Creation L.H

By HolyMichaelClifford

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Nexia Rose McGarth grew up with only a father to take care of her. A father that spent most of his time in hi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Authors Note
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Authors Note
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Authors Note
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One

Chapter Nineteen

175 15 1
By HolyMichaelClifford

I brushed it off the best I could with shaky hands as I heard running and I looked up expecting to see Luke but instead it was my dad.

"Are you okay Nexia?" He asked scared, looking around the room at the mess. I stood up clenching it in my hand tightly close to my heart as I looked down at it.

"No that wasn't even right." I shook my head as my eyes started to blur. It was one thing to have someone mad at you but an entirely different thing to have someone scream in your face and destroy something that they had made you for no reason.

That was horrible and what he had done was plain out cruel. I was emotional and every time I got yelled at I always ended up crying it was because of how my tear ducts seemed to work, they exploded like a rushing river at the slightest intervals and I always looked like an idiot for crying about it.

"What happened?" He asked taking careful steps so he wouldn't step on any of the pieces as he reached for me. I stepped back away from him not wanting anybody to touch me I was past the point of needing comfort.

"You need to get your robot checked because something is seriously wrong with it." I ignored his question as I turned away from him and walked to the garbage to dispose of the perfect piece in my hand.

I opened it up and threw it in there without a second thought as I made my way out of the kitchen going to head up to my room to drown myself in music and whatever else that would get me through the night. I didn't care what I found to occupy my head as long as I found something useful because this was too much.

I took slow steps knowing that if I didn't I would fall because when I got emotional that was when I got the most clumsy and I couldn't leave my father with that vivid image of my leg at an odd angle and my head turned completely around, blood everywhere. I think that would take on a whole other meaning to him about life.

Once I was upstairs I looked towards his room to see that the door was shut and there was no sign of the lights on, then I headed to my room. I wiped under my lids to get rid of the escaping tears that didn't seem to want to stay in. I sniffled as I opened the door, it was still my old broken door and now it had an accessable peep hole attached to it. Now everyone would be able to see what I do in the confines of my own room, and I could see everyone just barely from my side of the door.

It wasn't what I wanted but I would have to deal with that. I didn't turn my lights on already knowing exactly where my speakers were without the need of light. As I dragged my feet to it feeling the different buttons until I found the on button and turned the music up letting Five Seconds Of Summer drown out any of the sobs that would escape from me.

I went to my bed and flopped down on it face first as I grabbed my pillow tucking it under my head. This seemed like the most restful way to die, suffocating yourself slowly. At least it gave me a way to be lazy and cry while I died without oxygen and no one hearing how loud I was.

It was unnerving to realize how alone I really seemed to be and that I didn't even have my mum to comfort me. Why did life have to be so hard, why did I say one thing and it was took in a totally different way? Why couldn't men listen and not complicate everything so completely?

I'm only human and I do make mistakes but that doesn't mean scream in my face and destroy things, things that you have to make such stupid accusations about. Because that hurt in more ways then just mentally, it felt like he had slapped me in the face, it wasn't as bad as realizing that my mum was dead when I woke up in the hospital, but it was close.

Maybe I was being melodramatic at the moment but that wasn't even right for him to do, to just let his anger get the best of him. He had to have learned self control or else my dad wouldn't have let him leave the lab but he didn't seem like he even understood the word with how he reacts to every little thing.

I tried to calm myself down enough so I could think straight so I could hear the music that was blaring. It felt like I had put the music on mute or low because I could hear my cries over it. My cries were drowning out the music which was the opposite of what I wanted to happen.

I knew that what I had told him yesterday had truth in it he was destroying me.


"Turn off the radio and just be here with me." Luke begged me for the sixth time loudly from the other side of the door. I knew he could get in if he wanted, the door wasn't locked, but I kept seeing him look into the big hole to look at me pleadingly. He had been at my room this morning like a dog whinning and begging for my forgiveness and I had ignored him turning the sterio up louder with each plea that fell from his mouth until he was screaming at the top of his lungs.

"I hope you choke." I muttered to myself quietly as I folded my legs and my good hand grabbed the bottom of my sweat pants as I glanced up at the celling. It seemed interesting at seven in the morning especially after recieving a rude wake up call at six from an annoying begging person that didn't know the concept of go away.

In ways, I was better but not completely. I was still mad at him for doing what he had done last night and in no way did I want to see him.

My baseball bat was propped up against the bed just in case I needed it for any forceful removal. I didn't think it would do much to a tin can such as Luke but I knew it might stun him enough to realize that I wasn't playing games.

My fingers drummed against my stomach boredly wishing I could go back to sleep but knowing I couldn't because of how I was. Maybe I might be lucky for the third time and have no dreams what so ever again. I bit my lip debating on what I wanted for breakfast as my stomach growled in hunger.

"Nexia please, I'm sorry." His voice got drowned out again as I scouched over in the bed until I was closer to the sterio and I turned it up.

Hands grabbed my feet and wrenched me forward and I let out a blood curdling scream until one of the hands quickly moved to cover my mouth. I looked up angrily to spot Luke who was in between my legs as he held onto one putting it onto his hip. He hesitantly took his hand away probably knowing my plan on biting it as he put it to my other leg.

He started to pick me up and I tried to push rudely out of his arms but as usual his grip was to strong for me. He put my face into the crook of his neck, as his hands pushed me up more as they went to my bum instead. I glowered at his innocent expression, as he went to turn the music down with me in his arms.

"If I had a gun and it had three bullets in it and there was four people in this room. Bin Laden, Darth Vader, The Joker and you, I'd shoot you three times." I told him truthfully and I knew I was serious. I hated him, absolutely loathed him and what he was and that he even had to be created in the first place.

He looked hurt and taken aback and I was glad at that.

"Words hurt Nexia." He quoted dads earlier words from a few days ago and I hated it.

"Only if you're human." I retorted and he squinted at me. It felt like we were in an alternate universe where this was being replayed as if I could changed what I had wanted to say the second time around but decided to keep it the same.

He let go of me suddenly and I fell with a hard thud onto the ground.

"Oww." I cried out grabbing my back side where the stinging pain was coming from.

"Sorry I forgot humans feel pain too." He snapped at me and turned around and stalked out of the room.

"Run away just like you always do stupid tin can bastard." I screamed back at him as I pulled myself up angrily. I looked around trying to decide what to do as I spotted the baseball bat. He slammed the door and I decided to throw it anyways just to get the anger out of me in a way. The sound was thunderous, shaking the ground beneath me but I didn't care.

I wanted to get out of the house today and do something, I needed to get away from him again and have fun and there was only one person that would want to hang out with me at a time like this. Who would still be willing to talk to me after I had tried to tell him that I couldn't be with him because of Luke.


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