Opposites Attract-George Weas...

By amymicheleconnelly

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Ebony, the girl with no last name, at a young age she was sent to an orphanage with no memory of her past; sh... More

Chapter 1-Magical Berries
Chapter 2-Silly Snape
Chapter 4-Meeting The Twins
Chapter 5- The DA & The Change In Pansy
Chapter 6-Gaining Respect
Chapter 7- Blaise Zabini
Chapter 8- Almost an Accident
Chapter 9- Georgy's Feelings
Chapter 10- Getting Caught
Chapter 11- Getting to the Ministry
Chapter 12- "Ebony"
Chapter 13- Assumptions can Hurt People
Chapter 14- Graduation
Chapter 1- Confessions
Chapter 2- Distant Draco
Chapter 3- Nightmares can be Real
Chapter 4- The Truth
Chapter 5- Trusting Hermione
Chapter 6- The Cursed Necklace
Chapter 7- Pie to the Face
Chapter 8- Slughorn's Party
Chapter 9- Honest Feelings
Chapter 10- Getting Suspicious
Chapter 11- Sweet Memories
Chapter 12- Leaving Hogwarts
Chapter 1- Secrets Come Out
Chapter 2- Professor Travers
Chapter 3- Crabbe and Goyle?
Chapter 4- Comforting Draco
Chapter 5- The War Begins
Chapter 6- They're Here
Chapter 7- Encounter with Mr and Mrs. Malfoy
Chapter 8- Astronomy Tower
Chapter 9- My Love

Chapter 3-Difficult Sortings

413 7 5
By amymicheleconnelly

Entry #28

The Leaky Cauldren

Saturday September 1st, 1998


Dear Diary,

As I'm writing this I would've already finished packing my bags for Hogwarts. Originally Dumbledore was supposed to pick me up but he got called in last minute so now someone named Snape is coming to pick me up. They told me to be ready by 10:15AM and I'm probably going to be done before then; it shouldn't take me that long to write in this journal.

Honestly, I don't know what to expect from this place; I don't know any students there so they couldn't tell me what to avoid and what to look forward to this year.

I hope that I make friends though, it's going to be lonely for me if I can't make friends for the next 2 years in this school. I was told by Dumbledore before he left that because I'm 16 I start in my 5th year; it's going to be hard at first since I don't know anything but with a bit of hard work I should be able to catch up. Apparently there are houses too; I forget the names of most of them but I do remember Ravenclaw and Slytherin; Dumbledore says that they put a sorting hat on our heads and it decides which house is for us.

Looking at the clock beside me it's already 10:10AM so I should pack this before Snape shows up.

Until next time,



I closed my journal and placed it in my bag; zipping up the zipper and throwing it over my shoulder. I grabbed my two suitcases and rolled them out of the room with me as I shut and locked the door. I walked down the steps and by the time I made it down I still had a minute to spare.

Right as the clock struck 10:15 a man in a black robe strolled in the Leaky Cauldren. He had shoulder length black hair that looked a bit greasy, pale skin and black coal eyes. He didn't show any emotion on his face but I knew that he recognized me. He stare at each other before he turned and walked out; assuming that I would follow him. I quickly picked up my bags again and followed him outside where he was already standing on the other side of the road.

"Hurry up, you don't want to be late. The train leaves at exactly eleven o'clock" his voice held as much emotion as his face did; absolutely none. But, unlike most it didn't bother me. He kind of reminded me of how I acted at the orphanage for the longest time before I decide to try and change for good.

"Okay" I smiled which he seemed surprised at but he quickly hid it with a sneer and held an arm out to me which I took. I felt that same summer-salt feeling in my stomach before it stopped and we were in front of the Londan train station.

"I didn't know you could go to Hogwarts from here" I saw him roll his eyes as he walked ahead of me inside.

"That's because it's hidden; we can't have any muggles accidently stumbling onto our train and exposing our world" when he said Muggle his nose twisted up and his mouth twitched into a frown.

"Do you have a problem with Muggles?" he sneered once again and looked down at me,

"As a professor I deal with many mugglborn, half-blood and pure so I cannot have a 'problem' with anyone" I quirked a brow up at him.

"You didn't answer my question"

"You ask way too many questions" I huffed and turned to the left; looking around I saw a bunch of redheads running by; one of them turned and looked at me; giving me a smile and winking before disappearing. I blinked and turned back but didn't think nothing of it afterwards. We finally stopped in front of a brick wall between platforms 9 and 10.

"We're here" I looked up at him like he had two heads and shook my head.

"I don't mean to alarm you Snape but this is a wall" suddenly I was pushed forward as I let out a scream; but instead of falling against the wall I fell into the wall. It went black for a split second before I landed on the other side on my stomach. I groaned and watched as Snape walked threw as if nothing happened. But, he did seem a bit annoyed.

"Your screaming could've caused us to be exposed if someone had looked"

"Yes well I wasn't expecting to get shoved into a wall!" his brows went down,

"Be quiet you're making a scene" I looked around and saw people looking over at us; I saw the same boy again and there was a boy next to him that looked identical; twins. They both looked amused at the situation that I was in.

"Yes like me getting shoved to the ground wasn't enough of a scene Snape" his eyes narrowed,

"Watch your tone, you don't want detention on your first day" I rolled my eyes,

"You can't give me dention when we aren't on school grounds" his didn't say anything after that so I assumed that I had won. I got up from the floor and took my bags as I smiled and waved at Snape.

"Thanks Snape, I'll see you at school" I turned before I could see his reaction as I got on the train just as the clock struck 11.


The train came to a stop and I looked out the window; seeing a huge castle in the distance; that must be Hogwarts. I got up from my seat and walked out of my compartment. I saw so many kids in different years all running up to carriages that were moving by themselves.

"First years! First years over here!" I looked over and saw a large man a baggy sweater and overalls. He had a long beard that covered up most of his face and hair that was even longer. I walked up to him and tapped him on the back,

"Excuse me sir, am I supposed to go with you? I'm supposed to get sorted tonight" his eyes brightened,

"Ah you're Ebony! Yes, only because we don't want you going and sitting down with everyone else until you're sorted into a house" I nodded and walked passed him; seeing younger kids getting into boats that were enchanted to move by themselves.

Since I was the last one I got a boat to myself as we set off; the stars were out; letting off a nice glow in the water. In the distance I saw aboat get attacked by a giant squid; they grabbed one of the kids and I gasped while standing up on my boat and pointing my wand at the squid. But, I stopped when I saw that the kids were laughing; it didn't take them down but it seemed to be playing. Everyone else was staring at me and I quickly sat back down and kept my eyes on my lap for the rest of the trip.

Once we were there we were all lead into the castle and down a hallway where a women explained the rules to us.

"Hello and welcome to Hogwarts; I am Professor McGonagall and I am the head of the Gryffindor house. Now when you are called there will be a sorting hat placed on your head and it will choose which house you were meant for. Once your house has been picked you will go over and sit there; that house is where you will be in as long as you are here" I smiled and after she finished her speech the doors opened and we all walked inside. I looked around and saw the four different houses; I didn't know which one I wanted to be in; they all looked the same other than their colours.

At the very end on the right I saw the twin redheads that were at the train station. They looked at me and the one on the right winked at me; I gave him a confused glace before looking away. I didn't have time for romance or silly flings; I just wanted to focus on my magic.

We stopped in front of a stage where other professors sat; I watched Dumbledore stand up and walk towards an old brown hat that sat in the middle.

"Welcome everyone! Another year has come and another year we see some new faces. Now, as McGonagall has said once we call your name you will come up and be sorted into one of the four house: Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, or Slytherin. I expect that wherever you may go; that you will be greeted with welcoming arms and are treated with respect. So, since we have a new student who is going to be starting her fifth year; we'll start with her. Ebony!" I blinked and walked forward as people moved out of the way for me. I could hear whispering and I'm guessing it's because Dumbledore didn't call my last name.

I stepped up and sat down on the wooden chair as the hat was placed on my head; suddenly I heard whispering.

"Ah Ebony, you have finally showed up to Hogwarts. Now, let's see you're smart; good enough for Ravenclaw but you are also shy and kind; exactly for Hufflepuff. Brave like Gryffindor but also strong and ambitious like Slytherin...hmmm..."

I looked around and noticed that everyone was staring at the hat weird; the teachers were whispering to each other as well as the students.

"The sorting hat never takes this long to sort someone" I quirked a brow and looked around at all the houses; I wonder what houses my parents were in.

"You will find out soon enough in the future dear" I looked up at the hat; it can hear me? Well I guess since he's literally digging inside my mind!

I heard him chuckle and I thought back to what he said about my parents; I'm not ready to find out about my parents; but if I was in the same house than maybe I could finally have a clue on what they were like here.

"Sir, please choose whatever house my parents were in; or if they were in different houses than choose the best one you think would be out of the two."

"If you're sure" I smiled and nodded,

"Okay better be...SLYTHERIN!!" the table over on the far left jumped up and clapped for me as I got up and walked over and sat down next to a boy with Platinum Blonde hair and icy blue eyes.

"Hey, my names Malfoy; Draco Malfoy and these are my friends Crabbe and Goyle" I smiled and shook his hand along with the other two as I watched the rest of the sorting. Then, food appeared in front of us and I dug in.

"So, where are you from?"

"An orphanage" I replied, he looked over at me along with Crabbe and Goyle.

"Orphanage?" I smiled and nodded before finishing up the last of my chicken.

"Yup, been there all my life"

"So that's why they didn't say your last name at the sorting" I nodded as a girl with short, straight black hair sat down and immediately wrapped her arms around Draco's. His face grew annoyed as he tried to pry her off of him.

"Hey, you're the girl with no last name" her eyes looked me over and I knew I wasn't her favourite person on earth right now. I knew she liked Draco; hence her arm around him. But, I think she might be feeling a bit intimidated; and by the looks of it she might act like this with any girl that's around Draco.

"The names Pansy Parkinson" I smiled and reached out; shaking her free hand.

"Ebony, and don't worry I don't have feelings for Draco; he's really not my type" her face flushed before she smirked,

"I like you" I smiled in return. The food suddenly disappeared and we were left with an empty table. We all got up and I followed Draco and the others out the door. I watched as they all walked towards three people who had on the Gryffindor uniform (thankfully I learned all the house names from watching the sorting).

"Glad to see you Potter, thought you'd be long gone since Diggory's death" A boy with black hair and bright green eyes that hid behind glasses turned around and rolled his eyes.

"For once I thought you'd leave me alone Malfoy"

"He might be obsessed with you mate" the boy next to him said; he had blue eyes and red hair. He strangely looked just like the two twins. They must be related.

"Why would I be obsessed with scarface weaselbee?" a girl with curly brown hair and brown eyes stepped up and rolled her eyes at him.

"Why are you always going out of your way to bother Harry Mafoy? Seems like an obsession to me" Draco glared at her,

"I wasn't talking to you Mudblood" the red head shot up and tried pouncing at Draco but the brown haired girl and the boy named Harry stopped him.

"Ron he's not worth it"

"Hermione's right Ron it's only the first day" Draco smirked,

"Always going to listen to the Mudblood and Scar face?" Ron narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything else.

Then, their eyes shifted to me and I smiled and waved.

"Hello, we haven't met but I'm Ebony" I reached my hand out and tried to shake their hands but they just looked at me; I slowly dropped my hand and smiled awkwardly.

"Well it was nice meeting you three but I think Draco was just about to show me the Slytherin Common rooms" Draco looked at meas if I was crazy but I only smiled back. Finally, he sighed and nodded.

"See you later Potter" then, we all walked away and I waved goodbye to them before we disappeared down another hallway.

"What was that?" I quirked a brow at Draco,

"What was what?"

"That! You being all nice to Potter and his freaky friends"

"Well I don't know the history between you guys but I'm not the type of person to let that effect how I act around people" we stopped in front of the dungeons and Pansy muttered Pureblood; the doors opened and we walked inside. It was cold inside and everything was made of stone; the place was covered in green and silver and the only warm light in here was the huge fireplace that we had in the middle of the room where green and silver velvet chairs sat.

"Come on you bunk with me!" Pansy grabbed my hand and led me towards the stairs.

"You shouldn't be so negative Draco; enjoy the school year. Drama is so overrated" I laughed at his reaction as Pansy and I stopped in front of a door. We opened it and Pansy squealed before running to a girl with brown hair and brown eyes. As they let go the girl looked at me and frowned,

"Who is she" Pansy smiled and brought me over,

"Mill this is Ebony, Ebony this is my best friend Millicent Bulstrode" I smiled and waved at Millicent but all she did was walk by and shove me aside.

"Just stay out of my way" I looked over at Pansy and she just shrugged. Pansy had already picked her bed along with Millicent so the only bed left was by the window. I walked over and quickly began unpacking my stuff.

My clothes suddenly started folding and being put away themselves and I turned around and saw Pansy putting away her wand away before winking at me.

After, I jumped into bed and went to sleep with a smile on my face.

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