Caged By Him

By moonchild80

8.6M 201K 90.1K

"WHY CAN'T YOU GET IT INSIDE YOUR HEAD?" He trapped my trembling body between his arms and slammed his fist i... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's note.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Author's note.
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97

Chapter 10

166K 3.3K 1.1K
By moonchild80

Enjoy, cuties💕🤗

Aurora's POV:

We're in one of Tristan's cars as he drives me to Stella's. His hand on my thigh making me slightly on edge, his dress shirt sleeves rolled up. His hands are so large, so veiny. His eyes on the road as his other hand grips onto the steering wheel. There's a lot to do today apparently.

But all I want to do is go back to bed.

We finally get to her house and I knock, impatiently waiting for her to open. And as soon as she does, she widens her eyes at my sight and I jump hugging her, not able to contain my enthusiasm.

"Aurora, wha- what are you...? H-How did you...?" She stutters, looking absolutely dumbfounded. "I thought something bad happened to you. I tried everything to reach you." She adds, glancing at me then at Tristan. "Why don't you come in?" She holds the door wide open allowing us to get it.

We're now sat in her living room, an awkward silence filling the room.

"So, how have you been doing?" I ask her, trying to break the ice.

"I was so worried about you." She sighs. "What happened to you?" She seems confused about Tristan's presence whilst he looks unfazed as he looks at his phone.

"I-uh. I was..." what do I even say to her? Oh, I ws kidnapped and forced to marry a mafia leader, I hope you can come to our wedding.

Or how about, my soon to be fiancé threatened to kill you if I don't marry him but he also suggested that you to be my maid of honor.


I stutter, looking at Tristan who notices I'm at a dead end. I don't know how to make up something.

"I took her out of the country, it's my fault that she couldn't reach you or come to work." He start and we both turn to him. "The reason we came here today is because our engagement party is tomorrow, and I know Aurora would love for you to attend." He explains and she gasps, glaring at me.

"E-Engagement party?" She looks shocked, it's making me feel bad.

"Yes, we know it's too soon but we couldn't wait." He adds casually, not giving her time to take it in.

I want to tell her, I want to just blurt it out, yell it. Tell her that I don't want to go through with it, and all I'm doing is to protect her but I won't. There's too much at stake and it'll only make things worse. What kind of person would I be if I tell her that this is all for her, that I'm sacrificing my happiness to keep her alive?

I'll just keep it to myself.

The thing is even if I get away and he kills her, he's going to find me. So Stella will just be collateral damage. And I'd much rather have her by my side through all of this.

"Stella, are you okay?" I ask, she looks worried.

"Yeah, just a little taken aback, but I'm happy for you." She fakes a smile.

Tristan suddently stands up, making me divert my eyes to him. "I need to make a call. Meet me outside when you're done." With that, he exits.

I'm left with a not so happy Stella who glares at me, crossing her arms to her chest.

"Aurora, what the hell do you think you're doing? This is so unlike you." She scolds, leaning forwards. "You're seriously getting married? To the restaurant guy?" She adds. She still remembers him.

"Are you not happy with me?" I question, pursing my lips. I don't want her to be disappointed in me.

"No, I'm happy for you. Just confused to why the sudden impulse." She corrects, raising her brows at me.

"I-I just don't see the point in waiting. I'm happy with him." I try to make it as convincing as I can.

"Are you absolutely sure? And he's treating you right?" She pokes and I nod.

"Well then, I couldn't be happier. Come over and give me a hug, you little sneaky thing." She chirps and I giggle, walking over to her as she hugs me tightly.

"I want to ask you something." I say as she squeezes me tighter.


"Will you be my maid of honour?" I mutter, smiling at her. She pulls me out of her embrace as I look at her, nervous. Suddently, a toothy smile appears on her face and she squeaks. She takes a hold of both my hands and jumps up and down. I laugh, I love how goofy she is and I haven't laughed like this in forever.

"Of course, oh wow this is so exciting. I'd be honoured." She breathes heavily, hyperventilating you might say.

Just as we were getting into conversation, Tristan knocks at the door.

"I'm guessing that's your hunky fiancé." She winks at me.

"Yeah, I think it's time I leave." I murmur, my voice laced with sadness.

"Aw, okay but when am I going to talk to you again?"

"Tonight, I'll make sure to call you with details about the party. And I'll see you tomorrow." I say, grabbing my cardigan from her couch and putting it on.

"Sounds like a plan. You honestly made my day by dropping by. I had missed you." She holds my hand and smiles. I love Stella.

"It was great seeing you Stells." I say goodbye to her before opening the door and exiting.

Tristan is stood by the car, I walk over to him and he opens the door for me, allowing me to slife it. Shutting it, he walks over to his side and gets in.

He turns to me, his eyes boring into mine. "Are you feeling better now, my love?" He questions. I swear everytime he talks, his voice chills me. It's so deep and husky. Be can be saying the nicest thing but he'll still sound scary.

I nod at him. "T-Thank you."

"It's nothing, my angel." He hums, starting up the car.

My love.

These nicknames he has for me, I don't hate them and the way he says them, delivering them with huskiness as he smirks, it makes me blush and my brain gets all foggy.

The drive was pretty silent. He tried talking to me but I always respond with a couple of words, keeping it short. I don't think I can ever converse with him without bring scared he'll snap at me.

As you can see, looks don't matter to me. While he might be extremely handsome, perfect from each and every angle, he's killed people. He's done monstrous things which is why I'll always keep my distance.

But there is something about his eyes, when he looks at me, I get lost. He softens his cold stare whenever we're close. It flusters me to say the least.

We've now arrived at his house, I take off my cardigan and hang it up. I can hear the sounds of laughing and giggling, echoing through the room. Tristan latches on to my hand and guides me to the lounge.

In the lounge, Tristan's mother is sat across from a girl with medium length hair. I can't see her face.

"Aylina, welcome." Tristan greets, still holding my hand. I guessed it, this is her sister.

She turns around with a wide smile on her face. She's also very pretty, her almond eyes are very striking.

"TRISTAN." She chirps, running over and hugging him as I release his hand. "I've missed you." She says.

Soon pulling away, she diverts her eyes at me as I fidget with my fingers, giving her a light smile.

"Is this her?" She turns to Tristan then at me. He nods at her.

"Mhm, it is." Tristan confirms, eyeing me up and down.

"Oh, wow. She is just-wow." She gasps. I'll never understand the fascination with me. I'm getting all these compliments and I don't know why. I'm pretty average looking if you ask me.

She walks closer to me. "What's a bombshell like you doing with my brother, huh?" She giggles. So far, his family's being extremely nice to me. I like it.

Not knowing how to respond, I timidly introduce myself. "Hi, I'm Aurora." She chuckles to that. "It's so nice to meet you." She hugs me, out of the blue but okay. All the females in his family are huggers.

"Nice to meet you too." I reply, politely.

"I'm so excited for you both. This is such a joyous occasion." She says, walking me over to Tristan as he snakes his arms over my shoulder.

"So, Aurora, tomorrow is the party. Are you excited?" She pokes, I nod in response.

"We're going shopping in an hour, we have to buy you something to wear, that'll keep all eyes on you." She suggests, looking back at her mother.

Yep, because I'm all about the attention. Yipee!

"Tristan, are you coming with us?" She asks and he shakes his head.

"No, I'll just drop you off." He replies blankly. "You go settle in, I need a moment with Aurora." He doesn't waste a second before gripping onto my hand and dragging me to the bedroom. Why is he always dragging me?

He shuts the door and turns over to me, giving me that lustful stare that makes me squirm.

He walks over to me and grabs my butt cheeks, squeezing them, making me gasp. He effortlessly picks me up and places me on the dresser. He steps between my legs and puts his hands on each thigh, my dress sliding up exposing my skin.

"I wanted to talk to you." He hums.

"A-About what?" I ask, slightly curious.

"Well you see, today is the first time I'm letting you out without me being with you. There are some rules you're expected to follow." He orders in a domineering tone. He just loves to be in control.

"You're not to look, touch or talk to any men. I'm the only man you can do that with." He hisses, getting angry at the thought. He jusy took possessiveness to a whole other level. "Also, don't make any attempts to run away. You know I'm going to find you and when I do, I'll punish you to the point where you'll be begging me to stop." He sadistically hints. The fact that he's getting excited from inflicting pain on me, well it scares me. It scares me to death.

He traces his finger over my thigh, moving it upwards, he skims my inner thigh and rubs it gently, making my breathing slightly shoot up as I glance to the ceiling. All of a sudden, I feel his finger graze my private area and starts moving it up and down between my slit. I jerk backwards, I wasn't ready. I place my trembling hands on his shoulders, trying to pry him off.

"N-No, please." I beg him. No one's ever touched me down there and I wanted it to stay that way.

"Why not, angel? You'll soon be my wife. And then I'll have all of you." He seductively whispers. "Fuck, you have no idea how much I'm craving you right now, baby." He hums, kissing my shoulder. "I can't wait for our wedding night, the things I'll do to you, the things I'll make you feel are unimaginable." He mumbles against my skin and I gulp.

"But right now, we need to go." He kisses me one last time before walking off, leaving me there. He's so confusing. I stand up and sort myself out before heading downstairs.


Today is the day of the party and nervousness is an understatement. I'm currently preparing for it.

Yesterday, we found this beautiful night blue gown that reminded me of the night sky. It was navy blue with white crystals resembling stars. I loved the way it flowed and it seems like Dianne and Aylina loved it on me so we bought it.

Aylina is nothing like her brother, she's so funny whereas he's always so grumpy.

Tonight is supposed to be this big event that everyone is attending. It takes place in one of Tristan's mansions just outside of the city. It's mainly just for parties.

I pat myself dry with my towel as I just got out of the shower. After that, I lather up on lotion, making sure my skin is not dry.

I slip on the dress and one of the maids helps me do so. I've never worn anything so extravagant and it feels very.... well unlike me.

But I can't believe that after tonight, I'll be someone's fiancée. With everything that's been happening, I haven't got time to take it all in. And now that it's finally happening, it's like it finally struck me. I'm getting engaged to be married, forcefully, to a monster who doesn't have any remorse for anyone. Killing is his profession.

As the maid leaves, I sit on the bed, tears escaping my eyes. I hate being weak but I can't help it. I don't have a say in this, I'm bound to share my life with him. Breathing heavily, I look down at my lap, tears drenching the material of the gown.

Come on, Aurora. Pull yourself together.

For some reason, my mind drifts off to my mom. If only she was here, she'll know what to do.

I don't think I've ever felt so lonely. It's like I have no one. I'm surrounded by strangers, including myself. I don't recognize myself. Who even am I anymore? A hostage? A toy for Tristan to play with? A Mafia leader's forced wife?

I feel like I'm slowly fading, slowly loosing myself. And there's no one I can ask for help.

Taking a deep breath, I try to compose myself, shunning all my thoughts away.

For my hair, Claire styled it into a half down crown updo, which suits the dress perfectly considering it's off the shoulder. I put on my mother's necklace to remind myself of her, to keep her close.

Slipping on a pair of silver heels, I move my hair from my shoulder, letting in flow down my naked back. Finally, I spray some perfume, that Tristan got me during one of his business trips, on myself.

I feel like all attention is going to be on me wearing this. It stands out and I'm not really a fan of that. I prefer to stay in the shadows.

I walk downstairs to find everyone gathered in the foyer, ready to leave. All in their fancy outfits. They suddently turn around as they gear the sound of my heels coming down the stairs. This is a fairy tale moment if you ask me, the only thing missing is my happiness, my consent.

Tristan rubs his jaw with as a smirk plays on his lips. He gives me the once over then walks up to me, dressed in his black suit. He looks so handsome.

"Beautiful." He compliments, kissing my cheek before we all walk out the door to the cars.

I wonder what tonight has in store.

Wow, I wrote this in under 24 hours and I'm a bit proud lol.

Anyways what do you guys think?

Is this story getting better or worse? Please give me suggestions on how to improve it. I'm open to criticism.

Thank you for reading.

Lots of love❤.

Published January 10th 2019.

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