Caged By Him

By moonchild80

8.5M 199K 89.3K

"WHY CAN'T YOU GET IT INSIDE YOUR HEAD?" He trapped my trembling body between his arms and slammed his fist i... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's note.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Author's note.
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97

Chapter 20

140K 2.7K 978
By moonchild80

Enjoy this one too💕😚

Aurora's POV:

Yesterday was a close call. It was one of the scariest things I had to go through. Standing in that room, trying to quiet down my heavy breathing, my rush of panic. Anything could've happened to me, I could've been killed.

I should feel a bit better today but I don't, the events still linger in my mind. Luckily, Tristan came back in time. But who was downstairs yesterday? Who could've followed us all the way to another continent? Who is so hellbent on hurting me?

I guess I won't know.

Tristan has made it his job to make sure our honeymoon runs smoothly, so he hired security to be on call if something was to happen. But he told me that they'll not be disturbing our 'romance' and that they won't be accompagning us because we need privacy, they'll just be at the villa. He keeps forgetting that we don't have any romance. Yes we're married, but our marriage is void of love. It's mainly just him being possessive and crazy dominant, and me being a coward, scared of him. That's not the basis of a healthy relationship.

But what can I do?

I don't want to be alone with him for so long, he's always making me feel something. Take yesterday for example, when I cried and he made me feel better. That's something I've never had, I felt somewhat safe in his arms. I know he's rude and heartless, I know that. But he's my husband now and I feel like I have to accept him however he is, no matter how hard it can be. Besides, it's not like I can ever find someone. And even if I did, Tristan would kill them in a heartbeat. He still scares me but I'm trying my best to change and understand him.

I roll over to glance at the clock on the bedside table. It's 8AM in the morning, I suppose I woke up pretty early considering how late I stayed up last night. Tristan was extremely angry, he was making phone calls in the middle of the night and looking like he wants to strangle someone. I tried to help him calm down and it kind of worked. I can't imagine having that kind of responsiblities.

I cautiously get out of bed, not wanting to wake Tristan up. I don't want to face him to be honest, yesterday was embarassing enough as it is. I'm glad I stopped it before it went further. Obviously, I know he can't wait for me to give him my innocence forever. He's already getting annoyed at me for telling him to stop. But believe it or not, I still have hope that I will escape.

Since I have no clothes here, I wear the outfit I travelled in and head downstairs. The villa is on lockdown and the shutters are blocking me from seeing the beautiful oceanic view. I move around looking for a switch to open the shutters and I eventually find one.

Only now am I able to see the beauty of the island by day. It's absolutely breathtaking. The bright sun lights up the entire villa and nothing but the sound of the waves crashing on the shore is heard.

I walk over to the kitchen to find it fully prepped. The fridge is full of food and so is the pantry. If I had've known, I would've made dinner last night. Okay, I wouldn't have because I was tired. But I guess since I'm bored and can't get out until Tristan wakes up, I'll make breakfast.

I open up the fridge, pulling out eggs, fruit, milk, basically everything I need. I step away to tie my hair as I don't want it near the food, then I turn on the coffee maker and start brewing the coffee. Whilst that's happening, I cut off some tropical fruit and put it in bowls, placing them to the side. I move on to cook the eggs, bacon and finally toast. Everything looks so fresh and the view just makes you feel energized.

Just as I start pouring the coffee into the mugs, I feel arms wrap around my waist and a kiss on my neck. A gasp escapes from my mouth as I turn my head to the side.


"Mhm, good morning my beautiful wife." He hums against my neck, his morning voice so thick and rusty, enough to send shivers down my spine.

"Um, good morning." I greet with a hint of nervousness. That's not surprising, I'm always nervous when I'm near him.

"You didn't have to cook." He states, moving small wisps of hair from my face. "I was going to take you out to have breakfast outside."

"I don't mind. U-Unless you don't like it, you can go eat outside." I inform him, and I hear him scoff as I place the food on the tray.

"Why would I do that, hm?" He asks. His voice is so manly, just hearing it is enough to make my heart beat shoot up. He nuzzles his head back in my neck, starting to relentlessly kiss on it and I begin to feel like squeaking. But I don't want to embarass myself so I bite my lip to hold it back.

"Um, y-you can go sit and I'll serve you breakfast." I manage to say shakingly and I feel him slowly releasing me, kissing me one last time. He walks over to the table and sits, pulling out his phone from his sweatpants.

"Elijah. What you got for me?" I hear him talk into the phone as I continue to put everything in place.

"And how long is that?" His voice echoes as I head over and set the table. I put his plate and coffee right in front of him and he carries on to talk to Elijah, his eyes boring into mine.

"Look more into it and get back to me. And remind them that if they fuck this up, they'll deal with me." He orders before hanging up and placing the phone down.

"Thank you, my angel." He says out of the blue, referring to the breakfast. As always, I blush furiously to his words. He has a way with words, he's a charmer to say the least.

"You're welcome." I whisper, going back to my food. Silence settles between us as we both dig in, that's until he talking into the phone again.

"Where are you?" He asks, tapping his hands on the table.

"Yes, bring them in now. Don't make me wait, we need to go somewhere." He orders, taking a sip of his coffee. What is he talking about?

He hangs up and places his mug down. Both of our plates are empty by now. He stands up as I look up at him, confused by his behaviour. He walks over to me, cupping my face.

"I'm going to get dressed and step outside for a moment. You stay right here, okay?" He tells me and I hesitantly shake my head. I don't want to stay here alone. Has he forgotten what happened yesterday?

"The guards are right outside and I'm not going anywhere, I'm just outside the door." He assures me and I nod. But wait the guards are outside? I didn't know that, I would've made them breakfast. But then Tristan would yell at me for taking to other men. I really don't want to face his wrath.

He heads downstairs as I clear the table. Moments later, I hear him walk down the stairs, get out, then close the door behind him.

Since I can't stand a mess, I start washing the dishes we ate in. I can't relax until I've cleaned up after myself.

About five minutes later, I hear the door open and struggled noises coming through. I turn off the faucet and walk over behind a wall to peak, wiping my wet hands with a kitchen cloth. I'm able to see Tristan stood at the doors arms crossed, whilst four men get in one by one, each one of them pushing in a rack of clothes, women's clothes. Are those for me?

I stay there, looking like a creep until they get the racks upstairs and head out. As Tristan closes the door, I scatter back to the kitchen, not wanting him to catch me. I turn the water back on and continue washing the left over dishes when I hear Tristan's shoes stomping on the marble floors.

"I got you something to wear, go get ready for me. We leave in 30 minutes." He tells me as I look him up and down. He's wearing a navy suit, dress shoes and a black tie. I can't even imagine how uncomfortable that must be, it's so hot outside. But the man loves his suits.

I nod at him and bow my head, making my way upstairs. I walk into the closet and my jaw drops. This is more than ' something to wear', he's got an entire store in here. And it's not like I'm not appreciating the gesture but why does he keep doing this? Spending his money on me? I don't deserve it, I'm completely fine the way I am, well as fine as I can be since I'm being held against my will.

After rummaging through the clothes for a few minutes, I end up choosing a white crochet bell sleeve romper, it looked so loose and comfortable, summery without being too revealing. I pair it with a pair of brown sandals, then let my hair down and let it cascade down my upper thigh.

I head downstairs and catch a glance Tristan talking to someone on the phone, again. He sees me and hangs up, muttering a 'fuck' under his breath. We walk out the villa, locking it and go towards the car. Thus, starting ou first day in my all time dream destination.


Overall, today has been a good day. I've never seen the world like I did today, everything and everyone was so gorgeous. First, we went on a tour of the island. Then we had lunch on his yacht, we took it out to sea afterwards. The water was so beautiful and I appreciated each moment. Of course I didn't enjoy it to my fullest because the thought of me being married to someone that petrifies me always lingers in my mind.

Tristan decided to be boring and just sit there and watch me the entire day, he acted more like a bodyguard than a husband. Regardless, I liked today.

At the moment, I'm sat with my 'husband' in the vast dining room as the delicious aromas of the food. He had hired a staff for tonight to serve dinner, which I thought was unecessary. I'm perfectly capable of cooking by myself. He wanted us to stay indoors for the night, so we're having dinner at the villa.

As we were starting to eat, the server emerges from the wooden door holding a bottle of red wine, he starts pouring our drinks. I can feel him shaking as he kept his eyes on the wine bottle, so concentrated.

Suddently, a gasp escaped my mouth as I felt a cold liquid poured on my chest. I looked down and saw my dress now has a big burgundy stain on it. I glance over at the server who looked at me wide eyed with fear in his eyes. I grab a napkin and smile at him, as if to assure him it wasn't a big deal. Because it wasn't, my clumsy self has poured drinks on myself more than I can remember. I'm not going to get mad at him doing so too.

I take a hold of my napkin and start patting the area to dry it off. That's when I hear Tristan call out to his two men that were stood by the door.

They come over with a blank look on their faces and stand tall in front of us, waiting for his next command. What is he going to do?

He takes a sip of his drink, clears his throat and starts. "Men, take him out of here. You know where to take him. Burn off his fingers and chop off his arms." I start to cough out, choking on my food. Did he just say what I think he did?

"Dismissed." He states as they start to walk away, dragging the poor man out as he pleaded them. He pleaded Tristan but he remained unfazed. "No, please Sir. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I tripped..." his screams and begs echo in my ear as I just sit there in shock.

My heart started beating faster. Tears scraping my eyes, threatening to escape. Is this how my life is going to be from now on? Is he just going to torment everyone that has an encounter with me? First it was Stella, then Mark, then that secretary, and now this poor man who has done nothing wrong. Does he not see how ridiculous and crazy this is?

Of course he doesn't, he continued to eat as if nothing has happened. As for me, I can't let them hurt another person because of me. Especially since he has done nothing wrong. Tristan is truly heartless, void of compassion. I felt tears falling on my lap, this is all my fault.

"Love?" He calls out for me but I keep my head bowed. "Look at me, angel." His sharp voice orders and I can't help but obey.

"Why are you crying?" He blankly asks, as if he doesn't know what he's doing. How he's ruining lives including mine.

I scoot closer to him and beg him, holding on to his sleeve and clutching my hand weakly on it.

"Tristan, please. Don't hurt him. Please, let him go, he has done nothing wrong." I plead, tears freely streaming down my face.

"He ruined your dress. I can't have anyone harming you." He tells me, his dark eyes piercing right through me. No one can ruin more than you did, no one can harm me more than you did.

"H-He didn't ruin anything, I have a lot of dresses. Please, for once, please do this favour for me." He simply stared at me.

"P-Please, Tristan. I'm begging you to let him go." There was a moment in silence where he sat deep in his thought. Then he sighed pulling out his phone and started talking into it.

"Don't do anything. Just let him go. I don't want my wife to get upset." He orders as I sniffle, my nose is watery, my face is flushed. I'm a mess. But a rush of relief flooded right through me when I heard those words.

I just want to know why he's acting the way he is, he was fine yesterday. But all of a sudden, he acts up again. What's wrong with him? I'm not some priceless work of art, some untouchable artefact. I'm just me, I'm normal, I'm human. It just so happens that he doesn't see things that way.

I watch him tuck his phone into his pocket, spreading his legs and leaning back on his chair. He starts rubbing his stubble as he looks at me with lustful eyes.

"May I ask how my sweet wife is going to reward me?" He hums as I knit my brows. Reward him? For what? For being a decent human being? I know exactly what he means by reward and I'm not going to do what he has in mind.

"I-um..." I choke out, not knowing how to reply to him. Come on, just say something to change the subject.

"D-Do you want more wine? It's um... It's really good." I blurt out. That's a nice one, Aurora.

He simply chuckled, not a sadistic chuckle, not a devious sinister one either. An amused, genuine laugh. This needs to be documented, he can smile everyone. Oh look, he has teeth, a perfect set at that.

"You can relax. All in good time, my love." He teases, sending a wink my way as I blush profusely ad swallow.

Thank God.

He grips on the chair and lifts himself up, tugging at his suit jacket and swiping a hand through his hair. How can he always dress so formal?

He walks over to me and holds my hand. "Let's get you to bed, my wife."

We go upstairs and he undresses himself. And much to my dismay, he undresses me to my undergarments too. I know not to resist him.

I lay there emotionless as he sleeps next to me, thinking about a beautifully concealed devil. My husband.

Wassup, I'm back.

Hope you guys enjoyed these two chapters. I finally got my shit sorted so holler at me.

As always, let me know what you think.

Thank you so much for reading, commenting and voting. You guys are angels💕😚

I'll see ya next time.

Lots of love❤

Published: February 8th 2019.

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