Married My Enemy (#1 Rajput)

By ekkladki

3M 170K 26.1K

This story is about a relationships between a father and daughter. A wife and husband. And 2 best friend. "G... More

2 - World War Three
3 - Outburst
4-Too Close
5- Marry Him
6- Surprise
7- Brothers By Anger
8- His Ariel
9- Be Ready On The 25th
10-Mute, Deaf and Blind.
11- A Little Closer
13- We All Hide Things
14- Puzzles To Solve
15- Jealousy
16- She's Too Bold
17- One Week
18- One Day
19- Wedding
20-Vows and Emotions
21- Her Prince Or Demon?
22- Rejections Hurt
23- His Cure
24-Crowded By Smart People
25- 'Change Him'
26- Too Many Plans
27- 'Crossing The Limit'
28- Ghost House
29- 'Red Hulk'
30 - The Moon And The Sun
32- Mental Asylum
33- 'Willing To Be Abnormal'
34- Low In Patience
35- The Y's
36- Fire Vs Fire
37- 'Three Years'
38- A Threat To Kiaan
39- Flirting Without Any Shame
40- Rajput's Vs Ahuja's
41-'Experience Teaches Us.'
42- They Saw Love
Sneak Peak
43-Blending For Each Other
44- 'You're Weird, You Know?'
45- Valak Loves Jaanvi
46- Lesson To Be Taught
47- First Kiss
Author's Note- Important
48- 'You're Making Me Fall For You'
49- They Love Each Other
50- Invitation
51- Gold Or Bold?
52-Mini Kiaan
53- Personality Switches?
54- New Friends
55- Flies Everywhere
56- Non-Adults
57- Confessed The Truth
58- 'Actual Fight'
59- The 'I' Game
60- Lover Or Stalker?
61- The History
62-Confessed It All
63- Home
64- Wife Or Baby?
65- It Was Always Jaanvi
66- Silence
67- Self-Talks
68- 'It's Me'
69- When Putana Calls Kiaan
70- 'Wingless Butterfly'
71- 'My Clown'
72- 'Raised Well'
73- The Race Against Time
74- 'Still Love You'
75- One
76- The Rising Respect
77-The Family's Outburst
78- Husband Over Friend
79-Flipping Kiaan
80- His Wishes
81-His Self-Respect
82- Blazing In Fire (Juhi's Truth)
83- Flowing Blood
Jaanvi's Information
84-Twisted Mind
85- 'They Are Coming'
86- 'Going Well'
87- The 'Do' and the 'Don't'
88- 'Give Me A Reason'
89- Dependent
90- 'Inner Demons'
91- News
92- 'Don't Want You'
93-Someone New
94- 'Is This What Depression Is?'
95- Oh Vomit!
96- From The Start
97- Stuck In The Middle
98- Jealousy
99- Moving On
100- Attention Seeker
101- Destroyed/Ruined Life Of Hers
102- 'One Month'
103- 'The Third Eye'
104- Back Home
105- Meeting Family
106- 'Always In Her Heart'
New Story
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter Two: One Million Special
This Books Is Nominated !!
Dhruv and Aditi!
Ishaan's book is out
New Book by Me

31- 'All Of His Shades'

33.6K 1.7K 319
By ekkladki

Started Typing On - 9/12/2018 - Finished Typing On - 19/12/2018

Chapter 31- 'All Of His Shades'

They both walk inside the Rajput house quietly. Not uttering a single word. Kiaan's gaze sweeps over Jaanvi every now and then. Observing her. Trying to come to a conclusion. It's this temptation to unravel her so she's not a puzzle and unpredictable. 

Yes, Jaanvi is definitely unpredictable with her childish acts and behaviour. But sometimes her reactions surprise him. Instead of throwing a pillow at him in disagreement, she listens to him, lets her mind wander in immodestly and lectures him. 

Kiaan, obviously, will love finding out she thinks of him any other way than disrespecting him. Her unhealthy mind will only provoke him to embarrass her more and boost his self-esteem. Of course, tempt him too. 

Would she actually leave me?  Jaanvi catches him gawking her. She twists her mouth in such a way that it's hard to believe she's not possessed by some evil spirt or thousand-year-old witch. She also makes a choking rasp, as if her souls being pulled out and hands angle in an awkward position. 

Her posture either makes her look mentally disturbed or possessed. 

Kiaan's mouth curves into a horrified line. He pushes away from her, his back touching the wall as he balances himself on the stairs. "Hay Bhagwan." He touches his chest, controlling his heartbeat. (Oh Lord.)

Pretty stupid but for a second Kiaan considered she's actually possessed or disable. He can't blame himself. Jaanvi can be full of surprises. Especially after her nightmare. 

Hot and airy laughter pushes through her throat. Jaanvi begins to speak but everytime fails because of her teary laughter. She touches her chest, as if requesting herself to stop laughing. "Look at your face, oh my god. Are you really twenty-seven and not seven?" She wipes the lone tear from her eyes.

Kiaan pushes off the wall and glares at her. Face red. Mortified. Not even two days of marriage and she's already dominating him into looking weak. 

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny. I'm dying with laughter. Oh my god, someone help me. Send ambulance." Jaanvi won't ever admit it but his theatrical voice and expressions are extremely beautiful and charming to her.

The whole definition of 'gorgeous face, ugly personality' is proved wrong. She zips her lips shut. Afraid to slip her ardent thought to him. If she did, she'd die. Biting her inner cheek, her lips form into a pleasant beam. 

Something warm and kind blooming in her chest. Eyes sensitive to the view in front of her. 

"—like really, Ariel." He mumbles tilting his face at her. Eyes disappointed. From the body language and expressions on his face, Jaanvi believes he's most likely giving her a suggestion to work on her comebacks. "I wanted more. Something more intense." 

His hand spread out and then begin to close. As if he's pulling a pile of hundreds of chips packets or sand and brining it closer to him. 

With the head she has, it seemed unholy. Oh god. Despite her mindless thoughts, Jaanvi ignores it and follows him upstairs. 

They are turning their bedroom doors knob when their ears perk up in attention. 

Someone's shouting in rage. From inside their bedroom. Kiaan glances down at Jaanvi in confusion. She has the same perplexed expressions but nods at her spouse to open the door. He nods. 

As the door opens wide they stare at an angry-looking Kajal. Her eyes wild. 

Jaanvi's sister-in-law's throwing pillows around. Aggressively and impatiently trying to find something. Jaanvi's clothes are everywhere. The bed, the floor, on the chair. The wardrobe left open, clothes hanging loose, just a pluck away from touching the floor.

"What's going on?" Jaanvi demands. Kiaan can't see Jaanvi's face because she's standing in front of him now. Unlike his wife, he's lost for words. Unable to digest what's going on. And why?

Jaanvi's temper erupts. It's a mixture of hatred, sadness and disappointment. 

Her eyes travel around the room. Taking in the small details. It's messy. Really, really messy. The bed which wasn't used last night should be clean, as Jaanvi had left it, but instead it looks the opposite. It almost looks as if someone has had a fight and tried to escape from this bedroom. 

The thought itself makes her shudder. 

Kiaan's files are on the floor, the seemingly important document papers scattered around. Some have even been stepped on. The lamp Kajal's brother uses is broken. His book collection, his old books that he's been collecting since childhood, is destroyed. The pages are ripped by his sister. 

His knuckles crack white. Hands balled into a fist. Jaw flexes a tight muscle. My novels. My books.

Those books were from grade five till he was seventeen. He cherished it. Nobody knew this though. They thought he kept it to help Dhruv in subjects by going through the notes since Dhruv was younger than him. But he simply wanted to return to them in future. To smile at his handwriting and remember memories. Memories from English class. Or maths. 

His sister has taken that moment away from him. 

For the first time, he finds himself extremely angry at his sister. Not entirely for the books but with everything she's done to his bedroom. His wife's bedroom.

Something flicks in Kajal's eyes at the sound of Jaanvi's voice. She lets go of the file in her hand, throws it on the bed and storms to her brother's wife. "Where is it?" Her voice of tone is undoubtly accusing and rude. 

Attitude too. Something Jaanvi doesn't appreciate nor likes around herself.  

"What? The mental asylum?" Replies Kiaan's wife sarcastically. Mocking but face says otherwise. Jaanvi's expressions don't match her calm and collective sarcasm. She's sitting on the edge of the cliff, ready to burst any minute. 

It's very obvious everyone's aware the couple weren't home last night. So, then, why'd Kajal ask Jaanvi such a question? A question she may not have an answer to because she's oblivious of what happened last night. 

Something within Jaanvi begins to chew her stomach. Slowly, precisely, almost too painful to bear. She gently puts her weight on one foot, uncomfortable. She's more uncomfortable than outrages. More uncomfortable than she's ever been. 

Reason? Undecided. 

Kiaan can cope with anything but cat-fight. Certainly not when it involves his wife and sister, despite Kajal's childish and immature acts. Everything about his wife's posture exclaims fire. She could rip his sister in half, for all she cares. With her words, of course. Her mouth is a bullet. For good and for bad. 

Panicked, Kiaan steps forward and grips his sister's shoulders. His soft and caring eyes pleading her for a good explanation or to apologise because he knows she's wrong. And because she is, she'll have to face Jaanvi's wrath. 

"What is it Kajal?" He stresses her name. Eyes kind but voice hard. His tone hits her in the gut. Lips tightly shut, sadden with her brother's response.

"My necklace! I-it's missing." She cries in horror. Hands-on Kiaan's forearm, gripping as if to balance herself. 

Kiaan heaves a heavy sigh. A mere necklace? Okay, not mere but for them it was mere. Besides, even if the necklace held much importance, Kiaan believes his sister has no right to invade his privacy. Especially when it involves Jaanvi. The timing is so off, too. His wife and sister haven't spent much time to begin to like each other. This step, taken by his sister, will only complicate things between the two ladies. 

"Which one?" He finds himself asking the most unnecessary question because if he's being honest to himself, he doesn't care one bit. 

He would. But he doesn't. Because Jaanvi's exasperated. Anyone will be. 

Just don't blast, Jaanvi. Don't. Kiaan wouldn't admit it out loud but her anger terrifies him. It's mostly because she's got this strange power, if only he knew every girl has that power, to remember the smallest detail during arguments. 

'Which one?' as if she has thousands of necklaces. Fucking spoilt brat. If this is how siblings are, Jaanvi's glad she has none.

Ansh's daughter is proud of her judgement. On her birthday, when she met Kajal, she noted to herself that she's got some serious attitude issues. She's proven just right. 

If the supposedly significant necklace is missing, Jaanvi is sure there are other ways of trying to find it rather than during someone bedroom into a jungle. Their bedroom doesn't look less than a clothing shop. The only difference is, they're everywhere and not folded properly. 

"The gold one I wore at your wedding." Kajal's voice is tempting to Jaanvi's ear. In all the wrong and insulting ways possible. Her eyes remain on her brother, completely ignoring Jaanvi. As if she's not important enough to communicate with. 

"Oh wow, you attended our wedding?" Jaanvi's sneers. She stifles a sadist smile. 

"Yes." The venom dripping from Kajal words isn't unnoticed by the couple. Kiaan tries everything to not shout at his sister. "I attended my brother's wedding."

Jaanvi mumbles a small, 'oh, yes, right.'  With thinking expressions, hand on chin, nodding once she recalls the memory. "Who happens to be my husband, actually." Jaanvi's contemptuous comeback causes Kajal to openly glare at her. 

Even in a situation like this her wit remains intact. Kiaan will give her a point for that. He forces himself to stay neutral and not smirk. He can't be biased, though, to Jaanvi, he does seem exactly that, towards his sister, obviously. 

It irks her but doesn't surprise her, either. 

He's in no mood to hear the two ladies fighting in front of him. For some very odd reasons, he considers Jaanvi mature and more understanding in comparision to his sister. Which is why he gives Jaanvi a warning look. Ordering her to shut up as he spoke.

"It must be somewhere in your room. Try to remember where you last put it." His brotherly soothing voice is back. "Why are you here though?" He intensely looks around his bedroom which currently resembles like a storeroom filled with trash. "Did you do this? All of it?" His voice is detached. Hoping she'd prove him wrong.

He rubs his temple in frustration. Her silence speaks volume. The mess his sister created is testing his patience.  

Well, least small brat is honest enough.

kajal glances at her brother. Noting he's slipping away she changes her expressions into a puppy dog. And answers his question, keeping her eyes down, "I thought m-maybe it'll be here. I-I checked all the rooms but couldn't find it. Your room was the last one left."

A gasp escapes from Jaanvi's mouth "You suspect us?" Me? She wanted to say me. There's no way Kajal would accuse her God-like brother of such a thing. Everyone knows Kajal respects her elder brother the most. The hatred is pretty evident. 

The newly wedded bride takes this personally. If not before, then definitely now. Kajal has no, absolute no right to touch Jaanvi's personal belongings. 

It has been only two days since she got married and Kajal's true colours are begining to show. It's crystle clear doesn't like her but this is too much. 

Jaanvi's sister-in-law never entered their beroom after marriage which is why her necklace can't be here.

Jaanvi doesn't belong to a poor family, even if she did, nobody has the right to point their finger on her. She's drowning in embarrassment just at the though of how low her sister-in-law thought of her. 

Her eyes hang on her clothes lying on the floor. Her anger turns into hurt. 

She lowly gasped seeing her shirts, jeans, undergarments, saree's, everything out in open. Her reaction isn't because she's an only child and, perhaps, viewed to be spoilt, but because she's private. 

Jaanvi may talk a lot. Sometimes share more than anticipated but she's fairly private when it comes to her life. Whether it be relationships, friends, family, clothes or even her professional life. Her belongings, openly, on display to everyone. Kajal. Her husband. 

She's familiar to him but yet not. Not quite. 

Covering her face with her hands, Jaanvi whisper yells. Her voice is forceful. So forceful that it cracks and seems as if she's on the verge of crying. Kiaan's face is pure pain. He lets go of his sister's shoulder. Not disgusted but sadden with her actions. His expressions are hard to perceive. His expressions are as if he's tasted both salt and sugar mixed together at the same time. 

"Out." This one powerful and captivating phrase holds many emotions. Anger, frustration, embarrassment, hurt and lastly, objectified. 

Judged. Judged as if she's an object to be examined and know it's real worth before purchasing it. She's getting judged by a twenty-year-old.

A twenty-year-old who hasn't been through anything she has. It's not Kajal's fault that she's been served food on a silver plate but it seems as if it is. In this moment Jaanvi hates Kajal's soul so much that she wants to harm her heart. Make her feel the pain she's feeling.

In spite of this Jaanvi controls herself. She doesn't want to lash out at Kiaan's sister but the situation in front of her's testing her patience. 

Something changes in Kajal's attitude and posture. Her facial expressions are anxious now. Firm and straight line marrying her temple, indicating she's nervous. Intimidated. The tone her sister-in-law has used is cold. Icy cold. 

Kajal's offended. She seeks for her brother's help. Eyeing him. Pushing him to support her and tell his wife to shut up. He has to take Kajal's side, right?

"Get out Kajal." His voice is incredulous. Firm. Unsmiling and strict. His generous and beautiful face is covered in deep and red cruel expressions. His fisted hand explain he's trying his best to not yell at her. 

This is the first time Kiaan has ever spoken in this tone with his youngest sibling.


"I don't want to repeat myself. Out." He's starting to regret the decisions he made in the past related to Kajal. She's always been treated like an angel by her older brother. From childhood she was given everything she wanted, not once did she get in trouble.

Because Kiaan always had her back. 

He's disappointed with how his love is being used. He regrets being extra gentle with her. Kiaan considers Dhruv the better brother now. He's the perfect sibling. He knows when to tell her off, giving her reality check and when to be understanding and supportive. Perhaps this is why Kajal never asks Dhruv for help as often as Kiaan because she know's he'd decline her offer unlike the eldest Rajput child. 

Kiaan feels like an idiot right now. He feels used. Like a paper towel. Used and thrown.  

Today he realised how wrong he's been all along. Spoiling her so much didn't do her any good. His love has been taken into advantage.

Defeatingly, Kajal walks out of the bedroom but not before glaring at Jaanvi for being the reason behind her brother's harsh words.

Kiaan watches in silence as Jaanvi walks in front of him and starts collecting her clothes. Her hands are trembling, posture unstable. He hates it. She picks her kurta from the floor first.

She bent down looking like a tomato flaming with anger. Her hand hesitantly picks more of her kurtas (Indian dress) followed by her saree so she can hide her undergarments underneath it. I can't believe Kajal is this immature. There should to be a certain level of comfort zone with Kiaan because she knows her husband for years but she can't feel any of it in this moment. 

Right now all she feels is embracement. They may have been married but they weren't a couple. She can feel his fierce eyes watching her every moments. This makes her self-conscious. The heated and emotional eyes can't help but stare at her. 

With a shiver arm, Jaanvi reaches for her jeans, then her top and at the end she just hugs her clothes in a pile. If she picked each piece of clothing one by one it'll take forever, which meant, the longer his intense eyes will stay on her. 

Her hands are full of her clothes. She's rigid. For the first time Jaanvi makes no eye-contact with Kiaan. She balances herself up and hugs her clothes. 

"Jaan--" She doesn't  let him complete by walking straight inside the bathroom. The door clamps shut with a thud by the force of her foot. Throwing all her clothes on the floor in anger, she sits down with her back touching the door flame.

Is this what you call being happy, Hero? She thanks god it was only Kiaan and her who walked inside the bedroom. What if Dhruv walked in and saw my clothes? Kiaan's father? Or his two friends?

Jaanvi's body quivers in cold. How could she accuse me of stealing? Do I look like a thief to her?

Questions don't seem to stop running around her head. It took her a few moments to realise she's crying. The warm tears streaming down her cheeks. Eyes heavy. 

This is too much. Her single life was so much better. Even if it involved her Chachi, Juhi. At least Juhi's hurtful comments didn't stab Jaanvi as much as Kajal's did because she's grown used to Juhi being her usual self. 

Her nose is red from all the crying. Hugging her knees, she burries her face there, comforting her depressed soul. 

I need to get used to this.

Her phone starts to vibrate in her jeans pocket. It makes her shudder a little because of the unexpected vibration on her thighs. She takes her phone out of her pocket and stands up after reading her father's name popping up on her phone screen.

Shit. What was she supposed to say or do? The anxious Jaanvi nearly swipes her finger on her phone screen to accept the Facetime but stops after seeing her reflection on the mirror.

Her face is red. Her nose is runny. She quickly wipes it with the back of her hand and snifs. 

She can't talk to her dad like this. He'll get worried and starts panicking for no reason. Jaanvi can't afford to give her Chachi the satisfaction of seeing her father stressed.

She places her phone on the sink counter before wiping her eyes carefully, leaving no trace of a crying Jaanvi.  She still looks tensed. Jaanvi turns the tap on and quickly washes her face, wiping all her tears away.  Reaching out for the towel she dries her face and glances over the mirror before accepting the video call.

She accepts the video call with a fake big and bright smile. 

Her father's heart shaped face comes in front of her eyes. The smile changes from fake to sad. How much she wishes she was there with him. Ansh is sitting outside in their garden. The cold breeze blowing his short hair as he waves at his silence fruit

Jaanvi has also said to him, 'I guarantee I'll look older than you in your age, Hero,' and he'd always laugh it off. But it was true. She truly meant it. He's such a fit, smiley and bundle of joy kind of a person. 

She senses an unshed tear ready to roll down her cheeks. She misses him so much. Much more than yesterday. And it's been only two days.

She blinks the tear away, smiling brightly, "Hi hero! Look who looks handsome!" She compliments, winking at her forty-eight-year-old father.

"Jaave" He blushes a little looking down, probably at his feet. His face breaks into an electrifying grin. Helplessly reacting to his daughter's compliments. Face as dark as a beetroot. He finally controls his smile and looks at her with a warm smile. "Hooww?" He points at his daughter, asking how she is.

Horrible. Sad. I feel so lonely. I've never felt this way. Ever. Papa. 

She wanted to loudly say it. To express herself. 

"I'm good. Kiaan is just very annoying, Hero. He comes home late, very late. But it's okay because we eat dinner together. He tells me about his day. Which deals he cracked, what his workers joked about, how he loves cake just like me." 

It's partly a lie. He never tells her anything about his work, likes and dislike. In fact he didn't even ask her how she is. 

It hurts. It pains her to give her father false hopes. Hope which she's already lost. 

Her father smiles at her reply. Obviously delighted with the husband and wife bonding. 

Jaanvi's beginning to get uncomfortable with her own lies. Her mouth tastes bitter. "How are you doing?" She questiones her father worryingly. Her chachi can be evil sometimes. 

In return her father smiles, assuring her he's fine. The weight on her chest is lifted because of her father's smile. 

"Hooww D-dhu kaaaj?" He asks looking directly at her from the screen. His intense gaze is fixed on his daughter,  waiting for an answer patiently. Hearing his question her fake smile fades away.

Ansh is quick to see it. He catches her expressions looking unhappy. Unlike her. His concerned face gives her an invisible power to collect herself.

"Dhruv and Kajal both are good, Hero. They both are very sweet, nice and caring. Dhruv is like a twin I never had, always by my side. And K-Kajal. S-she's very supporting, every time Kiaan and I have a disagreement she also has my back. She's l-like a real sister I never had. I'm very happy, Papa. Everyone's great here. They all love me."

Her response gives him satisfaction. He exhales in relief and smiles. The worried look is replaced with an -I'm-glad-look.

"Ok, I have to go. Your son-in-law can't find his shirt, let me help him. Bye Papa, I love you. Take care."

His eyes are visibly softening and filled with joy which breaks her. In any second, Jaanvi is sure she'll breakdown and end up sobbing in front of her father. She can't break his heart. Receiving a nod from him, she hangs up and instantly covers her face with her hands, trying not to make any noise while crying.

She bites her inner cheek. 

The call should have given her strength, instead it breaks her even more. She has this strong urge to run into her father's arm and cry all day and night.

"Jaanvi?" She hears Kiaan's voice straight after knocking on the bathroom door. "Are you ok?"


She stays silent and wipes her tears. She hates the stickiness of the tears on her skin. It tickles her. While she's busy composing herself into a more alive looking human being and presentable  rather than a zombie which is her current look. 

She hears his voice again.

"Look Jaanvi, I'm honestly very guilty with what happened. I apologise from Kajal's behalf. She shouldn't have done that. Please come out, I'm getting worried about you." She wants to ignore everything he says but can't. 

His voice is so sincere and apologetic. He genuinely feels for her. He feels bad. Her ear kept  playing his sentences on repeat.

Wow, Rajput apologised?

"Ariel, I'm worried sick over here, please come out." His husky voice is soft. Even calm too, though, she can tell he's trying to act calm. He's losing his patience. Not because of her but himself.

My ears are blessed! First sorry and now please? Uff, go on Kaan!  Mood changed. Jaanvi can be funny and unprecitable sometimes. 

Whenever he called her 'Ariel' it felt so nice. The nickname was like a medicine to her unhealed wounds.

She shouldn't be smiling so easily after what Kajal did but she can't help it. He presents himself as a  rude, mean, arrogant, and egoistic and manner less person but this was new. Never in her wildest dream did she imagine Kiaan using those two pleasing words this quick after their marriage.

I'm sure I am a good wife now.

She gathers her clothes one by one, ignoring Kiaan's requests . Let him wait, she thought. Throwing her clothes inside the laundry basket, she closes the lid. I can't wear these clothes again. They were on the floor. Disgusting. Her OCD is beginning to crawl out. 

Breathing out deeply, she opens the door acting as if she's still angry, frustrated and deeply offended by Kajal and sullen, ready to burst out on him. To her surprise he's standing right in front of the bathroom door. 

Too close that he might have heard her talking to her father.

Her surprised expressions quickly adjust to the situation. She's an angry young woman in a second, remembering to torture him a little.

Noticing her vex expressions, he smiles awkwardly and starts scratching the back of his neck.

Wait! Is he shy? Oh my Gawd! 

"Look I'm really sorry. I never thought she'll react like th-" His sentence is interrupted by her hand raising, stopping him. His lips turn into a thin line. He's not familiar with her cold behaviour towards him after agurments. She doesn't stay silent or hurt for long.

She walked further away from him, bending down she picks his clothes. Most of his shirts were white, of course. He knows other colour and shades exists right? 

Feeling his breath fanning on the back of her neck, Jaanvi stiffles a littl. She's aware he's proximity an inch away from her.

Shivering a little, her right hand reaches out for his blue jeans, ready to wash them. Jaanvi won't let him wear these clothes unless if they're washed. 

Yes I 'm a neat freak. A proud one, too. I can't let him wear these clothes. Imagine how much bacteria was running on the floor doing cardio. God knows how long our clothes were covering the naked floor.

"Jaanvi I'm talking!" He finally snaps. Infuriated.

She knew it. How can angry Kiaan be so calm for over two minutes? I should be the one angry! I got insulted in his house not him.

He firmly grips her arm, turning her around harshly losing his patience. From the sudden jerk Jaanvi was beyond pissed because the clothes fall from her hand. Now she'd have to pick them up again.

Great. Just great.

"Least look into my eyes when I'm talking to you, princess." He sneers. Mocking her. 

Did he just mock me?

But he just accepted the fact that I am a princess.

She bites her inner cheek to stop herself from smiling. She has to look angry and tough to teach him a lesson. She accepts his sister was behind all this but Kiaan took so long to snap at her. Shouldn't he instantly yell at her for accusing his wife?

He supported her and she appreciates it a lot but he needs to be taught a lesson for everything he's done from day one. This is revenge. Now that she has  a good explanation behind her behaviour, why should she let it slide? 

She certainly has good backup.

"I said sorry, what else do you want?" He asks sighing. His face suggests he's desperate for forgiveness. "I know she did wrong. I'll make her apologise, that's the most I can at the moment. I'm deeply ashamed with her behaviour, I truly am." His eyes break eye contact. Ashamed. 

She wants to hug him but it'll only make him take her for granted. It's not even about her at this stage. It's about Kajal. If he doesn't bring her on the right track she'll destroyed her life with her unnecessary salty attitude. 

Kiaan needs to learn when to be loving, sweet and likable and when to switch it to strict, cold and serious mode. He can't always be the loving elder brother to his sister. He needs to learn to show all his shades to her.

Sometimes showing your one side, one personality trait is enough for anyone to sit on your head.

And Kajal is doing just that right now. She forgot her boundaries.

Crossing it was a bad idea, Kajal.

Married My Enemy

Ps, any good web series names? Apart from TVD, the originals, stranger things and Riverdale because I've already watched them.

Edited On - 02/08/2020 (At 8:24 PM)

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♡Book one in Destiny series♡ **If you are interested in cute and romantic story line then this the exact story** ************** "Meri aanko me hi dek...
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𝐈𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐞𝐛𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐬, 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 �...
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Jism ki nahi Rooh ki Mohabbat hai. " You are cheating on me," he said glaring at me. " Yes," I said. " What can you do" I taunt him. He pulled me clo...
Abandoned wife By Abhi

General Fiction

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Vindictive words of your beloved hurts the most. At first you are taken aback. You won't believe its from them. It cause unbearable pain at first but...