Dusk till dawn (vampire diari...

By madeinmiddleearth

1.6K 94 9

When peach moves from NYC to Mystic Falls she meets this strange mysterious guy & from there her life takes a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapted 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 14

17 1 0
By madeinmiddleearth

"You're going to teach Caroline how to be a normal vampire, like you guys not the psychotic one" I looked at Stefan.

"It's sounds funny, if you say it that way but yeah. I've to because if she doesn't behave, she will end up killing people & she will either end up dead or endanger us all" he looked at me.

"To be honest you don't look like a teacher, Alaric will be a better fit" I chuckled.

"But Alaric is not a vampire" he chuckled as he came forward & hugged me "when I transformed I was out of control but then my friend Lexi helped me out, now I've to be the Lexi in Caroline's life".

"Stefan the vampire teacher" I giggled as I nuzzled my nose in his chest.

"I love you" he kissed my head as he rubbed my back "I love you too" I responded.

"Do I have to wear this ugly ring for the rest of my life?" Caroline complained as she looked at the ring that Bonnie brought for her, it was going to be her daylight ring. Vampires needs daylight ring to walk in the sun or else without it, they get burned. Both Stefan & Damon have the most unique & beautiful daylight rings.

"Yeah! you have to, if you want to walk in the sun" Bonnie gave her a stern look.

"Can't I wear one of peaches rings, look she has three Cartier rings on her fingers or maybe her Cartier love bracelet" she smirked as she looked at me "you will be a babe, and give me that right?"

"Yeah, if you want. I don't mind" I smiled because if I've to wear a ring for the rest of my life, I wouldn't want an ugly one as well.

"This doesn't work that way & now shut up, this is the ring you have to wear" Bonnie hissed, vampires daylight rings can only be made by witches. Witches & vampires don't get along so it's an irony that witches even agree to make daylight rings for them.

"Okay! mom" Caroline rolled her eyes as Bonnie chanted some spells & handed the ring to Caroline, she put the ring on her finger & gazed at it.

"And trust me when I say this, I'll take away the ring powers if you harm anyone else" she warned as Caroline nodded & we left.

"Bonnie, is being such a bitch to me because I am a vampire now" Caroline growled as we headed to the woods.

"She's just looking out for you" I said.

"Thanks, back there for willing to give me one of your rings" Caroline smiled as she looked at my rings "they are beautiful".

"No problem. If you really want one, I've a brand new white gold love ring back home it's all yours" I smiled.

"Wow! seriously peach, thank you so much you're such a babe" she gave me a hug.

"So, are you guys getting hitched or what?" Stefan joked as he walked up to us.

"Yeah! Stefan beware cos I might have a thing for your girl" Caroline teased as she hugged me from behind & rested her head on my shoulder.

"Now stop these games & let's get to business" I murmured as I poked Caroline's waist "Okay, okay" she mumbled as she walked towards the tree and asked "don't killing young helpless animals, the first step of becoming a psychopath?" As Stefan was going to teach her how to hunt for a rabbit or squirrel so that she can feed on it's blood.

"You have skipped all the parts & killed humans from the start didn't you?" Stefan looked at her.

"Guys, just drop it" I looked at Stefan as he nodded & started Caroline's hunting lessons, I had nothing to do so I sat under a tree & played racing games on my phone until my thumb went numb.

"I think that's all for today, let's go to the Lockwood party as you promised" Caroline said as she & Stefan walked up to me "you wanna join us peach?" She asked as Stefan helped me up.

"No! I'm good" I said but Stefan looked at me with those pleading eyes because he has to keep his eyes on Caroline until she learns how to control her thirst for human blood.

"Just come with us, you're boyfriend can't stay a minute without you away from his sight the whole time we were hunting he was more interested in keeping an eye on you, rather than teaching me" caroline said.

"Stefan" I looked at Stefan as he chuckled "I'm sorry, it's just that I'm worried you know. Katherine & everything" he reminded me.

"I know but I'm safe & sound with the two of you by my side" I said as we headed towards the party.

"Miss me" Caroline smirked as she caught Matt by surprise "didn't know you would be here" he chuckled as he looked at her.

"So, when did Caroline & Matt?" I looked at Stefan "no idea" he said from the corner of his lips.

"Good for her, at least she's not with your jerk of a brother Damon anymore" I murmured "and I can't belief we are going to baby sit the newbie, Caroline" I helped myself to a bottle of beer.

"Yeah! that's the plan unless you want to get thrashed" Stefan joked.

"It's just a beer, I need this" I mumbled as I took a sip "gee.....your having siren issues" he joked.

"Not funny, stef" I chuckled as he hold me from behind & kissed my cheek "you know, I love you" he whispered in my ears sending chills down my spine.

"Okay, love birds are you joining us or not?" Melissa asked as she walked towards us dragging Tyler behind "joining you where?" I asked.

"Tyler know a secret spot, away from here" she smirked as she looked at me "Mel! we are in the middle of the woods are you kidding me, just go home if you & Ty wants a little spice in your life" I whispered as I pulled her towards the mini truck.

"It's fun peach, come on hooking up in the woods would be adventurous" she grinned "we are here to keep an eye on Caroline, we don't have time for this little play date of yours. On top of that you are drunk so please just go home" I looked at her.

"Don't worry peach! I'm safe" she chuckled as she walked towards Tyler.

"You heard everything, didn't you?" I looked at Stefan as he nodded with a weird smile "I know it's awkward & funny but let's not get distracted by them, we are here for carol" I murmured "but where is she?"

"Not good, even Matt is missing" Stefan said.

"Oh my god! please not them again" I complained as me & Stefan went looking for them, honestly I didn't want to catch Caroline & Matt hooking up in the middle of the woods or maybe worse she killing him.

"Wait! I hear something" Stefan said as he looked around "smells like a dog, stef" I said as I looked at him "you sense it too?" He asked.

"I don't know, I just had a bottle of beer remember?" I mumbled as I looked around "Caroline" I called but Stefan hushed me "I'm not getting a good feeling around here" he said.

"That's because, we are looking for a blood thirsty newbie vampire" I looked at Stefan "no! it's different" he said as he grabbed my hand & in an instant headed towards a clearing.

"Caroline" I screamed in horror as I saw her sucking the blood out of Matt who was unconscious.

"Oh my gosh! what did I just do" she looked at us in horror as she looked guilty af, after she realised what she just did.

"That's not our concern right now, there's a beast after us" Stefan said as we heard the sound of a wild animal around us.

"What about Matt?" I looked at Stefan "he will live, let's get out of here" he grabbed my hand & ran as fast as he could but then Caroline tripped & fell on the ground & in an instant a huge wolf appeared out of nowhere & jumped upon her as she screamed in horror.

"My god! is that a wolf?" I was horrified as I looked at the animal in fascination as well as horror he was going to rip Caroline apart, in an instant Stefan went & pushed the animal away from Caroline & in that dilemma Tyler appeared & screamed "stop!" the wolf looked at him & ran away.

"Is that your pet or what is that?" Melissa asked Tyler in horror.

"No! that's my uncle Mason" he answered "& who are you guys?" Tyler looked at Caroline & Stefan.

"The question is who are you Tyler?" Stefan looked at Tyler as they faced each other Caroline, Melissa & me stared at them in silence & confusion.

"Tyler Lockwood, aka my boyfriend is a werewolf?" Melissa shook her head in disbelief "what more can go wrong with the people around me?"

"He's not a werewolf yet, but he can be it's in his blood" Stefan said.

"But, his uncle Mason Lockwood is" Caroline said "and do Elena know about this?" She looked at me.

"How should I know?" I looked at her.

"And why are you asking this?" Stefan looked at Caroline as Caroline gave a, you guys know why look & then Stefan said "you mean they are together?"

"What do you mean they are together, are they dating or something?" Melissa asked Stefan.

"I don't know, I just found out about them from Caroline" Stefan murmured as Caroline said "they met after the mayor's demise, and things seemed to spice up between them. I thought you guys knew".

"Let's just forget about their personal life & deal with the fact that they are werewolves & they will kill you vampires" I looked at Caroline & Stefan as Caroline gulped.

"He won't harm us, won't he?" she looked at Stefan quite horrified.

"I hope he won't, they can only turn on a full moon" he assured.

"Okay, then let's stay safe during the full moon" Caroline murmured.

"This is not normal guys which one of you is not a vampire, a werewolf, a witch or a siren?" Melissa looked at us.

"Siren? what's that?" Caroline looked at Melissa in a questionable look.

"Forget, I said that" Melissa said slowly as she gave me an apologetic look.

"Okay! now what are you guys hiding from me, you know I hate secrets" Caroline folded her arms.

"I am a siren Caroline, I'm half human half siren" I looked at her "I don't know what that means peach but you have a lot of explanation to do" she looked at me "that's awesome, I'm so happy we are going to spend an eternity together" Caroline squeaked as she came & hugged me as I finished explaining to her what a siren really is.

"Okay, guys I'm right here & I'm her best friend don't forget" Melissa joked.

"And I'm her jealous boyfriend, who don't want to share his girlfriend" Stefan joked as well.

"But I'm not a siren yet, I've to choose the life when the time comes" I said.

"And you're going to choose siren because being a siren is awesome, and Stefan would want you to be one because he don't want to lose you ever, don't you stefan?" she looked at Stefan but Stefan said nothing because choosing for me would be selfish, he knew that & I love him that "he's kinda shy but I ain't, I want you to be with us peach".

"It's not that easy Caroline, we don't know what I've to sacrifice" I looked at her.

"Take it from me being strong, confident & ageless nothing get's better than that" she smirked.

"We should keep these talks to a minimum, we don't want anyone to find out anything about us" I said as I tossed my hair behind.


"Why didn't you tell us you were a werewolf?" Melissa questioned Tyler.

"I'm not a werewolf, yet" he responded "my uncle is & I'm never going to be".

"How can you say that?" She asked.

"Because Mel, tyler has to trigger the curse. If he kills someone only then, he will become a wolf that's it" I said.

"What? Are you planning to kill someone Tyler?" She looked at him horrified.

"No! I'm not, I don't want to be a wolf so I'm never going to even by accident I swear" he looked at her.

"You better just be normal, because the people around me aren't" she mumbled.

"Yeah! it's weird Caroline & Stefan are vampires, I mean who knew" Tyler said.

"We did" me & Melissa looked at him.

"So, you told Melissa not to tell me about your boyfriend's little secret?" he looked at me.

"Will you want the world to know you're a wolf, I guess the answer is no! so the same goes with Caroline & Stefan" I said.

"I'm glad you guys know the truth, I mean I want someone to share my problems with" he said.

"You always have me babe" Melissa smirked as they kissed passionately.

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you guys about me & mason. I mean it's crazy he's way older than us & Tyler's uncle as well" Elena said.

"It's okay, I get it & he's a werewolf so, I know you wanted to protect him" I mumbled.

"Yeah, that too & you know what he told me about Katherine?" she looked at me "it seems she's back to Mystic Falls to search for the moon stone".

"Wait, why do this stone sound familiar" I looked at her in suspense.

"Because it's the same stone that can break the sun & moon curse" she told me.

"This is not good" I murmured.

"Why?" She questioned.

"Because a sacrifice is needed to complete the ritual & you are the sacrifice" I said slowly trying not to sound rude or scare her.

"What do you mean?" she looked at me in horror.

"The doppelgänger has to be sacrificed & Katherine is a vampire so it has to be you" I said.

"How do you know this?" She asked curiously.

"I read it in one of the books, these days I'm fascinated with all these weird knowledge & I keep on reading to know more about ancients secrets & relics" I explained.

"I guess you are a step closer to becoming a siren" she murmured.

"I know Elena & I'm scared" I confessed.

"Don't be, we are here with you" she smiled as she hugged me "and we are here for you too Elena" I hugged her back.

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