The Beginning of the End - Je...

Von rubyjane-manoban

1.8M 76.7K 19.1K

!WARNING! [READ THE DESCRIPTIONS!!!!!] Mature Content, Family Issues, LIGHT G!P content (Intersex) JenLisa as... Mehr

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight


30.9K 940 398
Von rubyjane-manoban

"You're mine."

Lightning strikes across the sky. Thunder roared in the distance. Big, fat droplets of water hit the roof and windows persistently. The wind blew harshly on the ground.

The storm seemed to have no intention whatsoever of letting up anytime soon. But if there was one person in the world who couldn't care less about that, that person was Lisa Manoban. In fact, she was just preparing to take advantage of it in a way that only she could.

Some would call it an irrational, childish fear, others a well-grounded phobia. Some would even go as far as saying it was hilarious and using it as blackmail material. But Lisa was the only one who knew that Jennie Kim – Manoban, popularly known as the 'The Savage Queen' – was afraid of lightning.

And fortunately for Jennie, Lisa would never use such information against her – Lisa loved her too much to even think about harming her in any way.

But that didn't mean Lisa didn't enjoy using her weakness to her advantage every once in a while, though.

Padding down the corridor that led her to her office, Lisa thought of the many sly ways she could have done to move the impending situation. Returning upstairs from the kitchen, where she fetched Jennie a glass of water, it was now almost the end of September, their upcoming anniversary will come forth, and this could be one of those nights where she promised the love of her life about the exciting escapades of their married lives.

Once inside, however, Lisa met with a sight she had not expected. Jennie was busy reading some statistics – mostly near-term from her handouts work. She sat cross-legs, her body tilted slightly aside from her swivel chair, a sheet covering her lap, one hand lying over her tummy, the other onto the papers, and a small cushion supported her side.

With slow, soundless steps, Lisa crossed her office to reach her, kneeling down beside her. She smiled as she pushed the strands of khaki hair that were covering Jennie's puffy cheeks. Jennie didn't even stir. Lisa huffed an amused breath; she should have known that if lightning didn't bother her, nothing would.

It begins with neither forethought nor intention. The looming sexual tension plays hide and seek among the charts, files, books and binders. Amidst the detritus of her side-job, Lisa had to do as Jennie offered a helping hand -- those alms-giving endeavors smolder.

"I give up~..." Jennie said. She pulled off her specs, tossed them onto a pile of papers and sat back in Lisa's swivel chair. She stared into Lisa's dark-shaded eyes.

"Did I ask you to?" Lisa said. A smile touched her lips.

"You don't have to say anything~..." Jennie retorted. "You just kneel there and... radiate."

Lisa tried and failed to suppress a smile. "Radiate?" Lisa quizzed.

"Radiate~..." Jennie said. She continued to hold the Thai's sly gaze, almost like an adversary.

After a long moment Lisa removed her own specs. "Couch or bunk?"

Jennie raised her eyebrows. "Choices~..." She murmured. "On a rainy night that had been unleashed over Seoul..." Jennie trailed off as Lisa stood up, the Thai offered her hands and Jennie took them. Lisa pulled the brunette to her feet.

Jennie kicked off her Little Green Man fluffy slippers early before Lisa entered, and now she stood inside the Thai's personal space, a scant inch shorter, their bodies barely touching, each listening to the other's breath. Jennie closed her eyes, sensing Lisa's warmth like the heat from a sun-filled window. Sun, she thought – I find my happiness where the sun shines. She rested her hands on Lisa's shoulder and the Thai covered them with her own. Lisa's hands were gentle, her plump lips soft as she nuzzled the line of Jennie's jaw. Jennie's breathing quickened and her hands slid up Lisa's chest to encircle her neck.

Jennie tipped her head back for a kiss and Lisa gave it to her, mouth wide, tongue sweet, Lisa's hands pulling the brunette's body tightly to her, possessively. Jennie felt rainbows and unicorns envisaging before her, kissing Lisa. The Thai backed her against the table. "Table's another option..." Lisa whispered in Jennie's ear, pressing her body against her. Jennie twined one leg around the tall Thai, bending her other knee to slide beneath the slight curve of Lisa's tummy. Lisa's breathing roughened when Jennie's pubic bone, beneath her skirt, beneath her underwear, made contact with her erection.

Lisa moaned and Jennie smiled, pleased that the effect she was having on the Thai, was the same as the effect Lisa was having on her. "Table's a bad idea~..." Jennie whispered, and as if to prove it, she lost her balance. Lisa caught her, but not before a wayward hand knocked several paper-works to the floor. They both chuckled and then Lisa began to move against her, the Thai breathing a soft roar in Jennie's ear. A memory surfaced and Jennie smiled. "What about against the wall?" Jennie asked, her face pressed against Lisa's shoulder.

"Six years ago, maybe..." Lisa said, and the soft rasp of her voice sent a stroke of lightning down Jennie's spine. "It's not happening now...." Lisa wound her hand in the hair at the nape of her neck and pulled her head back. "So we're back to the original choices, or..." Lisa glanced down at the floor, then back into her catlike eyes. Jennie let herself slide into the dark-shaded, sparkling depths of Lisa's eyes for just a moment.

"Six years ago, maybe~..." Jennie returned, and then smiled. "I'm too old for the floor."

"You're never too old for the floor, Queen Savage~." Lisa said.

"I'd beg to differ~..." Jennie said, breathless as Lisa unfastened her white loose blouse with a single practiced hand. "Except I get distracted when you call me 'Queen Savage'."

"Distracted is good~." Lisa murmured absently, as she unbuttoned her blouse. Lisa stared at her bra-clad breasts as she pushed the blouse off her shoulders. The clothing slid off Jennie's arms and onto the table. Lisa reached behind Jennie and began unhooking her bra. "I hate bras~..." Lisa remarked into her hair.

"I need one for your fiery eyes..." Jennie told Lisa. "I'm not giving them up." Lisa pulled back and stared at her, amusingly lighting her face.

"You're giving up this one~..." Lisa told her and neatly divested her of it, tossing it aside. The Thai gathered her breasts in both hands and nuzzled, first one, then the other. Lisa gently massaged them, her hands moving like waves. Jennie's eyes slipped shut as Lisa bent over her left breast, Lisa's long fingers curiously seeking out the strangeness within. Jennie squirmed and Lisa looked up at her. "Does it hurt?" Lisa asked.

Jennie shook her head. "Not at all~." Jennie spoke to Lisa with her catlike eyes, but in a language Lisa didn't quite understand. Lisa bent over her breast again and nuzzled it, and then in a sudden, anguished rage, she bit down on Jennie's flesh. Jennie yelped and pulled back. She glared down at the mark on her breast, then backed up at Lisa. "If I'd wanted a mastectomy, Lalisa, I would've had one!" Jennie said.

"Sorry~..." Lisa stepped away from her; her rage against Jennie's blurted medical-term had gone as quickly as it had come. The mark she'd left on Jennie's breast looked angry. Jennie looked angry, scowling at her, naked from the waist up, her khaki hair a mess. Jennie also looked gods-damned beautiful, and Lisa told Jennie so. That seemed to appease her.

"If I weren't so horny, I'd never forgive you~." Jennie told Lisa, folding her arms over her breasts. She continued to glare the tall Thai balefully.

"Lucky me~..." Lisa sighed, and then smiled. "Come over here Queen Savage, so I can make you not horny anymore~."

Jennie caught her breath at the use of her title and the word 'horny' in the same sentence. "You're distracting me again..."

Lisa took the two steps she needed to close the distance between them. Lisa pulled her arms away from her breasts and held them out by her wrists, Lisa's thumbs gently stroking her palms. "The distraction was mutual."

Jennie disengaged her hands and began unbuttoning Lisa's flannel shirt. Lisa helped her. And when Jennie tugged at Lisa's undershirts and a sports bra, the Thai helped her remove those, too. Jennie rested her hands on the expanse of Lisa's chest. She could feel her heart thrumming beneath her right hand, the rapid rise and fall of her respiration. Jennie closed her eyes and turned her back to Lisa, then tipped her head back and let her hair tickle Lisa's chest.

The sensation made Lisa catch her breath. She pulled Jennie closer, by her waist, and then her hands slid up her rib-cage to find her breasts again. Lisa moaned softly as they filled her hands. Jennie moaned in her turn as Lisa stroked her nipples to attention. Jennie reached behind her back to unfasten Lisa's pants. She struggled with the zipper, and Lisa chuckled. "I need more hands~..." Lisa murmured into her ear as she relinquished her hold on Jennie's breasts and unzipped her pants.

Jennie heard them fall to the floor, then felt Lisa's hands again, lifting her skirt, sliding between her body and her undergarments. As Lisa carefully eased the garments off Jennie, squatting to pull them down her legs to her feet, Jennie stepped out. When she reached behind herself to unfasten her skirt, Lisa said. "Leave the skirt on."

"Why?" Jennie asked.

Lisa stared down at her hands, arrested in the final act of undressing. They looked exquisite, somehow. I love you – Lisa thought, but didn't say it. There were three words Jennie always heard coming out of her mouth, so Lisa said instead, "A half-dressed woman is sexier."

Jennie drew a trembling breath. " I can live with that if your eyes look at me like that... sexier~..." Jennie whispered over her shoulder.

"I think you might surprise yourself~..." Lisa said softly. She turned her around and covered her mouth with her own.

It turned out to be a table after all. Lisa backed her against it again as she kissed Jennie. Lisa pulled her skirt up, out of the way, and then she lifted Jennie, laid her down among the charts, files and books and binders. Amidst the detritus of the job she had to do, Lisa pulled up a chair and seated herself, placed Jennie's feet on her shoulders and buried her face between Jennie's thighs.

The scent of her... Lisa's head filled with the warm, musky scent of Jennie as she pushed the soft curls aside, the better to taste her, and Jennie was swollen there, her little bud stood sweetly at attention. Lisa closed her lips over it and was rewarded with the sound of Jennie's musical voice, raised in a cry of pleasure.

It has been tried before. The cause had been Jennie's, a line down, too many changes in her body due to time, due to her first pregnancy with her child. Because you like it... Lisa's pleasure in the act communicated itself in her undivided attention. In a languid, gentle way Lisa sucked and savored Jennie. Along the way she kissed Jennie there and touched her there, sliding a single finger into her wetness, just past the clasp of her muscles. It was teasing, it was not enough, Jennie wanted more...

Lisa circled Jennie's thighs with her arms, concentrating. She circled Jennie's clit with her tongue, once... twice... three times. Jennie cried out again and Lisa stopped, leaving off her noshing to plant kisses and tiny bites on the insides of her thighs. Jennie panted, trying to catch her breath. "A little one?" Lisa murmured, nipping at her thighs. Lisa felt Jennie tense in the sting. "Um-hmmm~..." Jennie moaned. "Need a minute?" Jennie moaned assent again, and Lisa went back to nuzzling her thighs. Jennie clasped one of Lisa's hands, slipping her own fingers between Lisa's and her thighs. Jennie clasped it hard and Lisa sank her teeth into Jennie's thigh again, pulling the bite just before it got painful. Lisa wanted to eat her, chew her up and swallow her, consume her, digest her, make Jennie's body a part of her own. The thought made Lisa want to weep. "Minute's up..." Lisa announced and bent her head to Jennie again.

Charts and files fell to the floor with the sound of paper slicing through the air as Jennie moved her hips in time to Lisa's lovemaking. Jennie cried breathlessly to the Gods as Lisa reeled her in, towards ecstasy. Her inarticulate cries suddenly coalesced into words. "I want you~." Jennie whispered. "I want you... inside me..." Lisa didn't need a second invitation. Her hands tightened on Jennie's thighs as she rose and leaned towards her. Jennie reached between them, guiding Lisa, and the Thai pushed into her. They cried out in unison as the connection was made. More papers slid to the floor as Lisa pulled Jennie upright, holding her close, pressing Jennie tightly against herself. Jennie could barely move into that position. She wrapped her legs around Lisa's waist and squirmed in counterpoint to Lisa's thrust.

It was over very quickly, too quickly. They both cried out again, this time in simultaneous release. Each could feel the other's contractions, deep inside, in sync. Lisa groaned, Jennie whimpered. She trembled, and Lisa shook. "Jennie~..." Lisa rasped her name into Jennie's ear and deep inside her the muscles that clenched Lisa tightened further; the sensation made Lisa swear. The Thai ran her fingers down Jennie's spine, tracing the bumps, feeling the heat, sensing the energy there.

They relaxed, slowly, and Jennie put her feet down and Lisa lifted her from the table. Lisa felt the ridges from the table's edge on Jennie's backside and knelt to inspect the damage. Lisa caressed, then kissed the angry wheel there. They would probably become bruises, but Lisa thought she'd live with it. Lisa got to her feet and told Jennie of her findings, adding: "Now you can't say I never kissed your ass."

Jennie giggled, then stopped and grimaced. "What's wrong?" Lisa said. "I'm leaking~..." Jennie said through her teeth. "Don't move..." Lisa said. She caught herself before taking a step, and then stopped pulling her pants up. Jennie giggled again as Lisa fastened them. "Don't laugh..." Lisa growled. Jennie laughed anyway as Lisa went into the head and returned with a towel. Instead of handing it to Jennie, Lisa mopped her dry herself. Jennie's breathing roughened as this task seemed to take a lot of time and quite a bit of concentration on the Thai's part. Lisa let the towel fall to the floor and began a circular caress on Jennie's tummy. Lisa's hand lightly brushed her pubic curls with each pass, and Jennie's feline eyes slipped shut as she savored Lisa's caress. Lisa's long fingers delicately slipped between her lips and stroked her swelling clitoris. Jennie moaned and her head fell against Lisa's broad shoulders.

"You ready for another go?" Lisa asked, and kissed Jennie's neck.

Jennie chuckled. "I think the real question is, are you ready?" Jennie twisted her head around to look at Lisa.

"Good question~." Lisa said, getting tangled up in her gaze. "Let's discuss this in our room." When Jennie looked puzzled, Lisa said, "Bed."

"Ah~..." Jennie smiled. After a long moment she said, "In my skirt?"

Lisa raised her eyebrows. "I think we can dispense all the clothes, now~." Lisa said, releasing Jennie and unfastening her pants.

Jennie unfastened her skirt and stepped out of it, laying it beside her mussed flannel shirt and white blouse. Lisa stared at Jennie, taking in her naked loveliness. Jennie stared at her turn in Lisa's equally nude, exquisitely model-like form. Lisa wordlessly held out her hand. Jennie took it and Lisa pulled Jennie with her into their bedroom.

They lay side by side, facing each other. Lisa stared into Jennie's face as if memorizing it. Lisa pushed some locks of khaki hair away from her feline eyes, delicately tracing the planes of Jennie's face. Beautiful – Lisa thought. So beautiful. Neither the dewy face of a girl nor even that of fertile womanhood, but one of the changing sorrows, the one that was wise, the one that had survived the course of agony in life.

If we're going to start another chapter, then we need to gather all kinds of energy so we can start having another baby...

Lisa returned from remembering to find Jennie watching her. "Maybe we should just sleep~..." Jennie suggested.

"Is that a concession to my endurance?" Lisa asked. Jennie continued to watch Lisa, wordlessly amused. Then she said, "Do you need another round?"

Lisa guided her hand. "What do you think, Nini~?" Lisa said, wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

Jennie's soft gasp at what her hand encountered was Lisa's answer. Lisa rolled on top of her and gave it to her again. Jennie spread her legs to receive Lisa again. Lisa thrust into Jennie deeply, over and over again. Jennie meets Lisa, stroke for stroke, caressing the blonde with spread hands, conning the terrain of Lisa's body, the peaks and the valleys, the workings of her slender muscles. Jennie hit a sensitive spot and Lisa moan of pleasure transmitted itself to her, making her answer in kind. Lisa thrust harder, faster, and Jennie's hands slid up over Lisa's arms to her wide shoulders, where Jennie's fingers paused briefly to dig in before sliding down to Lisa's breasts. Jennie stroked Lisa's rigid pink nipples with her thumbs, and Lisa came in. Lisa's hoarse cry echoed off the walls of the room. Jennie clutched Lisa's shoulders again and opened herself to Lisa's gift. This is you... Jennie thought. This is life... She stared up at Lisa, into her dark-shaded eyes, shaken to her core. "You're mine~..." Jennie said, her voice soft and intense as she followed Lisa into ecstasy. "You're mine, Manoban!."

"Yes!" Lisa said, the admission seemed to release her. Lisa relaxed on top of Jennie, then shifted a bit aside, supporting an elbow beside the brunette. After a moment her hand crept into Jennie's shoulder blades and began to caress it. Around and around, fingers, palm, warm, rough, stirring. Stirring. Jennie's hand stole across Lisa, slowing the movement. She laced her fingers to Lisa, halting it permanently.

"Baby~..." Lisa let out a breathy chuckle. She wasn't laughing at Jennie. She was laughing at how much her body wants – no, needs – to be one with Jennie.

"Uh-huh~?" Jennie brought her head up enough so she could make an eye contact.

"Why can't I deprive myself from touching you?" Lisa whined, trying once more to see if her wife's grip had loosened. But it hadn't.

Jennie smirked for a moment, shifting their position and straddling Lisa beneath her and gripping her hands above the blonde's head.

Lisa took this opportunity again to let her eyes wonder over Jennie's body. You wouldn't think that woman ate like a fucking champion judging by her gorgeous body. Thinking back a few minutes ago when Lisa was running her tongue over the valleys of her breasts down to her tummy, the tall blonde let out a moan, remembering the feelings of her shaft, still penetrated inside Jennie.

Noticing that Lisa was otherwise temporarily distracted, Jennie took the time to lean down again and whispered, "Stay." into her wife's neck, she let go of the blonde's hands but left her hands a few inches above them, ready to grab them if Lisa tried to make a move. After a few seconds passed, Jennie was sure her wife would keep her hands where they were.

Jennie brought her hand down and ran her thumb across Lisa's bottom lip. Switching to her forefinger, Jennie then started to slowly run a finger along Lisa's collarbone, just light enough to tickle the skin slightly. Once she was sure she now had Lisa's attention, she moved her fingers lower, allowing the tip to catch on to her wife's perky nipple, tugging it slightly, but not enough to hurt the Thai. Jennie carried on; moving her finger over Lisa's toned ABS, smirking at the sharp movements of Lisa's breathing in and out, shallowly trying to disguise the subtle gasping for breath.

Jennie noticed Lisa's hands twitched slightly, knowing that Lisa was trying to resist, and she decided to move on to her sly attempt.

Jennie shuffled her legs back a bit, lifting her hips up slightly and moving back Jennie quite sits down on top of Lisa – enjoying the fact that Lisa's shaft was still inside her.

Eventually Lisa must have had enough; she swiftly brought her hands to Jennie's waist and pushed her wife's hips against her.

"That was bad~." Jennie let out through a breathy moan.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Lisa challenged, her eyes laced in pure lust.

Jennie tried to ignore the challenge for a moment, instead decided to grind her hips, putting more pressure on the plunging moment, resisting the huge urge to mutter a moan of Lisa's name. Jennie took pride in the gasps that came from the blonde woman beneath her.

Once heard, Jennie willingly grinds further deep as Lisa guided her. Jennie really just wants more of her wife now. She straddled further and locked her legs beneath Lisa, slamming her more deeply into her. They both gasped at the sensations they felt. Lisa is buried so deep within Jennie, Jennie' sense is simply spinning beyond control again. Lisa fits her perfectly. Lisa is so big and fills her up so damn well.

"Fuck, Jennaaaeee!" Lisa groaned.

Jennie thrills in Lisa's sexy, throaty words.

"Look at me, Jennie!" Lisa suddenly commands. Jennie immediately looks into her lustful dark-shaded eyes as they move in sync together, locking into a furious rhythm as she grinds above into her repeatedly while Lisa thrust up into her third time she moved down on her.

Lisa stares deeply into Jennie's feline eyes as she penetrates her. They climbed even higher, their mouths fused together. Jennie doesn't stop the screams that tear from her throat as she rides with her wife. She lets loose and Lisa's name repeatedly along with words like "Fuck me!" and "Harder, oh God!"

Lisa finds that having Jennie on top of her has definitely loosened her control even more. Lisa has also been in her tight, wet core for quite a while now, and Lisa feels she is about to burst. Their paces increase and Lisa grips Jennie's hips tightly as she surges up into her and Jennie bears down. A few more incessant thrust and Jennie's muscles clenched around her, sending Lisa spiraling over the edge. They both scream each other's names as they fall together into astounding fireworks of their mutual orgasms.

It was a while before either of them moved at all. Jennie is content  in her position sprawled atop Lisa. She feels deliciously limp and boneless. She smiles and looks up to see Lisa's eyes already open up and staring at her. She panics for an instant before she sees the corners of Lisa's mouth turn up into her sexy smirk.

"I love it when you talk dirty, then moaned my name~..." Lisa said, as she shifted Jennie down to her side.

Draping to the covers, Lisa squeezed in beside Jennie and wrapped her arms around her small frame, cradling Jennie to her chest. Another smile spread through Lisa's features as Jennie shifted into her tall frame and cuddled into her embrace, consciously leaning toward Lisa's warmth.

"I love you, Nini~..." Lisa pressed, as she kissed Jennie's temple.

"I love you too... Lili~..." Jennie answered, smiling weakly as the massive heated occurrence of that night took all her remaining energy.

"If we're going to start another chapter, then we need to gather all kinds of energy so we could start having another baby..." Lisa quizzed, making Jennie shift further to the crook of her neck, inhaling Lisa's profound scent.

"Let's see what you got there, Manoban~..." Jennie retorted, as she let herself succumb to the somnolent and coolness of that rainy night.

It may take time, Lisa was aware of that, but patience was one of the things that Lisa Manoban would never lack.


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