Caged By Him

By moonchild80

9.4M 216K 93.8K

"WHY CAN'T YOU GET IT INSIDE YOUR HEAD?" He trapped my trembling body between his arms and slammed his fist i... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's note.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Author's note.
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99

Chapter 24

128K 2.6K 1.2K
By moonchild80

Enjoy. Make sure to comment and vote❤❤

Aurora's POV:

I woke up with sore muscles and an unability to stand. Tristan took me three times last night and it's made me exhausted.

But that doesn't matter because today is going to be a good day. Today, I'm going to the orphanage after so long.

I dress myself quickly and head downstairs where Tristan's waiting for me. After having breakfast, he locks the doors and takes me over to his car. He opens the door for me and I slide in, then he walks over to the other side and shuts the door behind him. He starts the car and drives out of the parking space, heading to the gate.

The drive was pretty silent, I just stared outside the window the entire time as Tristan placed his hand on my thigh the entire ride. What feels like forever, we finally arrive at the orphanage.

"I don't want you leaving, do you hear me? I want you to stay inside and don't go anywhere else until I come get you." He orders and I nod submissively. I don't want him to yell at me again so I'll just do as told.

He smirks and reaches over to my face. "I'll pick you up in a few hours, my love. Call me if you need anything." He tells me, kissing my cheek. I nod again and thank him before opening the car door and sliding out. Tristan doesn't drive off, instead he stays watching me till I enter. I turn around and glance at him as he's looking at me with a worried look.

I look away, turning around and closing the door behind me, waiting to see everyone after a long time.

I'm so excited.


"So, how's married life treating you?" Mrs Harrison asks, pouring coffee into my cup.

I've been here for a few hours and honestly, I've never been this happy in quite sometime.

"Everything's fine, Mrs Harrison." I answer with a slight smile on my face.

"So, catch me up with everything. I haven't seen you in forever." She asks, grabbing both my hands.

"Oh, I was on my honeymoon so I was out of the country." I tell her and she nods.

"Well, we're happy you finally came to see us. Let's go see the kids, they've missed you."

"Auntie Aurora." The kids say running towards me as I crouch down to hold them in my embrace.

"Hi, guys. I've missed you so much." I say in a soft voice as they smile at me. I feel so content, this is where I want to be. "Where's Maisy?" I ask and they shrug. Maisy is the youngest kid in the orphanage with only a few months old. I took care of her most of the time.

Just then am I able to see Mrs Harrison holding a very sleepy Maisy and handing her over to me. I've missed this little bundle of joy so much. I couldn't hold back a little gasp.

"Oh, hi." I say in a soft baby voice, stretching my arms to hold her as she reaches over for me. "Look how big you've gotten." I say, holding her. "Did you miss me?" I say, kissing her head as she places her little hands on my neck. "You're so cute." I say, securing her head and rocking her as she laughs.

"Oh, Aurora. I forgot to tell you we have a new volunteer. Come and meet him." She says as I hold on to Maisy and follow her to the playing room.

"This is Jackson. Jackson, this is Aurora, one of our longest term volunteers and like a daughter to me." She introduces me but I can only see his back. He turns around and gives me a big smile and I reciprocate it. He licks his lower lip and takes it in his mouth as he looks me up and down.

"It's nice to meet you." He says, extending his hand. I shake his hands and say. "Nice to meet you too."

"Okay, I'm going to let you both get acquainted." She says before walking away. An awkward silence settles between us as I continue to rock Maisy back and forth.

"So, you're a volunteer?" He starts, picking up some books and toys from the ground and standing up. I nod at his question and he nods, pouting and furrowing his brows. "Is this some sort of community service you're doing?" He asks and I frown.

"No. Why?" I'm actually curious to why he thinks so.

"Oh, nothing. " he starts. "I just find it weird that a girl like you would just volunteer at an orphanage." He says, chuckling to himself.

"A girl like me?" I question, raising my brows as he goes around the table and tidying it. I must look so stupid because Maisy is pulling at my hair and hitting my face.

"Yeah, you know. Pretty young girls such as yourself are only into parties, makeup and guys." He mocks.

I hate gender stereotypes so much.

I'm friends with Stella who likes all those things although it doesn't make her any less interesting of a person.

"Believe it or not, I actually dislike parties as much as I dislike mocking other peoples' interests." I inform him with a smile. "I'm here because I love helping." I add.

"Is that so?" He asks and I nod. He just stares at me, squinting his eyes and smiling. Embarrassed, I look away and divert my attention to Maisy as she plays with my necklace with her little hands.

"How about Italian food? Do you like that?" He asks and I look at him. Why's he asking that?

"I do. Why?" I question, confused by his random question.

"Oh, it's just that I know this restaurant near by. They have killer pizza. Maybe you and I can get together there sometime." He suggests and I gulp. I've learned throughout time not to trust guys. Their intentions are always different than mine.


"Well, let's just say I'm quite intrigued. It's not everyday you find a gorgeous girl with a good heart." He compliments, sending me a wink and I feel my cheeks heating up. "I'd like to know more about you." He states, running a hand through his hair.

See this is what I call normal. Getting asked out by a nice guy who genuinely likes you. A guy with good intentions and who's not a killer.

But of course, I'm going to have to shut him down. I really hate doing that and I feel so bad afterwards but I can't go out with him. I can never be unfaithful to my husband, no matter who he is.

"I'd like to take you up on that offer but I'm married." I inform him, his eyes widening as soon as he hears the fact that I'm married. Why is it shocking to people that I have a husband? I'd really like to know.

"Are you having a laugh?" He says, cocking a brow as I shake my head. That's when he diverts his gaze to my left hand that's on Maisy's back as I continue rocking her.

"Wait, you really are." He gasps, clearly taken back. "That is some rock." He says, looking at my ring. "Your husband must really want people to know you're taken, huh?" He chuckles and I hum. Oh, you have no idea. You'd be at the end of his gun as soon as you even look at me.

"I can't say I blame the guy." He winks and I smile. "Don't take this the wrong way but..." he starts but stops and rubs on his jaw sheepishly.

"What is it?" I ask him, curious about what he would say.

"I mean, what you're doing is really admirable but don't you think you're a little too young to settle down?" He interrogates. Wait, is this what shocks people the most? The fact that I'm young.

"Not when you find the right person." I force myself to say. What I really mean by that is: Not when a mafia leader forces you to marry him and threatens all your loved ones.

"Oh, I'm happy for you then. Forget I asked you anything. Let's go back to the kids."

Tristan's POV:

Pacing down the basement, I open the door to one of the cells as Elijah stands behind me. I've a feeling today is going to be a good day.

A good day for torturing some worthless cunts.

You didn't think I forgot about the scumbags that tried to rape my wife. Of course not. I always do the job properly. And I'm certain that today, it's going to get messy.

They've been in my basement for over a week, just withering away.

"Elijah, tell Ryder to make sure they're not passed out. I don't want them dead just yet." I order to which he nods and backs away.

Today's a fucking stressful day, so much business to do. I'm finally putting an end to everything with the Russians. I've been dragging this on for way too long.

I know for a fact that they're in town. I just need a masterplan to get rid of them once and for all. And surely, I'll have no trouble coming up with one.

"Elijah, gather everyone for a meeting. "


After a long dreadful day, it's time to pick Aurora up and take her home. Whenever she's somewhere else than home, I can't help but worry about her all damn day.

Reaching the door to the orphanage, I open it to be met with an old man. The same old man who was at the engagement party.

"Welcome. Aurora's husband, am I correct?" He asks, walking towards me and smiling. I nod at him. "How are you, son?" He says, shaking my hand. "Just fine. Thank you."

"I'll take you to her. Right this way." he ushers as I thank him and follow.

He takes me to a room where I see a lot of kids gathered in a circle, their attention on a woman as she read for hem. The most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

My wife.

I lean against the door and watch her intentively. She's sat, smiling, unaware that I'm watching her. I don't think I've ever seen her this happy. The kids are totally mesmerized by her. I mean, who wouldn't be? For a second, I watch her divert her attention to the baby she has in her arms as she started crying. I watch as Aurora holds the baby in front of her face and tries shushing her, she mutters something and smiles at her and the baby smiles back. Fuck, isn't that a sight?

That smile, that smile can have me on my knees begging for her. Effortlessly perfect.

I'd be lying of I said that at that moment, I didn't imagine her with a big round belly and our baby in her arms. Now, I'm not one to think about children. Hell, I didn't even want to get married. But it turns out that she was what I needed. I believe that she's changed me. She's the only thing that can keep me fulfilled. And I don't know how I can let her know that. I have trouble to tell her how I feel, it's because I've never felt this way.

I don't know how she did it, but she managed to get under my skin without even trying. She's the only one that can subside my anger, that can keep me grounded and tamed.

Stalking closer to her, she plays with the children as their laughs fill the room. I've never been in the presence of something this pure. For some reason, she still doesn't notice I'm here, she's so consumed and entertained by what she was doing.

She looks up to be met with my face, staring down at her. As soon as she does, her smile fades away and my chest tightens. I hate how she's still dismissing me. What is it that I can't give her? What does she want me to do to make her love me?

She stands up, still holding the baby and wrapping her arms around her.

"A-Are we leaving?" She says and I nod. If this place makes her happy then I'd let her come here whenever she wants. She can have whatever she desires, I just want to see her smile. She's always scared of me. I'd love to let her come here whenever she wants but I'm not about to do that. I need her to be safe. But once all the threats are eliminated, I'll take her wherever she wants.

"Okay, please let me say goodbye to Mr and Mrs Harrison." She says and I nod at her. She walks away but I can hear her talking. I listen intently to the conversation her and the woman are having.

Aurora's POV:

"I have to go Mrs Harrison. I'll try to come back another time." I say and she frowns, looking between her husband and I as he lowers his head.

"Oh, about that Aurora. We wanted to talk to you about something." Mrs Harrison says, looking at her husband again. I feel like they're about to tell me some bad news.

"What is it?"

"We-uh, we're selling the place." They inform me and I frown. Are they serious?

"Wait, what? Are you being serious?" I question, looking at Maisy then at them. What will happen to her when they close this place?

"I'm afraid so."

"B-But why? You guys love this place, and you know that th-" I whine but get immediately interrupted.

"Aurora, listen." Mr Harrison starts. "We took a big loan and we're unable to pay so we have no choice but to sell it. We're so sorry, petal. We know how much you like this place." I look down and start feeling tears in my eyes.

"B-But what about the kids?" I interrogate, I really don't want anything happening to them.

"We don't know, Aurora." Right now, I'm expecting the worst. They can be thrown on the streets, like I was. I can't believe this is happening.

"I-I'm going to go." I say with my voice cracking as I hand over Maisy to them and exit. I make my way towards the door but I don't get too far before Tristan latches onto my arm and pulls me in front of him.

"What's wrong?" He says in a blank tone, his voice so deep.

"I-It's nothing." I tell him, I just want to go to sleep and not think about anything.

"Aurora, you know I don't like you lying to me." He says, looking at Mr and Mrs Harrison who are far behind me then back at me.

"P-Please, can we go?" I request, sniffling.

"Just tell me." He orders, getting frustrated. Let me just tell him so I can leave.

"The orphanage is going to be sold. They said that they're in debt." I state, scratching my arm up and down.

"And how much do they need?" He asks, moving my hair that's now strayed across my face as I bow my head.

"I-I never asked." I admit, playing with the hem of my dress.

"Hm, you don't want it to shut down. Do you?" He questions, reaching over for my face.

"I-I just feel bad for the kids and for Mr and Mrs Harrison. They dedicated their entire life to this place." I say shaking my head then looking around. This might be the last time I see this place.

Tristan stays silent to the point where it gets awkward between us. He takes a brisk inhale before talking again.

"Come with me." He orders, grabbing my hand and leading me towards Mr and Mrs Harrison, who are in deep conversation but stop as soon as they see us.

"Aurora, dear. Did you want something?" She says, looking up at Tristan then at me.

"Actually I do. Aurora has told me what has happened and I wanted to ask how much you owe?" He requests sternly. Mr and Mrs Harrison hesitate and look at eachother in reflection.

"Five million dollars." They shamefully say and I frown. I thought it was only a few thousand dollars. What could they've possibly done with five million dollars? God, I feel so bad for the kids.

"I'm willing to pay your debt." He states almost immediately with a blank tone, folding his arms over his chest.


We all look at him with a confused look on our faces. While he remains composed with a serious look plastered across his face.

"Mr Black, I -I don't think we can accept." Mr Harrison replies sheepishly.

"I'm afraid I'm not negociating this. It's final." He blankly states, pulling me closer by my waist.

"W-We can't ask you to do that Mr Black, this is our problem. It's too kind of a gesture." He says and Tristan sighs.

"You didn't ask, I offered." With that being said, I look up at him and he's very much serious about what he's saying. Is he actually going through with it?

Why is he doing this?

"W-What do you want in return?" Mr Harrison asks, looking a bit worried.

"Nothing but my beautiful wife's happiness." Tristan hums, immediately sending shivers through my body, butterflies through my stomach and heat to my entire face. My heart beats relentlessly against my chest. But this time, it's not because I'm scared. It's something else.

"This." He starts. "This is extremely generous of you. Thank you so much, Mr Black." They say with appreciation, happiness noticeable in their eyes. It is extremely kind of him. I didn't think he would go through with it.

"It's a pleasure to help. Here's my card, contact me whenever you can." Tristan states, grabbing a hold of my waist. "We have to go. Goodbye for now." He says, taking my hand in his.

"Thank you again Mr Black." Tristan nods at that before pulling me away with him.

We exit and make our way to his car. He opens the door for me and allows me to get in, holding my hand to help push me up as the car is too high. He always does this, I really appreciate it.

He gets in and starts up the car. As he starts driving, I stare out the window in thought. I'm starting to see things differently now. I know that Tristan is a ruthless killer who kidnapped me and forced me to marry him but I feel like there's more to him than he's letting on. He can be the most caring person if adressed properly. And that side of him, well it sends me into a frenzy.

Reaching the mansion, he closes the door behind him and takes me upstairs to the room. He strides in and pours himself a glass of whiskey while I stand there nervously fiddling with my fingers. I want to thank him for what he did today.

"Thank you." I mutter nervously. I don't know how to thank him. He does a lot for me so I just want to make sure he knows that it doesn't go unppreciated

"Anything for my angel." He states, swallowing his whiskey and sending me a wink as I blush a dark red. He takes long strides towards me, building up so much tension.

"Is there anything else you wanted to do today? Do you want me to take you out to dinner tonight?" He asks, wrapping his arms around my waist as I shake my head and nervously adjust his tie.

"Right. There's business on so I'm going to head out. You're not supposed to leave the house. Call me if you want anything." He says, pulling me ever so closely and pecking my lips as I nod at him.

"Kiss me." He orders, making me stand on my tiptoes to place a peck on his cheek. "I'll see you tonight, beautiful." He hums before exiting the room.

As always, I stayed locked in the house with nothing to do. I sat in the garden for a while, fed the fish and watered the flowers. But the thought of Tristan lingered in my head.

Does he really love me? Or does he want something from me?

Hi guys, sorry for the slow update. As I said, my exams are very soon and I've been focusing on studying.

But thank you so much for your constant supports. I appreciate all the reads so much. And can I just sat your comments make my entire existence? Like I can legit sit all day reading them.

You're all incredible. Thanks for everything.

Lots of love❤❤

Published: March 2nd 2019.

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