Dusk till dawn (vampire diari...

By madeinmiddleearth

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When peach moves from NYC to Mystic Falls she meets this strange mysterious guy & from there her life takes a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapted 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 24

10 0 0
By madeinmiddleearth

"Esther has cast a spell on her children that if one of them die, the rest dies as well" Elena explained "and Finn the oldest son, is going to sacrifice himself because like his mother Esther he wants to end their wretched bloodline".

"I thought Esther wanted her family to be whole again, not kill them all" I murmured

"She's in guilt that she created them from the first place" Elena furrowed her brows.

"I don't give a damn about Klaus but Elijah, he's noble" I said.

"What are you guys talking about?" Melissa walked in "what you just heard" I mentioned.

"Come on guys, this is not right" Melissa protested "we should stop Esther".

"Mel" Elena looked at Melissa confusingly "am I, missing something?" She asked because this was the first time that Melissa wants to do something.

"Last night Melissa & Klaus had a moment, and now she's on team Klaus" I rolled my eyes.

"What?" Elena looked at Melissa in shock.

"Hey, don't judge me. Peach was the one who gave me the dress that Klaus gifted her & he caught me off guard" Melissa explained.

"So, you kissed him back?" Elena asked curiously, Melissa nodded "I did".

"He took everything from Elena, Mel & he broke Stefan. Turned Tyler, how can you even for a second forget about all these. I thought you were better than this" I said as I walked out of the door in frustration, what kind of games Klaus was playing with us all & how does he always have the upper hand?

"In times like these, we have to stick together not quarrel among ourselves" Bonnie looked at me.

"I know bon but Mel, I just don't understand what was she thinking & now taking Klaus' side" I muttered.

"I know she's you're best friend but sometimes shits happen between friends" she said.

"Klaus took Stefan away & now even Mel. I don't know what more could go wrong, he's obsessed in ruining my life" I clenched my jaws.

"That's Klaus' way to show you that he wants you" she looked at me.

"Like, I'll want him back" I scoffed.

"And this is the worst timing ever but I've to inform you that we have a big problem & the problem is Alaric. His magic ring, the one that keeps him from dying, it's making him a totally different person every time he died & woke up, it took something from him & now he has loss of memory like there's a dual personality in him. The other personality being him a killer" she said slowly.

"You mean like a bipolar, personality disorder" I looked at her in horror.

"Yup without no memory, whatsoever" she said.

"This is bad, what more could go wrong in our lives" I muttered, it was like every other day there's a new problem coming up.

"I'm giving him some herbs, in order to help him" she mumbled.

"So, all those killings that were all happening around were by Alaric?" I asked.

"Yeah" she exhaled.

"Oh my god! does Caroline know that her dad was murdered by Alaric?" I shook in terror.

"No, she doesn't & I want you to break her the news" Bonnie mentioned "why me?" I questioned "Alaric should be the one, breaking the news to her".

"Because Alaric is not in his right state of mind to even explain what is going on & I'm not in a good place, Elena is leaving for Denver. So, it's leaves you in the picture to explain to Caroline what really went down & she adores you peach you're the best person to break the news to her" she explained.

"This is going to be hard" I admitted.

"I know but you can do it" she hugged me as I hugged her back.


I broke the news to Caroline about Alaric having a dark side & he going rouge & becoming a killer every now & then. And to the shock of my life she was very forgiving & understanding & it showed me a lot about what kind of a person Caroline really was because who would want to forgive the man who had killed their birth parent but Caroline did & she didn't have to but she did because she knew there was a monster in us all & it taught me a lesson about myself. I'm a monster myself a siren, I'm no lesser than Klaus or Alaric but I become too Judgemental at times & how I reacted towards Melissa & how I handled things between Stefan & me was not right. I should have been there for him & helped him but I walked away thinking it was the right thing to do & I realised how wrong I had been.

"The plan of taking down the original family, didn't go as planned" Damon said as he poured a drink.

"Yeah, Bonnie told me how Rebekah threatened to kill Elena so you had to feed Abby your blood & turn her into a vampire so her magic fails & Esther's long planned ritual to take down her children failed with it" I looked at him.

"All that trouble just to save Elena you see but we still can get rid of the originals because even though Esther & Finn has fled, they all are still linked so we kill one & all five of them dies" he grinned.

"So, you're planning to finish the unfinished business of  Esther but how?" I was curious.

"I have information about the whereabouts of the white oak tree, the only weapon that can take down an original" he responded.

"I thought that tree was burnt to ashes, ages ago" I looked at him.

"The saplings grew & it's right here in Mystic Falls, you know the old Wickery bridge it's right beneath it" he said slowly.

"How are you going to get it?" I asked.

"It's already there in the open as renovations are going on for the bridge" Stefan walked in "I guess we need to move now, brother" he looked at Damon.

"Count me in" I mumbled as I picked up my jacket & smiled "let's get going team" Damon smirked as we walked towards the front door.

Rebekah found out about the white oaks somehow & before we could reach the bridge to collect the woods she burnt them down to ashes & that brought us back to square one of killing Klaus but Damon got his hand on an old sign made out of the same oak tree & with the help of Alaric & Stefan made 12 stakes. Each one of us got a stake to stab any of the originals siblings that we come across because if one sibling is down, the rest will follow. Matt, Elena, Bonnie, Alaric, Stefan, Damon & me we're on an original vampire hunt but it was not going to be easy & we didn't know what was ahead of us.

"Stefan, Bonnie & Matt are at the Grill to end Finn once & for all" Elena said as she walked in.

"I think you guys are taking this very far" Melissa muttered "putting five of the original siblings down".

"This is for the best" Elena said "we need to stop Klaus & this is the only way".

I didn't take part in their crazy conversation because I was busy helping Alaric pack for his trip with Tyler as the packing was done Alaric picked up the bags "please, look after him" Melissa looked at Alaric as he nodded "I will" & walked out the door, Tyler was trying to break his sire bond from Klaus & Alaric was helping him with it. That's why they were travelling to a place where Alaric thinks Tyler will finally be able to be free if Klaus' influence. Everyone was busy with on thing or the other & as the days passed by more & more problems were adding up.

Matt: peach!

Peach: yeah, anything Matt?

Matt: something happened we are on our way...

Peach: what?

Matt: we are almost there, just stay put.

"Matt, just called & we won't like what we are going to hear" I announced as Melissa & Elena looked at me terrifyingly. Stefan & Matt walked in with the most confused look on their faces.

"What's wrong?" Elena questioned.

"It was Finn" Matt replied.

"Is he dead?" Melissa questioned.

"He is" Matt responded.

"Then what's wrong?" I asked "it's Finn, something happened" Stefan walked towards me "yeah, what?" I looked at him.

"As he died so did his line of vampires" he mentioned "what does that even mean?" I asked confusingly "it means that if an original dies so, does his blood line" he said slowly.

"What?" Melissa asked in horror.

"Oh my god! Stefan, they are all linked aren't they?" I was horrified because now if Finn is dead so are the other siblings & all their blood lines.

"This is bad, real bad" Elena muttered as she sat on the coffee table.

"Thankfully, they got unliked before Finn was taken down but we need to find out our blood line before we take another step" Stefan said as he came & sat besides me "one thing is for sure, we can't kill Klaus because Tyler is related to him" I mentioned.

"Guys, the whole point is to kill Klaus" Matt mentioned "are you insane? If he dies so does my boyfriend" Melissa growled.

"We know Mel, we will find a way" I said.

"No, one is going to kill Klaus that's it" Melissa yelled as she walked out the door.

"She's right, we can't kill him because of Tyler" I mumbled as I put my hands on my head.

"He's the reason why everything is so messed up, from the first place" Elena looked at me.

"I know but this is wrong" I said.

"What he did to us was wrong" Stefan said.

"I can't, I'm sorry guys" I admitted as I walked towards my bedroom as much as I wanted Klaus gone I can't let him take the one guy Melissa loves with him because I love Melissa to death & I'd rather see him alive & annoy the shit out of me then see my best friend heartbroken.

"Stefan, what are you doing here?" I asked as I saw him standing at my door.

"I wanted to talk..." he said slowly.

"Yeah" I mumbled.

"Do you feel anything for Klaus?" He asked.

"What?" I looked at him.

"Do you like him?" He looked at me.

"No! Why are you asking me this?" I rolled my eyes "then look into my eyes & tell me you don't" he said as he came & grabbed my arms. I was speechless I didn't know what to say or do "you feel something for him Peach but you don't know it because you think you hate him, but he's connected to you" his voice cracked as he took a step back.

"Stef" I said under my breath but I didn't know what to tell him.

"I get it, Peach" his words heavy.

"I'm just confused right now with all these dramas going on & then you siding with Klaus" I looked at him "I did what I did for you, peach but on the process I let you go it was my mistake" he looked at me as tears filled his eyes.

"No, Stefan it was me who walked away not you" I admitted as I looked into his eyes.

"Can we ever go back to the way it was?" He asked with a little hope in his voice.

"Stefan___" before I could say anything more a sharp sound ringed inside my ears as I fell on my knees & screamed "make it stop!" Stefan came & hold me but all I could feel was the sound piercing inside my ears until I could take it anymore.


"Baby" I saw mom looking down on me with tears in her eyes as I gained consciousness "mom" I mumbled as she hold my hand tightly. Dad kissed my forehead as he smiled through his tears "where am I?" I asked as I saw familiar faces in the room.

"You are at the hospital" doctor Fell smiled at me, she was the new doctor in town & we were related.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You lost a lot of blood" she mentioned.

"What?" I asked in horror.

"Don't worry you're okay" she said with a smile.

"Peach" Melissa came & hugged me tight "don't you dare scare me, again" she warned.

"You scared us all" Bonnie sniffed as she & Elena walked up to me.

"I need to talk to your dad in private honey, we will be back" mom said as she & dad walked out the room.

"I informed Stefan that you are awake & he & Damon, are on their way" Caroline said as she hold my hand.

"Guys, what happened?" I asked them curiously.

"You were with Stefan & then we heard you scream, we rushed upstairs & saw you on the floor on Stefan's arms & you were bleeding from your ears" Elena said with concern.

"It was bad peach, you lost a lot of blood we had to rush you to the hospital" Bonnie looked at me.

"When I came & saw you, it was heartbreaking you didn't have any sense & you were not even breathing" Melissa said as tears filled her eyes.

"Yeah, it's been a hard weekend" Caroline sniffed as they all looked teary.

"A weekend?" I looked horrified.

"You were completely passed out for the weekend, Peach" Melissa said slowly.

"I don't remember" I mumbled as Stefan & Damon walked in, the look on their faces was priceless when they saw me as Stefan hugged my tight & I could feel his tears dripping down my neck "thank god" he whispered as he kissed my head.

"You gave us a heart attack, peanut" Damon forced a smile as he walked up to me & kissed my hand "I'm glad to see those big eyes wide open & judging me once more" he joked as I chuckled low.

"I'm glad to see you guys too" I smiled as I looked at them "do any of you know what really happened to me?" I asked curiously.

"That was the call peach, the call you have rejected & ignored for so long & that's the reason why you couldn't stand it when, it came crashing" Bonnie looked at me "you mean the siren?" I mumbled.

"Yes" she nodded.

"You are strong you know that, even vampires can't stand that kind of pressure" Damon mentioned.

"I was bleeding from my brain" I said under my breath "I could feel it".

"You're okay now & that's all that matter for now" Stefan mumbled as he cupped my face "never do that to me again".

"I won't" I pressed my lips but I knew this was the last & final call.

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