Finally Yours: The Sequel | T...

By ratedJG

53.7K 1.7K 2.5K

Read the first book before reading this. More

• prologue •
• one •
• two •
• three •
• four •
• five •
• six •
• seven •
• eight •
• nine: part one •
• nine: part two •
• ten •
• eleven •
• twelve •
• thirteen •
• fourteen •
• fifteen •
• sixteen •
• seventeen: part one •
• seventeen: part two •
• seventeen: part three •
• nineteen •
• twenty: part one •
• twenty: part two •
• twenty one •
• twenty two •
• twenty three: part one •
• twenty three: part two •
• twenty four •
• twenty five •
• twenty six •
• twenty seven •
• twenty eight •
• twenty nine •
• thirty •
• thirty one: part one •
• thirty one: part two •
• thirty two: part one •
• thirty two: part two •
• thirty three •
• thirty four •
• thirty five •
• thirty six •
• thirty seven •
• thirty eight •
• thirty nine •
• forty •
• forty one: part one •
• forty one: part two •
• forty two •
• forty three •
• forty four •
• forty five •
• forty six •
• forty seven •
• forty eight •
• forty nine •
• fifty •
• fifty one •
• fifty two •
• fifty three •
• fifty four •
• fifty five: part one •
• fifty five: part two •
• fifty six •
• fifty seven •
• fifty eight •
• fifty nine •
• sixty •
• sixty one •
• sixty two •
• sixty three •
• sixty four •
• sixty five •
• sixty six •
• sixty seven: part one •
• sixty seven: part two •
• sixty seven: part three •
• sixty eight •
• sixty nine •
• seventy: part one •
• seventy: part two •
• seventy: part three •
• epilogue •
on to the next... book #3!

• eighteen •

716 22 19
By ratedJG

Tuesday, November 21

"Kelly, it's 3am. I ain't going to sleep until you do."

"For the last time Tremaine, I can't sleep." I said frustratedly.

"You need to talk about what happened. You're lowkey concerning me because you went from being extremely angry to extremely quiet."

I rolled my eyes, "Can we just talk about it later?"

"Nope, because I know you're bound to blow up. And I'd rather you do it now than to keep it bottled up during this trip."

"I'm just overwhelmed, Trey. Very, very overwhelmed."

"Tell me more." he encouraged.

"I really don't wanna get into it because I know i'ma start crying."

"And I'm your shoulder to cry on. So talk to me."

I'm trying to wrap my head around everything and I can't. It's so many questions. Why was Casandra really dating Chris? Was it really just a coincidence?

A part of me thought maybe she actually did love him and this wasn't a part of some plot, but then I thought about Janay. It just doesn't make sense how she ended up on the same exact cruise on the same exact day as us. And without her daughter? I understand it's difficult to take your child out of school for a vacation. I mean, I had to pull a bunch of strings to do it for Kiara. But I still find it hard to believe Janay would be on a trip by herself without a valid reason.

"I just wanted to have a good week," I began. "I've been looking forward to this for the longest, and it gets ruined on the first day. Now Casandra is one thing, but why does Janay keep popping up? Ever since that bitch came back into our lives, it's been nothing but trouble. I'm tired, Trey."

"I know and I don't understand any of this either. Something doesn't seem right. I ain't like the energy I sensed when they were here."

"I swear to God, I can't handle another incident like what happened back in 2016. We have a child now. I don't know what I would do with myself if Kiara was ever in danger. Trey I can't even imagine..." At this point my voice cracked and I was trying hard to fight the tears that I knew were coming.

"Come here baby." he said softly, bringing me close to him and wrapping his arms around me. "Kiara's never gonna be in danger, because we'll always be right there. We don't know anything for sure right now, so I don't want you overthinking. I just want you to feel better."

"I'm over it." I mumbled under my breath, obviously lying to myself.

"I can tell you're not. It's okay to cry, Kelz. Blow up now so you don't blow up later."

I sighed and buried my face in his chest, letting the tears fall. It wasn't even tears of sadness or fear, but tears of anger and frustration. I hate that I let those bitches get under my skin like this, but whatever. I'll bounce back.


I woke up and looked over to my left, making sure I wasn't dreaming. Nope. There she was, laying right next to me.

A lot of shit happened yesterday that I'd rather not think about, but what happened between me and Lala is definitely something I can't get out of my mind. And I don't want to either.

She woke up a few minutes later and I smiled at her. "Morning."

"Damn, I fell asleep here?"

I smirked, "Uh yeah. Did you really think you was gonna be able to get up and go back to your room after I was done with you?"

"Boy shut up." she groaned playfully. "It's too early for your nastiness. Anyway, you got any extra toothbrushes?"

"Yeah it's a few in the cabinet. Help yourself."

She nodded and slid out of the bed. I licked my lips as I watched her walk toward the bathroom. That body... her ass in them panties... Wow.

"Stop staring." she said.

I chuckled, "How'd you even know?"

"I could sense it." she giggled.

I checked my phone while I waited on her to finish. Most of my notifications were calls and texts from Casandra trying to apologize and get back into good graces with me. She get an "E" for effort I guess, but I'm done. This whole time I thought she was someone I could love, but she ended up being a sneaky little liar. I quickly blocked her number and put my phone back down. I wasn't gonna let that ruin my mood.

Lala got out of the bathroom about 10 minutes later and I took a few minutes to freshen up as well. By the time I got out, she was just sitting on the chair beside my bed with nothing but her unbuttoned shirt over her bra and panties.

"Why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer." she mumbled.

I chuckled, "Bet. Strike a pose for me."

I was joking, but she actually gave me her phone and sat up on the chair trying to look all cute so I could take the pic. I took it and examined it instead of giving the phone back to her.

"Sheesh La." I mumbled. "Can I keep this?"

"You better keep it to yourself."

"Who would I show it to anyway?"

She shrugged, "I'm just making sure we on the same page."

"Speaking of being on the same page... what exactly are we doing?" I asked.

"...Having a conversation."

"Girl you know what I mean."

She sighed, "To be honest Chris, I don't know. This is very new, so I think we should just take things slow. I don't think we should put a title on it."


"I'm deadass. I think we should have fun with it and see where it goes. That way, things will be less complicated."

"Okay. If that's what you think."

"Do you disagree?"

"I mean, I'm cool with whatever you cool with."

"But what are you cool with?"

I smiled, "Anything that means we can continue to spend time together on this type of level."

"Aww, I like that." she smiled back. "So should we tell anyone...?"

"Nope, not yet. We need to figure ourselves out first. Like you said, we don't need to complicate things."

She nodded, "Well, the reason I asked is because I'm gonna go talk to Kelly and Trey soon. I need to figure out a way to defend you without them being suspicious."

"Suspicious of what?" I chuckled.

"Come on. They know you and I are always bickering, so of course they're gonna think it's weird that I'm defending you."

"Oh, okay I get it. Well I dunno." I shrugged, "You're kinda smart or whatever. You'll figure something out."

"Wow! What kind of backhanded ass compliment?!"

"Chill, La. I'm just messing with you."

"Well don't." she said, sticking her tongue out. She got up from the chair and buttoned up her shirt, then put her leggings and shoes back on. "Lemme go get this over with."

"Now if you're going over there with the same clothes you were wearing yesterday, they definitely gonna be suspicious."

"Well obviously i'ma go shower and change first. Jeez, Chris."

"I'm joking." I laughed. "Come here girl."

She approached me and gave me a kiss on the lips. "I'ma hit you up later."

"Alright sexy."

"Stop it." she laughed as she walked away. I hate to see her go, but I love to watch her leave.


"Hey babe. Hey bro." I greeted both Kelly and Trey with hugs when I entered their room.

"How was y'all night?" I asked, even though I could tell the answer to that just by looking at them. They looked so tired, I just know they asses slept late.

"We've had better nights." Kelly mumbled.

"Aw Kelz. Don't let that minor setback stop you from enjoying the rest of the trip."

"I been saying the same thing." Trey agreed.

"I'll be fine." she replied. "Those bitches really can't fuck with me, and they won't. I know who the fuck I am."

"PERIOD!" I shouted, and we all laughed.

"Now listen," I continued. "I don't wanna keep discussing the situation, but I did wanna talk to you guys about one small thing..."

"Wassup?" Kelly asked.

"Don't get mad at me for saying this, but I think y'all should apologize to Chris."


"Just hear me out. I've been thinking about what went down yesterday, and I realized that he shouldn't have been blamed for any of it. He was just as clueless as we were."

"Eh, I dunno..."

"Kelly, come on. You're really gonna sit here and act like he brought her here on purpose? Think about it. And you know I'm being serious, cause when was the last time you've heard me defend him?"

"Yeah I was about to say why the hell you speaking up for Chris?" Trey chuckled.

"I'm just trying to be reasonable here. I don't think y'all should give him that much of a hard time."

"Nah, I hear you." Trey said. "You're making some good points."

"Thank you." I replied. "Kelz?"

I know her stubborn ass doesn't like to admit when she's in the wrong but I can see it in her face that she knows she is.

She sighed, "I'll hit him up later. We'll talk."

"Cool. So anyways, what's the word for today?"

"Bey wants us all to go whale watching with her." Kelly replied.

"That girl and her whales." I joked.

"Right. It'll be fun though. After that, there's really nothing planned so I guess we'll see what the kids want."

"Sounds good. Keep me updated." I said. "I'ma go check up on Kiyan. Listen, y'all better talk to that man today. And tell me how it goes."

"Yes mother." Trey replied jokingly.


I knocked on Kelly and Trey's room door and patiently waited for them to open it. I don't know how this conversation is gonna go but I hope it's not a waste of time. I'll be damned if some bullshit I didn't even know about causes me to lose two of my closest friends.

Kelly finally opened the door and greeted me with a small smile and Trey gave me a head nod.

"How y'all doing?" I asked.

"Could be better, but could be worse." Kelly replied simply.

"Y'all, I just wanna apologize again for what happened yesterday. I really wish I could've prevented it." I said, cutting straight to the chase.

Kelly sighed, "You don't have to apologize for anything Chris, let me. I'm sorry for what I said to you. I lost my temper at the wrong person. You didn't deserve that."

"It's okay, Kelz. I know you didn't mean it."

"You sure you knew?"

"I actually wasn't sure at first, but I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt."

"Awww Chris. I said that shit out of anger. You were just as hurt as we were but I made it out to be your fault."

"I forgive you big sis." I replied, giving her a hug.

"I'm sorry too man. You just needed some support and I dubbed you." Trey added, and I dapped him up.

"Thanks y'all. I appreciate it."

"I just feel bad, you were so excited to show her off and she ended up being a phony." Kelly said. "You loved her didn't you?"

"I mean, I thought I did. I was falling for who I thought she was. I got played but it's okay."

"Damn I'm sorry man. How you gonna cope with this? I don't want this to keep you down." Trey said.

"I'll be iight. I got hella bitches lined up, all I gotta do is pick one." I joked.

"Christopher Maurice Brown!" Kelly exclaimed, hitting my arm.

"Shit Kelz, my whole government?" I mumbled.

"Yes nigga! Are you serious right now? Don't say shit like that."

"I meant to say women. My bad."

"That still don't make it right. You need to settle down and find that one person. That running around shit ain't cute."

"Well I tried but it obviously didn't work."

She sighed, "Then take some time and focus on you. The right person will come in due time."

"I can't 'focus on me' by fucking—"

"NOPE." she interrupted, cause she already knew I was gonna say some nonsense. I'm just getting under her skin at this point.

"Tremaine get your friend." she continued.

"I ain't getting in the middle of this." Trey chuckled.

"Ayo, lemme go before Kelendria beat my ass." I said playfully. "I'ma holla at y'all later."


"Alaniiii. Hey babe."

"Hey boo. I'm bored so I decided to come bother you." I walked into Kelly's room and immediately made myself comfortable.

"Aw, how nice." she said kind of sarcastically.

"I'm just glad I didn't walk into anything..." I mumbled.

"Girl if I was getting my back blown out, do you really think I would've opened the door?"

"Good point." I cackled.

"I can't believe ya ass fell asleep. You missed a whole day of fun bitch."

"Shut up!" I exclaimed. "It was supposed to just be a nap but I guess I was tired as hell."

She laughed, "I understand girl. Oh by the way, we talked to Chris."

"Really? So y'all good?"

"Yeah we sorted everything out real quick. Chris and I go way back, we wasn't gonna let some fraudulent bitch get in the way of our friendship. And him and Trey go back even further."

"Real nigga shit." I chuckled. "Is he doing okay though? Break ups are tough."

"How you know they broke up?"

"I mean... I would assume..."

"I'm messing with you. He's fine. He seems real eager to move on, talmbout he has other women as backups."

"He said that?"

"Trey asked him how he was gonna cope with the situation. Nigga gon say, and I quote 'I got hella bitches lined up, all I gotta do is pick one.'"

I suddenly got really upset hearing that, but I couldn't even show it. The crazy part is, I don't even understand why I'm in my feelings.

"Wow... interesting." was all I managed to say.

"Right? He's too grown to still have that mentality. I almost had to pop him in the mouth."

"You should've." I mumbled.

"Girl, next time I'm swinging." she joked. "Anyway, Trey abandoned me so do you wanna go to the bar and get some drinks with me?"

"Yeah let's go." My mood was shot and I had no choice but to hide it, so why not use shots to help hide it?


Two hours and six shots later and... ya girl is gone. I know it's bad to drink your feelings away, but fuck it. The damage is already done. Meanwhile, tell me why Kelly had eight shots and she's perfectly fine right now.

"Bitch. Bitch bitch bitch. I think they poisoned meee." she slurred, laughing uncontrollably.

I spoke too soon. That girl gone too.

"Shut up, Kelz." I laughed.

"Watchu mean shut up? What if I die?"

"Bitch I won't let you die alone! I'll be right here to die with you."

She raised her eyebrow, "Girl what is ya crazy ass saying right now? You definitely drunk."

"What am I saying? You know what... no comment." I just shook my head. She got us both bottles of water because let's be honest, we don't need anymore liquor right now.

Suddenly I saw Trey creep up behind Kelly and cradle his face into her neck. She didn't know it was him at first because she was facing me.

"Who the fu—" her facial expression changed when she realized who it was. "Baaaaby! Why would you do that?! I almost swung! What if I hit you?"

"My bad." he chuckled. "Y'all having fun?"

"A little toooo much." she giggled and gave him a kiss. "I think I might be drunk."

"You think? ... Babe, you are." he chuckled. "I am too doe."

I watched them interact and I smiled. They're a mess, but it's cute. After breaking up with Carmelo, I thought I was done with love. But honestly with all these couples in my circle, maybe finding that special someone wouldn't be that bad...

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Kelly shouting at Trey, "Hold on, I just realized something! Why you ain't tell me you were gonna be here?! I could've came with you!"

"But why are you so loud?" he chuckled.

"Because I want you to hear me!" she replied even louder. Yes, Kelly's one of those people who get extra loud when they're drunk.

"It's Chris that asked me to come here with him."

Welp, I guess that's my cue to leave.

"Where he at?" Kelly asked.

Trey shrugged, "I'm pretty sure he mentioned something about going back to his room."

"Oh okay. Hope he's safe." Kelly replied. "Laleeezy, come dance with me." she said to me.

"Nah boo, I'm good here. Dance with ya manz. Go shake some ass."

"Hmm... okay, Trey let's go." she giggled, damn near dragging the man to the dance floor. I already know how the night is gonna end for them. I just hope luck is on their side, or else I'll be helping to plan a baby shower real soon.

I suddenly saw Chris approach me and I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want." I mumbled.

"Woah... what's with the attitude?"

"Why are you here?"

"Well I've been texting you all day and you ain't never hit me back. I peeped you from a distance so I came up to say hi. You still ain't answer my question though."

I rolled my eyes again, "Go ask the other bitches you got lined up. Maybe they'll have an answer for you."

"Shit... Kelly told you about that?"

"Well I didn't get it from thin air."

"Did you tell her about us?"

"No. And I'm glad."

"Alani..." he tried to hold my hand but I snatched it away. "I was joking."

"Get the fuck outta here Chris."

"If I'm getting the fuck out, then you are too. Come on." He took my hand and started walking out of the bar with me.

"What are you doing?"

"Just taking you back to your room."

We walked together in silence and for what felt like forever, and when we finally got to my room he came in and closed the door.

"You can leave now."

"Nah let's talk."

"I don't wanna talk to you."

"I don't get it. Why you even mad anyway? Even if I did have other women, which I don't, because I was joking, why would it matter? I thought we were just having fun."

"Alright, nigga. Cause it definitely makes sense to say some shit like that after confessing your feelings for me, right?"

"What else was I supposed to say? If I told Kelly and Trey that I moved on, they would've been up my ass to the point where they'd eventually find out about us."

"Whatever Chris. Are you done?"

He had a goofy smile on his face and I raised my eyebrow. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You feeling a nigga, aren't you?"


"You can't stand the thought of me having another woman. You feeling me. Don't even try to lie."

I sighed and waved him off. "If you're done here then I'll just see you later or whatever." He held onto my arm and turned me around so I was facing him.

"Just admit it, La."

"Chris I don't fucking know, okay? I feel something but I don't know what it is yet. And to be honest with you, I don't like this 'having fun' shit."

"You're the one who came up with it."

"Well I regret it. There, are you happy? You wanted me to admit shit so there you go!"

"Well... where do we go from here?" he asked me.

"Nigga I dunno. Ask me again when I'm sober."

He chuckled, "I'm not exactly sober either but uhhh, we should address this now."

"Address it quickly cause I'm running out of patience."

"La..." he took my hands, "You and I both know you're catching feelings. No need to front. So how about we start taking this seriously?"

I stood there for a few seconds and thought about what to say next.

"We gotta put in equal effort in order for this to work." I finally replied.

"You doubting me or something?"

"I'm just saying Chris, I want you to prove what you're saying to me."

"Well I'll start by staying over tonight. Go get me a toothbrush and clear some space for me on the bed." he demanded jokingly.

Well damn, I said in my head. Whatever this is that we're doing, it should be interesting.


Sorry if all the POV's in this chapter confused you 😭 shit I even confused myself lowkey lol.

Comment thoughts if any.

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