-=*Voltron oneshots*=-

By Sean_Teh_Potato_

11.2K 117 48

Voltron Klance Plance Adashi Idk man it's weird here [Completed at 1k!] Sunday July 28, 2019! More

Oof 01
In Every Lion
In every Lion pt 2
Rescuing Lance pt 3
Auto Pilot
Youtuber Au
Soulmate Au
YouTuber Au 2
⚠️This ones just a lil vent soBe warnedb
Im Magic With a G-A-Y
Oof hey
He Didnt mean to mama
Long Distance
Plance Plance revolution
Plance Plance Revolution II
2nd week of highschool
Those Frat Boyos
Cant be with Him
Still here
Saturday Night Lights
Saturday Night Lights 02
Champagne, Cocaine, and Gasoline
Saturday Night Lights 03
Justice League
Karate Masters
Watering Our Plance
Guard Hearts
Season Eight- o h b o y
Six a.m.
Little Ones
Not-So Little Ones
Sksksks idek heres content
Injured ones
This book is ending!

Oc madness

69 0 1
By Sean_Teh_Potato_

[New Paladins Au]
One of the paladins ask the elders for advice on multiple things
Allura is alive in this one just cause.
I jus wanted some ocs and a friend to be paladins. Sorrry

"I've gathered you five with us here on Altea to see something!" Allura announces to the older paladins, looking at their Garrison uniforms. After a few moments of waiting Allura brings them to the training deck. "Before I open the door, remember to play nice!"

The door opens and Coran is chatting with the new Paladins. "Ah! Shiro, how's your arm holding up?" The ginger asks as the newer, child-like, paladins glance at them. "Great, Thanks again. So you planned on introducing us I assume?"
With that the unfamiliar five line up, and chat once more.

"This is Eden, she's from earth. And as you can see the pilot of the yellow lion" Hunk immediately starts talking her ear off. Asking her questions about her favorite foods, or places. "This is Sean, Pilot of the Blue lion, and apperantly a bloodline royal." The shorter Altean boy waves and smiles. "Roxxi is the pilot of red, they're galra as you can see." Keith stops and talks with her, they laugh and joke immediately.

A surviving Olcari, Jake is his name, is in the green armour. "You're an Olcari! I learned a lot from your home planet" Pidge starts, then starts talking about tech. "Last but not least is Joey another earthling- the Lions like earth I guess."

Sean and Lance start talking, "so do you think you're going to visit earth?" His light green markings glow, "I want to! I've heard a lot of great things from Allura and Eden! Though I do find earthlings weird- I would love to see more of them." Sean and Lance became best buds after that, the brunette would teach the other how to play games and prank others. Sean would try to follow along, and he'd plant some Juniberris with him.

"I think we should go to earth, you've been here for a while." Lance suggests one day after training, plopping down beside his friend. "Will Allura let us? I would love to." After a few hours of convincing from Lance, Allura has everyone take a trip to earth. "Thanks Babe" Lance said, as he hugged Allura on the ride to earth.

"This is the Garrison!" Shiro announces as they all get off their shuttle, his plan was to let them roam around the premises for a few days. Then they'd all go shopping or something- he didn't think it through that much.

Sean sighs as he faceplants onto a couch, they're in an apartment like room. The paladins claim their temporary rooms and then set off exploring again. The Altean got separated from everyone and is now sitting in the empty cafeteria. "How the quiznack did I get this lost?" He asks himself aloud, looking at the tables.

"Do you need some help?" A voice calls a smile radiating off the stranger's face. "Yes- but who're you? Might I ask" "I'm JJ! I take classes here, you're a new paladin yeah?" Sean nods a small blush forming on his face, "I'll show you around If you want?" He nods again and follows the human boy around.

"JJ hey! You found him" Shiro calls as they're walking towards the conference room. "I was showing him around Professor, I found him in the cafeteria."
Shiro talks with both of them for a few minutes more, then hurries off to a meeting. "Let's go find Keith or something- I've got classes soon." Some odd minutes later they find the mullet man walking to the training center. "Will I see you again?"

The ravenish Altean asks as JJ begins to walk down the hall, "yeah just try to come find me!" Keith was chuckling from behind the two, "c'mon Sean wanna train?"

That night Lance stops by the apartment thing, "I heard you made a friend." "Lance- something's wrong with me!" Sean exclaims flopping backwards onto the bed. "I might be allergic to certain humans" he mumbles, covering his face and sighing dramatically.
"You say this why?"

"The new friend- my heart beats really fast when I'm near him. It's hard to not look at him all of the time- and oh my quiznack. It felt like I was being shocked when he pulled me to follow him! But not a bad shock? Lance help am I crazy?" The ravenish male rambles, while Lance tries not to laugh.

"Dude- I think you have the hots for JJ" with that the brunette laughs, falling back down on the bed beside his friend. "The what's?" Lance turns to face him, his joking demeanor gone. "You know- when you like someone? Like with Allura an I?" Sean stares at him for a second, obviously confused, then it clicks. "Oh- I don't know? How do you 'like' someone?"

Lance groans, "how you just explained today! That- that's love! That's liking someone you nerd, and I'm not the best at it so ask Keith or someone." With that Lance hops up and goes to look for Allura.

The next day the paladins where given Garrison uniforms so they wouldn't have to walk around in their armour. "Mine is still quite large Roxxi! The pants are way to big, well.. maybe I can- nevermind I fixed it." Sean mumbles through the door, when he walks out he's atleast three inches taller.

"Paladins! Shiro has asked us to come to a meeting, and he's invited some your guides for you!" Coran announces twirling his poofy mustache, he's standing in the doorway. They all walk to the conference room and take their seats, Keith was standing infront of them. "Sorry guys Shiro had to step out- but I've asked some to tour you around. And if you would like you can go to their classes."

They where all paired, Eden and Joey decided to stick together so they wouldn't have to attend classes. Roxxi got paired with JJ, Sean got paired with Keith, and Jake got paired with Pidge. Keith had nothing to do, and Pidge wanted to talk more tech with her new friend. "So I have a question" Sean whispers, as his 'buddy' sits beside him. "Have you ever been in love?" Keith gives him a very questioning look, and then glances toward a brunette.

"Yeah once- why are you asking?"
"I've been told that I'm in love too."
"How do you not know if you're in love?"
Sean then proceeds to tell Keith the same thing he told Lance the night before. "Okay yeah- you are."
"How did yours end if I can ask?"
Keith sighs and looks over to the brunette again, "it hasn't."

Sean follows his gaze and it Lands on his best pal, "oh my quiznack! Lance??" The raven glares at the other and nods, "yours?" "JJ, but you must've seen it yesterday!" Their conversation goes on and on, even after everyone left. After their long talk the Altean makes his way back to the apartment thing. He finds Lance in his floor, holding a pillow on his face.

"Seannnnn- sh-she broke u- up with m- Me!" The tan male's body shakes as he sobs. "Let's talk okay buddy?" The ravenish male soothes and coaxes Lance up on the bed and under the covers. Before they even got to talk, soft snores come from Lance. Tear trails and puffy eyes and all Sean still wrote 'nerd' in Altean lettering, on the other's forehead.

The next morning: "I got dumped- I'm so depressing leave me to die-" Lance calls dramatically. Sean groans as he slips a shirt on, walking out from the bathroom. "You're in an apartment first off, you're not gonna die. Secondly stop wallowing, you'll be fine. You're a real people man- whatever that means."

"You're catching on to our human wording. Good job- and okay. I'll go hang out with Keith and Roxxi, they're training today." With that the sniffling, dramatic, male walks out of his friend's room.
Lance's dramatic act is a coping mechanism, and he knows it's weird.

The brunette finds the two galra walking down the hall. "What's up my dudes!" They stop and talk for a bit, Keith stays and talks with Lance while Roxxi sneaks off to train. "So wanna grab lunch?" Keith asks while putting his hair up. "Yeah- let's" the two joke and bicker all the way to the cafeteria, where eventually they sit with the two goofs.

"So you feeling better Lance?" Sean asks his friend as they sit down, and Lance nods glancing to Keith. "Yeah much. This dude over here and I where talking all morning." Keith glares at Lance, "I have a name you know." "Yeah mullet" the two joke and play fight once more, Sean and JJ both getting a little bored of their obvious tension. That is untill the clever little earthling decides to mess with his new friend. "Hey Sean wanna make out?" That stops the two former paladins for a second. The Altean drops his fork, "uhm- come again?"

"Do you Sean, want to go and swap saliva with me in my room?" Lance and Keith where holding laughs back as they watch the ravenish boy turn five different shades of red. In the end he nods and JJ just leads him back to his room. "Okay- so if you actually want to- I'm ready." Sean whispers quietly, the shorter chuckles.

They sit on the bed and JJ initiates a kiss, (Sean had to be taught after all.) They spent the rest of their time in the small room doing that, untill of course someone walks in the room. "OH MY GOD JJ, YOU'RE HOOKING UP WITH A PALADIN!" It was Pidge of all people, "oh my God you're hooking up with Sean."

"Piiiidge" Sean whines, his usually pale face covered in a red hue. "I know I'm new to most things, but I like this Making out thing. Can we finish???"  Pidge immediately backs out of the room, very flustered.
JJ kisses the ravenish male again, which the other accepts. Someone knocks at the door, and Sean falls back onto the bed while JJ answers the door.

It was Space Dad, and Klance. "Is it safe?" Lance asks as they all walk in, Sean covers his very red face. JJ just stands by the door, his face just as red as the walls in the room. "Sean we've come to collect you, there's an attack on an Outpost we've liberated in the past." The Altean sits up, his face very serious. "I'm coming, let me get my armour."

The three that came left just as fast, "I've got to get my armour and hurry." JJ gives him a kiss and a hug goodbye as he rushes off to his room to change.

After a small, yet devastating battle.

"They're going to be in the cyro pods for a few days" Coran states to the two undamaged Paladins. Eden, Sean, and Roxxi where all but dead from the battle. They had to leave the lions to fight, which lead to this.
Joey and Jake nod, "we have to report back to earth. Let's head to the deck to call Shiro." The two follow Coran, then meeting with the princess to send the message.

"What's going on Coran" Keith states after a while of small talk. The princess clears her throat, "the Outpost is fine. No civilian casualties-" Lance cuts in. "Civilian? Where are the paladins?" That's when Jake and Joey walk into camera view. "Sean got shot first, once in the shoulder, and then another his stomach. Eden went to help but, got blasted in the back. Roxxi held off the attackers as best as they could, but also got injured. Jake and I stayed in the sky to fight the flyers. We had the castle of lions come to get us" Joey finishes, frowning.

"I'm grabbing Sean, then Keith and I will be there soon." Lance announces, walking out of view.


The three showed up the next day, Roxxi was out of the cyro pod already. They recover fast thanks to the galra gene. "They should heal and be out in a few days. Don't worry so much." Coran says as he pats Lance's shoulder. JJ was off helping the paladins do a chore. "But- how can I not? How did you guys feel when I was in the healing chamber? Or Shiro? It's horrible."

I'm gonna end this here, so you all can tell me if you want another part. Or if you want more chapters with my characters in them!
(Ik Sean and JJ moved fast but tis a Oneshot and I have no creative motive to come up with a chapter that is over 4000 words.)

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