Fated To Love You (ON HIATUS)

By scarlettrosie

69.2K 3.7K 522

A story about a primary school teacher named Park Chaeyoung who is fated to meet a good-looking divorced man... More

Prologue - Characters
Chapter 1 - First meeting
Chapter 2 - Treat
Chapter 3 - Captivated
Chapter 4 - Strawberry cheesecake (Part 1)
Chapter 5 - Strawberry cheesecake (Part 2)
Chapter 6 - Friend?
Chapter 8 - Ed Sheeran
Chapter 9 - Fate
Chapter 10 - Lunch
Chapter 11 - Hospital
Chapter 12 - His parents
Chapter 13 - Movie
Chapter 14 - Jennie
Chapter 15 - Dinner party
Chapter 16 - Dance
Chapter 17 - Date
Chapter 18 - Archery
Chapter 19 - School trip
Chapter 20 - Jealousy
Chapter 21 - Barbeque
Chapter 22 - Confront
Chapter 23 - Comeback
Chapter 24 - Scared
Chapter 25 - Birthday
Chapter 26 - Proposal
Chapter 27 - Her wish
Chapter 28 - Rage
Chapter 29 - I'm sorry
Chapter 30 - Trust

Chapter 7 - Pasta

2K 121 6
By scarlettrosie

Jungkook's POV

He quickly took a warm nice shower after coming back from the business trip from Australia two days ago. He undeniably tired from the jet lagged but noticing how long it has been since the last time he saw his son, he decided to suprise Joon Hyung at school. He missed his son a lot and he missed her too.

Wearing casual attire, only a blue button denim shirt with fitted black jeans, he grabbed his phone, his black leather Hentley wallet and car keys, he went out of the house. Wearing his cinammon Timberlands loafers, he unlocked his car and drove off to Joon Hyung's school.

Once arrived, Jungkook waited patiently inside his car, scrolling his phone to check for any notice from his company as well as getting information about the current issues.

His eyes wandered around the school front yard and instantly caught the glimpse of figure that managed to shake his heart lately. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips and he was about to get off his car to call Chaeyoung when she directly approached a young man who leaned his back against his car. He admitted that man was indeed a good looking man. His smile instantly left his face.

What surprised him the most when the man wrapped his arms around Chaeyoung and she instantly hugged him back which stirred up Jungkook's feelings. Without knowing, he tightly grasped the car steering wheel due to the sudden urge of rage. "Is that her boyfriend or what?" He irritantly snickered. His thought was interrupted when Joon Hyung knocked the car window and he unlocked the door, letting him to get on the car.

"Dad, you never said that you will come back today," Joon Hyung delightfully commented seeing Jungkook who fetched him. Seeing how happy Joon Hyung was and how he grinned with his sparkling eyes instantly made him soft. Jungkook caressed Joon Hyung's hair and engulfed him in a hug. He truly loved his son, he is his most valuable treasure.

"I want to surprise you. Come on, let me treat you something good. What do you want to eat? Just tell me." Jungkook softly muttered.

"Really? I want to eat pasta." Joon Hyung replied and earned a small laugh from Jungkook.

"Okay pasta. Let's go. I know a place that serves the best pasta." With that, Jungkook drove off towards the restaurant he once dined in when he met one of his business partners. The quality of the food deserved thumb ups and he would want to fill up his stomach there again.

Taehyung parked his car near the restaurant and both of them got off his car and went inside the restaurant. The interior design of the restaurant was enough to give off congruent vibes. It was a mixture of casual dining at one side which has a relaxing and friendly atmosphere and fine dining at the other side which was much more attentive than the casual establishments. She could merely notice that the fine dining was designed on the second level of the restaurant had a special design, unique decoration and high-quality furniture. The jazz tunes playing subtly in the background also added the already exquisite restaurant ambience to be more elegant.

*Imagine this is the first level*

*Imagine that this is the second level*

"So Chae which level do you want to dine in? Upstairs or the first level?" Taehyung asked when he opened the restaurant door for her.

"I don't mind actually but seeing how casual my outfits are I would say the first level." Chaeyoung replied noticing there was actually dress code for the second level. Seeing how a man wearing his button up shirt with slacks and dress shoe as well as his partner with knee level evening gown completed with heels, she felt that it was not appropriate to dine in at the fine dining regardless Taehyung as the owner.

"Okay then but Chae you look lovely in whatever you wear," Taehyung sincerely smiled while talking with her.

Chaeyoung instantly blushed hearing his comment and tried to look away rather than his sharp gaze towards her to cover her anxiousness. They settled in and sat down on one of the tables.

"So I said just now I want you to taste our new cuisine right? It's a pasta menu, one of your favourite too. It's called fettucine alfredo with chicken, broccoli and bacon. It is also infused with our secret creamy Parmesan sauce. I would say it would be a bomb." Taehyung explained on his new menu and only by mentioning it made Chaeyoung salivated over the thought of that particular dish and slightly opened her mouth. Chaeyoung's act made Taehyung let out a small laugh noticing how adorable she was.

"Yah Taehyung, you literally made me drool over it," Chaeyoung lightly slapped Taehyung's forearm due to his laugh.

"Okay enough with the chatting. We should dig in now, I'm starving." Taehyung said immediately calling one of his workers to take their orders.

After their meals arrived, both of them started eating and Chaeyoung could not describe how delicious the cuisine was. It was creamy but not too saturated, just nice and how the ingredients blended together creating an exotic flavour which deserved a praise.

A young man with his son entered the restaurant and instantly caught Chaeyoung's attention. She had longed to see him and seeing him today undoubtedly stirred up her emotions. As if he happened to hear her thought, the man gazed up automatically locked his gaze on her. Those pair of brown orbs that managed to flutter her kept on staring her sending a host of butterflies in her stomach.

"Miss Chaeyoung!" Joon Hyung's high-pitched voice instantly broke the stare and she looked down to Joon Hyung sending her sweetest smile.

"Joon Hyung, what are you doing here?" She asked although she already knew the answer.

"My dad and I are about to have lunch, I want to eat pasta and dad drove us here. He wants to treat me lunch because he just returned from his business trip." Joon Hyung excitedly replied.

That was the reason why he did not appear at the school. Chaeyoung innerly mumbled.

Chaeyoung's thought was suddenly interrupted when Taehyung asked her, "Chae, who is this adorable young boy?" Taehyung fixed his gaze at Joon Hyung.

"He is one of my students, Tae. He is one of the most excellent students I ever have." Chaeyoung replied with a light smile.

"Annyeong, ahjusshi. My name is Jeon Joon Hyung." Joon Hyung introduced himself bowing to Taehyung.

"Aigoo clever boy. Annyeong Joon Hyung, my name is Taehyung. You can call me uncle Tae". Taehyung grinned widely caressing Joon Hyung's soft locks.

Jungkook quickly walked towards his son and briefly greeted the couple in front of him. "Annyeong, Chaeyoung. I apologize on the behalf of Joon Hyung for interrupting your date."

"Oh no, it's okay, Jungkook. We are not on a date. I was just having lunch with my friend, Taehyung." Chaeyoung said, not knowing why she had to explain the situation. She could just have let Jungkook acknowledged that she was indeed on a date but she had the urge to clear up his thought and avoided any misunderstandings.

"Oh ya? But still we've interrupted your meals." Jungkook felt relieved to hear her declare and he turned towards Taehyung and earnestly introduced himself reaching out his hand. "My name is Jeon Jungkook, just call me Jungkook and this is my son, Jeon Joon Hyung."

Taehyung took his hand and properly introduced himself, "I am Kim Taehyung, just call me Taehyung," Both of them locked their gaze towards each other and Chaeyoung cleared her throat breaking the stare.

"So would you excuse us and please enjoy your meal." Jungkook said flashing his smile and was about to leave when Taehyung said, "Well actually, I am the owner of this restaurant and coincidentally we are trying our newest cuisine which had not been included yet in the menu. If you wouldn't mind, you can join us for lunch."

Chaeyoung snapped her head towards Taehyung and she innerly thanked him for inviting them as she would never had the courage to do so. Another quality of Taehyung is that he is very respectful and nice towards other people and how she loved those traits.

"Would it be okay?" Jungkook glanced at Chaeyoung before looking back at Taehyung.

"Yeah sure. You should taste the new menu, Jungkook-ah. It's awesome". Chaeyoung answered with a smile.

"Seriously, miss? Is it good? Can't wait to have a taste". Joon Hyung said excitedly before taking a seat beside Chaeyoung.

"Hmm, it's good and you would want to try it again, sweetheart." Chaeyoung nodded her head lightly looking down at Joon Hyung, smiling widely showing her finely arranged pearl white teeth.

Hearing the endearment Chaeyoung addressed to Joon Hyung undeniably sped up Jungkook's heart a little. That was a teacher and student relationship-based thing, right?

With the arrival of the dishes, the four of them continued to eat, they were so comfortable engaging with each other. The other thing was Jungkook and Taehyung got to know each other too.


A/n: So it's finally the time Jungkook meets Taehyung. I was listening to the song while writing this chapter. It's a great cover and imagine this song plays in this scene🌸

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