law office, people usually come in with a chip on their shoulder, I don't understand why you are taking it so personally today." He crossed his arms over his chest and peered out the window behind me, "Your brother just pulled up; have him take you home before we get a lawsuit for you punching someone!"

"Fine!" I log off my computer, grab my purse and stomp out the back door. I'll walk the four miles. 

Soon enough I realize these pumps are not made for walking and about halfway through, my feet start hurting. I have a headache, and an ass-ache too boot. What else can go wrong?

"Hey," I hear a voice yell and I turn to see a winter white, 69 corvette pulls alongside me.

I chuckle inwardly at the irony.

"You need a ride?" Curly yells again.

"I can walk." I roll my eyes and keep walking.

"It's not safe for a... girl to walk out here alone, this is not the best part of town," he tells me. It's obvious he had trouble figuring out what to call me. I'm guessing bitch was right on the tip of his tongue.

"I'm a lady, not a girl, and I said I can walk, thank you very much. I don't know you; for all, I know you could be a serial killer."

I'd stopped walking to wave my hand at him while I was talking, but now I'm pissed again and I'm stomping, making my feet ache more.

"You most certainly are not a lady; that's for damn sure." I hear him cycle his engine. "To think, I was trying to be nice! I feel sorry for whoever has to deal with you!" His tires squeal and he screeches away.

"Fuck You!" I scream out.

I finally make it home ― kick my car because it's her fault today was as shitty as possible; I walk inside and head straight to my bathroom to run a bath. I nice long, hot soak will make me feel better. "Bathtub, don't let me down," I say out loud to myself as I pour the bath salts into the water. I put on a little Morcheeba, then pull my clothes off and pile my hair on top of my head in a messy bun.

I lower myself into the steamy water and relish in the silky feeling of the water caressing my body. I have bubbles up to my neck and I'm in absolute heaven after my crappy day. I bend my knees, with my feet flat on the bottom and let my legs rest against the side of the tub. I don't expect the rush of water between my thighs to get my mind racing and my fingers wandering, but it does. I lean my head against the tub, and arch my back so my breasts peek just above the water line; the cool air perking my nipples right up.

I close my eyes, my hand gently strokes down my tummy ― am I seducing myself? Oh, well, as I was saying. My hand ghosts down my stomach until I reach my sensitive bundle between my legs and I apply light pressure as I move my fingers around in little circles. I'm allowing myself to just feel, and I close my eyes.

Oh my!

When I close my eyes it's the piercing blue eyes of my worst nightmare staring back at me. He was so handsome, so maybe I shouldn't be so irritated, maybe I just need to imagine his tight ass ― I caught a glimpse before he sat down ― or his bulging biceps. Ah, his forearms ― his entire arm now that I think about it. He looked strong, and not that juice headstrong. No; a hard-working blue-collar, hard hat or coveralls strong. Damnit, I don't want to get off to him. I can't help it though, the more I think about his chiseled jaw and dimpled chin, the faster my hand works and the closer I am to orgasm.

His rough hand gripping his steering wheel when he called me a... girl...

Ahh... best self-orgasm ever. Is it possible to hate someone and simultaneously want to fuck them when you don't even know them? That's exactly how I feel right now.

I get out of the bath, dry off and put on a comfy pair of sweats and T-shirt. I grab my book ― Dating You Hating You, I've read it three times already, but I can't put it down ― and I climb under my covers. I fall asleep a short while later and have dreams of Mr. Rude Boy, he's hot but he's still an asshole.

Day two of my broken car seems to start better; I already know my car is a piece of shit so it can't disappoint me again. I have just enough of my favorite coffee creamer to get me through my required two cups of coffee. The sun is shining, and I have a bit of yard work I can work on for and while. I make lunch around noon so I have a chance to finish eating and clean up by the time the mechanic shows up to check my car out.

Right on time, I see a tow truck bumping down my driveway, so I dry my hands, as I'm just finishing in the kitchen. I step out on my front porch to greet my savior when he steps out of the truck I gasp.

You've got to be fucking kidding me!

Rude Boy is the mechanic Aaron sent to my house.

 I throw on my fake smile and greet him with a hello, just as he's bounding up the steps. like yesterday never happened.

"I knew it, why couldn't there be two Michonne's in this godforsaken town?" he asks himself, letting his head fall back.

"I feel absolutely confident in your ability to fix my car after yesterday," I fire back; I'm still not taking any crap from him.

"You don't get to question my abilities, little girl. You were rude to me, I simply reacted." He's just as unhappy as I am about this situation – wait, little girl.

"What the hell do you mean "little girl"? I'm a grown-ass woman―"

"Coulda fooled me," he cuts me off before I finish. "Just give me your keys, the faster I can get this done, the faster I can get away from you."

I close the door and grab my keys. I reopen the door, thrusting my hand at him, dangling my keys in front of his chest. My new friend snatches said keys and stalk off to my car. He doesn't ask my symptoms, just walks away. Whatever, I didn't want to talk to him anyway, apparently, we can't be polite. That's not my fault. 

I'm only ashamed of one thing, I got off to images of him last night.

I start moving around the house because I can't just sit still while someone is here. I don't care if he's outside, I know he's here. I don't like it, but I need my car. I end up in the kitchen when I decide I should make some cookies – baking is always a good time killer and I can take something in to apologize to Shane since I was such a brat yesterday.

I stop short when I catch a glimpse of Curly's delectable ass as he bends to look under the hood of my car. Lordy, that bumper of his should be illegal! He stands up, resting one hand on his hip and brings the other up to wipe his brow and Christ almighty, the way his arms flex and his sweat glistens in the afternoon sunlight just about bring me to my knees. I hate that he's rude because he sure is fuckable! Would it be totally insane if I propositioned him?

Yes, yes it would Michonne...

I peel my eyes away from the mechanic's perfect little ass and start mixing the cookie dough, working up my own sweat. The problem is, I know what's right out my kitchen window and I have to stop myself over and over again from going back to the window and watching him. Or worse; go to stand on my back porch to watch him. Ugh, I'm only able to refrain for five minutes then I'm right back at the window "washing my hands" as I watch him. He's on a rolling dolly under my car. I can't see what he's doing but I can see a sliver of his toned tummy and I want to do a run by licking, hoping he won't notice. 

Oh, snap, I'm getting wet. If I keep this up, I'll need to change my panties. He rolls out from under my car, he's lying on the dolly – he looks like he's thinking. His arms are all greasy, he even has a smudge on his forehead – I would lick that off, but it's toxic – his shirt is still sitting a little high on his belly and his lean legs are bent. I'm thanking my lucky stars his eyes are closed so he doesn't catch me ogling.


He just looked up, I immediately look down at the sink then go to the other side of the kitchen. I'm screwed, even if he doesn't say something―which I imagine he won't – he's already in my head. He did look awful sweaty, should I take him some water, tea, or lemonade? That's it; I'm taking him something to drink.

I pour a glass of lemonade and set it in the fridge, debating on whether or not I should take it to him. Maybe I'll just ask him. It can't be that hard to be nice to him – Hell, here goes nothing.

"Excuse me, Mr. I brought you some lemonade," I call to him, he's under my car again and seeing the belly sliver close up does things – very naughty things to my lady bits. Oh, and I don't think I'm rude with Mr. Grimes– I said Mister, that can't be rude.

"Set it on the porch, I'll get it when I'm thirsty."


"The ice will melt, and it will be all watery and nasty," I offer. Trying, to be nice and thoughtful.

"I don't care. Hell, how do I know you didn't poison it? That's probably what you were doing when I caught you staring, trying to think of ways to kill me."

Really dude... Talk about overdramatic.

"Oh, the hell with you; I was trying to be nice. You don't need to be a douche-nozzle about it," I yell and slam the glass down on the porch railing before I turn on my heel and stomp into the house, slamming the door behind me. Um, maybe I'm being overdramatic?

Rick POV

My God, that little woman is infuriating. I seriously have no idea what I did to piss her off, but she's been firing away at me left-right. I wanted to meet with my lawyer; she gave me attitude, I offer her a ride home, more attitude; I'm not thirsty, she's got an attitude about that too. I'm fixing her car ―attitude, she says she was trying to be nice, well if that's the case she sure has a fucked-up view of what nice is. I don't put up with fucked-up attitudes from anyone, ever.

I'll give you this though, she's fucking hot. I'd do her in a heartbeat – just sayin'.

Yesterday in that skirt and tight blouse, now she's wearing a pair of little shorts and a tank top. She has gorgeous tits and I really want to give them a thorough quality check.

I lean down under the hood and disconnect the starter ―I've determined its bad― and set it on top of the engine. I'll have to run to the parts store to get a new one. I hate working on these foreign cars, but the parts are easy to find. Once I have everything out, I wipe my hands on my jeans and toss the parts in the truck.

I knock on her front door and get no answer. I don't have time for this shit so I go to my truck, grab a pen and write a note on the back of my electricity bill telling her I have to go to the parts store and jog up the steps and slip the envelope under her door.

I'm feeling unusually charitable and I get an oil filter, oil, spark plugs, and a new air filter while I'm walking around the auto parts store. She might be a brat but she needs a tune-up ―bad. She could probably stand to have more than just her car tuned up if you catch my drift. A good cock may calm her ass down. I wouldn't mind helping her out in that area too.

Once I'm back I try the door again, still no answer so I go to the little piece of shit Honda and get back to business. Just as I'm finishing up I see her come out and set a tray on the porch then she scurries back into the house without looking at me. Hmm, wonder what that's about. I complete the job Aaron assigned me to do and make my way to the porch. 

Oh, she isn't all bad – she's left me what looks like a few fresh sugar cookies. 

What the hell is this about? Not that I'm complaining sugar cookies are my second favorite to snickerdoodles. She has also left me a glass of ice water, a glass of lemonade and a note to let me know it's all poison-free. Isn't that sweet of her.

I wipe down my hands – I don't think she'll let me in to wash them – oh, wait. I find her water hose and use it to wash my hands then chow down on my snack, I mean let's face it, I'm a big boy, I need a lot more than a few cookies to fill me up.

Hmm, I'll bet that little brown eye girl with perfect tits and ass, would fill me up quite nicely.

This time I don't knock when I'm done, I try the handle and it's unlocked if you can believe that. I walk in and find her sitting on her couch reading a book with a light blue cover. She looks up at me, rolls her eyes then goes right back to reading.

"I'm going to wash my hands before I go," I say, hoping she'll at least direct me to a sink. No such luck. I guess it's better if she doesn't talk.

To my left I see a door to what I assume is a kitchen, I walk through it and I assumed right. I wash up, dry off and go back to the living room. She still has her nose in the book and her back to me when she asks how much she owes me. I don't reply, I want to get a rise out of her and my silence seemed to kick her up yesterday. Yep, looks like I'm right. She turns around, closing her book at the same time. She stands up and looks at me, her sultry dark eyes boring into mine – I don't know if I can handle that look much longer.

Yep, I snap.

I take the two strides across the room that it takes to close the gap between us. I wrap one arm around her waist, the other comes to grip the back of her head and my lips crash to hers. This fire we have between us – it isn't a light flickering, it's burning hot. I can't do delicate with this little spitfire. My lips part hers, and it's her that forces her tongue through. At least I know it's not just me.

Good Lord above, she's good at this. Her passion matches her attitude; I've repositioned so my hands are under her thighs, holding her up while she crosses her legs behind my back. Her arms wrap around my head, resting her hands on top of my head with her fingers gripping my hair. I like it, I love it... I fucking love an aggressive woman.

Does that mean I'm a submissive pussy? Hell no, I'm going to show this little girl who she's dealing with.

I turn, looking for the nearest wall to push her against. I need to get her clothes off and this position just isn't good enough. I find a blank wall, press against it so I can let her legs go – her thighs are fucking strong by the way – I grab the hem of her tank top and pull it off, tossing it somewhere across the room. I pull back from the kiss and look down at her tits...Goddamn gorgeous. I can't move, all I can do is look – "Take a picture, it'll last longer," she snarks.

"Oh, I will," I lift her a little higher – ok, breast to mouth level – I flick my eyes up at her and lick from the underside of her right breast up to her nipple and start to suck and bite a little. Her head flopping back and hitting the wall as she arches her back, forcing her nipple deeper into my mouth telling me she like the biting – a lot.

"Oh that feels good," she groans so I move to her left breast and repeat the process.

"It fucking tastes good too," I tell her, my eyes never leaving hers. "I'd be willing to bet it's not the only tasty part of you."

"Only one way to find out," she pulls my head back; I don't let her nipple go, tugging a little with my teeth pulling a growl from her lips.

"Oh yeah!"

"You like the teeth, huh?" she nods, making me smile. She's perfect, annoying as hell, but absolutely perfect.

I walk to her couch, laying her down and placing my body on top of hers. I move a little farther up, biting and kissing her neck; marking her as mine. I make it to her mouth where we are back in a fiery kiss while my hands get to work unbuttoning her shorts and helping her shimmy out of them. I sit upon my knees to pull them all the way off and as I'm admiring her perfectly curvy, rounded hips and thighs I pull my shirt off. 

Oh, she likes what she sees.

 She licks her lips and reaches up to pull me to her again. "Lord you have a perfect body," she mumbles against my lips.

"I know how to use it too," I wink as I pull back to take my jeans and boxers off. The wide eyes tell me she likes what I have to offer ― which is a lot.

"I'll admit you were right this once, now get back here." I laugh a little and hover over her. I have my hands on either side of her head, my hips are resting against hers and she has her legs wrapped around my waist. One swift move and I can be buried balls deep inside of her. I'll make her pant a little more first.

I start kissing down her neck, to her clavicle and keep going, stopping to nibble the underside of each breast. She really does have perfect tits, and I wouldn't mind spending a few hours worshiping them ― my cock is aching to get some sort of action though so I reluctantly move farther down her stomach, tickling her lower abdomen with the scruff on my chin. I kneel on the floor; grabbing her thighs to turn her with me, I spread her legs and use my thumbs to stroke up and down her lower lips before I pull her pussy open. I stare; she's fucking gorgeous everywhere. I would be content to just watch her pussy quiver in anticipation all fucking day. I lean down, roughly licking her with my flattened tongue from ass to clit. I start sucking on her nub, making her arch her back off the couch and her hands snake down, grabbing my hair and holding my face to her dripping sex. I let go of her clit and start to nip and suck her folds; I need to prepare her to take me so I add my fingers, teasing her hole before pushing a finger in. Oh! If she's this fucking tight around just one finger, what is she going to feel like around my dick? I have to hold back a shudder just thinking about it.

"My fucking God, you're tight," I growl against her pussy then start to work a second finger in.

"Ahh, keep doing that!" she cries and in mere moments  I have her coming all over my hand and mouth. While her body is still quaking, I remove my fingers and start to suck and fuck her opening with my tongue. 

Pure fucking honey.

 "You want me to fuck you? Or do you want my cock in your mouth?" 

"Stand up," she commands. I comply.

She sits forward on the couch, grabs my shaft and starts pumping. Slowly at first, then gradually speeds up before slowing down again. Looking up at me through her long fluttering lashes, she flicks her tongue out over my tip, then swallows my head making me groan. She starts taking me deeper and deeper, then trails her fingers over my abs, down my hip bones then around to grip my ass. She digs her nails in and opens her throat, taking me farther than anyone has ever before. Fuck, her mouth is worth every snarky, snappy thing she's said to me. I feel my tummy start to flutter, and my eyes roll back in my head. I'm about to cum so hard.

 "I'm about to cum!"

Four fucking thrusts and I'm cumming deep down her throat. 

"How fast can you recover," she says after she's done licking me clean.

"Don't worry, I'll be fucking you soon enough, you greedy little girl," I lean over, pushing her against the back of the couch and kiss her. She has a really soft tongue and I find I like the way it feels caressing mine. My hand finds its way between her folds, and I start stroking.

"I can't wait to get inside you," I tease. "I do think sucking my dick made you even wetter than when you came in my mouth, you sexy, little thing; you like sucking me, don't you? You like the feeling of my shaft fucking your throat." The more I talk, the juicier she gets, and she's so fucking tight she's going to be drenched by the time I plow into her. "Well?"

"Yes," she breathes into my mouth since my face is hovering just above hers. "Ah, yes you felt so, so good in my mouth."

She reaches out and starts stroking me while I finger her; I'm getting hard already. "Come on, get hard for me again," she says, her voice low and sultry.

"I'm almost there, almost ready for you."

"Good." She slowly reaches her tongue out and traces my lips with the tip before grabbing the back of my head and pulling my mouth to hers. ― each time she lets out a long, low moan.

After a few minutes of kissing and toying with each other, I'm ready. I pull away from her, grab her hips and flip her over so she's kneeling on the edge of the couch with her arms holding the back. I bend my knees a little, grip my length and run my head through her folds a few times, paying special attention to her clit. I line my tip up with her entrance and slowly start to work my way in. I want to slam into her so fucking bad, but I don't want to hurt her.

I lean over her body, wrapping my arm around her shoulders from behind so my mouth is right next to her ear. "Ready?"

I breathe but don't give her a chance to respond. I slam in when she gasps, the fingers I fucked her with reach her bottom lip and she gently bites down on my fingertips while I repeatedly drive into her, over and over, and over. My balls are slapping her clit; she's so wet she's pouring out over me.

"Apologize rude little girl."

My arm snakes around her waist and I have my cock resting in the crease of her ass.

Her body tenses below me, and I don't know if it's because I called her rude or she realizes I'm right. I can see her debating with herself. She wants this just as bad as I do.

"No, you were rude to me first...I was doing my job-"

"Stop it," I cut her off.

"Fine, I'm sorry," she huffs.

I start stroking her clit with my fingers, still rocking against her ass. "Say it as you mean it."

I move back so my tip rests right inside her opening and I start to inch my way in. "Ohhh," she lets out a throaty growl. "I'm really, really, sorry for being so mean to you, Mr. Grimes I'll just bark commands and grunt like you next time," she says in a sickly-sweet voice.

"That's a start," I drive in slowly, but with an immense amount of force causing her to cry out.

Something is different this time, the way our bodies are rubbing together, the sweat and the passion; the way she's gasping every time I'm buried inside. Fuck, she has a fucking amazing pussy – fucking perfect and I could fuck it every fucking day.

"Are you going to cum for me? Huh, my rude girl?" I can feel her getting close, pulling me closer and closer to the edge.

"Ahh, yes," she respires. "God, I'm going to cum so fucking hard."

My thrusting is slow, my fingers are working her nub, and I can feel every time her velvet walls tighten around me. I'm the first to go, cumming harder than I have ever cum in my life – ever. While my hot, sticky seed is filling her, she falls over the edge, milking me for everything I have.

Once the aftershocks subside, I pull out of her, flopping on the couch and pulling her to me so she can rest her head on my chest. She drapes a leg over mine and wraps her arm around my waist. "You know I'm not really sorry, right?"

"I know, you know I'll be back to fuck you like this again... and often."

"What if I said no, this is a onetime deal?" She looks up at me; her hand is tracing invisible patterns on my side.

"I'd say you're a fucking liar, on top of being rude as hell," I stroke her hair back and kiss her forehead when she relaxes her head again.

"Hmm, I just might take you up on that offer." The resulting growl that comes from my chest makes her look up at my face. I can't interpret the expression on her face, but I have a feeling the next time I see this little fox it will be infuriating, and I will be spanking her tight sexy ass.

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