Finally Yours: The Sequel | T...

By ratedJG

52.4K 1.7K 2.5K

Read the first book before reading this. More

• prologue •
• one •
• two •
• three •
• four •
• five •
• six •
• seven •
• eight •
• nine: part one •
• nine: part two •
• ten •
• eleven •
• twelve •
• thirteen •
• fourteen •
• fifteen •
• sixteen •
• seventeen: part one •
• seventeen: part two •
• seventeen: part three •
• eighteen •
• nineteen •
• twenty: part one •
• twenty: part two •
• twenty one •
• twenty three: part one •
• twenty three: part two •
• twenty four •
• twenty five •
• twenty six •
• twenty seven •
• twenty eight •
• twenty nine •
• thirty •
• thirty one: part one •
• thirty one: part two •
• thirty two: part one •
• thirty two: part two •
• thirty three •
• thirty four •
• thirty five •
• thirty six •
• thirty seven •
• thirty eight •
• thirty nine •
• forty •
• forty one: part one •
• forty one: part two •
• forty two •
• forty three •
• forty four •
• forty five •
• forty six •
• forty seven •
• forty eight •
• forty nine •
• fifty •
• fifty one •
• fifty two •
• fifty three •
• fifty four •
• fifty five: part one •
• fifty five: part two •
• fifty six •
• fifty seven •
• fifty eight •
• fifty nine •
• sixty •
• sixty one •
• sixty two •
• sixty three •
• sixty four •
• sixty five •
• sixty six •
• sixty seven: part one •
• sixty seven: part two •
• sixty seven: part three •
• sixty eight •
• sixty nine •
• seventy: part one •
• seventy: part two •
• seventy: part three •
• epilogue •
on to the next... book #3!

• twenty two •

709 19 26
By ratedJG

Wednesday, December 27

In exactly two weeks from today, the girls and I will be getting ready for our first show. We're leaving LA two days before that. Tour life is quickly approaching, which means we're trying to spend as much time with our families as we possibly can.

Right now we were all just chillin. Kiara was in her room watching TV while Trey and I were laid up in our room, me watching TV and him on his phone, in a nice comfortable silence. It's times like this that I cherish the most, to be honest.


I looked up at Trey's phone to see him recording for his Instagram story. I stuck my tongue out at the camera then smiled before grabbing his face and kissing his lips repeatedly.

"Always gotta be all up on me." he said jokingly once he stopped recording.

"Oh please, you know you like it. Now post that, it was cute."

He posted the video then continued scrolling down his timeline.

"Yo what the fuck? Is this nigga crazy?" I heard him say a few seconds later.

"What happened?" I asked, confused.

He showed me what he was looking at on his phone and I gasped.

No this negro didn't...

"He was supposed to wait!" I whispered to myself, although I realized it was way louder than it should've been when I felt Trey's eyes on me. I looked up at him and judging by his facial expression, I knew I lowkey fucked up.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked slowly.


"Don't even think about lying to me, Kelly."

I took a deep breath, "They're dating."

"Dating who?"

I groaned and sucked my teeth, "Each other, Tremaine."

He laid there silently for what seemed like forever and I just knew anger was building up inside of him. This is exactly why I wasn't cool with the idea of keeping this from him. I already knew it wouldn't end well.

"Trey hold on..." I tried to touch his face but he pushed my hand away.

"So you knew about it and didn't even tell me." he said more as a statement than a question.

"Baby I can explain."

"How long has this been going on?"

"You want the long story or short?"

"Just fucking tell me Kelly."

"They made it official on Christmas. I accidentally walked in on them kissing so Lala was forced to tell me. I was literally about to run downstairs to come and get you but she told me they wanted to wait a couple of days before telling you. I had no idea Chris was gonna pull this fuck ass shit."

"I feel like you still should've told me regardless."

"Trey I wanted to tell you so bad, but I swore Lala to secrecy."

"Oh that's how it is now?" he chuckled coldly. "So it's just fuck me huh?"

I frowned, "Baby don't be like that."

"This is the second time some shit like this happened. You would think the people I'm closest to would tell me things, but no, I'm always finding shit out from social media. Muthafuckas just love keeping me out of the loop."

"Wow Tremaine, really? I thought we were over that tour situation."

"Who said anything about that?"

"I'm not dumb and you're not slick. Just because you didn't say it directly doesn't mean you're not hinting at it. And while we're at it, I don't appreciate you calling me a muthafucka like I'm some damn nigga on the street. And don't even say you weren't because I'm obviously one of the people you were referring to."

He shrugged, "Don't keep things from me if you don't want ya feelings hurt."

"You can't be fucking serious. Why are you being an asshole right now? I honestly don't even think you should be mad at me."

He ignored me and got up from the bed, putting on a shirt, sweats and sneakers.

"Where are you going?"

Ignored me again.

"Trey I'm sorry things turned out like this. Just come back to bed so we can continue talking, please?"

"I'll be back later." he mumbled and left out the room.

Damn it! Yeah, I'm beating Lala's ass.

I FaceTimed her and she picked up quickly.

"Bitch it's on sight next time I see you." I said immediately.

"I can't tell if you're serious or joking."

"Does it look like I'm joking?"

"Kelly I literally had no idea Chris was gonna do that. That's not what we agreed to. You think he warned me before posting that? Hell no. I'm upset too."

"Well you better talk to him before I do."

She pouted, "So Trey's mad, huh?"

I sighed, "Girl. We got into an argument just now. We went from being laid up to him leaving out the house."

"Kelly I'm sorry. Ugh, he probably feels like we were purposely trying to make him feel like the odd one out."

"That's exactly how he feels." I mumbled. "Knowing him, he's most likely on his way to Chris' house to light his ass up."

"I really hope they don't actually get to fighting."

"Tuh, I don't know... He's mad so he's gonna get Chris mad. Ain't no telling what will happen."

"I'm gonna talk to Chris at some point today. I wanna know what was going through that nigga's head."

"Oh girl you better. Cause you don't want me to do it."

She poked her lip out, "I'm sorry again Kelz. Please don't hurt me."

"I actually wasn't serious about that." I laughed. "You just better hope Trey gets over it, or both you and Chris will be getting strong silent treatments from me."

We talked for a little while longer until Kiara came in the room, looking all pouty.

"What's wrong lovebug?" I asked her.

"Can I lay here with you? I'm bored."

"Awwww, come here."

She climbed onto the bed and laid on me, smiling when she saw Lala on the phone.

"Hi godmommy." she said while waving.

"Hey pretty girl. You bored huh?"

"Yeah, watching TV is better when it's with someone else."

"Awwww, Kelz when are you gonna give my baby a brother or sister?"

"Really Alani? Like I don't have a whole tour I'm about to go on. Think girl, think."

She laughed, "I'm just being annoying."

"And I'm just hanging up. I'll talk to you later, pinhead."

"Bye Trene. Bye little Trene."

We hung up and Kiara looked up at me. "Where's daddy?"

I rolled my eyes internally, "He went to uncle Chrissy's house."

"Wow, without us?"

"I know right!" I laughed. "Ain't that rude?"

"So rude. But mommy, can I ask about what godmommy said?"

"What did she say?"

"About me having a brother or sister."

Damn. This is the first time she's actually asking me about this, seeing as how she always asks Trey.

"Okay, what exactly do you wanna know?"

"Why can't the baby just be in your belly now? Then by the time you're done with the tour, it'll already be out."

I laughed at her innocence, "Well sweetie, it's not that easy. I can't be dancing on stage with a big ole belly. If your dad and I are gonna have another baby, it has to be when I'm at home most of the time."

"So does that mean y'all are gonna have the baby right after the tour?"

Yikes. I'll let all these questions slide cause she's just a kid so she doesn't understand how complicated this subject actually is.

"We'll have it when I'm ready."

"Okaaay... whatever that means." she mumbled. "Where do babies come from anyway?"

Yikes again. That question came years earlier than I thought it would...

"They come from God." I said simply. That's all she's getting for now. She's not ready for all that other stuff. Shit, neither am I.

"So does that mean you just pray for it and it comes?" she asked.

"Uh yeah, I guess you could say something like that."

"Cool! I'm gonna pray every night so my brother or sister can come quick." she said innocently.

I started tickling her and she bursted into a fit of laughter.

"You make my day, you know that?" I said while kissing her face.

"Yes I do know. That's why you loveeee meeee."

"More than anything in the entire world."


"Who is it?"

"Nigga open this fucking door before I kick it down."

You can say I'm overreacting but I'm sick of always feeling like the odd one out. I don't get why people are always hesitant to tell me things as if I'm not a real ass nigga. People hate seeing me mad but continue to do things to get me mad. How that work?

Chris eventually opened the door with a smile on his face, but his smile quickly dropped when he realized I wasn't playing.

"So you really don't fuck with me, huh?" I said angrily.

"What? Man what are you talking about?"

"Nigga don't ask me no dumb shit like that. How Kelly gon know something and I don't? Why you making her hide shit from me?"

"I can explain it to you but I'ma need you to calm the fuck down. You wilding right now."

"I think I have every right to be. You of all people should know how much it irritates me when people keep things from me, yet you continue to do it."

"Honestly bro, shit like this is why."

"Fuck you mean?"

"I be scared to tell you stuff cause ion know how you finna react. I didn't wanna tell you about my relationship with Lala right away because I honestly thought you would be angry. That's why I wanted to wait a couple of days before telling you. At least she and I would've had some time to enjoy ourselves just in case your reaction was negative."

I calmed down a little bit because I realized he was kinda right. I do tend to have anger issues and I can be a little overprotective of Chris sometimes. I see him not only as a best friend but as a little brother. I've watched bitches play him many times over the years and I've also watched him make dumb ass mistakes of his own. So whenever he has someone new, of course i'ma be cautious.

"Bro, the reason I be getting angry with you is because you be smashing these dumb broads that have nothing going for themselves, just want your money, and have nothing to offer you in the long run." I explained. "Yeah I'ma get mad at you when you do dumb shit, but it's because I want better for you."

"I hear you bruh."

"And look what happened with Casandra. I'm not blaming you for it but if you showed me her face earlier, I could've been told you she was a fraud."

He sighed, "Yeah man, I get what you're saying."

"But for real, I apologize if the way I act ever causes you to feel like you can't tell me things. I admit I come off as harsh sometimes but it's because I care."

"You good bro. I appreciate it, real talk."

"I got three questions for you though."

"Nigga... iight man, go 'head."

"One, so you basically think Kelly's more approachable than me?"

"Uh, yeah. That's exactly what I think." he laughed.

"You know what... i'ma let that slide. Second question, why the hell you post that shit on Instagram without warning?"

"Man... I swear I was literally about to call you but then I started looking through pics on my phone. She sent me that one yesterday and I was just like damn hold on, lemme post this real quick. The rest of the world needs to see it."

"So yo ass got distracted." I laughed.

"Pretty much. She fine as hell."

"Well that leads me to my last question. Why would I ever be angry about you and Lala? She's literally the type of girl I've been telling you that you need. She's successful, smart, and hell she's my wife's best friend. Everyone that Kelly is close to is valid, so that automatically makes Lala a great person."

"You right. I guess I was trippin."

"You were but it's cool. I just can't believe yo goofy ass actually got her after all these years of joking around about it. I didn't know your feelings for her were that deep."

"Yeah man. No bullshit, I think I love her."

I raised my eyebrows in shock, "Wooooah! Nigga, you gotta tell me how this all started. Matter fact, lemme make myself comfortable."

I sat on the couch and he hooked up the Playstation to put on 2K. This is gonna be a long afternoon.


"Look who's finally back." I mumbled as Trey walked into our room several hours later.


"Your daughter was asking for you."

"She sleep?"

"Yeah, she went to bed a while ago."


I groaned, "Trey are you really still mad at me?"

"I'm good Kelz."

"Not with all these short ass responses! Did you and Chris not work it out?"

"We did."

"Did he explain himself to you?"

"He explained everything. From when they started messing around, to the whole Christmas thing, to why he decided to post her despite what y'all agreed to."

"Okay that's great. You got all of your answers, so why do you still seem upset?"

He sighed and sat on the bed, "You know how I feel about people not telling me things. Everybody knows about something and I'm sitting there looking dumb because I'm oblivious to what's going on around me."

"I completely understand that and I'm sorry you felt that way. But I'm literally the only person who knew, and that was by accident. If I didn't walk into that room on Monday, I would've been just as out of the loop as you were."

"Yeah you're right."

"Okay so can you stop being mad at me? You know I hate it." I poked my lip out and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I told you I'm not mad at you anymore baby. And I'm sorry for being disrespectful earlier, it was unnecessary. I ain't mean any of that dumb shit I said."

"It's okay. Let's just forget it even happened."

"Can I have a kiss?" he tried to say in an innocent voice.

I laughed, "You can."

I pulled his face towards mine and kissed his lips twice.

"So what you think about all of this?" he asked.

I chuckled, "No, what do you think?"

"Shit is so hard to believe. Like I knew Chris wanted her because he always jokes around about it, but I didn't know it was that deep and I never thought Lala would actually like him back."

"See, I ain't even know Chris wanted her in the first place. That was news to me."

"Yeah well he hid it pretty well. Always clowning her and shit."

"That's how it be sometimes. The people you least expect be dating each other nowadays."

"It's crazy but I fuck with it. He seems real happy."

I smiled, "So does La. And that's all that matters, right?"

He nodded, "And see, now you can finally drop that damn blind date thing."

"Shut up!" I laughed. "I been dropped it."

He shook his head at me and laid down on the bed all the way, and I laid my head on his chest.

"Don't they kinda remind you of us back then?" I asked.

"Hmm, lowkey but not really."

"Mostly the whole friends first and hidden feelings part."

"Oh yeah, I feel you on that. Damn, that was so long ago huh? We came a long way."

"Yeah man. You still get on my nerves, but I'm not going anywhere sooo I just be dealing with it."

He laughed, "And you don't get on mine?"

"Maybe, but you love me so it doesn't matter."

"And vice versa."

"Yeah yeah. Oh my gosh I just thought of something!" I said excitedly.


"They can come to Miami with us for your grand opening! It can be like a cute lil double date thing!"

"Of course you would think of something like that."

I cut my eyes at him, "You can't tell me it wouldn't be cute."

"I'm messing with you. I like the idea."

"Matter fact, let's FaceTime them right now and ask."

"Uhh, he was getting ready to go to La's house when I left. What if they're busy... you know..."

"So? Do you know how many times she's called me while we were 'busy'? Shoot, I hope they are so I can pay her back for all those times."

I called La from my phone and she was laying in bed when she picked up.

"Wassup boo?"

I smirked at her, "Are you laid up with Chris right now, young lady?"

She rolled her eyes and laughed,  "Maybe."


"Perfect?" she chuckled.

"Yeah cause we don't even gotta call him. I'll explain in a second. Trey come closer."

He moved over so both of our faces were in the camera and Chris did the same with La.

"Aww, look at you two." Trey commented.

"We just tryna be like y'all." Chris said.

"Well uh, try harder."

I gasped, "Tremaine! That wasn't nice."

"Right, this nigga mad disrespectful." Chris agreed, shaking his head.

"I'm just a very honest man."

I shook my head, "Ignore him. We appreciate the compliment. Anyways, we called you guys because we wanted to invite y'all to the grand opening."

"For real?!" Lala said excitedly.

"Mhm! It can be like y'alls first public outing as a couple."

"Wouldn't that take away from Trey's night though?" Chris asked.

"Nahhh man, ion even care about all that. It's New Year's Eve, it's all about partying and having a good time." Trey said.

"You right." Chris shrugged, "Shit I'm down. What about you, La?"

"I would be honored!" she said dramatically.

"I can't with you." I laughed. "So we plan on flying to Miami on Saturday. Would y'all be able to do that?"

"Yup." they both answered at the same time.

"Bet. It's a date." Trey said.

"A double date!" I exclaimed. Lala and I started screaming in excitement through the phone.

"You hear this shit man?" Chris said to Trey.

Trey chuckled, "Get used to it bruh. It's gon happen a lot."


Filler chapter... 🙃

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