Creation L.H

By HolyMichaelClifford

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Nexia Rose McGarth grew up with only a father to take care of her. A father that spent most of his time in hi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Authors Note
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Authors Note
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Authors Note
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One

Chapter Twenty

191 14 9
By HolyMichaelClifford

"Where the hell do you think you're going in that?" Luke yelled down at me as I raced down the stairs knowing that Aaron was waiting outside for me. Luke seemed to have split personality disorder because not even five seconds ago his mouth was opened as invisible drool poured from it with lust in his eyes and now he sounded mad.

He thought it was so easy to be rude to me and then expect an answer, he was wrong.

"Hello Nexia Rose McGarth answer me when I am asking you a question." He yelled angrily and I heard his voice right behind me as I was pushed into the front door roughly with his hands on my back. He probably already knew where I was heading off to but he didn't want to believe I would do a low blow like this especially in an outfit that was revealing as this black lace dress, one that looked like the one I wore yesterday but was tighter on my bust and shorter.

I didn't care though, it wasn't like I was in a relationship with him or anyone. I was single and the more I thought about it the more I realized I needed to have fun and enjoy life. Why buy clothes that you'd never wear? I had these dresses in my closet for months and they were brand new with the tag still on them.

"Get off Lucifer." I shrieked at him as he put more pressure into my back.

"You're going out with him dressed like this? You look like a slut, a two piece good for nothing hooker." He insulted me and I stopped moving at his words, not being able to believe that he would actually say that to me.

"You know what? You're doing a fabulous job at being not perfect but I still fucking hate you and wish that you would go back to where the hell you belong." I yelled at him angrily as I stomped my foot. "Now let me go Lucifer or I swear to god I'll deprogram you myself."

His arm still gripped my back forcefully digging into where the center of my spine was painfully and I bit my lip to hold back the shriek of pain I wanted to let out.

"Yeah that's right hurt me more, show me what being a robot is all about." I sang out remembering some song lyrics.

His arm started to lose its grip and I sighed with relief once he took it from my back.

"Nexia I'm sor-"

"Save it Lucifer. It's obvious you don't mean half the shit that comes out of your mouth. Just do me a favour and go away." I spat and turned back around. I grabbed the door handle and swung the door open as I made my way outside.

Aarons car was in the drive way and he leaned against the passengar side just like I had told him to do instead of coming up to the house. His mouth dropped open once he saw my outfit and I giggled knowing that it must be for good reasons and not bad.

"Like what you see?" I repeated his words from yesterday and all he could do was nod in my direction and I laughed at that.

"Guess what, the dress scrunches up when I sit down." I told him with a wink and his eyes lit up and his cheeks flushed at my attempt at flirting. He quickly opened the passengar door for me and I laughed going to it eagerly as I sat down. He leaned towards me and I saw his eyes rack my body provocitively and I knew that I had picked the right dress today.

"Get in you perv." He shook his head at this as he closed the door walking around the front of the car. He bumped into the hood as he was to busy staring back at me and I grinned.

It wasn't like I was doing anything bad it wasn't my fault that I was single and just wanted to have fun and hang out. Luke couldn't control me and I guess as people say I like to rebel and do the unthinkable. Aaron quickly got in on his side and stared at me for a second longer like I had grown two heads. I sighed impatiently I didn't want Luke to realize he had a few good seconds to come out here and trash Aarons car since he was to busy gawking at me.

"Drive." I motioned towards the steering wheel and then he looked from me to it reluctantly and let out a groan. One of his hands went to the wheel and the other one went to the quickly forming buldge in his pants. I blushed looking out the window not sure of how to deal with guys when they get like this.

Luke was standing there under the porch roof with an infuriated expression, his mouth was closed and in a frown as his nostrils flared out his arms were crossed and his hands balled into fist. It looked like he wanted to come further and confront us or further more me but he didn't he just stared in my general direction as Aaron did what I had ordered him to do.

I watched as Lukes sillohuette started to grow smaller and smaller down the winding road until he became nothing and then I turned forward in my seat with a smirk. I had fully alluded him at the ending and I was proud of myself.

"That's a pretty short dress." Aaron examined in a choked out voice, and I looked at him to see he was staring hard down at the bottom of it and I laughed.

"Hey Han solo pay attention to where you're driving before you get in a car accident." I instructed him. I guess when a guy gets turned on they listen pretty well because he didn't argue about the name I had called him he just did as I had said.

"Ohh you have gum can I have a piece?" I asked looking down at his center councel to see that there were four opened packs of different strident gums and a candle that said it smelled like Jolly Ranchers. I didn't question the candle because he loved ones that had amazing scents to them and we both agreed that Jolly Ranch ones were the best. I would have to steal that later from him.

"Sure Nex." He said reaching over with his shaky hand that had cupped his private part to grab his bottled water and he brung it up to his mouth with careful speed so he wouldn't spill it everywhere.

"Nex rhymes with sex." I spoke and he spit out his water onto the window and I looked at him confused as he started to cough like a mad man.

I reached over and grabbed a pack of gum and he looked at me crazily as I unwrapped a piece and put it into my mouth.

"You okay there?" I asked amused and he nodded his head quickly I was sure it would have fallen off his neck but it didn't.

"Oh look a snake." I joked pointing towards Aarons pants and his face brightened. "Nope looks like it's just little Aaron coming out to play." I've always been the one to flirt even some of my girl friends had said I had a funny sexual side and it was just weird to act like it with guys but I knew it was just for fun and to embarrass my best friend non the less.

"He's not so little." Aaron mumured and my face heated up at that comment. I had no idea what to say to that so I just chewed on my gum looking out ahead until I thought of something to say.

"I'm going to steal this candle from you." I told him and he looked over at it as I held it up for him to see.

"Oi not my favourite one!" He whined out and I laughed at that. "And it's not stealing if you have to tell me that you're stealing it from me."

"I know but better you knew than to think that you got robbed by some unprofessional candle theif." I told him and he nodded understandingly at that as if he believed such a person could exsist with just that one purpose in mind to steal amazing smelling candles.

Maybe Aaron was one of them kind of people, maybe I could be. Heck I'd be the best at that I'd always ask them before I took them that was what most robbers didn't do.

I looked up to see that we were just pulling into Aarons driveway and his mums car was gone. He turned the car off and we got out. The cold late August air blew in my face and made the bottom part of my dress fly around me as Aaron went to my side.

"Damn." He groaned out and I saw where his staring was leading to.

"Pervert." I giggled out wiggling a hand infront of his face and he moved towards me and dragged me back as he sat on the hood of the car.

"So now you want to tease me on purpose?" He asked grabbing the bottom of my dress and tugging on it. "What about Luke?"

"What about Luke? I'm not his girl." I told him simply and he grinned wrapping his arms around me his hands grabbing onto my bum as he set my legs on either side of his.

"So he wouldn't mind if I took you?" He said into my ear and his teeth grazed my ear. I shivered in delight, this couldn't ruin our friendship right? Just kind of scratching an itch for one another. No, I couldn't do that, I knew it was wrong especially knowing that Aaron had dedicated his love to me just yesterday, it was to early and I was to young.

"He would mind very much so." I said sadly pulling back and he groanned with a grimance forming on his face.

"Why do you care so much of what he would think than? You're not his girl that means you can be any bodys and I want you."

"It's not that easy Aaron. In a way Luke has a claim over me and I have a claim over him. It's hard to explain." He shook his head at my words.

"That means that something more would have to be brewing. More than what I know. You said yesterday and the day before that it was nothing just some creep that followed you around because of your dads doing well is there more to the story than what I know?" He asked clearly flustered as he crossed his arms.

I looked away not wanting him to see my face because he could easily read more into what it was that I was hiding.

"There is. You keep looking away what is it? Are you pregnant with his child, are you in a secret marriage or his fiance or something?" Aaron pestered and I let out a breath shaking my head at his questions. I knew I had to tell him or at least tell someone because I was about to blow. I needed someone to talk too and Aaron was the only one that could actually have a decent conversation if I tell him about it.

He won't mark me as crazy or go to the police immediatlely after I tell him he would sit me down and have a perfectly normal conversation about this over tea or coffee.

"Aaron I want to tell you." I began slowly and he sighed standing up and grabbing my hands and holding them into his.

"Than tell me Nexy." He begged and I looked up at him bitting my bottom lip as I debated on how I should exactly tell him this.

"He isn't what you think he is." I started off in a hushed voice, and his bushy eyebrows pulled up on his head.

"So he's probably not in a gang?"

"No he isn't in a gang." I replied dryly and hoped he wouldn't cut me off when I was being dramatic.

"Is he apart of some KKK group?"

"That is still a gang." I laughed out humorlessly at the way he acted about all of this. "Just what is my dad?"

"Hoy crap Luke is a scientist? Well he doesn't look like one, he doesn't look smart enough to do that, he looks more of a street fighter or football player that got his brains knocked loose." Aaron seemed to get lost in thought.

"Even when I am trying to clue you in on this whole thing you still find a way to insult Luke. No he is not a scientist but my dad is. And do you remember what he makes?" I scolded him lightly shaking my head at his cockiness.

"Nexia can you just tell me instead of ask these questions that probably won't have anything to do with what Luke-" He stopped suddenly and then his mouth dropped open in pure shock and I think he knew what Luke was after all.

"He has strength that is to strong for a normal person, your dad creates things like robots and works. Nexia please tell me Luke isn't a robot." Aaron closed his eyes waiting to hear for the words to leave my mouth that would tell Aaron that that wasn't what Luke was but I hesitated unable to say what I wanted to say. It was like my throat was to dry and I wasn't able to form any words.

His eyes opened and looked down at me as I glanced at our hands my forehead creased.

"Nexia Rose McGarth you can't be serious. You've been harboring a robot in your house? Do you know how dangerous that is? Especially with the way he is attracted to you and don't you ever remember watching them movies together of robots taking over the world?" He yelled angrily at me and I knew I deserved it but I couldn't help from flinching back at his tone of voice. I wouldn't let myself cry about this there was no way that I would do that especially not now.

"I know Aaron it wasn't like I wanted this. Dad did it for my own good." I tried to defend myself looking back up into his wild eyes. "I need to stop this before it gets out of hand anymore. I need to stop him." The more I said it out loud the more I realized the importance if I didn't and the more I knew that I wouldn't be able to do it alone.

"Help me Aaron." I said and he looked at me like I was crazed for a moment.

"But what are we going to do?" He asked giving my good hand a gentle squeeze and I sighed in relief that he would agree so quickly and easily.

"We are going to destroy Luke once and for all."

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