The Weak RWBY X Malereader

De Wolfinator12

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The story of a boy, which people only know as the brother of one of the strongest Huntsman, finally making hi... Mai multe

Bio / Prologue
Chapter 1: New Friends, new Enemies, old Problems
Chapter 3: Determination
Chapter 4: The bully
Chapter 5: First steps
Chapter 6: Helping a friend
Chapter 7: Back in Beacon / Author problems
Chapter 8: An eventful day
Chapter 9: The Phantom strikes again
Chapter 10: Dance Dance Phantom
Chapter 11: First mission.
Chapter 12: Opposites
Chapter 13: Juniper vs Sobek
Chapter 14: the Breach
Chapter 15: Let the Games begin
Chapter 16: JNPR vs BRNZ
Chapter 17: Strange day
Chapter 18: The Phantoms new Arsenal
Chapter 19: Choices
Chapter 20: Plans
Chapter 21: First steps once again
Chapter 22: Training and new stuff
Chapter 23: An (un)familiar face
Chapter 24: Quoteth the Raven
Chapter 25: Back together.
Chapter 26: New secrets revealed.
Chapter 27: Cinder Falls
Chapter 28: Peace in war
Chapter 29: Date plans
Chapter 30: Date the second.
Chapter 31: Date with the Cat
Chapter 32: Cheering up the Phantom and dating the Dragon
Chapter 33: Achive Men and Hunters
Chapter 34: Y/n doesnt like trains
Chapter 35: Dead?
Chapter 36: Fighting the lack of interest
Chapter 37: Argus
Chapter 38: What?
Chapter 39: Slaying the Leviathan
Chapter 40: The flying city
Chapter 41: Official
Chapter 42: First big changes
Chapter 43: 'Icecream' they scream
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50: The End

Chapter 2: Initiation

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De Wolfinator12


?: "Its morning! Its morning! Its morning" a VERY energetic girl song, waking me up. Looking around i saw that most students already started preparing for the initiation. I got up, took my combat attire and toothbrush and entered the bathroom, changed and brushed my teeth. In the bathroom i saw the same energetic girl from earlier constantly talking to a boy with long black hair with a single pink streak, as i finished brushing my teeth i went back to my stuff and packed it together. Once that was done i got a small breakfast consisting of some pancakes, an apple and a glass of milk. I had put away my tray and walked to the lockers to get my weapons. In the locker room i saw Ruby talking to Yang about breaking Ruby out of her shell, i decided to not interrupt their conversation and walked to my locker.

Weiss: "Well Phyrra, have you thought about who you might want to team up with? I guess everyone wants such a strong individual on their team." Weiss clearly wanted to go somewhere with the unneeded compliments towards the world renowned fighter Phyrra Nikos. I looked at the girls next to me and saw that Phyrra didnt seemed so happy about the attention she was getting.

Phyrra: "Im not sure, i was planning on letting the chips fall where they may." she told Weiss.

W: "Well i was thinking maybe we can be on a team together."

P: "Sure, that sounds grand." she said slightly unsure, i realized that she just agreed to not hurt Weiss' feelings, so i decided to intervene .

"You know Phyrra you dont have to accept everything just because you dont want to hurt someones feelings." i said and the girls looked at me in shock. "Yeah yeah 'Where did you come from?', to answer you question, i stood here since the time you ,Weiss, complimented Phyrra, trying to get on her good side so she will join your team." I explained.

W: "I didnt try to get on her good side so she will join my team!" she said angrily.

"What ever you say. OH i forgot to introduce myself, im Y/N Jade, before you ask yes im Azure Jade's younger brother, and you are Phyrra Nikos, a world renowned fighter and 4 times winner of the Mistral tournament. Now there are 2 possibilities , one , you are completely full of yourself thanks to you being undefeated, or , and i think this is the right option, you have enough of the attention you are getting and just want people see you as equal." i said and Phyrra looked at me happy.

P: "Wow you must be pretty smart to figure that out. But yes, i dont want to be seen as Phyrra the untouchable." she said with a smile.

"I dont see you as Phyrra the untouchable, mainly because i bet i could beat you in a fight, but only under the condition that it is at least a 2vs2." i said in a monotone voice. Weiss seemed to think that im crazy.

W: "You? Beating Phyrra? How do you plan to manage to pull that off?" she asked clearly underestimating me and Phyrra looked at me curious how i would manage to beat her.

"It would not be easy, BUT my semblance would be perfect in a fight against her, and even better in a fight along side her, my semblance, unfortunately will only work at it best if i had someone that helps me in the fight, but even if im alone i can use a few tricks to help me. To how i would pull that off , lets just focus on a fight 1 vs 1, my first step would be throwing one of my blades at her." i started to explain.

P: "Why would you willingly sacrifice one of your weapons?" she asked interested.

"Everyone in their right mind would either dodge or block a blade flying towards them, this will pull you attention away from me long enough for my semblance to take effect, next step would be either figuring out how i can get you to fall out of bounds or get you in a hold that will only leave the option to surrender." i said with a bit of confidence in my normally neutral voice, Phyrra seemed impressed at my plan and Weiss , was just being cold and walked away.

P: "Interesting strategy, but why would you semblance help you, but only after you lose my attention for a moment?" 

"You remember how you didnt notice how i was standing right next to you the whole time until i got your attention by talking?* she nods* My semblance is one that is always active and makes it nearly impossible for people and grimm to notice me, making me nearly invisible until i do something to get someones attention." I explained. Phyrra was about to say something but was stopped by the speaker system springing to life.

Speaker: "Would all First Years please come to Beacon Cliff? All First Years to Beacon Cliff please."

"Seems like initiation is about to start, hope we can be on a team, good luck." i said to Phyrra and walked off.

I reached the cliff and took my place on an empty silver platform next to Ruby, who , like everyone else, didnt notice me. As everyone arrived Ozpin looked at us like he was missing someone.

Ozpin : "Has anyone seen Mr. Jade?" he asked. I sighed and raised my hand.

"Im right here." i stated and Ozpin got startled a bit but recomposed himself right after.

Ozpin: "My apologies Mr. Jade, i didnt mean to ignore you." 

"No worries, already used to it." saying this he started with his speech.

Ozpin: "For years, you have trained to become warriors, and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest."

Glynda: "Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of 'teams.' Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates... today."

Ruby: "What? Ohhh..."

Ozpin: "These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well."

Ruby groaned.

Ozpin: "That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years."

Ruby:  "Whaaaat?!" she asked shocked.

?: " See? I told you-!" i heard the energetic girl say.

Ozpin: "After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path... or you will die."

'Ok that could make things difficult, IF i manage to get a partner the grimm we encounter will focus on them.' i thought.

Ozpin: "You will be monitored and graded through the duration of your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. We will reguard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?"

No one had questions so they started to launch them into the forest using the platforms we were standing on. Shortly before Ruby got launched i decided to make sure that at least one of the teachers will acknowledge my existence.

"Glynda dont forget about me-eeeeee" i was launched mid sentence causing me to be in an awkward flying position that made me spin uncontrollably. While spinning i saw that Phyrra already landed, this made me have an idea that could either save me or kill me before hitting the ground. I had no time to wager the pros and cons so i just sucked it up and took the risk, pulling out Light i shot the moment i was facing Phyrra, the shot hit the tree she was standing on.

Phyrra POV: 

I was looking around from the tree hoping to find a partner as a shot connected with the tree i was standing on, searching for the person who took that shot my eyes fell on Y/n falling uncontrollably. I quickly pulled out Miló and launched to at him pinning him to a tree, i jumped down and ran towards where he landed.

3rd POV:

Ozpin looked intrigued as he saw Y/n not showing any signs of panic or fear, even tho he was in a situation that would cause these emotions. Glynda saw the interest and looked at Ozpins scroll to find out what caught his interest, she looked and saw Y/n shooting at Phyrra to get her attention, resulting in Phyrra helping him land safely.

Ozpin: "Your nephew definitely has a sharp mind." he stated taking a sip from his coffee. Glynda smiled slightly .

Glynda: "Yes he always had to find ways to compensate for his lack in strength, so instead of focusing on training his body he focused on training his mind, but his true strength lays in teamwork." she said and Ozpin raised an eyebrow.

Ozpin: "What do you mean with his true strength laying in teamwork?" he asked as he watched Phyrra helping Y/n down from the tree.

Glynda: "I watched his fights and learned that in a simple duel his win rate is near zero, but in every teamfight he was in, the team he was on , nearly always won. I was interested in the reason behind that so i asked some of the teams members and the teachers, the enemies and teachers all said that they were sure that it always was a 4 vs 3, but the team of 3 was the one Y/n was on, after that i decided to watch the footage of the fights and found out that Y/n was , to say the least, like a phantom, he was there, he fought, but neither the enemies nor his teammates noticed him, he tripped the enemy, used his weapons to change the direction of their attacks or simply just covered his teammates blindspots." While telling this Ozpin watched Phyrra and Y/n fighting a pack of Grimm and to his shock everything Glynda said was true, for someone simply watching they would think that Phyrra was on her own, but Ozpin clearly saw Y/n working in near perfect sync with Phyrra, defending her blindside , making the grimms attacks miss by shooting their claws and sometimes even making grimm walk into Phyrras attacks.

Ozpin: "If you have to put a number from 1 to 10 on his strength, intelligence and team work what would you give him?" he himself already came up with the 3 numbers.

Glynda: "In all honesty, his strength would be a 3 at most, his intelligence would definitely be a 7 or higher and his teamwork, well it might sound like i was being biased, but a clean 10 i would even go so far to say that his skill in teamwork would higher than that." Ozpin smirked and showed her his scroll, showing Y/ns file and in it his stats.

Y/Ns files:

Name: Y/n Jade

Age: 17             Birthday:  31st of January (A/N that is Kurokos birthday)

Height: 5,5 feet (~168 cm)           Weight: 126 Lbs (~ 57 kg)

Hair color: Light Blue                    Eye color : Light Blue

Semblance: Phantom

Stats:     (it will be .../10 plus a grade , 0-1/10 = F, 2-3/10 = D ,4-6 /10= C ,7-8/10 = B, 9-10/10 =A,

Strength: 2/10 (D) 

Speed: 3/10 (C)

Endurance: 3/10 (C)

Intelligence: 7/10 (B)

Aura: 1/10 (F)

Semblance (how good he can use it): 6/10 (C)

Teamwork: 11/10 (S)

Average : 5/ 10 (C)


Note #1: His combat prowess on his own might be the lowest of all the students but with a partner he becomes a force to be reckoned with. - Professor Port

Note #2: Y/n has an exceptional observation skill, he has been shown to be able to 'read' fellow students, he uses his observation skills to find openings in both his teammates and enemies defenses or to find a possible way to direct the attention of someone away from him. - Doctor Oobleck

Note #3: He seems to have a grudge against his older brother Azure and his parents Krim and Ivory, but he as a good relationship with Glynda Goodwitch, his aunt. - Headmaster Ozpin

Note #4: Quote from Y/ns talk with Ozpin about his lack in fighting prowess : "Im like a shadow i need a light to exist, without a light i cant fight, but the stronger the light, the darker the shadow , if i have a strong light by my side i , in turn, become a strong shadow. A Light can strengthen a shadow, a shadow can highlight the light."

Note #5: Y/Ns semblance enables him to go completely unnoticed by others, but people who he interacts with on a regular basis become able to sometimes notice him without him having to get their attention - Professor Goodwitch

While Glynda read his files Y/n and Phyrra were about to reach the ruins but Y/n suddenly stopped Phyrra.

Phyrra: "Why did you stop?" she asked

Y/N: "Either someone uses a weapon that looks similar to the stinger of a Deathstalker and lost it or there is one right in front of us." he explained while pointing at the glowing stinger, which started to move. "We have to run." he said grabbing Phyrras hand dragging her off, the Deathstalker made chase after them. They reached the ruins and Y/n heard a scream coming from above. He looked up and quickly pushed Phyrra out of the way, she was about to ask for his reasoning as Ruby crashed on top of him.

Ruby: "Wow i didnt expect the landing to be this soft." she said confused.

Y/N: "That would be because of me." he said making Ruby look down , she gasped and quickly jumped off of him starting to apologize while he got back up.

Ruby: "Im so so so sorry." she said helping him dust himself off.

Y/N: "Dont worry, it was my idea to cushion your fall so it was my own fault that my aura is now gone." he said reassuring Ruby that he was fine.

Yang: "What do yo-" she was cut off by a girl with orange hair riding in on the back of an Ursa. The Ursa fell down and started to turn into dust.

Ginger: "Aww its broken." she said disappointed and a boy with black hair with a singe pink streak came running in.

Boy: "Nora *huff* never do that again." he said still out of breath but his plead hit on deaf ears.

Nora: "OHHH, *she grabs the golden rook piece* Im queen of the castle, Im queen of the castle, Im queen of the castle. " she sang.

Boy: "NORA"

Nora : "Coming, Ren." she ran back to the now named Ren.

Black haired girl: " Did she just ride in on the back of an Ursa?"

 Yang suddenly bursted into flames.

Yang: "CAN EVERYONE JUST CALM DOWN FOR 2 SECONDS?" she asked angrily.

Y/n just went to the other rook piece and picked it up, he turned around and saw Ruby pointing at something in the sky. Y/n looked up and saw a giant Nevermore with Weiss hanging on its talon.

Yang: "Blake? She is gonna fall right?"

Ruby: "She is fine."

Ren: "Shes falling." he stated and no one moved.

Y/N: 'guess i have to cushion another ones fall' he thought as he walked towards the spot Weiss is going to land, he got into a stance ready to catch her, but he was slightly off so Weiss crashed into him.

Weiss looked down at what she thought was a cushion to see Y/N laying there. They both got up saying nothing. Weiss was about to thank Y/n but Phyrra was thrown into him, knocking him into a tree, knocking him out cold. Phyrra saw her partner lying on the ground not moving and bleeding a bit from his head and panicked.

Phyrra: "Guys we need to get Y/N back to Beacon." The others looked at her and saw Y/N shape.

Ruby: "What happend?!" she shouted.

Blake: "He said that cushioning your fall broke his aura and from the looks of it he got smacked into that tree, knocking him out."

Phyrra picked Y/n up and saw the rook piece in his pocket. "Lets get moving." she said and the group made its way back to beacon. They reached the cliff but the Nevermore and the Deathstalker caught up to them. Phyrra heard a grunt and looked at the slowly wakening up Y/N, she placed him down.

P: "Y/N are you ok?" she asked concerned.

Y/N: "Dont worry about me for now, we need to kill these two grimm." he said and started to think. "RUBY! YOU, YANG, BLAKE AND WEISS, TAKE THE NEVERMORE, ME, PHYRRA,NORA AND REN WILL TAKE THE DEATHSTALKER." he shouted and every looked at him and then nodded in agreement.  Y/N slowly stood up, still a bit shaky on his legs.

Ren: "Are you sure you can fight?" he asked, but Y/n just gave him a small smile.

Y/N: "Ren, im a shadow, the stronger the light the stronger i become and you three are a VERY strong light." they looked at him confused, "You will see, or better ,notice. *Y/n turns towards Phyrra* can you block its pincers? *she hesitantly nodded and Y/N looks and Ren and Nora* Ren try to cut of its stinger, Nora once the stinger is cut of try to hammer it into its head." he ordered and the three looked at him a bit hesitant, but all their concerns were washed away as they saw the determination burning in his eyes, so they nodded and rushed towards the Deathstalker. Phyrra kept the pincers away from Ren , who jumped on its back and started shooting and slashing the tail. Y/N saw an opening in Phyrras defense which enabled the Deathstalker to hit Ren, IF Y/n didnt suddenly appear in front of Ren blocking the attack. The moment Y/n appeared the next he was gone again, this time helping Phyrra block the pincers. Ren got over his shock about Y/ns sudden appearance and kept attacking the tail, cutting it off with a one last swipe.

Ren: "Nora ! NOW!" he shouted and the hammer wielding ball of energy propelled herself with her hammer into the air. 

Y/N: 'Her course is off.' he realized and risked taking a hit to shoot the handle of Noras hammer, changing her course slightly. Nora came down and with a mighty blow impaled the Deathstalker with its own stinger.  The four took a breath of relief and started to cheer. Y/ns cheering was short lived as he saw another Deathstalker sneaking towards his friends, Ren to be precise. Without thinking he rushed over and pushed Ren out the way, preparing himself for the soon to be following impalement he closed his eyes only for the pain to never come. Y/n slowly opened his eyes to see the second Deathstalker turning to dust and his brother Azure standing infront of him, having his typical cocky smirk. Azure turned towards his younger sibling.

Azure: "Good thing i was close by, right little bro?" he said , Phyrra, Nora and Ren were relieved to see Y/n getting saved but Y/n on the other hand seethed with anger. "Arent you glad i took care of it for you, i mean i know you cant take on something like that." this was enough for Y/N to snap, he slowly made his way towards his brother, his hair covering his eyes, but his friends saw his balled fists and knew something was not right, what came next shocked everyone. Y/N looked up, his usual neutral face, replaced with one of sadness and anger, tears streaming down his cheeks and his fist trembling from his anger.

Y/N: "I... H... HA.. HATE YOU!" he shouted punching Azure in the face. "Dont misunderstand me im thankful for the saving my life, but i wished it was someone else that saved me, i have enough." he said and just walked away, leaving 4 very shocked people behind.

Azure stood back up and looked down, he knew that Y/N never really liked him since the day he saved their family. He tried his best to help Y/n getting stronger, but everytime he did it just made it worse, Y/N didnt want to be helped, he didnt want to be seen as the damsel in distress, he just wants to find his own way to become strong, but Azure just knew the one kind of strength so he was ignorant towards the little things Y/n did to find his personal strength.

Y/n on the other hand reached Ozpin and Glynda who were watching the whole thing from their scrolls. He walked towards them and tapped on his aunts shoulder gaining her attention. She was about to say something but stopped herself as she saw the emotionless eyes Y/n had. Y/n just handed her the relic and left without saying a word.

-Time skip to the announcement of the teams-

Ozpin: "Cardin Winchester, Russle Thrush, Dove Bronzewing and Sky Lark. The four of you received the black bishop and from this day forth you will form team CRDL, led by Cardin  Winchester." a few people applauded and they left the stage, the next to enter were Phyrra, Nora, Ren and Y/N, who was still looking emotionless. "Y/N Jade, Nora Valkyrie , Phyrra Nikos and Lie Ren, the four of your received the golden rook pieces and shall form team JNPR, led by Y/N Jade." Phyrra patted Y/n on his back and Nora and Ren congratulated him, he just waved it off and left the stage. Next up were Ruby, Yang, Weiss and Blake. "Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long you four received the golden knight pieces and shall form team RWBY, led by Ruby Rose." they left the stage and everyone headed towards their dorms.


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