Daughter of a trickster God (...

By EsmyRiley345

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Davina is the daughter of Loki, Goddess of fire and virtue, granddaughter of Odin, niece of Thor and Princess... More

The start
Finding out
Who is she?
Why help?
Warning to the so called King
My scepter
Shopping ambush
What to do for fun
Rocket and Groot
Lunch visit from Kol
Found you
A week later
First date
Frigga's visit
All about an Asgardian
Nurse Davina
Work together
Girl fight
Dramatic birth
Sent away
Kol's Steamy visit
Attention caught
Battle of New York
Dinner is served
3 weeks of bliss later
Sweet phone call
Turning up the heat
Long lost sister
Tale of Dahlia
Loki's arrival
Books for you
Pairing for Rebekah
Welcome home (sort of)
Date night
Meant to be
Banner and Stark's visit
Pay back prank
Make you talk
Dahlia attacks
Flerken + the tesseract + A Koloki talk
Ice bath
Damn those witches
Don't mess with this mama
What now?
Avengers visit
Moving time
Family dinner
Unexpected Arrival
To Asgard
Meeting Odin
Dinner and a tour
The Christening
I am yours
One month later
Going on a date
Marry me
Car sex
New story
More information
The next morning


5.2K 109 10
By EsmyRiley345

This chapter properly starts off the story, enjoy

-New Orleans- 2011-

It was a dark quiet night in New Orleans, the streets were empty except for a few homeless drunks that sat on the pavements curled up in their sleeping bags trying their best to sleep through the rough and cold night. There was also a small group of men walking along the streets laughing amongst themselves minding their own business as they bragged about women they bedded while not far from the quarter on top of a building stood a man. This man was Marcel Gerard and not only was this man a vampire but he was also King of New Orleans and at night Marcel liked to stand on top of certain buildings and look out into the night. 

Marcel was just about to hop off the building and head back to his home when something bright caught his eye almost blinding him. He looked up into the sky as a bright rainbow like light shot down from the sky and what looked like a star falling through it with such speed. There was a loud bang as the fallen thing hit the ground and Marcel could see a cloud of dust appear where the thing landed and he instantly hopped off the building and whistled, calling for the vampires in his inner circles "boys let's go!" he said as a group of vampires surrounded him and followed after him as he vamp speed away heading to the area where the strange beaming light appeared.

Upon arriving at the scene Marcel and his few vampires stopped in their tracks as they came across a massive hole in the ground "holy shit" one vampire said eyes wide one vampire wafted his hand in front of him as a cloud of dust still surrounded the place so they weren't properly able to see into the hole but once the dust cleared, Marcel stepped forward along with the vampires. "Who is that?" one vampire asked as they spotted a very beautiful girl lying unconscious in the middle of the hole, she a few cuts and huge bruises on her body "I don't know but whatever she is. She isn't one of us, she must be a witch" Marcel replied as he vamp sped into the very steep hole "I don't think a witch would've caused what she did" one vampire commented and frowned as they all vamp sped into the hole and glanced at the unconscious girl. "Is she still alive?" one vampire asked "yes I hear her heart beating" another vampire replied "grab her and take her to my house. I'll see to her" Marcel said one vampire went to pick her up but jumped back as when he touched her, he felt a sharp jolt of  static electricity hit him and it stung him. "Cover her with a jacket or something and pick her up" Marcel said frowning at what happened, the vampire nodded and covered her with his jacket and managed to pick her up and just as he was about to vamp speed away. Marcel stopped him as when he lifted the unconscious girl he saw a large object underneath where the girl was lying "what is that?" a vampire asked as Marcel picked up the object which had a shiny looking jewel at the top of it along with a sharp pointy blade, the object was made solely of metal and steal and was embroiled in real gold and silver and the jewel was a bright green colour "I don't know but it's heavy and it definitely has to be a product of magic, I can feel the power radiating off this thing" Marcel replied as he inspected the long object "so she's definitely a witch?" one vampire asked "looks like it" Marcel replied "I hate to disagree with you Marcel but I don't think witches come from the sky like that" one vampire said and Marcel glared at him "I didn't ask for your input Diego" he said "sorry" Diego replied bowing his head slightly "come on let's get out of here before the witches do. I don't want them finding out about the girl or this" Marcel said pointing to the unconscious girl that was in the arms of one of his vampires and the object he held in his hand. With that all the vampires sped away as fast as they could as they heard witches approaching. 

One witch walked up to the large hole in the ground "something was here alright. I can sense it and whatever it was contains endless amount of power and the vampires have it. We must find out what it was that fell from the sky and we must get it from Marcel. Maybe we could sacrifice whatever it was for it's power, power like that could fuel us and our ancestors for centuries" Bastianna said as she inspected the hole "I agree with you Bastianna. We will find it and we will take it from Marcel and we will end the vampires reign" Agnes said from beside her fellow witch "I think I know how we can get our hands on whatever it was that Marcel got his hands on so we can use it to finish the harvest and resurrect the girls" a young witch said from behind Bastianna and Agnes. "Well do tell us Jane-Anne" Bastianna said as another witch appeared beside her, this witch was Sabine "tell them Jane-Anne. Tell them what Sophie and you discovered" Sabine urged her with a small smirk gracing her lips "earlier today there was a girl. A werewolf she was looking for answers about her family but Sophie sensed something" Jane-Anne said "what did she sense?" Agnes asked "her gift happened and she sensed she's with child but the thing about her child is. Her child isn't just some ordinary child, the girl carries the child of Klaus Mikaelson" Jane-Anne explained Bastianna and Agnes gasped at her words. "That can't be right" Agnes exclaimed "I know how it sounds but I know what I sensed, Sophie's gift never fails and to be sure I had performed a little spell to confirm the child was in fact Klaus's" Jane-Anne replied "you used magic? We aren't allowed to use magic, Marcel prevents us and anyone who does magic is punished by death" Bastianna retorted "he won't find out, he can't sense when we do magic besides I made sure to do the spell outside of New Orleans" Jane-Anne replied "very well, what do you suggest we do with this pregnant werewolf? How will she help us get whatever it is that Marcel got his hands on before we were able too?" Agnes asked "we use her to lure Klaus to New Orleans under a ruse that someone is plotting against him. He will come here in a heart beat and once he does we use the pregnant werewolf as leverage, we keep her our prisoner and linked to me until he helps us take out Marcel. We get Klaus to kill Marcel and we take what Marcel found and we use it to finish the harvest that he ruined" Jane-Anne explained Bastianna and Agnes smirked "it's not a bad plan but if we're to go through with it. We need to get the girl before we attempt to lure Klaus here" Agnes replied "already sorted. Me, Sabine and my sister cast a spell on the girl when she went to the bayou and we knocked her out. She's currently at the cemetery, magically sealed in our secret meeting place" Jane-Anne explained "you thought this through well didn't you?" Agnes questioned "I did Agnes. You know I will do anything to make sure the harvest is finished and the girls are brought back" Jane-Anne replied "the harvest would've never been ruined if it weren't for your sister, no thanks to her Marcel killed the witches and stopped the magic going to the last harvest girl after she died and now in order to restore what was lost, we need to sacrifice something with great amount of power to bring the girls back" Bastianna said "well whatever fell from the sky certainly has enough power to do just that" Sabine replied as she glanced up at the sky out of curiosity. Sabine had never seen anything like it before except from a few falling stars but she knew better and she knew that was no falling star, it was something else and while she had doubts that their plan would work she tried to remain positive trying to tell herself everything will work out their way but as she looked up at the sky before glancing down at the large hole in front of them, she got a sudden unsettling feeling in her stomach.

-Two months later-

Two months had passed since that odd night and very little has changed, the witches still have the pregnant werewolf in their clutches as they await Klaus to turn up in New Orleans while Marcel has the mysterious girl in his clutches. The girl was for some reason still unconscious, she hadn't woken up once, a few grumbles would escape her lips but she never woke up, it was like she was in a coma and it confused Marcel as the girl was completely fine, her injuries she had occurred from her fall had disappeared within a day of her being there but she still remained motionless. Marcel was still trying to figure her out, he wanted to believe she was a witch like he first expected but he knew he was lying to himself as he was well aware no witch ever came from the sky like the girl did nor could a witch make a massive hole in the ground like she did. Marcel grew even more curious about the girl when a bunch of government secret agents called SHIELD showed up in New Orleans to inspect the sight where the girl had crashed. Marcel had his vampires spy on the people so he could learn about what they were after. The appearance of this secret agency also drew the attention of the witches as they had never seen anything like it and they too tried to inspect them. Sabine even tried to sneak into the camp site they had set up to try and find out what they were looking for only for her to be shot by a knock out dart and she woke up several hours later with no memory of what happened telling the witches that the agency meant serious business if they were able to wipe the memory of a witch.

SHIELD soon gave up on whatever they searching for and left New Orleans but their appearance didn't leave Marcel or the witches mind, it left them suspicious. After SHIELD had showed up and after they left Marcel tried to find answers about the unconscious girl that was locked away in the church attic but he never found anything. Marcel had sealed the girl away inside the church attic with a steal door keeping her inside if she ever did wake up and he locked away the object he found with her in one of his rooms, he made sure it was perfectly locked away as he would not allow anyone to get their hands on it knowing it could cause serious damage if it got in the wrong hands.

End of chapter. What did you think? Any good? What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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