It's a Match (boyxboy)

By JSRebelx

49.6K 2.1K 187

Some spend their whole lives looking, others know straight away and some just spend forever wandering. For a... More

Author note
Late night
Dating app's suck
Middle Rank Life
pet names
Angry messages
Totally A Moment
Best Friend
First Date Conversations
Jaxson Anthony Roggers
Damaged Material
Hips Be Swaying
The Truths Out
Let Me Help you
I Fall Apart
Second Chance
Phone Call's
Daddy Damon

Kill him!

2K 79 0
By JSRebelx

Archer pov

We pulled into the small hotel's car park that only had three other cars currently sat on it, dad had been moaning for the last hour about how tired he was from the long drive, so decided to stop at the first place he came across.

Which happened to be the small B&B set back just off the pitch-black county lane, it had felt like we'd been driving down an endless tunnel, with no lights and hardly any other cars passing by. The place looked a bit run down, with the chipped white paint and old-fashioned flowered curtains pulled across each window but it would do for tonight if it meant getting a few hours' sleep. We both grabbed our small bags, that we'd packed just encase something like this happened and headed up the pebbled drive for the door, it was fogged up with the red flashing light with the word vacancies handing, so we headed in from the cold night air.

The lobby treated us with a musky smell as soon as the door opened, a large light oak reception desk wrapped around half the room and leading into an office, behind it sat a girl, she was maybe in her early twenties, with bleached blond hair pulled up into a messy bun on top her head with fried pieces sticking out everywhere while her heavily made up eyes never left her phone screen which she was currently aggressively typing away at.

"Excuse me" dad's gruff voice filled the otherwise quiet room which made the young girl jump from her seat and her eyes nearly pop out of her head. she immediately turned bright red as she stared from me to dad.

"So sorry sir's" she stuttered while dropping back into her seat and started clicking away at the computer screen to bring it back to life "I didn't hear you come in, have you got a reservation with us tonight?" I looked down at her phone screen which she'd dropped on the counter when she'd jumped, to see a group chat open with messages continuing to pop up, its looked like a group of girls talking about some hot guy from what I could see.

"No but we saw the vacancies sign, do you have any rooms available?"

"Double or separate bed"

"Separate" "he's my dad" we both spoke at the same time. I wasn't going to have someone thinking I go around sleeping with old men, even if I didn't know them. The girl tried muffling her giggle's behind her manicured hand, great just great.


"What the hell do you mean Damon isn't at home!" slowly blinking my eyes open from the most uncomfortable bed I've ever had the displeasure of sleeping on, along with the worst sleep. It had taken me hours to fall asleep, the events from yesterday on an continuous loop in my head, I was so embarrassed, that even a sub, that I'd never met knew I wasn't up to standards.

Maybe everyone was right and I should just settle for being someone's bitch, maybe that's why I hadn't found my mate yet, what if their a dominant and are searching for me, they do always say that the submissive partner doesn't feel the connection as strongly until their mated, maybe I should just take a step back and relax wait for them to find me or something.

Pulling myself from the depressing thoughts currently running through my head to look over at dad who was pacing in front of the bay window, his phone to his ear "I'm going to kill him! Like actually kill him this time. He's grounded for fucks sake!" he shouted down the phone, listening in I could hear Simon on the other end trying to calm dad down.

"Maybe he just went for an early run and lost track of time" even I knew that was just utter bullshit, Damon never got up before noon normally, the last week and a half is the earliest he's been up in a while and since dad was away he would of took advantage of it and had a lie in, so since he wasn't sprawled out in bed he'd definable gone out last night and lost track of time.

"Don't be so naive Sie, its Damon he'll be balls deep in some poor creature and when has that boy ever been up early to run" if this was a cartoon steam would be coming out his ear by now, if only he knew about all the other times Damon had snuck off, it was only because he dragged me along that we usually got back in time.

"Look what do you want me to do? Shall I go track him down or wait till he gets back" dad paused for a bit thinking which way to play the situation, by the time he'd started speaking again I'd pulled myself up from the lumpy mattress and tugged on my hoodie from yesterday, since I guess this room didn't have heating by the way goose bumps covering my skin, guessing we would be leaving pretty quickly with no time to shower I grabbed my trainers from the side of the bed.

"No, I'm leaving now I'll be back in a few hours and knowing my son he's lost track of time and still won't be back by then. Look just get everything running for the day and I'll see you in a bit" with that he cut off the call shoving his phone into his jean pocket as he turned to face me, I gave him an uneasy smile "I'm going to kill him" he stalked off into the bathroom and thank god as I couldn't help the little chuckle that left my mouth, Damon was in for it now. 



Wounder why he missed getting back in time. 

hope your enjoying it so far

please vote and comment to let me know what you think x

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