Marry The Beast (BAKUGOU KATS...


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Sparks of Love ignite as you and Bakugo journey into the life of heroes with the thrill of fighting villains... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 31

1.7K 56 11

As Aizawa and y/n made their way towards All Might and the others, a very strong force came dashing towards them and crashed on the ground. The vision cleared to show Midoriya, Iida, Momo, Kirishima, Todoroki and Bakugou. Both parties finally made eye contact which left them all shocked. The students who had just escaped Shigaraki's evil clutches ran towards Aizawa and took a defensive stance. They inquired about the safety of their teacher and glared at y/n to which she simply rolled her eyes like she didn't care. All but one stood beside Aizawa and that was Bakugou. Instead of siding with his teacher, he took the risk of siding with his enemy.

"I may just be attacked, but I don't like the way you guys are going against n/n, and you call yourselves friends huh"

"Bakugou! Get away from her, she's in no way to join forces with us" answered Kirishima

"Kacchan, we've talked to her before we came to get you. She's just out to kill the heroes."

"And so?" Bakugou nonchalantly replied and stood in front of y/n with his hands stretched out, meaning to tell his classmates to deal with him before going against y/n.

"What do you mean 'so', Bakugou? I know how you're  feeling. Remember that I feel the same way for her too, but you're taking too much of a risk here" Todoroki glared at Bakugou.

"This fucking thing and that! You think I give a shit about the heroes she's about to kill? I don't think so. I only care about her and as long as I live, I'll continue to protect her!" Those words struck Todoroki real bad and he was left bewildered by Bakugou's comment. "And anyhow, if I was going to be attacked, I'd be dead by now. You should learn to trust the one you love". Bakugou turned to look at y/n while talking to which everyone's eyes followed. Y/n was simply leaning on a wall and looking somewhere far off. All the students fell silent and it was Aizawa who broke the silence by giving Bakugou a chop on his head.
"It's nice to know that you Care about y/n so much, but if you're going to be a hero, you should respect the work of heroes. They risk their lives to save the people from harm, just as they are doing it for you now". Bakugou thought back on his words about how he didn't give a shit about the death of the  heroes and also how the heroes had come to rescue him. A look of guilt clouded his face but he was not going to apologize anyway. Aizawa understood that very well and just tapped him on his head,"As long as you understand". He made his way towards the centre and informed them about what had happened and how y/n was willing to join them. Everyone sighed in relief and quickly gathered around y/n and apologized.

"I'm sorry y/n. I shouldn't have treated you with hostility"

"Forgive me y/n, but you left us with the intent to kill, so umm you understand us right?"

One by one everyone slowly apologized. Todoroki came forth with a dejected look and tried to make amends with y/n. "I..." Before he could say anything, Bakugou broke into the group irritated that he wasn't getting any chance to talk to y/n.
"Get away from her, you extras. Like she even cares about what you guys have to say.  She doesn't give a shit about your apologies. Get your legs moving, we need to find All Might before its too late"
"I'm going to have to agree with Bakugou. Let's get moving because we need to move slowly and stealthily around these parts" Aizawa suggested and led the students to find wherever All Might was. Bakugou and y/n were right behind Aizawa, while Midoriya and the others followed close behind.

"Why are you still here? Aren't you supposed to be dead?" Y/n striked a conversation with Bakugou without making eye contact.

"Dead? I don't know what you're thinking but the villain league just wanted me to join them"

"So...what'd you do?" Y/n somehow anticipated for the answer.

"So I refused. As simple as that. I made a promise to you. I made a promise that I'd become the no.1 hero and protect you for life. That's what's kept me going. Not like you remember anyway." Bakugou sighed for a moment and y/n saw that he was looking straight ahead but his eyes carried sadness with them. Her heart ached at the saddened sight of the blonde boy. This was the guy who suddenly appeared into her life and made her feel different, made her heart flutter. Little did she know that these feelings and encounters were all just 'deja vu'

"The others...Are they your friends?" setting aside her feeling, y/n decided to carry on with the conversation.

"Hmm... you mean Deku and the others? They're more like your friends than mine"

"My friends?"

"Yeah they are. They may have treated you with hostility but... oh well can't help it, they were just scared cause they're useless and extras, simply stepping stones for me
"Haha... they sure sound weak. Guess I made some pretty weak friends." Y/n burst out laughing which made Bakugou widen his eyes in disbelief but still managed to smile at her. "I've waited a Long time to see that and I finally actually got to see it."

"See what?" Y/n asked Bakugou with her hand on her chin and her head crooked.

Bakugou laughed looking at how y/n's personality easily changed as always. "Your smile, your laugh, and your happiness" he answered.

Y/n blushed red and looked aside. Her heart was beating as fast as a racing horse.
What's with you y/n , this isn't the time to be blushing and letting your heart flutter about. Get A grip! Y/n slapped herself internally.

Todoroki who had been following at the end of the group sadly looked at them from afar. As he stared at the two, he completely stopped in his tracks when he noticed y/n laughing. He couldn't stand it. He felt his heart break. Y/N was laughing but it was not with him. She was smiling but it was not for him. She seemed to be getting comfortable around them but it was not because of him. He felt like he was so far away from y/n's heart and she only continued to drift further away. Not only was his heart in pain but he had a guilty conscience filling up his mind. He couldn't treat y/n like he had planned to, instead he doubted her. All the dark thoughts gathered in his mind and there was no positivity left in him. He hated himself and before he knew it, tears had suddenly started flowing from his eyes.

"Todoroki, whats wrong ? Did Something happen?" Midoriya who has gone ahead with the group returned to find his friend who had unintentionally separated from them.

Todoroki quickly wiped off the tears running down his cheek. "Don't worry about me. I just sprained my legs a little which somehow reminded me of my mother" He made an excuse and gave off an awkward laugh.
Midoriya though not satisfied with the excuse decided to leave it for a later time. "Aizawa sensei says we're going to be running from here on. Will you be able to manage with your quirk? If not I'm here to help you."

"Yeah...Thanks...but I'll manage...I'll have to"


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