Caged By Him

By moonchild80

8.6M 201K 90.2K

"WHY CAN'T YOU GET IT INSIDE YOUR HEAD?" He trapped my trembling body between his arms and slammed his fist i... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's note.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Author's note.
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97

Chapter 21

136K 2.9K 2.8K
By moonchild80

Happy Valentine's day, babes. Enjoy💕💕

Aurora's POV:

It's been about two weeks since we've been here in Greece. And surprisingly, everyday was as interesting as the other. I can't get enough of this place. It's just as beautiful as I seen it on TV. We've got up to a lot of activities. My favourite being sightseeing. I just love the nature, it's much better than all the fancy places Tristan takes me to.

Today, I wanted to stay indoors. Tristan left early to meet up with some business associates. Or at least that's what he told me. The man is a workaholic if he's willing to work on his honeymoon. Well technically, our marriage is purely on paper so we're all good.

I have to admit I was a bit worried to be alone, I still can't get over my paranoia considering what happened the other night. But of course, Tristan has the place well guarded. Like him or hate him, he still tries his best to protect me and keep me safe. Then again, the situations I'm put in are all because of him. If I had my normal life back, I wouldn't be nearly in as much danger as I'm in now.

I play with the bubbles in the bath a little longer, feeling my muscles relax and the jets soothe my back. I eventually get out of the bathtub and wrap a towel around my body. There's not much to do in the villa, but I'm fine with that. All I wanted to do today is relax anyways.

I pat my self dry then slip into some comfy clothes. Then, I open the balcony to our room and inhale deeply. The smell of the ocean taking over me in the most amazing way.

I stayed there, staring at the ocean for hours. I laughed to myself when I remembered how my mom took me to the beach when I was little. I used to have a blast, we'd build sand castles and run along the beach. Those were the best days.

I'm able to see a few people on the beach. But I set my eyes on a group of girls who are sunbathing as they sing along to the music they're playing, they look my age. And they seem so happy, so free. I should be doing that, I should be going out with friends, having fun. I'm 19 years old for God's sake.

I felt weird at that moment, as if I'm not meant for happiness. I felt like the world was against me, otherwise I wouldn't be in this mess. I would be happy.

I don't know why or how but at that moment, I wanted to step outside. Even if I wasn't allowed to leave the villa. I don't care. I'm going to go swimming, I'm going to try to enjoy my youth as much as I can, if I can.

With the rush of feelings, anger and adrenaline shooting through me, I strip out of my pyjamas and rummage through the suitcase Stella packed. I don't normally do this, but I'm so fed up with being held hostage. Tristan doesn't let me do anything, he thinks everything is dangerous for me. I don't want to live my life like that.

Stella knew we were coming here so she packed some swimsuits. And of course, they're all revealing. But I don't care, no one is at the beach anyways. If I get caught, I'll need holy water to protect myself from Tristan's wrath. He specifically told me that I'm to stay inside at all times, but I don't want to today. Today, I'm dismissing my worries and I'm going to have a little bit of fun on my own.

I settle on a red one piece bikini with a halter top. I rarely wear red but this swimsuit is the least revealing. But it still shows a lot of skin which I'm not comfortable with. It screams sexy and as we all know, that's not me. But that doesn't matter because this beach is not public, therefore only the villa owners are allowed.

Aurora's swimsuit.

I slip on the red swimsuit and head over to the bathroom mirror. I tie my hair up in a high ponytail and since the swimsuit is backless, I can feel the ends of my hair brush against my lower back. I grab a towel and wear my sandals before heading downstairs dicreetly. The house is guarded but the back door isn't. Tristan told the guards to stay clear from the back because I usually sit there and read a book. I open the door steadily, careful not to make a sound. Luckily, the house isn't on lock down mode, otherwise the sirens would go off. But the door is still locked but fortunately, my finger print can unlock it.

Eventually, I manage to sneak out succesfully and make my way down to the beach. The sound of the waves crashing making me feel so serene. I lay my towel down and let my feet sink into the golden sands. The ethereal feeling of being in the beach, I just can't explain it.

I dip my feet into the water and giggle to myself, feeling the coldness of the water against my skin. I go even further, the water is so blue you can see right through it. I plunge deep into the water, refreshed is an understatement. I'm feeling exhilirated, content. A sensation I know won't last long.

After taking a long swim, I go back to shore and drag my feet along the water. I look around and I can still see the group of girls who are laughing as they take pictures. I turn to the otherside and see a group of guys who were playing volleyball, huddled up. One of them is looking my way.

Not giving them a second glance, I continue to walk further, the water up to my knee. I hum to myself and drag my hands back and forth on the surface.

A few moments later, my humming is disrupted by a deep voice behind me.

"Hey." I snap my head to see one of the guys that I saw earlier, licking his lower lip as he looks me up and down. I divert my eyes to his friends, who are stood behind him but a little far away so they can't hear us, smiling at me. What is this?

"Uh, hi." I reply, slightly on edge. Why are they talking to me?

"This is completely stupid but..." he starts laughing to himself and shaking his head. "My friends dared me to walk up and talk to you." He states, still slightly chuckling.

"Do you think we can grab a drink together? You're like ridiculously hot and my friends don't think I have a chance." He asks playfully, laughing at his own words. "So what do ya say? Wanna prove them wrong?" He suggests, swiping a hand through his wet hair.

He seems really nice and he talks to me with respect, which is something I'm not used to. Well other than the fact that he called me 'hot'. I don't like that word. Nevertheless, he's sweet. But I'll have to decline his request. I can't go out with a guy when I'm married. I don't care if our marriage is real or not, or if I love him or not, Tristan is still my husband and I'm not going to cheat on him.

"Oh." I laugh nervously, looking back at his friends then at him. "I'm really flattered but I-" I start then swallow. I feel so bad for rejecting him. "I'm actually married." I inform him and he widens his eyes.

"Wait what? Really?" He looks taken back, I'm surprised he didn't see my engagement ring. I nod at him, peeping his friends who are trying to figure out what we're saying.

"But you're like really young. How old are you?"

"I'm nineteen." I state, looking to my side then back at him to see his eyes on my ring.

"Woah. Okay, wow. I wasn't expecting that." He gulps awkwardly. "Well do you at least want to come sit with us? We have board games and drinks." He teases, raising his eyebrows, waiting for my response. I still feel bad for rejecting him so I think I'll just say yes to him. Plus, it might be fun. I haven't spoken to people in what feels like forever.


Tristan's POV:

"Leave us." I order my workers to get out of the damp room where my lead on the Russians is tied up. I'm in a playful mood today, I'm ready to torture and suck the life out of him until he gives me the information that I need.

After numerous phone calls Elijah has made, he was able to find me a suspect through one of my ties in Greece. I don't know how this motherfucker is related to the Russians, but I'll make damn sure I find out everything I need.

The thing about being the boss of all bosses is that you know everyone, everyone's at your beck and call. I have warehouses and torture rooms in every country I go to. You just never know when fucking rival cunts are going to attempt something.

Pacing closer to the tied up man on the chair, I play around with my knife as he looks at me in fear. He fucking knows what I'm capable of. His screams are muffled by the cloth on his mouth, to which I walk over and yank it off so he can answer me properly.

"You know why you're here, don't you?" I ask, stalking closer with my hands behind my back. He shakes his head, he really wants to do this the hard way huh?

"You're not making things easy for yourself. You know what's at stake, don't you?" I question and all he does is pant. Use your goddamn words you fucking cunt.

"I think you do. You know that your fucking whore of a sister will be at the end of my gun in the matter of seconds if you don't cooperate, right?" I continue to usher him to speak. I have his entire record dug up, and there isn't anything I wouldn't do to get the answers I need. Because when it comes to Aurora's safety, I'll stoop so fucking low to this motherfucker's level. If they want to mess with me, that's fine, I'll play a hundred times harder. But mess with my wife or my family, you'll live to regret it.

"I-I'm sorry." He breathes out bowing his head in defeat. But I walkover to him and punch him so hard in the fucking jaw, his face turns over. Fuck that was good.

"I don't need your fucking apologies. I know you're working for the Russians. What I need to know is why the fuck did you bitches break into my villa? And don't you even dare deny it, I know it was one of you. If you even think of lying to me today, I'll put you in the most excrutiating pain you've ever experienced." I threaten, my voice harsh and grizzly. He doesn't answer, so I squat down in front of him, his eyes filled with fear. I play with my knife before placing the blade against his throat. I start to drag it down his skin and he shuts his eyes waiting for me to slit his throat. But that won't be happening anytime soon.

See what makes my job easier is the fact that I know. I fucking know that every man in thia game has a weakness, something they want protected. And what better time to use a man's fears against him?

"Send her in." I yell, signaling my man to bring his sister in. I found out she's all the family he has left, he joined the Mafia to provide for her. And now if he doesn't talk, I'll slice her open right in front of him.

"How about this, huh? We have ourselves a family reunion." I chuckle to myself. Fuck, they look so scared of me. I fucking love it.

"Nooo!!!! You bastard. Don't hurt her." He pleads, watching her tear up in my hold.

"Then tell me what I need to know and I'll release both of you. I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty so you better tell me what I fucking want." I growl, getting aggravated. I just need my information.

"A-All I know is t-that he wants her." He cries out, his words slurred and his head bowed.

"Wants who?" I hiss through gritted teeth. Although, I already know what he's about to say.

"T-The girl." As soon as he says those words, I fist my hands and grit my jaw.

"What girl?"

"T-The pretty one. W-With the long hair and the blue eyes." He confirms. I can feel my body firing with fury. What the fuck does he want with my wife? This is between me and him. And if he thinks that he can get to her, he's deadly mistaken.

"Where's the pakhan?" (Russian mob boss) I question, holding my gun to his sister's chin.

"I-I don't know. But he's not...he's not in Greece."

"How can I make sure you're not lying to me? Give me some fucking proof."

"H-He wants you to think h-he's in Greece so he can deceive you. T-That's all I know. Please, let me go. I-I swear I don't know anything else." He begs, breathing heavily while his sister's cries fill the room.

He's no use for me anymore. I know what I need to know, I'm not saying that I believe him but I'm always on the look out. And my people will alert me if they see the Russians lurking thanks.

"You've been a help." I start, pulling safety off my gun. "But I can't have a fucking Russian running around."

"Wait, you said you'll release me." He says but soon I pull the trigger, his sister's body falling limp on the floor.

"NOO!!!! YOU FUCKING-" His annoying voice is soon cut off when my bullet shoots to his head. Fuck, that felt good.

At least now I know that he wants to get to Aurora to get to me. God help him when I get my hands on him.

Aurora's POV:

Three hours have passed and I'm still sitting with the guys from before. I don't know why but I'm always nervous to be around guys, especially since I'm the only girl. Considering I've never been around a guy who hasn't harassed me or made a pass at me, you can understand where I'm coming from. I don't know what came over me today, I never normally do this. But I just feel like I'm too unexperienced, like I'm missing out on a lot of things. Now only realizing when I'm held against my will.

"Okay, it's Aurora's turn. Truth or Dare." One of the guys chuckes and they all snap their head at me.

"Uhh, dare." I awkwardly state. I glance up and they all give each other a mischievous nod. I don't think I should be in here anymore. It was fun before but now I'm just getting anxious. I just know that by the way they are looking at each other that they're up to something. And whatever it is, I don't want to find out.

"Okay. Aurora, we dare you to strip for us." He dares and I swallow. Why do I put myself in these situations?

"Come on. You know I can't do that." I tell him. I told them I was married, why does he think I'm about to take off my clothes in front of them? This is so disrespectful. Why do men have to be so disgusting? Always objectifying women. I'm so tired of being disappointed by them, ever single one of them

"Anyways, I'm getting a bit tired. It was really nice meeting you all but I have to get going." I state, starting to stand up from my chair but one of them pulls me back.

"You need to complete your dare, sweetcheeks. It's the rule." He taunts, dragging his hands up my arm. Okay, this was a bad idea. Stupid Aurora, you should've just stayed inside.

"No, I can't. I don't feel comfortable doing that. I want to leave." I tell them, trying to conceal the fact that I'm scared out of my mind. I don't feel safe in here and there's no one to be found. The villa is right up there but the guards are out front.

Suddently, they all stand up, towering over me as I look at them in fear. I stand up, trying to make a run for it but they pull me back making a scream seep out of me. I nee help, but the beach is deserted. Even the girs who were here earlier are gone.

"Shhh, don't scream. We're just gonna have some fun. You like fun, right?" One of them says, sliding the swimsuit strip off my shoulder as he clamps my mouth shut with his other hand. "Get her damn suit off."

I scream as loud as I can but I'm restrained. I can feel one of them groping my breasts as the other's hand rests on my waist. I can't, they're about to rape me. I can't let this happen. Where's Tristan? I need Tristan.

I connect my elbow with one of them's crotch and I hear him hiss in pain. I vigorously wriggle out of their hold and run out, my legs are trembling but they're following me.

Through my blurry vision, I can see a woman standing in her garden of her villa.

"Help, please help me." I yell, making her turn her attention to me. She runs towards me and I fall right in front of her, crying heavily.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" She asks, getting me up to my knees and placing her hands on my shoulder. "Oh my word, you're shaking. Let's get you inside."

I told her what had happened to me. I told her that I'm here on my honeymoon with my husband, that I went down for a swim while he was out. She gave me a blanket to stop my shaking and made me some tea to calm me down. I don't want to be here anymore. This honeymoon has turned into hell. She let me fall asleep on her couch which I immediately did.

A few hours later, I woke up and heard her talking to man. And I'd know the man's voice anywhere. It's Tristan, which means that I'm dead.

"Thank you for taking care of my wife. But I'm here now so I'll look after her." I hear him tell her as I sit up on the couch. I can hear his footsteps coming closer.

"Aurora, love, we're leaving." He says, sternly, looking me up and down. I'm in so much trouble for wearing this.

He latches on to my arm and pulls me out of the livingroom and I mutter a 'thank you' to the woman before heading out. These might be my last words.

He doesn't stop. He yanks me all the way back to the villa, harshly gripping onto my wrist. He pulls me into our bedroom and aggressively pushes me in, locking the door behind him and rubbing his hand on his forehead.

I don't want to face him right now, I know he's going to snap at me and yell at me for wearing something this revealing. I just know it, so I think I'm going to change.

I stand up and make my way to the closet but he pulls me back and yanks me towards you. "Just where the fuck do you think you're going?" He hisses, the veins on his forehead showing. Today is not going to be a good day, I'm already crying.

"P-Please, I-I just want to change." I plead, trying to get away from his tight grip.

"So now you want to change, huh? Where the fuck was that idea when you were running around trying to get yourself killed?" I stay silent. I have learned through time not to argue with him when he's in a bad mood.

"I-I just wanted to have some fun. I-I'm s-sorry." I explain, I'm not in the right mindset to fight. I'm still shaken.

"I fucking told you to stay inside. Did I not?" He asks, pulling me against him. "But you don't fucking respect me, you don't listen to me. What the fuck is your problem, huh?" He growls, his voice making me flinch. I don't think I've ever seen him this angry.

"I-I'm sorry." I apologize, it's the easy way out. He's not going to listen to my excuses and I want this done with.

"I don't fucking care if you're sorry or not. Do you realize you could've been raped today? And do you realize that those boys are as of now dead?" He spits, his face now red with anger. I don't like this, someone help me. "They fucking touched you and you let them, you sat with them and talked to them. After I warned you so many times that you're not to talk to any man other than me." He continues to scold me and I cry even harder, scared of what he might do to me.


"T-This is not my fault." I answer back and he flares his nostrils and grits his jaw.

"The fuck did you just say?" He taunts, trying to intimidate me.

"This, this is not my fault. All I wanted to do is to have some fun, I've always listened to you. Y-You forced me to marry you and you put me in danger. You threatened me and I didn't say anything. Can't you see that you're hurting me? Yet, I never talk back to you and I always do as told. I'm young, I should be out with Stella meeting new people, I should be having fun. Instead, you keep me locked up, you never let me do anything. I don't like it." I defend myself, I know I said I shouldn't argue with him but I'm sick of everything. He needs to know how I feel, even if it is for once. "You've forbidden me from talking to everyone. Not every man wants me. And even if they did, It's not like I'll run off with them. Marriage means something to me, no matter who it is with. So know that I'll never cheat nor be unfaithful." I continue to yap in my crying voice. I look stupid, I feel stupid. I'm tired of him always getting his way. I'm a human and he can't just prevent me from doing everything. I've already been deprived from so much.

I wipe my tears and look up at him, he looks taken back. He was not expecting that, he just stands there and stares at me, a frown settled on his face. I turn away and make my way to the bathroom.

As soon as I enter, I break down in tears. I'm so tired of being treated like this, am I this unworthy of love and respect? I didn't do anything wrong. It's not my fault that every man I meet sexualizes me. It's not my fault that once in a while I want to feel free. Why should he blame me for everything when it's his fault I'm feeling this way?

I wish I can meet a normal guy, one that's not a possessive psycho, one that does not treat me like I'm a piece of meat. I just want affection, love, respect. The simplest things yet I can't seem to find them anywhere.

I begin to sob heavily, overwhelmed by the amount of emotions. I feel so dirty, I can still feel their hands on me, which reminds me of what Henry used to do to me, which is a cruel reminder of what my dad and his friends were about to do to me if I hadn't escaped.

I strip from my bathing suit and rush over to the shower, turning on the dials and lathering myself in body soap. My legs are shaking, my eyes are red, I'm just a mess right now.

I scrub myself for what feels like hours, feeling the warm water soothe my skin. I let out a gasp when I feel a hand on my back, I turn around to meet his face looking down at me with a worried look.

"Tristan, what are you..."I gasp, confused. "Y-You're getting your suit wet." I tell him.

"Just shh." He hushes in a low raspy voice. I'm feling slightly uncomfortable seeing as I'm completely naked. But at this moment, I don't care, I'm weak. As ridiculous as it sounds, Tristan is the only man that never forced me to do things. He always stops when I tell him. And now that I've snapped at him, he's still comforting me.

He turns off the shower and wraps the towel around me. He grunts, picking me up bridal style and leading me over to the bed then laying me down. I grip on to my towel tightly, not wanting to be exposed to him. My eyes feel so drowsy and swollen from all the crying I did today. I glance over at Tristan who's taking off his suit jacket and unbuttoning his shirt. Not a second later, he's hovering over me, planting kisses along my jaw. I close my eyes and take his scent in, his hot breath gliding against my skin.

"You know that everything I do is for your protection, angel?" He questions, latching onto my jaw and making me face him. I don't want to look at him so I flick my eyes away from my chest. He's being nice to me, it's as if he knows that's my weak spot.

"I'm sorry, for everything." He whispers in his thick voice against my ear, trapping me under him. He actually apologized, normally he's just screaming at me.

He yanks my towel and drops it on the floor, making me gasp and my heart beat relentlessly. He starts covering my neck and chest with wet kisses, making me shiver under him. His lips find mine and he starts devouring me with passion, hungrily claiming my redenned lips in a bruising, slow kiss. Moments later, he pulls away, our heavy pants filling the room.

"Fuck, tell me to stop." He orders me, moving my hair back and nuzzling his face back in my neck. I freeze, I'm so confused and overwhelmed by everything that's happened today. It's like I don't care about anything anymore. Why keep my virginity if he's always going to keep wanting me to submit to him? I know it's something I've always held on to but right now, it means nothing to me. This is how my life is going to be, I just have to accept it and suck it up. The fact that I was almost raped today isn't settling either, it just adds to the mix. The mix of melancholy and daze. The fact that they could have taken my virginity by force, that petrifies me. They would have shattered me, left me broken and void.

"Tell me to fucking stop." He sighs, dragging his hands up and down my stomach. I let silence settle in the room as he pulls away and looks down at me.

"Are you sure?" He asks and I look away, he's got me feeling some sort of way. How he's always looking after me. I slightly nod.

I watch him strip out of his pants and unbutton his white shirt. We're now completely naked and he's devouring me with his heated gaze. "Fuck you're so beautiful." He whispers, my cheeks feeling like they're on fire. Am I really doing this? Is it hopeless for me? "Too beautiful to be mine." He compliments in a low growl.

My body is aching with desire, begging for the right kind of attention. "Spread those legs for me, baby." He ushers, nudging my legs open with his knee. The heat from his body emanating onto mine. I just want to let go for once. I'm not thinking straight and at this moment, I'm not myself.

"Can you..." I start but then choke out. "C-Can you please be gentle with me?" I ask at the sight of his member, worried he might hurt me.

"Don't worry, love. I got you." He assures me, pulling me in for a kiss one last time before pulling away and pushing me further into the bed as he starts to climb up, soon hovering over me. His eyes twinkling with lust and piercing into me with his gaze.

I stare up at the ceiling, trying to distract myself from the pain I'm about to go through. I can feel his tip at my entrance, he leans down and kisses me one last time on the lips and pins my hand next to my head. My core is throbbing, I've never felt this way. Is this how it feels when you're about to have sex?

"Aurora, look at me." He orders, latching onto my jaw and making me look at him. He's making me feel so nervous.

"Do you really want to do this?" He questions, one last time, taking a hold of his length and dragging it up and down my slit, I moan into this sudden action. I'm feeling very flustered and frustrated. I want the filth and shame of today to be cleaned up from my body.

Can I really go through with this though?

I know, I know. I'm evil😔😔

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. This is by far the longest one I've ever written. I stayed home all day to get it done for you all. I hope you liked💕💕.

Also, Aurora finally stood up for herself and told Tristan off. What did you think?

Thank you so much for all the comments, the reads, the votes, the sweet messages. Basically everything. I love all y'all so much😭💜.

Lots of love❤

Published: 14th February 2019.

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