Opposites Attract-George Weas...

By amymicheleconnelly

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Ebony, the girl with no last name, at a young age she was sent to an orphanage with no memory of her past; sh... More

Chapter 2-Silly Snape
Chapter 3-Difficult Sortings
Chapter 4-Meeting The Twins
Chapter 5- The DA & The Change In Pansy
Chapter 6-Gaining Respect
Chapter 7- Blaise Zabini
Chapter 8- Almost an Accident
Chapter 9- Georgy's Feelings
Chapter 10- Getting Caught
Chapter 11- Getting to the Ministry
Chapter 12- "Ebony"
Chapter 13- Assumptions can Hurt People
Chapter 14- Graduation
Chapter 1- Confessions
Chapter 2- Distant Draco
Chapter 3- Nightmares can be Real
Chapter 4- The Truth
Chapter 5- Trusting Hermione
Chapter 6- The Cursed Necklace
Chapter 7- Pie to the Face
Chapter 8- Slughorn's Party
Chapter 9- Honest Feelings
Chapter 10- Getting Suspicious
Chapter 11- Sweet Memories
Chapter 12- Leaving Hogwarts
Chapter 1- Secrets Come Out
Chapter 2- Professor Travers
Chapter 3- Crabbe and Goyle?
Chapter 4- Comforting Draco
Chapter 5- The War Begins
Chapter 6- They're Here
Chapter 7- Encounter with Mr and Mrs. Malfoy
Chapter 8- Astronomy Tower
Chapter 9- My Love

Chapter 1-Magical Berries

863 11 5
By amymicheleconnelly

(That's Ebony)

Entry #26

135 Winsler Lane

Thursday, August 29th 1998


Dear Diary,

I accidently lit my bed on fire again; I'm not sure how I do it but it's been getting me a lot of attention. More than usual. The kind of attention that I don't like.

It's the third time this week and the girls I share a room with have asked to move out and now I'm all alone; but I don't think that's a bad thing.

See, here at the orphanage they like doing things one way; eat at this time, you can only watch TV until this time; it's kind of boring really. I don't like doing everything the same way every day; I could see your brain turning to mush. So, I keep to myself by writing in this journal; there isn't a rule for how long you can write. I find that writing is a bit of an escape for me; it makes the time go by faster.

Though, doing this means that I'm different from everyone else; VERY different. One day it started with a shove, then a push, then an insult. Now, it happens every day and that's another reason why I don't mind being alone; because I'm the only person that doesn't hurt my feelings.

This started happening once I turned 11 when I accidently turned my nails a different colour; and now at 16 I'm burning my bed at least once a week.

Hopefully I'll be adopted soon; otherwise I'm suck here till I turn 18.

And that isn't something I want.




Knock! Knock!

"Ebony, get up it's almost time for breakfast" I opened my eyes and glanced over at Sheera, one of the volunteers at this orphanage. I smiled and nodded; getting out of bed and walking into the hallway where I saw a lineup by the bathroom. I quickly turned around and decided against showering; I had already done so yesterday so why not just put my hair up in a bun.

I did so and picked out a pair of worn-out jeans and a light pink long-sleeve shirt and white socks. I looked at myself in the mirror and shrugged; I looked good enough.

Walking down the stairs I found the kitchen where Sheera was making breakfast. She passed me a plate that had pancakes on it with syrup; I smiled and nodded in thanks as I took it back upstairs to my room. I never sat with them when they ate; what was the point of enjoying a nice meal when no one else around you was nice?

As I ate I heard footsteps coming up the stairs; another knock was heard on the door as Sheera poked her head in and frowned at me.

"Ebony you should come down and enjoy breakfast with us" I shook my head as I finished my last bite and put it next to me on my bedside table.

"Please? It's not the same without you hun" I frowned and look beyond her. I haven't eaten breakfast since I started getting bullied. So after being up here to eat for 5 years...I wasn't comfortable with it.

I looked at Sheera once more before sighing; getting up and walking out the door. They can't do anything to me when Sheera's there right?

Sheera's hand went on my shoulder as we walked into the kitchen; the loud chatter stopped once I came into view and saw all the glaring eyes directed towards me. There were two seats left where Sheera and I could eat; we walked over and sat down; but no one said anything. I reached over and grabbed a couple of strawberries; plopping them in my mouth as Sheera tried making conversation.

"Is everyone enjoying their breakfast?" a course of yes's went around the room as one of the girls smirked at me from across the table.

"Did you enjoy your breakfast upstairs Ebony?" her friends snickered with her as Sheera tried to quiet them down. I could hear some of the other kids whispering names under their breath towards me but one look from Sheera shut them up.

"That's enough, now we will be treating Ebony with some respect; we're all family here. Is that understood?" everyone nodded and I lightly smiled; maybe it wasn't so bad after all.

I saw one of my old roommates get up and walk towards me with some raspberries and I suddenly felt sick to my stomach.

"Did you want some Raspberries Ebony-" I watched as she pretended to trip and shoved the berries on my shirt. It was silent before the room erupted with laughter. I shot up from my chair as berries dripped from my chest. I looked around as they laughed and I thought I was going to pass out. I ran out and up the stairs and I heard Sheera yelling at everyone. I shut my door and locked it as I looked in the mirror; one of my only shirts was now ruined. My shirt that was pink was now splashed with a dark red. I took it off and threw it in the corner; it stuck to the wall for a moment before it fell; leaving a print on the wall. I looked back at the mirror as tears ran down my face; suddenly the mirror shattered making me scream. But I was used to this; this is what my life was like. I threw myself in my bed; having it make a rickety old sound as I landed. I let tears fall onto my pillow; I should have never gone down with Sherra; I should've known that they would've done something like this.

Soon, I grew tired and fell asleep; hoping that this was all a dream.

Something I've been hoping of for the last 5 years.





"Ebony wake up" who's talking to me?

"Ebony come on" I recognize that voice.

"Ebony!" my eyes shot open as Sheera jumped back; she grabbed her chest and shook her head at me.

"Get up, someone's here for you" I blinked a couple of times before I jumped out of bed,

"You're shitting me" she raised a brow at me and I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Sorry, you're kidding me" she smiled and shook her head.

"I'm not, there's a man down there and he says that he's interested in meeting you" a smile came to my face as I ran to the bathroom. I still smelt like fruit so I quickly jumped in the shower and washed my body. Getting out I brushed my hair and put on some jeans and a t-shirt. I looked in the mirror and smiled, I was going to try really hard to get out of here.

I bounded down the stairs and stopped in front of the doors that led you into a room where you meet your potential guardians. I've never been inside because I'm one of the oldest here and a lot of people want the younger ones. I took a deep breath and turned the knob; opening the door and walking inside. There, I saw Sherra on the right side of the table and a man with long white hair and beard sitting on the other. He had round glasses and was wearing a funny looking robe that covered his feet; and a pointed hat.

"There she is; Ebony this is Albus Dumbledore" I smiled and waved at him as he smiled back at me. I watched Sheera get up and walk toward the door,

"I'll let you two mingle; let me know if you need anything" I shook my head when she said mingle; she always tried to use modern slang but never seemed to use it at the right times. I turned back to Dumbledore and walked over; sitting down across from him.

"So you're Ebony, you're 16 and still stuck here?" I nodded and smiled awkwardly; it went silent after.

"I'm guessing you're wondering why an old man like me is wanting to adopt" I smiled and shrugged which made him chuckle. I watched as he reached into his robe and took out a beige envelope with a red stamp in the middle.

"I came to give you this Ebony" I raised a brow at him but took the envelope; ripping open the top half and taking the letter out.

To Miss Ebony

135 Winsler Lane

6th bed on the right

My brow rose when I read that part, how did they know that I owned the 6th bed on the right? kinda creepy but I continued to read otherwise.

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term starts September 1st. we will await your Owl no later than July 31st.

Yours Sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

"...This is a joke right?" I looked up from my letter but Dumbledore was still smiling at me. I put the paper down on the table and got up from my seat; he watched me the whole time.

"Thank you so much for the offer but I don't think-" I looked down at the paper "-Hogwarts is the place for me" I put my had on the door and was about to walk out.

"Have you ever done something you couldn't explain because you were scared? Or angry?" I stopped as my breathing hitched; I immediately thought back to my bed,


"She's on fire!" I opened my eyes and screamed with the other girls as I watched the bed burn up in flames all around me. I quickly jumped up and ran to the bathroom; turning on the shower head and drenching my body; I watched as steam rolled off of me from the flames before I turned the shower off. I heard the fire extinguisher being used as one of the girls walked in the bathroom with large eyes,

"How did your bed catch on fire that's impossible" I opened my mouth but at this point I was a fish out of water; I didn't know what to say. Then, she pointed a shaky hand at me,

"Freak" she whispered; my eyes widened as she got louder; causing attention to the other girls who started to chant with her.



"FREAK!" tears fell from my eyes as I was suddenly surrounded by my roommates as they shoved me back into the wet tub; chanting names at me.

My eyes widened at the memory and Dumbledore gave me a look.

"Hogwarts will help you control and use your gifts" he slid the paper closer to me as I glanced down at it.

Maybe he's right.

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