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Av lethal_bullets

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"๐˜'๐˜ญ๐˜ญ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ด๐˜ด ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ด ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜บ ๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต" - @_๐˜ด๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ_๐˜จ๐˜ช๐˜ณ๐˜ญ_ Book 1. Can be read as a stand-a... Mer

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Chapter 1 : "No, otherwise I'll look old."
Chapter 2: "No, I'm an angel."
Chapter 3: "...Didn't expect you to like erotic stuff."
Chapter 5: " One word is enough to kill you. "
Chapter 6: "You tried to steal my girl!"
Chapter 7: "OH LITTLE BRO!"
Chapter 8: "Nah, you look like a Cupcake to me."
Chapter 9: "THIS MEANS WAR!"
Chapter 10: "WE HEARD THAT!"
Chapter 11: "I won't look at your nudes or contacts."
Chapter 12: "And I greedily slung my pizza."
Chapter 13: "ALL HAIL SAM GORDON!!!"
Chapter 15: "Your face is enough to make me smile."
Chapter 16: " Lance. Your full name is..."
Chapter 17: "What kind of question is that?"
Chapter 18: "Damn, Gentleman."
Chapter 19: "Aggressive, now are we? Sexy~"
Chapter 20: "You're on your period."
Chapter 21: "It's daddy~!"
Chapter 22: "Stay away from Amanda."
Chapter 23: "Are you wearing a contact lense on one side?"
Chapter 24: "Cause I'm in love with you."
Chapter 25:"YOUR ASS IS MINE!"
Chapter 26:"...if you never came to New York, I wouldn't have met you."
Chapter 27: "Oh dang~ who's this hottie?..."
Chapter 28: "What? This is just as exciting as the UFC fights. "
Chapter 29: "You better whoop them ass!"
Chapter 30: "I only have eyes for one."
Chapter 31: "Arsehole?"
Chapter 32: "...because I care for you."
Chapter 33: "Cherry clafoutis, be it then?"
Chapter 34: "I really am going to rip your head off and shit on your neck!"
Chapter 35: "I feel like a fucking Disney Princess!"
Chapter 36: "High school girls, High school girls, all for me~"
Chapter 37: "You know what else is pretty? My fist in your face-"
Chapter 39:"I locked him in the storage room."
Chapter 40: "I was just greeting her. "Geez~ calm your tits."
Chapter 41: "I'm fine. Don't worry."
Chapter 42: "Is Blakey blushing? Oh fuck, he really is!"
Chapter 43: "We're just friends."
Chapter 44: "I swear on my life, I am a virgin."
Chapter 45: "Chill your balls, Blake."
Chapter 46: "This is something between him and I."
Chapter 47: "Can't I watch you atleast get the shirt off?"
Chapter 48: "Karma is a bitch, Cohen."
Chapter 49: "And you're so real. A real Ass."
Chapter 50: "If I wanted a bitch, I could've have bought myself a dog."
Chapter 52: "Your stepdaddy does~"
Chapter 53: "You kissed me."
Chapter 54: "Think what you like...America is a free country."
Chapter 55: "Someone who loves me back."
Chapter 56: "Give him a chance."
Chapter 57: "You're gay?"
Chapter 58: " FUCK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH! "
Chapter 59: "Just like me, huh?"
Chapter 60: "You're only wearing your underwear!"
Chapter 61: "What did he do?"
Chapter 62: "... ' Do you like bacon? Wanna strip?' "
Chapter 63:"I fell in love with her."
Chapter 64:"Yeah, cause you are a gay bitch. You like dicks."
Chapter 65: "I'm fine as long as it's you. "
Chapter 66: "HAPPY HALLOWEEN!"
Chapter 67: "You mad bro?"
Chapter 68: "Did you just cosplay your childhood crush?"
Chapter 69: " There's no problem with a guy sitting next to another guy..."
Chapter 70: "Mark my words, I will fight for us till death arrives."
Chapter 71:"You make me sound like a loner."
Chapter 72: "...What am I to you? And what are they to you?"
Chapter 73: "I don't want to be friends with you."
Chapter 74: "Seems like you have to choose between us."
Chapter 75: "Happy Thanksgiving!"
Chapter 76: "Yes, I will."
Chapter 77:"I'm not one of your one night stands."
Chapter 78: "Don't tell anyone about this, okay?"
Chapter 79:"Hate? You said, you were good friends."
Chapter 80:"Who are you calling fuck, you fuck!?"
Chapter 81: "Legends are born in a valley of struggle."
Chapter 82:"Just like us not being together, yet."
Chapter 83: "You have a stain behind you."
Chapter 84: "Distracted by staring at your beautiful face."
Chapter 85:"Fank Yew!"
Chapter 86:"Miggy is gay."
Chapter 88:"HAPPY NEW YEAR!"
Chapter 89:"Yes, I'm serious."
Chapter 90:"Why?"
Chapter 91:"Have you gotten over her already?"
Chapter 92:"Neither yours."
Chapter 93:"That's right. You're mine after all."
Chapter 94:"You know, that I'm all yours right?"
Chapter 95:"Women are scary."
Chapter 96:"It wasn't my intention to hurt you."
Chapter 97:"...I'm the reason why you are hurting!"
Chapter 98:"Boys are assholes."
Chapter 99:"He is the best mistake, I have ever made."
Chapter 100:"Dash has been missing..."
Chapter 101:"No, I really love him."
Chapter 102:"Ya'll fell for my trap."
Chapter 103:"Yes, I'm here!"
Chapter 104:"Stop eye raping me, will ya?"
Chapter 105:"I love you too."
Chapter 106:" Because of you."
Tแ•ผแ—ฉแ‘ŽK YOแ‘Œ!โค
BONUS CHAPTER: "Happy birthday, biatch~!"

Chapter 14: "Innocent my ass."

120 9 32
Av lethal_bullets


"Let's have a party in my place!" Lance mutters, as we walked out of McDonald's.

"Party for what? The fact that you got dumped?" Troy sips on his coke and the four of them smack his back.

His drink falls down and chokes on the coke. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" My brother jumps on Lance and tries to headlock him. -Oh my god...Troy, you better not embarrass me. I swear, if you lose, even after all those training for years...-

"Get off me you fucking monkey!" He tries to throw Troy away. -This is bullshit...-

"Could you stop making a scene?" I sigh and walk to my car.

"He started it first!" Both of them say in unision and start pinching each other.

The girls giggle and those morons bet on who the winner will be.

"Little bro! This fucking monkey is going to strangle me! Get hi-"

"Who you are calling monkey you pig?! Imma beat you!"

"Go guys! Imma bet for Troy!" Sam and Kim bump fist.

Lance shoots them a dead glare. " Once I'm done here, I'm coming for you both! Kace and Dash are my true friends." He gives them a thumbs up. "Right?"

"Who said we are friends?" Kace gives him a disgusted look.

"I know right? Fighting against a child. Have you got no shame? Fight someone your size!" Dash gestures Kace. -Reasons why these two are the best.-

Troy lifts his head up and yells." I AM NOT A CHILD!"

Lance points at Troy, while looking like he has pain in his sacrum. "SHUT UP! THIS KID IS JUST AS TALL AS I AM!"

-Their frames are different. Lance is broad but is 5'9 tall and Troy is slim and 5'11 . Meanwhile, I'm 6'1 all and Troy might surpass me in a year. Oh great...-

"Fuck faces! Get in the car!" Kace yells. -Thank you!-


Lance, Kim and Dash are in Kace's car. They will continue fighting there for sure.

Crystal, Blair and Courtney are in Sams car, the flirt addict that never has a chance anyways. Courtney seems to enjoy being around those girls. -Girls stuff?- I told Amanda to join them, but she denied it.

Troy and Amanda are in my car. -Why? Because I don't trust the others.-

"So, are you two dating?" Troy asks behind the passenger sit. -Straight to the point.-

"W-we are not!" I am surprised by the fact that Amanda immediately yelled that out loud.

"Sureeee~" -Damn that brat! I can hear his sarcasm.- I put my fist up and stare at the rear- view mirror. He leans back and smiles. "Got ya brother."

Amanda nervously giggles and stares at me. "You don't have to be that mean, you know."

"Yeah! Rev, you heard her! I'm innocent!" His eyes turns into puppy eyes. -Damn brat.-

"Innocent, my ass."

"Raven!" She suddenly hits my arm in a speed of light.

-Wonder how many times she has done that, but damn I like it....No wait! I'm not a masochist, I just like the fact that we have physical contact... Oh shit, sounds even worse...-

"And you said, you two weren't dating." My brother scowls and crosses his arms then rolls his eyes.

"Troy!" Amanda is now looking at him.  -This will be a long ride...-


Lance's place is a fucking penthouse. I don't know how, but he somehow managed to get one. -He's the most useless person I have ever known, an asshole, a person you shouldn't trust and also... my bestfriend.-

"So, today we're gonna drink till we throw up! Y'all in?" The childman opens a box full of beer and vodka. -This boy needs help.-

"Yeah!!!" The morons and the girls say. Courtney and Amanda are looking at me confused.

I send my little brother a glare, just to let him know that I'm watching him. He gulps and backs away to the living room. -Good boy! He knows.-

"They drink often. Even though SOME OF THEM DRIVE!" I say it out loud on purpose so that Sam and Kace know that I'm referring to them.

Sam slings one arm around my neck with an opened beer on the other hand. "Naaww, don't you wanna join the fun, Rev? I mean, look at this~" -Addict...-

I groan at him."I don't drink." Amanda and her friend look at me. "What?"

"But you are like a 'bad boy'... with those tattoos and the way you dress..."Courtney mumbles and Amanda sighs. -Are all girls like this?-

I give them a wry smile. "I never stated myself as a bad boy. Do you expect me to be like one of those in Wattpad?"

She shrugs. "You are like one to me tho. Do you atleast smoke?" -Huh?-


"Hang around with girls?"


Blair and Crystal must've overheard our conversations. "We are girls!" They say in unision and glare at me.

I rub my neck. "You sure? Aren't you.. male?" Both of them stand up and their fist fly up to me. -Heck! This are guys for sure!- "See! You punch like guys!" I chuckle as they frown.

"You're an asshole!" Crystal hits me again. -Chill woman!-

"Fuck u!" Blair lifts her middle finger up.

Courtney laughs out loud and comes closer to me. Out of no where, she asks me the least expected question
"Are you perhaps... gay?"

-What the fuck?!- "How did you come up to this conclusion?" -I swear, she's trying to kill me!-

"Well, you hang out with them because they are like ... guys?"

I face palm myself. "Not to be rude, but what the fuck is going on in your mind?" I look over to Amanda and she's giving me an awkward smile. "W-...Amanda I'm not gay!" -Fuck!-

"It's okay bubu~ I know you always had a crush on me." Kace slings his arms around my waist and winks. -Yuck... Now I wonder which one of us is gay.-

"Fuck off! " I punch his stomach and he growls.

"BRO! THAT HURTS! ARE YOU PREGNANT OR SOMETHING?! MOODSWINGS!?" He backs off and the rest snort out a laugher.

"Okay Raven. If you are not gay then, have you ever had a girlfriend?" Dash grins and sips on his beer. I glare into his eyes and he lifts his hands up. "What? I'm trying to help."

"You are not helping at all." I roll my eyes. -Why the fuck am I even friends with bastards?!-

"Ever had?" Sam snickers. -Damn bitch knows exactly that I had one!-

I sigh and forcefully admit. "Yeah I had one." -I was 15 at that time and had a one month relationship....Most of the people would say: ' It's just a month relationship, get over it!' But fuck! Do they know how serious I took it?...I dumped her right after she had sex with Blake. Shitty I know, but I wasn't any better. I didn't give her what she wanted, so it was partly my fault.-

"Only one?!" Lance shakes his head and hits my shoulder. "It's okay man. Let it out." -This fucked up Idiot... -

"To my defense, I am not a player like the most of you!" I bark.

I notice how they give me a wry smile and make some disgusting gestures.

"Aww~ innocent Rev!"

"Momma's boiii!"

"Sweet lil punk!"

"How innocent!"

"Sleepy fuck!" -What? Why are these starting to get worse?!-

"Loner with no boner!" -WHAT. THE. FUCK?!-

"Jackassed gayhead!" -Wait! Where'd that come from?!-

"Stop making my brother sound gay!" Troy yells and looks worriedly at me. -Ugh... -

"Troy, you idiot. I am not gay for the 100th time!" -Another moron... great and also my brother.-

"Naww, T.J. I'm sure you'll be much more of a man than your gay-bro." Dash wiggles his eyebrows. -It's hard trying not to punch his face.-

Kim smirkes and headlocks Troy while ruffling his hair. "Daddy Kim will show you da wae!" -This guy is a freak when it comes to memes.-

Troy rolls his eyes and gives him a bitch look. "Thank you, next."

-Don't ask me, he's a big fan of Ariana Grande. When he found out that she released a new song, he searched it right away and couldn't stop singing. Legends say, that he's still singing until today.... *grunts* okay shit, that wasn't funny...-

"Are you still a Virgin? -Wow...Fucking wonderful....- Courtney is starting with those questions again. I look over to Amanda, who is ...also eager to know if I am?!?!?

-Shit... I can't ask her for help... -

"Can you stop asking personal questions?" I try to sound less annoyed than I am.

-It's not like I'm embarrassed and a lot of people know I am. It's just that those morons won't stop teasing me with that: 'Oh wow?! Really?! In your 19 years of existence ,you are still a virgin - blablabla...' Shitheads!-

Courtney sighs out loud and then smiles."So,you are gay."


"Okay." She grins and walks over to Amanda.



"No! Shut up gay head!" Lance yells back. -Freakin'!-

I learned to keep my cool and just swallow down my anger. As I take a sit on the couch I watch my, so called, 'friends' drinking and laughing at me.

-They are all pathetic, little bitches and more... FUCK! WHY IS IT SO HARD TO KEEP CALM!?... Okay, Raven... Calm the fuck down...-

Suddenly, Lance screams. I stand up and rush towards the kitchen.
-You never know what could happen. I mean, it's Lance.-

I find him lying on the floor, rubbing his toe and whining out loud. "FUCKING TABLE!!! WHO PUTS THIS HERE?!" -He's drunk.-

"It's your house, duhh~ " I turn to see Dash leaning on the wall, chuckling and sipping on a can of beer. -Another drunk bitch.-

I stare back at Lance, who made fun of me a while ago. I have to hold my laughter back, since I'm not such an ass. He still groans in pain and I just grin at the pathetic 21 year old, he is.

-All I had to do is remain silent, while Karma is doing it's work. Easy right?-



Thoughts on this gang?

Would you hang out with them ?

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