Caged By Him

By moonchild80

9.4M 215K 93.7K

"WHY CAN'T YOU GET IT INSIDE YOUR HEAD?" He trapped my trembling body between his arms and slammed his fist i... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's note.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Author's note.
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99

Chapter 14

154K 3.1K 1.2K
By moonchild80

Enjoy, lovelies💕

Aurora's POV:

These past few weeks have been the most hectic ones yet. They were filled with appointments and planning that I, frankly, didn't want to do. I can't believe that an entire wedding has been planned in the matter of two weeks. I guess you can call it the power of money. The wedding was set to be in 4 days, and I've never been so nervous.

Could I really go through with this though? Could I really get married at this age? To a killer, a murderer who inflicts pain as a job. I'll always be in danger if I'm with him. And surely, if he's marrying me, he must be expecting to be intimate with me. That thought sends me into a pit of despair.

Subsequent to my question about his age, Tristan has made sure to take me out on a 'date' every single night since then. I didn't talk though, I just listened. He thought that I had to know everything about him if we're going to make this 'marriage' work. I wanted to tell him that it'll never work, because I can't help but get scared everytime I'm around him. He's got anger issues so whenever I see him, I'm always nervous.

Will he shout? Will he talk calmly? Is he in a good mood? Is he in a bad mood? I don't know how I can change him, make him a better person. I can try but I know I'll fail miserably.

On a side note, today is another busy day. Aylina, Stella and I are going shopping for my so called 'honeymoon'. I told them that I don't need clothes and that I have a sufficient amount at the house, but they laughed at me. How rude. They said that this was a different kind of shopping. I guess I'll find out today.

I had just taken my shower and now I'm tidying up the room. That's when I hear the door creak and footsteps getting louder by the second. I look up to see Tristan pacing around then entering the closet, where I'm stood folding some clothes. His eyes catch mine and he looks me up and down.

"What are you doing, my love?" He questions, looking for something.

"Oh, I-I was just cleaning up." I inform him and he frowns. Have I done something wrong?

"You know that's what the maids are for. I don't want you getting tired." He states agressively and I gulp. How can I get tired folding clothes? Plus, you can't rely on the maids to do everything. That's disrespectful.

"That's okay. I-I don't mind." I reply lowly then go back to folding the clothes then setting them in the drawers. As for Tristan, he keeps looking around, searching for something. I walk over to him, rubbing my arms up and down.

"A-Are you, um, looking for something?" I stutter, making him snap his head to look at me. He nods as he looks through his suit jackets that are hung up. "My phone." He informs me. Ah, I know where it is.

I can recall seeing it when I woke up, it was in one of the drawers, in the night stand as I recall. I wander back to the room and fetch it, then walk over to Tristan and hand it to him.

"Hm, thank you, beautiful." He praises, snaking his arms around the small of my back and pressing his body harshly against mine. His voice is always so deep and rough, managing to send shivers down my spine every single time.

"How about you give your fiancé a proper goodbye?" He suggests, cocking a brow as a smirk plays on his lips. I stay motionless and just flutter my blue eyes at him. Does he want me to kiss him? I can't do that.

"I-um. T-They're waiting for me, Stella and Aylina." I explain, trying to get him to let me go. He intimidates me, there I said it. But he can be nice when he wants to. Looking at his face, that beautiful handsome face of his, you wouldn't think that he's so scary but you'd be surprised.

"They can wait, baby. Just kiss me." He whispers againt my skin and pulls me even closer, as if it was possible. I don't want to kiss him, but I want to leave. I doubt he'll let me walk out of here unless he get what he wants.

So, I shyly place my hands on his shoulders, then stand on my tiptoes to get to his level. I plant a chaste kiss on his cheek, his stubble tickling my lips before I let go. Not wanting to face him, I turn around and start to get away from him with a blush on my cheeks but he pulls me back by my wrist. I must've looked like a 12 year old school girl with her first crush. It's not like I have a crush on him, he just has this power over me. Yeah, you get what I mean.

"When are you gonna stop resisting me, hm?" He interrogates as he towers over me, his finger pushing my hair from my face effortlessly. I stay silent. "Where are you going today?" He questions, his hand that was on my back sliding down and groping my butt-cheek.


"Um, shopping with Aylina and Stella." I inform him and he hums.

"You already know the rules, don't you?" He pokes, reffering to what he told me the day his sister arrived. I nod.

He told me not to look at, touch, or speak to other men. That's easy as no men even glance at my direction so I'm all good. It's a bit extreme though. I actually wonder what it's going to be like once we're married. Is he going to make me cut ties with everyone I know? I hope not.

"Hm, good. I don't want you to defy my orders. Be good for me." He probes, stroking my hair with his big hand. His other hand slides down my arm and intertwines our fingers, he holds my left hand then lifts it up to look at it, his brows screwing up. What now?

"Where's your ring?" He sternly asks, clearly irritated at the sight of my empty hand.

"Oh, I-I took it off. I was in the shower." I clarify and he nods.

"I don't want you taking it off. Always make sure you wear it. Am I clear?" He orders and I immediately nod. "Everyone needs to know you belong to me." He hums. Belong to you? No. Restrained by you? Yes.

He changes moods faster than you can blink. Last night, he was being nice but now he's back to his commanding, possessive self.

He stands there and stares at me, making me feel more awkward by the second. Just as he was about to kiss me, his phone rings making him pull away and look at the screen.

Saved by the bell.

"I'll make sure to see you later." He says before answering his phone and walking away, leaving me alone.

Thank God that's over with. I don't like how he's always ordering me around, he's so bossy and is used to getting his own way. But you know what I don't like more than that, me always submitting to his orders and never fighting back.

Imagine if I was a badass who always defends herself. Wow, I would love that. No one would dare push me around as I'll always claim my rights. But unfortunately, I wasn't raised that way, I mean I didn't have anyone to teach me to be tough and brave.

So is that why Tristan took an interest in me? Because of my vulnerabilty? That must be it, he thrives off it. Surely, girls much prettier and much more interesting than me would fall at his feet. But the difference between me and them is that I lack confidence. It's something I've been working on my entire life but since I've been here, I don't know how to. Okay stop, go get dressed.

I need to stop overthinking everything.

Today is kind of on the warmer,sunnier side so I'm thinking a floral dress. I look through the dresser before finally choosing a flowy, ruffly white floral dress. It screamed comfy.

Aurora's dress.

I can't be bothered to do my hair so I just put it in a low ponytail, a few small strands framing my face. I grab my engagement ring from the table and slide it on, it still feels weird wearing it. Finally, I put on a pair of flat sandals that compliment the dress and head out the door.


The driver drops us off in front of the mall and we make our way in. Aylina and Stella have become pretty close, always laughing, gossiping, judging people together. Whenever I try to tell them it's rude to comment on people, they'd just burst out laughing. I swear, I can't with them. I'm glad they're getting along though, it's for the best.

"What's with all the men staring?" A confused Aylina asks, turning to me and Stella. I shrug my shoulders and Stella giggles. I don't know what she's talking about.

"Ah. That, my friend, is what you'll get whenever you're out with Aurora Shaw." Stella states, as she snakes her arm around Aylina's shoulder. What is she on about?

"Oh, that's understandable." Aylina giggles. Are they saying that men are staring at me? Are they serious? They're obviously staring at her and Aylina. The way they're dressed is much more seducing and alluring than mine.

"Actually, I think they're looking at you two." I correct and they look at each other, before laughing again.

Quit laughing at me :(

"My sweet naive little Aurora. You're too much." She squishes my cheeks with her hand and vigorously shakes my head as she speaks in a baby voice. Ouch, that hurt my face.

We climb on the escalator going to the third floor, where the boutiques are apparently.

Stella and Aylina are in deep conversation as they walk together leaving me behind. I follow them and thet stop at what looks like a lingerie store then enter. Wait, is this the kind of shopping they were talking about?

"Wait, what are we doing here?" I ask with a frown on my face.

"What do you think we're doing? We're shopping for your bridal lingerie." Stella casually blurts out.

Bridal lingerie?

"But I thought you said we're getting clothes." I remind her and she scoffs.

"Babe, on your honeymoon you won't be needing clothes." She playfully states as Aylina looks through the racks. At the thought of that, I feel a big lump in my throat. "Now, hush. Let's get you something that'll leave that fiancé of yours speechless." Stella teases, getting excited by the second.

"Ew, stop talking about my brother in front of me." Aylina hisses dramatically then rolls her eyes. I second that.

"Come on, let's go." Stella ushers and we follow.

After a tiring day, they've picked out everything they thought was perfect. I'm not actually going to wear any of that. I'll just put it in the drawer or wear it underneath my clothes discreetly. But wearing it on my 'honeymoon' to entice my Mafia leader of a fiancé, that's a no no. All this talk reminds me of what was to most likely come in the near future: the wedding night. I pray and pray that he won't force me to do anything I don't want to do.

We're now sitting in the car on the way back. "Fuck." The driver's voice disrupts the silence in the car as he looks through the rear view mirror. He accelerates the speed making the three of us loose control. I bump my head against the window.

"What's happening?" Aylina questions as she looks at the window behind.

"Don't be alarmed, but we're being followed." He informs us and I feel a rush of panic rush through me.

The heavy breaths and the sounds of a number being dialed echo through the car as I look around the windows. I don't even know what I'm looking for.

"I'm gonna need backup, the car's being followed. I got Boss's sister and fiancée with me. Trace my phone and be quick. I repeat we're being followed." The driver informs the phone.

"What do we do?" Stella hyperventilates, getting freaked out, which adds more to my anxiety.

"There's no need to panic. Worst thing that can happen is they shoot the car up. It's entirely bulletproof." He assures and I take a deep breath, I don't want to die today. "But my guess tells me they just want us to lead them to the main house." He informs us, how can he be so calm about this?

"So what do we do?" Aylina asks him. "Do I need to shoot them?" She casually declares, looking under the seat and grabbing a gun from underneath.


Aylina had told me during one of our conversations that she's well trained. She knows how to handle guns and she can also fight. She said her dad had all of them trained, ever since they were young, in case of an attack or a car chase. Which was, given the current situation, a great decision.

"No, not just yet. We'll send them on a tailspin first." He chuckles and takes a turn. My head is throbbing and I feel like I might throw up. Whenever I'm put in such situations, I crack. You can call me a tad dramatic but I just wish I could stay inside, whenever I get out the house something bad happens.

Just as I was trying to contain myself, a gunshot shatters my ears. Metaphorically speaking of course. It collides with the rear window and bounces off it. And that's when I lost all senses, this is the most danger I've eve been it. And as long as I'm in this world, who knows what can happen to me. Tristan obviously has a lot of rivals, a lot of people who'd want to hurt him. Who's to say they won't target me to get to him. God, I just want to know what kind of monstrous act could I have possibly done to deserve this? How did I, a former waitress at a restaurant, get roped into this mess?

If one thing that gunshot was, it was a wakeup call. That I need to flee as soon as I can. I've been postponing it for too long, always waiting for the perfect opportunity. Life can't always provide me with a perfect opportunity, I had to find one. And I'll be damned if I didn't find one as soon as I can.

I'm ending this once and for all.

With tears streaming down my face as a panicked Stella held onto me, I bow my head waiting for them to shoot again, preparing myself for the ear-piercing shot. But I started feeling woozy and weak in the knees.

Without any sensation, I collapse.

Oooo, cliffhanger.

I don't know how to feel about this chapter. But I hope you guys enjoy it. Bare with me as I try to get my motivation back.

Question: What do you think of the story so far? Is it getting better or worse?

Please let me know your thoughts and share with me tips on how to improve. Thanks in advance.

Again, thank you for the reads, comments and votes. Your support doesn't go unappreciated😙💕

Lots of love❤

Published 23rd January 2019.

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