Daughter of a trickster God (...

By EsmyRiley345

196K 4K 738

Davina is the daughter of Loki, Goddess of fire and virtue, granddaughter of Odin, niece of Thor and Princess... More

The start
Finding out
Who is she?
Why help?
Warning to the so called King
My scepter
Shopping ambush
What to do for fun
Rocket and Groot
Lunch visit from Kol
Found you
A week later
First date
All about an Asgardian
Nurse Davina
Work together
Girl fight
Dramatic birth
Sent away
Kol's Steamy visit
Attention caught
Battle of New York
Dinner is served
3 weeks of bliss later
Sweet phone call
Turning up the heat
Long lost sister
Tale of Dahlia
Loki's arrival
Books for you
Pairing for Rebekah
Welcome home (sort of)
Date night
Meant to be
Banner and Stark's visit
Pay back prank
Make you talk
Dahlia attacks
Flerken + the tesseract + A Koloki talk
Ice bath
Damn those witches
Don't mess with this mama
What now?
Avengers visit
Moving time
Family dinner
Unexpected Arrival
To Asgard
Meeting Odin
Dinner and a tour
The Christening
I am yours
One month later
Going on a date
Marry me
Car sex
New story
More information
The next morning

Frigga's visit

2.6K 57 6
By EsmyRiley345

Here's a new chapter, I hope you enjoy it.

Continuing from previous chapter...

Davina's pov

A smile breaks out on my face and I leap into my grandmothers arms as she stands up "Grandmother, I missed you!" I exclaim she laughs and rubs my back as we hug "I missed you too dear" she replies before pulling away and placing a gentle hand on my cheek. "It's so good to see you" she says sweetly "you too mama but what are you doing here?" I ask curiously I often call my grandmother mama as that's the first thing I apparently called her when I was 18 months old so it kind of just stuck with me ever since and she likes it when I call her mama. I called my mother mommy obviously in case you were wondering "can't a grandmother travel to another realm to see her only grandchild?" she retorts teasingly making me smile "of course but you never really leave home unless it's important. Is everything okay?" I ask completely forgetting that we're not alone in the room "I'm afraid I come baring sad news my dear. Is there somewhere we can talk in private without any prying ears listening" she says glancing at the Mikaelsons giving them the stink eye before flashing them a sweet smile making me giggle "of course, I have a spare room here" I reply she nods "is it sound proof so these gentlemen and this lady can't hear our conversation?" she asks "no" I reply she shrugs "well I'll just see to that now come along dear, show me to the room and we shall talk" she responds I nods linking my arm through hers and leading her to the stairs.

Kol's pov

As soon as Davina and her grandmother head up the stairs Rebekah starts squealing "oh my god I can't believe we just met a Queen!" she exclaims happily just as Hayley enters the room looking very tired "what's with the squealing?" she asks "Davina's grandmother turned up and she's a Queen" Rebekah replies "Queen of what? Queen of space?" Hayley asks sarcastically which I don't really appreciate as I take it as an insult to my girlfriend's family. Don't ask why I feel the need to defend Davina and her family but from what I gathered they are important to her and since Davina is now important to me, it means her family's important to me too. "She's the Queen of Asgard, she's an actual Queen" Elijah says before I can say anything "Asgard?" Hayley says in question "Asgard is a place I thought was merely just a myth from story books. If you know the Norse god mythology then you'll be familiar to Asgard" Elijah replies "when did she get here?" I ask curiously "she showed up here literally 20 minutes before you and Davina got back, she showed up out of nowhere on our doorstep" Nik replies "you didn't attack her did you?" I ask "well no I was too taken back by how she was dressed and before I could attack her she froze me with magic so I couldn't move until she explained who she was, that she wasn't a threat and that she only came to see her granddaughter. Elijah invited her in after that and we sat down and started talking" Nik explains "what did you talk about?" Hayley asks "nothing we just made small talk and she told us a little bit about Asgard. It was a very interesting conversation" Elijah replies "you know for a grandmother she looks really young? She looks like she's in her mid forties" Rebekah says "well Davina did mention she was immortal, maybe her grandmother is too" Hayley replies "if her grandmother looks that young, I wonder just how young her parents look" Elijah ponders "well it would just be the one parent you're wondering about since Davina's mother is dead" I say "she seems like a really nice lady, I got a very nice vibe from her" Rebekah suddenly says "she was very pleasant" Elijah says in agreement. "I can't hear what they're talking about" Nik says making us all go quiet and we all listen for any sound of them talking "her grandmother did say she wanted to talk in private and she must obviously know we have spectacular hearing" Rebekah replies "she must know about us being vampires but how? How could she know what we are?" Nik questions "maybe they have some sort of magic mirror that lets them watch over us" Hayley replies sarcastically "they're not evil queens and witches Hayley" I retort giving her a glare "hey easy I don't mean any insult towards your girlfriends planet" she says raising her hands up in defense, I snort and roll my eyes I don't particularly like Hayley she's quite bitchy to say the least and if I don't recall she was in cahoots with that maniac Professor Shane who wanted to raise Silas but I push aside any ill feelings I have since she's the mother of my unborn niece and Elijah clearly has feelings for her even though I just know the two of them are just doomed to fail if they ever do act upon those feelings that I know Hayley somewhat recuperates. 

Meanwhile upstairs with Davina and Frigga.....

(Starting from when they got to the room) 

Davina's pov

Me and grandmother enter the spare room I'm staying in and she quickly conjures a sound proofing spell obviously knowing the Mikaelsons can hear us since I know she probably knows what the Mikaelsons are. Once the spell is done she turns to me and gives me a small smile as she sits me down on the edge of the bed "what's going on mama?  What's the bad news you come baring?" I ask curiously she sighs and takes both my hands in hers "it's about your father" she says I instantly sit up straight and look her in the eyes "what of my father? Is he alright?" I ask she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath "first off you must know me and your grandfather love you and your father right?"  she says "of course I know that" I reply she smiles. "Good because there's something you need to know regarding your father and yourself before I tell you what's happened" she replies "okay what is it?" I ask "your father he's adopted" she says I gasp in shock "w-what?" I respond she sighs "your father was classed as a runt and cast out to die, your grandfather came across and took him in and we raised him as our own" she replies "who's his biological parents?" I ask fearing that I may already know the answer if it's regarding the reason why my skin turns blue and my eyes go crimson red and how I can make weapons out of ice. "He's the son of Laufey" she replies my heart breaks for my father knowing how much of a monster Laufey is, I heard plenty stories of him of how he ventured to Midgard and enslaved women and raped them then killed them and how he would feed the flesh of the women to his soldiers "did he know?" I ask "no Odin thought it was best to keep it a secret to protect him and you" she replies I look at her "what of me? I recently learned that I'm a frost giant despite my height and being the goddess of fire. Did my father know?" I ask she shook her head "no, you were born in your jotun form, you were a beautiful blue colour but your eyes weren't red, they were a crystal blue colour but your mother did not notice as she was in a daze from the pain and before she could regain her sight and senses properly Odin cast a spell on you to turn your skin the same as your mothers" she replies a sob escapes my lips "y-you kept that from my parents? Why would you keep that from them? From me?" I ask tears slipping down my cheeks "Odin wanted to protect you and your father" she replies I shake my head and crinkle my nose in disgust "no he wanted to protect himself. Odin knows how our people feel about frost giants, he knows they would never accept me and my father if they knew. Me and my father are related to the monsters that our people tell their children stories about to make them behave. He's ashamed of what me and my father are" I respond standing up and moving away from her. "Sweetheart Odin did what he thought was best. He was wrong to keep it from you and your father as was I. I wanted both of you to know but he convinced me it was for the best and I do wish I could turn back time and tell your father the truth and you" she replies "what of my mother? Did she ever know what me and my father were?" I ask "no she had no idea but she wouldn't have cared either way. She loved your father and you were her entire world, everything she did was for you" she replies as more tears slid down my face but I quickly wipe them away with the sleeve of my top. "Is that the bad news you came to inform me of?" I ask "no your father went through a dark path soon after it was known that you had gone missing. He was worried sick about you and he wanted to go out and search for you but Odin prevented him and insisted he stayed in Asgard. It worried your father more when it was learned that Heimdall couldn't see any sign of you and he became distant" she explains I furrow my eyebrows "can you just tell me the short version please?" I ask "he betrayed us" she says my eyes widen and I shake my head in disbelief "what? No he would never" I say in denial  "I'm afraid he did sweetheart. Your father had grown jealous of your uncle and he had attempted to sabotage his coronation by giving the Frost giants passage to Asgard. Thor went in a fit of rage and demanded to get revenge so he and the three warriors along with your father went to Jotunheim to fight the Frost Giants, Volstagg got injured and one Frost giant touched Loki which caused him to turn blue instead of getting frost bite. Prior to leaving Loki alerted the guards and your grandfather was furious so he banished Thor to Midgard" she explains my heart seems to race and stop at her every word learning what's happened in my absence. "Uncle Thor's here?" I ask "well he was but he's now back in Asgard" she replies "I see anyway what were you saying?" I question turning back to the conversation "while your uncle was banished Odin went into Odin sleep as he and your father had an argument about his heritage so Loki became King and while King he ordered people to find you and he prevented Thor from coming back as he didn't want to give up the throne and it was soon discovered that your father had made a brief visit to Midgard and told your uncle that Odin was dead when he isn't. He lied to keep Thor from returning but the three warriors wanted him back so they went to Midgard and told Thor everything" she explains taking a deep breath at the end before beginning to tell me the rest. "Upon discovering the three warriors had gone to retrieve Thor your father sent the destroyer to kill him" she explains I gasp at her words "w-what? No he would never do that. My father thinks the world of Thor" I reply with a frown I know for a fact my father and uncle had a good relationship at least they did when I was around, yeah sure they fought and my father did have a tendency to pull tricks on Thor and wind him up and Thor did often like to tease my father but no matter how much they bickered and fought, they loved each other. "I'm afraid it's true. Your father almost succeeded but Thor managed to destroy the destroyer with Mjolnir and he soon returned to Asgard and confronted your father. Thor tried to talk it over, he didn't want to fight but your father was consumed by anger and jealously so they fought. They fought on the Rainbow bridge and Thor started breaking the bridge as your father wanted to use the bifrost to destroy Jotunheim as he wanted to prove Odin he was worthy of the throne, he even went as far as leading some of the Frost Giants to Asgard on fake pretenses of Laufey being allowed to kill Odin only your father killed Laufey before he could" she explains my eyes are wide with shock and my vision is slightly blurry as I feel them tear up. I can't believe my father went to such desperate measures, I know he's always wanted to be King but this version of my father that Frigga is telling me is not the father I know and love and I know no matter how desperate he is to be King he wouldn't just do something that extreme unless he had good reason but I suppose finding out you're adopted and not being who you thought you were could possibly push someone to do such things and the fact I wasn't there probably didn't help one bit. "There's more isn't there?" I ask wiping away a tear that escaped "yes as your uncle started breaking the bridge, your father tried to stop and they kept fighting until they fell off the bridge but Odin grabbed hold of Thor before they could fall into the abyss. Your father pleaded to him that he could've succeeded and that he did what he did for him but Odin just shook his head in disappointment and your father let go" she explains my heart breaks and the tears that I was holding back break out, sliding down my face "w-what?" I ask shaking my head in disbelief "he's okay right?" I ask she lets out a small sob of her own "I'm afraid not sweetheart, He fell in the abyss. He's gone" she replies "no, no he can't be gone. He's my father he's the only parent I have left" I cry she pulls me into her arms and runs a hand through my hair as I cry into her shoulder. "I'm so sorry Davina but he's dead" she cries rubbing my back as I sob harder. "Shh it's okay my dear. Everything's going to be okay" she says as she pulls away "no it won't be okay. My father is dead, I don't have any family" I say she gives me a stern look "less of that. You have more family than you know. Me and Odin may not be your father's biological parents but he was and always will be our son and you are our granddaughter and we love you so much. Me, your grandfather and your uncle blood or no blood we are your family" she replies hushing me as I continue sobbing. "The last memory I have of him is me hugging him goodbye and telling him I love him and that I'll be careful before I boarded my ship and left for my mission. Did he ever know where I was? Did he know I ended up here?" I ask she gives me a sad smile but I catch a hint of guilt in her eyes "no he never did but Heimdall and Odin did" she replies "what?" I say in shock "after so long of not seeing any sight of you, Heimdall finally found you and he alerted your grandfather who forbid him from telling your father and uncle. I didn't know he knew until a few days ago and I had been on my way to find him to tell him only when I got to the palace, I heard word that your father and uncle were fighting on the rainbow bridge and by that point it was too late" she explains sadly "he didn't know I was okay or that I was alive. He died not knowing if I was okay. That wasn't fare, Odin should've told him" I respond she nods in agreement "I know, I did give your grandfather a scolding about it but there's nothing he can do about it now" she replies "I don't know what I'm going to do without him" I say she gives me a smile. "You're going to be fine sweetheart. The loss of your father may hurt now but it will dwindle within time and you have your lover to help you through it" she says I blush slightly at her words despite there being tears still streaming down my face. "My lover? Of course you know of my relationship with Kol" I say she nods and gives me a happy smile "I don't know how you ended up here my dear but I do know it was fate" she says I raise an eyebrow at her in response "what makes you think that?" I ask "because Kol is your soulmate" she replies my eyes widen in shock "what? He is?" I ask she nods "yes when I learned Heimdall knew where you were, I asked him how you were doing and he said you had encountered your soul mate" she replies wiping away my tears. "Kol's really my soul mate?" I ask trying to ignore the fluttering feeling in my stomach but it doesn't stop my cheeks from heating up and turning pink "yes, he's your future. You and him are destined to be together from the moment the two of you were born and fate brought you together" she replies "what about what happened to me? I have no memory of how I got here" I respond "I'm aware and I'm in the midst of coming up with a potion that will restore your memory but it will take time as from what I gather however you ended up with no memory it must be down to something bad" she replies "what makes you think my memory loss is due to something bad happening to me?" I question "because of the look in your eyes. There's signs of trauma in your eyes, something happened to you while you were on your mission and it was bad so you must be cautious of regaining your lost memories" she replies I nod in response "of course" I respond she gives me a small. "You're going to be okay my dear I swear it" she says "I know mama. I just wish my father knew I was okay and I hope he knows I love him and will miss him" I reply she sighs "I'm sure he knows my dear now come on let's go downstairs. I'm sensing the Mikaelsons are getting a little antsy" she replies removing the sound proofing spell and opening the door. "Um grandmother?" I ask "yes my dear" she replies "if the bridge to the bifrost is broken, how did you get here?" I ask "I came via a realm traveling spell. Don't worry it's a two way ticket" she replies as we head downstairs.

Kol instantly vamp speeds to my side obviously seeing my tear stained face "darling what happened?" he asks looking concerned "I'll explain later" I reply flashing him a smile "okay" he replies "Kol Mikaelson" my grandmother says making him turn to her "that's me. How do you know my name?" he asks she chuckles in response "you didn't think I wouldn't know anything about the man who's courting my granddaughter did you? I'm a little nosy sorry but I must know these things. My granddaughters safety and happiness is very important to me and the whole of Asgard" she replies before walking to him and placing her hands on his arms, making him turn and stand straight right in front of her and she looks him in the eye squinting her eyes before smiling. "Ah yes you got nice eyes, nice cheek bones, excellent jaw line, good height, hard and bulging muscles that's very good. Hmm" she hums tapping her chin as she inspects him and begins walking round him and I hold back my laughter at the stunned and confused look on his face while his siblings seem to be doing the same as they watch my grandmother check him out. "Hmm yes you got a nice rear end" she says pinching his bum making my eyes widen "grandmother!" I exclaim my cheeks going bright red as his siblings snicker. "What?" she asks looking at me innocently like what she's doing is completely normal "stop it you're embarrassing me and him" I say she laughs and waves me off. "Oh pish posh my dear I'm only inspecting him" she replies as she stands in front of him once more and places her hands on his face which has turned red and she gives him a smile. "I do apologize about my boldness. Now hold still while I get a read of you" she says tapping under his chin making him look up. "Hmm I'm sensing a lot of mischief, a bad temper, intelligence, loyalty, sharp and cunningness in you. That's not such a bad thing. Oh and you already have a good devotation to my granddaughter" she says he looks a bit bewildered but no longer embarrassed, I think he's more intrigued than anything. Frigga gently pats Kol on the check "you and my granddaughter are going to make such beautiful babies" she says making my eyes widen and my cheeks practically burn pink "grandmother!" I exclaim she turns to me "yes my dear" she replies "you're embarrassing me, we've only been dating for 2 days" I reply she smirks and gives me a little wink "ah well my dear 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months it doesn't matter. These things are natural to happen and if fate wants you to have children then it will happen" she replies "oh my god" I mutter "what was that?" she asks giving me a stern look "nothing grandmother" I reply sheepishly she nods in satisfaction and turns back to Kol. "You have a good future ahead of you" she says beginning to turn around but is stopped by Klaus. "I'm sorry but we're getting the impression here that you know Kol and Davina will have children but that is wrong as you see me and my siblings can't reproduce" he says Frigga frowns "well that's only because of the silly infertility spell your mother placed in the immortality spell that made you all into vampires. The spell is easily reversible if you have the right spell but Kol won't need it since Davina is a goddess any creature that becomes intimate with a god or goddess can reproduce easily due to their magic and depending on how strong the bond is between the two" she explains "grandmother I think you're making them uncomfortable" I say avoiding Kol's eyes since I'm too embarrassed to look at him. "I do apologize if I've made things uncomfortable. I just love babies and I've only had the joy of having one grandchild so I'm allowed to feel excited about great-grandchildren" she replies before turning back to me and grabbing hold of my hands. "Now I must be going, your grandfather calls for me. You are to stay here as you are right where you need to be as of right now and since the bridge to the bifrost is broken you won't be able to return home to Asgard anytime soon but I will send word to you when you are able to return. Your grandfather insists that when the bifrost is up and running again, you must return to Asgard whether it be temporarily or permanently as you have duties to attend too" she says I nod in understanding "of course grandmother" I respond "I've also spoken to your grandfather regarding Kol and he is allowed to come to Asgard when you do return" she says I smile at her words "really?" I ask she nods "Kol is welcome to Asgard but you will need to ask permission for his siblings though" she replies "of course I understand" I reply she gives me a smile and a hug "I'll be in touch, Heimdall watches over you" she says as she breaks the hug "I know" I reply she turns back to the Mikaelsons "well I bid you all farewell it was the pleasure to meet you" she replies with a bow "the pleasure is ours. It's truly wonderful to meet you, your highness" Elijah responds Frigga gives him a small smile before turning to Kol and pulling him into a hug and whispering something in his ear which I can't hear but whatever it is she said he smiles in response and nods his head. She pulls back and bows once more, gives me a kiss on the cheek before heading to the door. I of course follow her to make sure she doesn't get attacked by some evil witch who may be lurking around. I feel the Mikaelsons follow after me and we stand in the door way. I wave to my grandmother as she stands in the middle of the lawn before waving her hand around and a bright light surrounds her almost like the bifrost but it's not as bright, the light quickly travels up and around her body covering her before getting brighter and then it just disappears within a blink of an eye and the only thing left that tells you she was here is the Asgardian symbol on the lawn. "Well at least the lawn looks better now. The symbol makes it look less dull" I hear Rebekah say behind me, I turn around and head back inside and run upstairs not glancing at any of them as I intend to just crawl into bed and cry over my father's death. Obviously today is not my day as right as I enter the spare room and grab a pillow and scream into it as I sit on my bed, Kol enters the room. "Davin....hey what's wrong?" he asks as he hears me sob and rushes next to me, I lift my head up and sniffle as he rubs my back. "M-my father" I stutter wiping my tears "what about him?" he asks I open my mouth and start explaining to him what my grandmother told me....................................................................................................................................................................................................15 minutes later

"My grandfather apparently just gave him a look of disappointment as he tried to plead with him that he did it for him, that he could've made him proud and he just let go and fell into the abyss" I finish sobbing into his shoulders "I'm sorry Davina" he says rubbing my back "I just can't believe he's dead. I know he did wrong but he had his reasons, he had his troubles. He just wanted to prove he was Odin's son and not the son of a monster. He just wanted acceptance, he wanted to prove everyone wrong and he wanted to find me" I sniffle as I pull away from him. "He just wanted others to feel how he was feeling and he had a right to act out after finding out his true heritage. That's bound to mess with someone's head" Kol replies "I can't help but think this is my fault though" I say he frowns "why would it be your fault?" he questions "he apparently started changing after it was known I had disappeared. If I never went on my mission then maybe he wouldn't have lost his way, I could've been there and helped him. We could've dealt with the truth of our heritage together but I wasn't there" I explain Kol shakes his head "you had no idea any of it would happen. He wouldn't want you to blame yourself for what happened and I think if your grandfather told him the truth or even told him where you were and that you were okay and alive that maybe your father wouldn't have lost his way. Secrets like that tear people apart and it's wrong to keep it from people" he replies I give him a smile "well it definitely tore my father apart. I just can't believe my grandfather kept my heritage from him and my mother, they're my parents and he chose to keep something vital and personal a secret from them" I respond he takes my hands in his. "Well at least you know now and while you might struggle with it, all you can do is come to terms with it and accept who you are" he replies "How am I suppose to accept what I am when I'm from a race of monsters. Any story I heard about Frost giants it was never pleasant, Frost giants were known to be cruel and murderous especially Laufey" I explain "well you are nowhere near cruel and murderous. Some people judge too quickly and obviously growing up hearing such stories will have a negative impact on you and make you think less of yourself and make you think you are exactly what those people speak of but you're not. Monsters aren't born they are made" he replies I smile and crawl onto his lap, snuggling my head in the crook of his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist "I'm here for you" he whispers as I sniffle against him "you know I'm surprised you didn't leg it after my grandmother practically checked you out. If that was any other guy they would've probably fainted from embarrassment" I say pulling my head away from his neck as he chuckles "I was only a little bit embarrassed but not much, I was mostly just shocked and amused. I've never had anyone's grandmother inspect me or pinch my ass" he responds making me giggle "you got the pinch of approval" I reply teasingly he chuckles "I'm honored to have gotten the pinch of approval from the Queen of Asgard" he replies "I do apologize if she made you uncomfortable though. She's a little overbearing sometimes but it's only because she cares" I say "it's fine. I was more uncomfortable about the fact my siblings were watching me" he replies I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck and play with the little strands of hair at the back of his neck. "My grandmother isn't wrong though. You do have nice eyes, nice cheek bones, an excellent jaw line, great height, hard and bulging muscles and a nice rear end" I say he smirks "I'm aware but hearing a goddess say it makes me feel more flattered" he respond I snort and playfully roll my eyes "there is one little thing she missed though" I say he frowns "what did she miss?" he asks I smirk as I start grinding on his lap making him groan and tighten his hold on me. "She never inspected your pistol" I say making him chuckle "pistol? is that what we're calling it?" he asks grunting as I continue grinding on him, smirking as I feel his hard on through his jeans. "Yes it's what I've named him, well it's pistol or your love making organ" I respond he grins and wiggles his eyebrows at me "I like both names" he responds "well then I just thought of a better name for it then" I respond as I grind on him and start placing kisses on his neck. "What?" he asks "love pistol" I say as I kiss his neck making him chuckle, his laughter rumbles through his throat which for some reason turns me on so I hop off his lap. "I'm going to take a bath. A very nice hot bath" I say before walking away towards the bathroom door "hey you got me all hard!" he exclaims making me giggle "sorry" I say "get your ass back here and help me out with my love pistol. You need to kiss it to make it feel better" he says making me laugh as I enter the bathroom "sorry I can't right now. Please try again tomorrow" I reply he chuckles "oh I will darling just you wait" he says I shut the bathroom door and put the bath plug in and start running the water.

End of chapter. What did you think? This was a very long chapter. Frigga told Davina what's happened in Asgard and told her Loki's dead. Frigga gave Kol an inspection. Frigga told Davina Kol is her soul mate. Will Davina tell Kol what her grandmother told her? Frigga revealed some vital information about fertility spells and intimacy and reproducing between gods/goddesses and creatures. Is she hinting at something? How does Kol feel about this? There was a bit of flirting going on at the end and naming Kol's ding a ling (lol). What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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