Ninjago: One Shots and Short...

By AlexTodorova17

71.6K 1.4K 941

Just the title says. I won't make boyxboy or girlxgirl. REQUEST OPEN. I will make boy and boy or girl and gir... More

First Kiss|JayxNya
Robot Love|ZanexPixal
Please stop!|KaixSkylor
Love from first sigh|LloydxKatty
Love Story|KaixSkylor
Marry me|JayxNya
Sisters|Skylor and Seliel
Date with bad ending|ZanexPixal
Double date| KaixSkylor and ColexSeliel
Double date pt.2|KaixSkylor and ColexSeliel
How we found her|ZanexPixal
Fight|Jay and The Overlord
Beach Date|LloydxPeyton
Don't lie again|JayxNya and their kids
Triangel|Yandere JayxNyaxCole Part 1
100 folowers
Triangel|Yandere JayxNyaxCole Part 2
Day with the Kids|ColexSeliel and their kids
Pizza|KaixSkylor and their kids
Cook lesson
Day in Borg Industries
Another sibling?
To fall in love with a teacher|JayxNya/Pt.1
To fall in love with a teacher|JayxNya/Pt. 2
To fall in love with a teacher|JayxNya/Pt. 3
To fall in love with a teacher|JayxNya/Pt. 4
To fall in love with a teacher|JayxNya/Pt. 5
The worst pain in the live|KaixSkylor/Pt. 1
The worst pain in the live|KaixSkylor/Pt. 2
The worst pain in the live|KaixSkylor/Pt. 3
Mistake|JayxNya/Pt. 1
Mistake|JayxNya/Pt. 2
Roller Coaster|ColexSeliel
You belong with me|JayxNya
New Year
Water Fight
Please help people!(Updated)
Valentine Cards
Injured|KaixSkylor/Part 1
Injured|KaixSkylor/Part 2
Ingured|KaixSkylor/Pt. 3
Video Game Friends | Jaya/Coliel
Laser Tag | Kailor
Soulmates | Pixane
Criminal | Jaya/Part 1
Criminal | Jaya/Part 2
Jail | Llorumi
Jail | Llorumi/Pt. 2
Jail | Llorumi/Pt. 3
The Third Smith | ColexReader/Part 1
Wrong Jacked | Kailor
Nothing Weird Between Us | Coliel
Chapstick | Jaya
Not an update, but important
Summer Camp | Jaya/ Part 1
Summer Camp | Jaya/Part 2
Enemies | Kailor
I won't give up | Coliel
Wrong Number | Jaya
Pajama Party | Massica(JessicaxMax)
Snapchatting | Kailor
Babysitting | Kailor
Project | Llorumi
Sweet Sixteen | Pixane AU
Spontaneous | Coliel
A Better Boyfriend | Maxica
You're not the jerk, I am | Kailor
Lost Dog | Jaya
Little Pecks | Coliel
No Caption | Jaya | Part 2
~Idiot | Jaya | Part 1~
~Idiot | Jaya | Part 2~
Party | Kailor
Muggle Stuff | Jaya
Triwizard Tournament | Coliel | Part 1
Triwizard Tournament | Coliel | Part 2
Triwizard Tournament | Coliel | Part 3
Triwizard Tournament | Coliel | Part 4
Mistake-or is it? | Jaya
Tutor | Sam x Snow

No Caption | Jaya | Part 1

518 18 14
By AlexTodorova17

I know I didn't update last weekend and I'm so sorry! I know I'm terrible author but please don't hate me guys😭😭😭

Jay's POV
Cole and I were at mine, doing some homework after another boring day of school. All of the sudden, my phone buzzed. I took it and looked at the screen.

Ninjagram: itsnyasmith posted a picture

I unlocked my phone, forgetting about my homework and Cole. I looked at the picture and my heart broke.

itsnyasmith: going out with BAE❤️😘 @justinbruh

And then there was a picture of her and the douche bag of the school. And he was kissing her cheek. He was kissing her cheek.

"Jay?"I heard Cole say.

"What?"I almost growled.

" okay?"he asked, concerned.

"Why shouldn't I be?"I asked angrily, looking up at him. He was looking at me.

Pointing at my phone, he spoke."You're gripping the phone too hard, your knuckles turned white."he said.

I looked down, and indeed my knuckles have turned white. I threw the phone on my desk and leaned back on the chair, sighing.

Cole got up and walked up to me."What happened?"he asked, but when he received no answer and just saw for himself, he looked at me with pity in his eyes."I'm sorry Jay."he said.

"Of course she doesn't like me, I know that, but why him of all the people?"I asked."I can treat her so much better than him. He's just gonna play with her, I just know it."I told Cole.

All of the sudden, he looked as if he got the best idea in the world."I have an idea,"he said and took my phone.

"What is it?"I asked, not really interested. It can't be that good, right?

"You are gonna text Nya,"he said, then looked up from the phone and at me."Or not exactly."he said.

I rose an eyebrow."What do you mean?"I asked.

"You'll send her a song,"he said as he typed something on the phone.

"And then what?"I asked.

"Nothing. No caption. No answering her texts later,"Cole explained.

"Which Song am I sending?"I asked.

"Treat you better, by Shawn Mendes,"Cole said.

My eyes widened"Are you nuts!? That's a love song! You literally want me to confess my love to her!"I almost yelled.

"Exactly,"Cole said."Believe me, this will change your life for the better."Cole said.

"And what if she thinks it's pathetic?"I asked."Which it is, but what if she thinks like that too?"I asked.

"Oh well, you tried,"Cole said and I glared at him."Kidding, it's gonna work, trust me,"Cole said and passed me the phone.

I looked down at it. The chat in Ninjagram with her was opened and he had put the link in. I just had to press send.

I looked up at Cole, who was giving me thumbs up. I don't know how I got this confident, but I spoke."Here goes nothing,"I said and pressed the send button.

Nya's POV
"Thanks Jus! See ya tonight at the party!"I said as I climbed out of my boyfriend's car.

"Sure thing, babe,"he said and drove off. I walked inside the house and saw Kai sitting on the coach.

"Hey bro,"I said, cheerfully.

"You were with him again, weren't you?"he asked, not even looking at me.

"Who?"I asked."Justin?"

"Mhm,"he hummed.

"What do you mean with him again? He's my boyfriend for cry out loud!"I protested.

"Yeah, that's the problem,"Kai said.

"Excuse me?"I asked, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"He's a douche, Nya,"Kai said and stood up, facing me."And you're the only one aside his douche friends who doesn't realize that."

"Are you calling me stupid?"I asked, annoyed."And don't insult my boyfriend."

"I'm not calling you stupid, I'm calling you oblivious,"Kai said."And he'll be until he gets what he wants."

"And what is that he wants?"I asked.

"Gosh Nya, don't be stupid! He wants to get in your pants, god damn it!"Kai almost yelled.

"No! You're wrong! He loves me!"I almost yelled too.

Kai laughed."Keep telling yourself that,"Kai said.

"Screw you, Kai,"I said and stormed upstairs.

Before I was out of earshot, I heard him screaming."Don't come crying to me when I turn out right!". I threw my bag on my bed and face planted on it, then screamed as hard as I can.

All of the sudden, my phone buzzed. I rested on my elbows and took it out of my bag to check.

Ninjagram: @jaythightningbolt send you a message.

Jay? The lightning bolt? Which Jay is that exactly?

I opened his profile and saw him. I know him! He's the cute guy from school!

I opened the message and read it.


Interested, I opened the link.

And that's where I stop, for now. There will be part two(I didn't plan it but yeah). I'm sorry for making Nya behave like a female dog, but it was needed for the one shot. I don't know if it turned out lame or not tho, and if you don't like it, I won't continue it. Thanks for reading! Stay awesome!😘❤️

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